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November 24, 1918 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-11-24

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(Continued from page one)
Alumni Present
Hundreds of alumnae of the school
were present at the game, and with
one accord, they pronounced Coach
Yost's 1918 team one of the best that
they have ever seen.
The Aggies, despite their defeat, put
up a strong game. Graves, reputed
to be one of the best men on their
team, fought hard, but could not pen-
etrate the line of the Maize and Blue.
Snider and Archer must be accorded
the praise for the work of the Aggie
eleven. These two men, made prac-
tically all of the Aggie gains, while
at the same time, they were respon-
sible in a great measure for the de-
fense of the Green and White.
Archer, the toe artist of the visit-
ors, made some long kicks, yet he
could do nothing against the wonder-
ful work of Steketee.
On the whole, the game was with
the Maize and Blue throughout the
contest. Acknowledged the superiors
of the Aggies, as the result of the
contest, the chances for the cham-
pionship of the conference, and the
country as well, loom higher and
* higher each day.
One Game Left
One game on the regular schedule
remains for the Yostmen, and that is
to be played with Ohio. State at Co-
lumbus, next week. Should the Wol-
verines win from Ohio State by a
greater score than Illinois did a week
ago, their claims for the champion-
ship will be redoubled. Should the
score be the same, it will be neces-
sary for Illinois and Michigan to
meet, before western critics will grant
Michigan the honors. Eastern foot-
ball men are already of the opinon
that the Maize and Blue is the best
team in the country.
The victory yesterday places the
Maize and Blue eight, games ahead
of their state rival, Michigan now
has 10 to her credit.
Details of yesterday's contest fol-
Ferris fumbles and recovers on the
40-yard line. Graves fails to gain
through center. Michigan penalized
Ave yards for offside. M. A. C.'s first
down. Snider goes around left end
for 15 yrads. Graves fails through
tackle. Ball on Michigan's 20-yard
line., Snider fails to gain through
left tackle.Snider runs right end for
six yards M. A. C. passes over goal
line. Ball goes to Michigan on her
own 20-yard line.
Stketee gains five yards around
right end. Knode fails to gain
through left tackle. Steketee punts
ti M. A. C. M. A. C.'s ball on her own
48-yard line. Snider around left end
for seven yals. Graves fails to go
through Adams. M. A. C. fails on long
forward pass. Archer punts over
Michigan's goal line. Michigan's ball
on her own 20-yard line.
M. A. C. penalized ten yards. Per-
rin stopped for no gain around right
end. Cohn hits center for five yards.
Perrin goes through center for first
down. Steketee makes 20 yards
through left tackle. Michigan's ball
on M. A. C.'s 42-yard line. Knode
injured but refuses to leave field.
Cohn gains three yards through left
tackle. Perrin goes through same hole
for six yards. Cohn hits center for
two yards. M. A. C.'s ball when Per-
rin fails to gain through center, on

32-yard line.
Ferris goes around Boville for eight
yards. Vick holds Snider for no gain.
Vick holds Graves also. Archer punts
to Knode who is downed on Michi-
gan's.20-yard line. Michigan fumbles,
Perrin recovers. Steketee goes
around right end and loses five yards.
Steketee punts to Ferris who returns
to own 42-yard line.
Snider loses yard through right
tackle. M. A. C. penalized five yards
for offside. Archer fails to gain
around Dunn's end. Archer punts mut
of bounds on own 40-yard line. Mich.I
igan's ball. Perrin fails to gainI
through center. ,Cohn hAis left tackle
for seven yards. Perrin gets two
yards through opposite tackle. Mich-
igan's ball on M. A. C.'s 18-yard line,
Cohn carrying ball. Steketee gets4
three yards around left -end. Vick
breaks a hole for Cohn for three
more yards. End of first quarter.
Qino fflirn A .A r _ n_

Steketee fails to kick field goal.
Michigan's ball on M. A. C.'s 19-yard
line. Steketee's kick ruled out on
foul of M. A. C. Cohn and Perrin hit
right tackle for gains. Michigan's
first down on Steketee's pass to Per-
rn. Ball on.M. A. C.'s three-yard line.
Knode takes ball to one-yard line.
Cohn gets first touchdown. Steketee
kicks goaL Score: Michigan, 7; 1.
A. Cy 0.
Steketee kicks off over M. A. C. goal
line. M. A. C.'s ball on own 20-yard
line. M. A. C. fumbles. Coetz recci"-
ers for Michigan and gets another
touchdown. Steketee kicks g..l.
Score: Michigan, 14; 1. A. C., 0. End
of half.
Victors played by French. Army
band. Flag passed through aisles to
collect money for united war work.
Money flying from all sections. Army
and Navy bands parade field playing
Michigan songs, followed by M. A. C.
band playing their songs. Steketee
outkicks Archer.
Archer kicks off to Goetz, who car-
ries ball to own 40-yard line. Steke-
tee gets five yards on end run. Steke-
tee kicks 56 yards over goal line. M.
A. C.'s ball on own 20-yard line. Sni-
der gains four yards around right end.
Graves gains two yards through cen-
ter. Snider stopped without gain
through left tackle. Archer punts 15
yards, and Michigan gets ball on 37-
yard line. Perrin gets 10 yards around
right end.
Michigan's first down. Ball on M.
A. C.'s 25-yard line. Steketee gets
seven yards around left end. Steke-
tee gains first down on M. A. C.'s 12-
yard line. Perrin runs right end for
two yards. Cohn gains two yards
around left end. Michigan penalized
15.-yards. Both sides off side. Ball on
M. A. C.'s 25-yard line. Perrin gets
seven yards around right end.
Knode gets touchdown on 18-yard
run, fake pass. Johns injured but re-
mains in game. Steketee kicks goal
at difficult angle. Score: Michigan,
21; X. A. C., 0. Simmons sent in for
Dunphy. Steketee kicks to M. A. C.
Their ball on own five-yard line.
Dunn stops Graves. Archer kicks
from behind goal. Michigan's ball on
40-yard line. Cohn stopped for two
yard loss. Fail to gain around left
end again.
Steketee hits line for two yards.
Personal Christmas cards-order
them now at Wahr's University Book-

Michigan -1. A. C.
Dunne.........L.E...... Schwei
Goetz..........L.T........... Bcs
Adams ........L.G.....Van Orden
Vick ............C........Archer
Freeman.......R.G......... Johns
Young........R.T....... Franson
Knode .........Q.......... Ferris
Cohn.........L.H........ Snider
Simracn s
Perrin ........ll.I..... l; l
Referee-Jame, Durfce, of Wil-
liams; Umpire-Walter Ken-
nedy, of Chica o.
Length of Quarters-15 ininutes.

Archer ants tKnode vho rei.
P xr '~~fair .catch on Mich!gan's 15-yard 1.10 n- - -w
Steketee runts. M. A. C.'s ball on (/2')"(7 l" LL1i2
Michigan's 43-yard line. Michi'an
penalized. Graves makes fair cach. One ot th most conscientious
M. A. C. puts ball in play.Mc an can bst o the nam
Cohn intercepts forward pass and Ott Cal1, '12, has been adde
returns ball to Michigan's 40-yard he oll r Rts a llembe of the r
line. Steketee punts 55 yards and
Dunne stops Ferris in his tracks. 12 Varsity squad, and was a
COHN an, acs eci g' to Coach-Yost.
Th big Hal Nmse i a Czysz replaces Freeman. M. A. C.'s raacrigt oc ot
M sThe big half smashed his way ith the declaration of war aga
through the Aggie line up for one ball on own 18-yard line. Simmons Germany, Carpell offered his sere
of the touchdowns of the game. loses three yards around left end. to the country at once. Three t
Snider fumbles but recovers and losesthe wastryedtdon.heeti
ihe was turned down. He underv
Steketee punts out of bounds on M. five yards for M. A. C. Aeroplanes three operations before he finally
A. C.'s 18-yard line. M. A. C.'s ball. leave field. declared physically fit. He die
Simions circles left end for eight Brady for Graves. Archer punts to short time ago at West Point, 1\
yards. Graves fails to gain around : Michigan's 20-yard line. Michigan's where he was taking training a
Boville. Simmons gets first down ball on own 18-yard line. Boville re- aviator. He had been commissi
around left end. placed by Hadden. Cruse for Cohn.- before his death.
M. A. C. fumbles and recovers. Mich- Steketee gains seven yards on wide17
igan penalized five yards. M. A. C.'s end run around right end. Cruse goes
ball on own 35-yard line. Morrison around left end for one yard. passes to perfection. 31. A. C. s(
for Fortune. Simmons stopped for Steketee -punts to M. A. C.'s 40-yard touchdown by bass from Arche
three-yard loss by Morrison. Graves line but M. A. C. recovers and loses to ScoweL. Archer fails to ick
hits right tackle for five yards. Goetz 50-yard line. Archer tries pass to S .., , ;
Han r~lr rfFfn 11i~i.a. +.

Grabbing a fumble for a touch-
down, Goetz not only scored yester-
day, but played a wo'nderful game
Michigan's ball on M. A. C.'s 12-
yard line. Cohn hits center for five
yards. Michigan penalized five yards
for holding. Steketee fails on a short
pass to Vick. M. A. C.'s ball on her
own 20-yard line. Steketee downs
Ferris on run around right end after
he had gained 12 yards. Snider fails
through Fortune. Snider' gains one
yard around left end.
Ferris gets a yard around left end.
Goetz blocks Archer's punt, driving
M. A. C. back to her own 20-yard line.
M. A. C. fumbles and recovers for
eight yards. Boville stops Snider on
end run, for five-yard loss. Graves
loses four yards when stopped by
Graves kicks ball out of bounds on
own 40-yard line. Knode recovers
and hits M. A. C. for nine yards. Car-
ries ball again for five yards. Mich-
igan's ball on M. A. C.'s 24-yard line.
Cohn gets two yards off right tackle.
Steketee gets through right tackle
for five yards. Cohn gets first down.
Cohn gets two yards through center.
Steketee gets five yards through
center of line but Michigan is penal-
ized 15 yards for rough work. M. A.
C. penalized five yards for offside.
Perrin goes through right tackle for
two yards. Cohn hits the same hole
for five yards. Perrin gets two yards
through same place. Cohn gets first
down through left tackle. Michigan's
ball on M. A. C.'s 10-yard line. Per-
rin gets two yards through right
tackle. Perrin gains one yard on pass.
Last down, five yards to go. Ball on
M. A. C.'s five-yard line.
Steketee fails to gain through left
tackle. M. A. C.'s ball on own five-
yard line. Archer kicks from behind
goal posts for 20 yards and M. A. C.
catches; therefore ball goes to Mich-
igan. Knode loses five yards on wide
run around left end. Ferris is injur-
ed, but remains in game. Cohn goes
through right tackle for three yards.
Perrin stopped; gains three yards off
right tackle.

tackles Graves for ten-yard loss.
Graves to Michigan's 30-yard line.
Steketee drives through broken field
for 11 yards. Ste'ketee punts to M. A.
C. who returns ten yards, stopped by
Goetz injured but remains in game.
M. A. C. penalized 15 yards. Steke-
tee goes around left end and fumbles.
M. A. C.'s ball on their own 40-yard
line. Pass from Harris to Schwei who:
runs to Michigan's 40-yard line. End.
of third quarter. Score: Michigan, 21;
X. A. C., 0.
Knade breaks up a long pass by'

Snider, successful, but Steketee stops
Snider on Michigan's 40-yard line.,
M. A. C. makes successful pass to
Michigan's 32-yard line. Ferris makes
pass to Michigan's 15-yard line. M.
A. C. fails in fourth pass. Michigan's
ball on own 20-yard line when pass
falls free over goal line. Cruse goes
around end for six yards, but Mich-
igan is penalized to own 5-yard line.
Steketee ,kicks from behind Michigan
goal to 40-yard line. -Ferris carries
ball to Michigan's 35-yard line. Ar-
cher fails to complete pass. Archer
passes to Young on Michigan's 20-
yard line. First down. Working

etee icks off for Michigan to t
who returns to 35-yard line.
Cruse intercepts pass in dark
game ends. Ball on M. A. C. 4C
line. Dunne goes back in gam
passes to Perrin to M. A. C.'s 15
3lichiigan, 21; X. A. C., 6.
Two Detroit machines collid
the corner of Williams and S.
sion streets yesterday. No one
hurt but both automobiles were
ly damaged.

Graves. Boville stops Simmons on
five-yard loss around his end. M. A.
C. fails on a long forward pass when
Perrin breaks up the pass.
Personal Christmas cards--order
them now at Nahr's University Book-
store .-Adv.



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