THE, I CHMrG.N !.)Aid Y THURSDAY, NO' )FFICIAL, NEWSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ublished every morning except Monday rg the university year by the Board in rol of Student Publications. MBER OF THE ASSOCIATEDPRESS he Associated Press is exclusively entitled he use for republication of all news dis- hes credited to it or not otherwise credited this paper and also the local news pub- A herein. ntered at the postoffic at Ann Arbor, higan, as Second class matter. abscriptions by carrier or mail, $3.50. alices: Ann Arbor Press Building. iones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. >mmunications not to excee4 30 words, igned, the signature not necessarily to ap- in print, but as an evidence of faith, and ces of events will be published in The y at the discretion of the Editor, if left tr mailed to the office. nsaigned communications will receive no ideration. No manuscript will be re- ied unless the writer incloses postage. he Daily doeswnot necessarily endorse the iments expressed in the communications. red C. Mighell........Managing Editor .id Makinson........Business Manager rles R. Osius, Jr........City Editor guerite Clark............Night Editor yes C. J. Martin..... ...Telegraph Editor ph A. Bernstein ..... ....Sport Editor :ent H. Riorden..........Military Editor tha Guernsey............Women's Editor "k K. Ehlbert............Associate Editor rand A. Gaines.....Advertising Manager es IL. Abele......... Publication Manager aId M. Major.......Circulation Manager ISSUE EDITORS id Landis Paul G. Weber Horace W. Porter REPORTERS a Apel John Kyser garet Christie - HermanLustfield h Dailey Philip Ringer le Ellis Bowen Schumacher a Hains Marie Thorpe BUSINESS STAFF' Wmn. A. Leitzinger URSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1918. Issue Editor-Philip Ringer i RECONCILING THE S. A. T. C. WITH THE UNIVERSITY From what can be gleaned from the rather meager information which Washington gives out relative to the future of the S. A. T. C., it seems as I another attempt is being made to reconcile military preparation and collegiate training. This time, the tables will be turned and scholastic pursuits are to be considered of great- er importance than, the duties incid- ent to army life. This change, when viewed apart from other necessary alterations, is certainly gratifying to the man desirous of a college educa- tion and whose studies have been re- tarded seriously by the interference of military work. There are, however, several features of the new system-- or rather of the plan as it now ap- pears in the embryo-which cause concern to the student. The new sys- tem would be undesirable unless it provided for study regulated by the Individual, compulsory military drill -a feature which may be carried over from the present regime, freedom of the student from military law, option- al attendance of the University, and optional selection of lodging and eat- ing places. The first point is the problem of study. Are the members of the new S. A. T. C. to be held to the present ruling-study from 7 to 9 o'clock ev- ery night, Saturdays excepted? If so, the student is handicapped here. While the advantages of systemized study are conceded, the profits are greater If the individual can make his own regulations. Many students have found that the best, results 'are ob- tainable when study periods are less frequent and are of longer duration; in other words, it is better to study five or six hours at night than to study for two hours at that time and for short periods at various intervals during the day, as the present system requires. Undoubtedly, there were students who neglected their studies under the civil regime; but it may safely be said that these same ones, or others of a similar type, have ac- complished little along academic lines during the exercise of military law. The practices of Thomas Edison offer proof of the theory that self-regulat- ed labor produces the Somewhat akin to the question as to the continued existence of military law, is the debate as to whether or not -the government will compel mem- bers of the S. A. T. C. to remain in the University. The benefits of a col- lege education may be said to increase proportionatelf as the desire of the individual to gain that education. It folows, then, that the greatest ad- vantages will accrue to the student who, of his own free will and accord, enters and remains in the University. It uld indeed, be a rare opportun- ity i the government should offer to defray the expenses of Uniersit studentshbut the acceptance of the proposition should be optional wih the students. As to the important items of food and lodging: If the government should offer to support the students, the food and lodging problems should be left to individual solution. To students preferring to pay for their own food and lodging, there might be made an allowance 'equal to the amounts allotted to the Uniontand to the barracks owners for messing and housing respectively. The granting of these options would, of course, remove the individ- ual to some extent from military jur- isdiction. The government has, how- ever, one far-reaching hold on the student, and the exercising of this right would be a most effective form of punishment for the man who would shirk drill. Foolish would be the stu- dent to absent himself continually from drill and thereby be removed from the governmental pay roll and deprived of the privilege of wearing the uniform worn by the majority of his school-mates. Such punitive meas- ures would have much the same effect as a dishonorable discharge. While it is impossible to prophesy what action the government wil take in regard to the future disposal of the S. A. T. C., it is, however, safe to as- sume that the S. A. T. C. cannot be reconciled effectively with the Univer- sity unless changes as outlined here- in, perhaps with some minor modi- fications, are made. With the war clouds disappearing on the horizon, the student is unwilling to make the sacrifices which, in times of belliger- ency, are made without a murmur. YOU KNOW This is the last day given to Mich- igan to drag herself out of the slough of indifference toward the great duty of the hour. Someone, whose time is worth as much or more than yours, is going to come to see you and ask you to do your part. He will not need to tell you why you should sub- scribe, because you know. Unless you are a shut-in or an inmate of the psy- chopathic Vard, you do not live in :America in this crisis of world need without hearing the testimony to the necessity of the work which these organizations are doing. You know that this is your real chance to help, not only the men in foreign service, but the government of the United States in "building a new house for the worlds soul,. France," as one speaker put it. All this you know. You also know that Michigan Is making a pitiful show of herself in this campaign in the eyes of the na- tion and of other universities and even of the small colleges of the state. No matter how the statisticians at campaign headquarters make out the list of returns, Michigan takes the foot. Her total subscription is a joke at Chicago and Madison and Cham- paign. Her failure in this campaign is going to do her as much harm as football defeat. You know all these things. When that fellow comes around today and Istarts to tell you about them, tell him that you know all about it. Have that check made out, so big that it gives you a giddy feeling, give it to him and wish him luck. This is the least you can do now. If it was hard to outface the home town gang when Michigan had a los- ing team, remember what it will be if Michigan falls down on United War Work. The other was all in the game but there's no alibi for this kind of failure. If you failed to do your duty dur- ing the volunteer days, don't be sur- prised and hurt when someone comes around and asks you to do it. George V gets by with this king stuff because he's like it well-trained dog. He knows his place and keeps it. Mr. Emerson's slum hadn't a great deal on puree of bugs and beans. ILLINOIS PROFESSOR MAKES SMOKELESS COAL POSSIBLE Champagne, Nov. 20.-Some valua- ble exepriments on the carbonation of coal have just been completed at the University of Illinois by Prof. S. W. Parr of the Chemistry department. Professor Parr says that the results of these experiments suggest a possi- bility of changing Illinois coal into a smokeless fuel, and would thus .af- ford an opening for a new industry. The by-products of this coal would also be of value and would have an important bearing on the manufacture of gas for city and industrial uses. A more complete report of the experi- ment will be issued late, by Professor Parr. Influenza Still in Existence Indianapolis, Nov. 20.-Flu masks are again reigning in Indianapolis. Any theater or business house admit- ting unmasked persons will be closed. .'eTi _val of masks is permitted on the streets or within homes. These measures are being taken because of the increasing rise of influenza in the city. Schols were ordered closed at the beginning'of the week. ENMITY FOR HUNS LASTING-VAN TYNE "Without a doubt, the bitter feeling The first regular party of the Wo- that' the Allies hold against the Ger- tans thwill ouie, bydaraynsth - men's league will be held at 4 o'clock mans will outlive, by far, any ani- this Friday afternoon. Stunts and mosity that ever existed between tuntsgan. belligerent nations in any previous war in history," is the opinion of r for terosn- Prc .CnHtVnTyefeit will be held Friday afternoon and "Never has a nation used such inde- evening, and also all day Saturday cent and atrocious methods in car- at Martha Cook building. rying on hostilities with other na- tions as Germany has, and her atrocit- Girls are urged to help In making les and scraps of paper will not soon Thanksgiving cards for the hospitals. be forgotten by the Allied countries, i who have sacrificed to their limit in They are to call Miss Hulda Bancroft who avesacrficd t ther lmitInn Barbour gymnasium or 208. order to bring the war to the con- clusion which it has reached. "In othrpreioush rs rie ly More girls are urged to register for "In other previous wars friendly the class in indoor military marching, relations have been restored between otherwise the class wil not be held. the belligerent nations within a com-othere thecs willnbesld paratively short time. The break be- There are still more vacancies in ee theUnitedStatesandEnglandswimming. Girls are urged to register in 1776 has been entirely effaced be- ce cause the methods of warfare that;course. were employed by both were decent - and only the issues of the war were Girls desirous of acting as leaders taken into account." for the indoor gymnasium classes are While some people are prone to to see Miss Wood as soon as possi- now that the war has come- to ble. Athletic honor points will be giv- an end, they are liable to forget the en to them who take the work. gruesome experience of the war with its sacrifices and atrocities, as a per-I A short meeting of junior girlswill son who has been seriously sick can- be held at 5 o'clock this afternoon in not recall the pain he has undergone Barbour gymnasium. when he has recovered good health. To Professor Van Tyne does not think The Daughters of the American this will be the case, however, as the Revolution will meet at 2:30 o'clock scar of war is still too deep and keen this afternoon at the residence of to be healed merely by the declaration Mrs. F. W. Stevens, 1245 Ferdon road. II WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE w lb -~ I Students of the' University of Michigan are cordially invited to inspect our new line of FALL SUITS and TOP COATS Newest materials, newest models, newest lowest prices colorings, and ' of eae.Mrs. Frank J. Powers will speak on "Assimilating the Alien." NOVEMBER ALUMNUS 'ANNA CJA SE 'TEL '..I i' FULL OF INTEREST Comparison between the old days and the present, the difference in stu- dent affairs, °scholarship records, classroom attendance, efficiency, and The Michigan Daily staff, all receive their share of discussion in the Nov- ember number of the Alumnus. Most of the articles in the magazine deal with the conditions and events which have moved so rapidly this year and which have made the first few months wholly unlike anything , within the memory of the . former Michigan man. It is for these reasons that the recent issue is of more 'than average interest to the alumni of the Univer-. sity. Other articles deal with the recent gifts to the University, the new Li- brary, and one on the problem of re- construction in France. A section is devoted as usual to brief notes on campus events as also to letters re-I ceived from various Michigan men in service. A list of Michigan men in service and the Maize and Blue honor roll complete the book. THEATERS PLAY TO CAPACITY HOUSES Although it is a psychological fact that the movie fad is one that re quires constant stimulation for growth -and the subsequent growth of the managers' receipts--it is also a fact that since the lifting of the flu ban business is quite as usual. "With the war over, people feel freer to spend their money and enjoy themselves," said the manager of the Majestic theater. "We are playing to capacity houses right along. The war pictures are still well patroniz- ed. Perhaps it is because those who 'have had family or friends in service feel less horror at seeing actual bat- tle scenes on the screen now that it is all over." , Other houses reported that addi- tional advertising was required to bring conditions back to normal aft- er the theaters had been darkened for any period of time. OF HER STRUGGLES th"Struggle, together with faith, brings the desired goal,"i said Anna Case, Metropolitan prima donna, when ask- ed concerning her life. "There was a constant struggle with my father over the little money I earned and spent on my voice. One day when he thought me still young enough to whip, I left home with, $1.50 in my pocket. I had a friend, the wife of the organist in Plains- field who helped me to get pupils. Through the kindness of friends, I was able to keep up my lessons. I went from one church choir to another, al- ways with the bigger chance in view. Finally, Governor Stokes of New York took an interest in me and got me a position to sing three after- noons a week at the Bellevue-Strat- ford in Philadelphia. "At the close of my first concert a man came to me and asked me to join his opera company, a branch of the Metropolitan. Later I became a member of the Metropolitan. "But I have scrubbed floors for the neighbors and worked in their kitch- ens all day for 50 cents. I worked in the blacksmith shop to help my father. At one time I drove a hack. I always did whatever honest work offered in order that I might have money to develop my voice. Any girl, anywhere, who is willing to make the sacrifice to develop her talent may do the same. Y.M.C.A. ARRANGES WEEK-END OF FUN All WINTER HATS as well as FALL included in the BIG CLEARANCE SALE at the New Millinery Parlor of STEVENS & PERSHING 618 PACKARD A fine line of hair goods included in this sale. AT WAHR'S Waldron's Company Administration $1.50 Books and Supp lies in General for Soldiers and Sailors BUY YOUR BOOKS and SUPPLIES - AT SHEEHAN'S ARMY AND NAVY BOOK STORE FOR LIBERTY A The following casualties are re- I The army "Y" has planned a full week end for the campus soldiers and sailors. Friday evening Newberry hall will be given over to the navy. They are arranging their own pro- gram. As this is one of their recrea- tion nights, some real events are ex- pected. Saturday night the regular schedule of free movies will be offered at Lane hall. Newberry will be given over to. athletic events. Representatives of section A will stage several boxing bouts, and section B will decide their wrestling championship. ported today by the commanding' general of the American Expedition- ary forces: Killed in action, 250; died of wounds, 75; died of disease, 136; wounded slightly, 185; missing in ac-" tion, 120. Total, 932. Schools Pledge $8,682 to War Work With no soliciting whatever, the chil- dren in the public schools have made voluntary subscriptions for the Unit- ed War Work to the amount of $3,682.70, of which the high school pledged $2,026. This money is sup- posed to be earned entirely by the students, either by work or sacrifice. The individual average for high school. students is about $3.73. St. Thomas school pledged a total of $215.50. Michigan Dames Elect Vice-President Mrs. Cecil Corley was elected vice- president of the society of Michigan Dames at a meeting held, Monday evening in Alumni hall. Dean Myra B. Jordan will talk on "Opportunities the University Gives to Wives of Students" at the next meeting, Monday evening, Nov. 25, in Alumni hall. I DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbon and Jackson (October. 27, 1918). (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-7: 0 a. m., and hourly to p:1o p. m. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8 :48 a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound -6:oo a. m., and every two hours to 9:o5 p. in., 10:50 p. In. To Ypsilanti only, 11:45 p. m., 12:2o a. m. 1:1o a. m., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-7:48 a. m., to 12:zo a. m. WAI KING LOO Open from 11:30 a. m. to 12:00 p. m. Phone 1620-R 314 S. State St. Ann Arbor Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether thetaccount be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Dank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00 Resources ........$4,000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron. 707 North University Ave. O D. M O R.L UNCLESAM SAYS: "Our people will be wise and patriotic enough not to neglect the recreation necessary to maintain their efficiency." What do you say? See tomorrow's DaIly for answer Kee p posted - subscribe for Daily, now $3.00.-Adv. the 1 A THE FREN CH ARM Y B AND GABRIEL PALES, Conductor 61 Veteran "BLUE DEVILS" who have been wounded in the trenches of France and decorated for Bravery. ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT FRENCH SOLDIERS Hill AudItorium-Sat. Nov. 23., 8 P.M. TICKETS 25-35-40e AT SCHOOL OF MUSIC I Typewriters ,,4 Typewriting M-meographing I Has moved to Nickels Arcade Phone First Floor