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November 21, 1918 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-11-21

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$25,000 MORE IS


Incomplete Returns
Nation Will Go

Over the

That I

The United War Work "Come Back"
mass meeting succeeded in wrestling
little more than $200 from those who
stopped at the tables after the meet-
ing to subscribe. The total for today
is $15,059.73.
The opportunity to volunteer at the
booths is passed but those who wish
to volunteer'm ay make their pledges
at Lane hall or the Y. W. C. A. head-
quarters at Barbour gymnasium. An
attempt to reach those who have not
yet pledged will be made today by
committees and teams who will de-
4ote one last day to getting Michigan
over the top.
A supper was held last night at
Lane hall for the teams and commit-
teesi Full plans for the soliciting
were made and by a systematized ef-
fort the teams hope to reac all those
who have not yet subscribed.
Other colleges in the state and uni-
versities have shown "not only their
patriotism but their loyalty to their
institution," in the words of Mr. Thad-
deus Leland, state campaign direct-
or, a great deal more than Michigan.
,Hope, Alma, Albion, Olivet, and Ad-
rian have reached their quotas, and
some of them gone over the top with-
out the help of the faculty.
That the end of the war does not
m'eat the innediate demobilization of
troops, was made clear in a state-
ment by Secretary of War Newton C.
Baker. "Demoliziation 'will take
many months. Hundreds of thousands
of the more than 2,000,000 men en-
gaged in service in Europe will be
kept there for police duty for an in-
definite time," stated a telegram re-
ceived by Mr. Carol F. Sweet, in
charge of the United War Work cam-
paign in Michigan, from Mr. Baker.
"I feel sure," continued the message'
"that when people understand the true
state of affairs, Michigan will go over
the top as it has done every time."
National Total Lacks 11 Million
(By the Associated Press)
New York,,Nov. 20.-Officials of the
United War Work campaign state that
the latest national total for the drive
for $170,500,000 which closes at mid-
night tonight, was $158,565,058 or
$11,934,942 less than the sum sought.
They added, however, that this report
was inconplete, and that final figures
would not be available for at least
two days. ,
Leaders for the patriotic drive fo
the seven welfare organizations serv
ing America's fighting forces remain
ed hopeful of attaining their goal,
stating' that the state and local com-
mittees in all parts of the country
were too busy tabulating last minute
contributions to report their totals to
national headquarters.
Officials announced that 38 states
had gone over the top and that New
England and the south had scored a
perfect record. Only the large cities
of the east were lagging, it was said,
and it was believed that the final fig-
ures would compare favorable with
those from the rest of the country.
Every military department except
the eastern one wos reported to have
passed its goal.
Dreadnaught Convoy to Escort Wilson
Washington, Nov. 20.-Naval o i-
cials let it be known today that it is
planned to take the President and' the
delegations across the Atlantic in a
big liner now in the service of the
government as a transport. A fleet of
destroyers and some dreadnaughts
will probably be convoys.
Michigan Union Holds Dance Saturday
The Michigan Union will give a
dance Saturday evening, Nov. 23. The
chaperones are to be announced later.

Tickets will go on sale as usual
Thursday afternoon. Ike Fisher has
promised a good orchestra.

Capt. G. W. Putt is commanding of-
ficer of the S. A. T. C. during the ab-
sence of Major Ralph H. Durkee who
is on a 10 day furlough. Captain
Putt is an artillery officer who has
seen a year's service overseas. He
came here the latter part of October
to examine candidates for artillery
officers' training camps. He has held
several mathematical and personal
examinations of S. A. T. C. candidates
for these camps.
The band of "The Blue Devils of
France," under the direction of Ga-
briel Pares, has prepared an espe-
cially attractive program of band
music for the concert which it will
give Saturday evening in Hill audi-
torium, for the benefit of French
Monsieur Pares, the conductor,
ranks as Captain in the French Army
famous Garde Republicaine band,
and was formerly conductor of the
while the players are all distin-
guished French musicians who serv-
ed for months and years in the
trenches, and gfter being wounded so
as to incapacitate them for other
military service, and having been dec-
orated for bravery, were sent to this
country at the request of the United
States War department. They come
under the auspices of the French
high commission.
The program which they will of-
fer is as follows:
Star Spapgled Banner, La Marseillaise
Overture de la Muette de Portici
. .............. Auber
Aida (hymne marche et danse).
..............................V erdi
Concertino pour clarinette....Weber
Soloist M. H. L. LeRoy
L'Arlesionne (2nd suite).......Bizet
(a) Pastoral, (b) Intermezzo,
(c) Farandole
Danse Venitionne .............Pares
Marches Militaires - Francaise
(a) Lepere la Victoire......Ganne
(b) Sambre et Meuse........
Tickets may be procured at the of-
fice of the University School of Mu-
sic fqr 25 cents, 35 cents, and 50
No are Nxtures
of 0. D. and Cits
It is expected that all the men in
the S. A. T. C. will be completely out-
fitted with uniforms within a dy or
two and possibly by this evening.
Several large consignments have been
received lately and will be issued as
speedily as possible. All the 900 men
in section B were issued complete
uniforms with the exception of the
shirts yesterday.
All the companies have received
some pieces of issue material to date
although many men in engineer com-
panies were given only shoes. Pieces
are now on hand to fill out these out-
fits and will be given out today. Over-
coats, shoes, belts, and hats for which
many companies were waiting have
also been received and will be is-
sued today.

A shipment of 0. D. woolen uni-
forms is expected before long to take
the place of the khaki for the winter
months. These outfits will consist of
heavy woolen blouses and breeches
and in addition woolen shirts instead,
of the flannel ones that have been
The two Army and Navy canteens
in the Michigan Union and the one on
South University street are giving 10
per cent of their total monthly in-
!me to the company funds. hese
company funds are used to pay all
curr ont expenses of the companies
and to provide music and entertain-
ment for the boys in the different
companies. Some of the companies
have bought or rented pianos. Several
of them expect to give company danc-
es in the near future.

Men Will Be Guests of Citizens for
Dinners in Homes on
Ann Arbor citizens will give invi-
tations for Thanksgiving dinner to
each one of about a thousand soldiers
and sailors of the University units,
according to the plans of the War
Camp Community Service. The mil-
itary authorities estimate that about
that number of the men will be una-
ble to go home for their Turkey Day
dinners on account of the distance
from Ann Arbor.
The Community Service is arrang-
ing affairs through a committee of
the Ann Arbor Civic association. They
will assign guests to families desir-
ing to entertain men in uniform
stranded in town on the great na-
tional holiday.
While the food that the men are
served at the mess is generous and
wholesome, on Thanksgiving day real
home cooking would make a powerful
appeal to the members of the S. A.
T. C.
The men in the naval unit and the
S. A. T. C. will be given Thanksgiv-
ing day off it was announced yester-
day. They will be allowed passes
from the Wednesday noon before
Thanksgiving until the Friday morn-
ing after. Everyone, of course, can-
not b -let off as some men must be
kept on duty, such as fire-watch, hos-
pital orderly duty, etc. A special tur-
key dinner is being planned at the
Union for those who are to be here
'in town.
V oishevik Rule
Near Collapse
(By the Associated Press)
Washington, Nov. 20.-Overthrow of
the Bolshevik regime in Ukraine, and
the capture of Kruz by the Cossack
troops, friendly to the new Russian
government, as reported today, opens
the way, in opinon of officials here,
for important development in Russia.
Great Britain may propose the
sending of additional troops into Rus-
sia to place it on a stable footing and
eliminate the Boleshevik forces, ac-
cording to reports received here.
The Bolshevik fighting strength is
considered as now practically concen-
trated against the Allied and Russian
troops now operating south of Arch-
Christmas Inlander to Be Out Soon
Posters for the Christmas number
of the Inlander will soon be displayed
on the various bulletin boards on the
campus. The naval unit is especially
featured, and the number is dedicat-
ed to Admiral Berry and Lieutenant
Boak. It also contains a recent pic-
ture of these two officers.


Members of Faculty in
Urge Students to

The United War Work drive has
received more hearty endorsements
by the faculty. A few commendations
Dean John, R. Effinger:
"The need of contributions for the
United War Work drive is so great
that I trust every student will give
enough to satisfy his conscience that
he is doing the right thing."
Registrar Arthur G. Hall:
"Everyone who is acquainted with
the war at all must approve of this
drive and the work of these organi-
zations. Every country among the
Allies in raising its armies and main-
taining them has kept prominently in
mind the purpose of the war which
is the freedom and the highest wel-
fare of society and every individual
in society. While it is true that sci-
ence has playedl a greater part in
this than in any other previous war,
never before in the history of the
world has so much attention been
paid to the moral, intellectual and
physical character of the armies. It
is safe to. say that the morale of the
armed forces and of the nation back
of these forces has been the deciding
factor in the winning of the great
victory. It will continue to be the
deciding factor in the still greater
victory which has yet to be won in
the reconstruction of the world. This
morale has been msintained by the
governments directly but very largely
through the seven organizations rep-
resented in this great drive. The need
of money to carry on the essential
work of these societies will be great-
er during the year to come than when
the soldiers were busy in battle.
Prof. W. H. Hobbs:
Few people realize that our arm-
ies must be maintained for a long
time yet. The great danger is that
we will relax interest and so fail to
gain the fruits of victory. This dan-
ger should be avoided by co-operation
with the organizations represented in
the United War Work drive.
Dean Wilbert B. Hinsdale, of the
Homeopathic Medical School:
"The United War Work fund is
sn uo apeui eq u I e u ll1o sTe u ll
to do our bit and surely it is little
enough. We should think of it as a
thank offering for peace, an oppor-
tunity .to show our gratitude to those
who secured that peace for us. We
should cheerfully cash in as much as
we can in order to close up our ac-
count with them. There will be just
one more liberty bond issue. If peace
had not come there would have been
many and the calls made upon the
people would have been ten-fold. Evqn
bonds are investments and good ones
which entail no sacrifice for us. This
is a real gift and one which we
should feel joy in giving."


The Student council urges ev-
ery student to do his share to-
ward putting Michigan over the
top in the United War Work
campaign now being carried on.
Other universities, and even
colleges in our own state, are
far outstripping us in the per
capita amounts raised. This
must not continue. Michigan
MUST be the leader in this as \
as in everything else. That old
Michigan pep must be put in
this drive TODAY. This is the
last day and we MUST PASS
OUR QUOTA, For Michigan!
Acting ?resident,
The Student Council.



Monthly reports on the academic
work of the students in the S. A. 1'f.
C. and the naval unit are now being
made by the University in accordance
with the requirements of the war de-
partment. The rating or grade to be
given in these reports is entirely dis-
tinct from the college grade at the
end of the term, which carries with it
hours of credit towards graduation
and which will be handled in the us-
ual way.
These reports, which will be hand-
ed in by the instructor towards the
latter part of each month, are the in-
structoi's careful estimate of the stu-
dent's scholarship rating without re-
gard to :the amount of work the stu-
dent has been able to accomplish. In
other words; it is to be a rating
which is qualitative though not neces-
sarily quantitative. The instructor
does not commit h.imself by this re-
port on the question of college credit
for the work. That he can decide at
the end of the term as in former
years. The grades are to be given, if
possible, in multiples of 10, and the
grade of 60 or above will be consid-
ered a satisfactory rating.
In order to facilitate this work and
to unify the scholastic interests of
the S. A. T. C. and the naval unit of
the various colleges of the Univer-
sity, a central bureau has been es-
tablished which will receive the in-
formation thus gathered and tabulate
it. Prof. Lewis M. Gram has been
appointed to act as educational di-
rector, and with him will be associ-
ated Prof. William F. Hauhart as ye-
corder or secretary. The offices of the
bureau are being arranged in the
military and naval headquarters so
that both the academic and military
records of the students can be kept
at the same place.
The method of reporting absences
by the instructors for those men in
the S. A. T. C. and the naval unit has
been changed from the original plan
as a result of a conference of Uni-
versity officials with military author-
ities. According to the new arrange-
ment all absences among the stu-
dents enrolled in the military organi-
zations will be reported daily to the
University offices. Previous to this
order the University had nothing to
do with the attendance of the mili-
tary students.
Garfield Raises Anthracite Coal Price
Washington, Nov. 20.-Retail dealers
in anthracite coal were notified to-
day by the fuel administration that
they may advance the price only the
amount of the additional labor cost
involved in the recent wage increas-
es given anthracite miners. In case
of overcharges consumers are asked
to notify the local administration,
who has authority to act.
A most important meeting of the
Comedy club will be held today at
4:30 in the Cercle Francais room in
University hall and all members are
urged to be present. The election of
officers will tale place and plans for
the future will be discussed. Ar-
rangements will be made for fixing a
time for the try-outs of new candi-

Each Commander Signs Pledge That
Ship Continues lin irst Class
Condition l
(By the British Wireless Service)
London, Nov. 20.-The following ac-
count of the surrender of 20 German
submarines this morning is given by
an eye witness of the ceremony.
More than 80 German submarines
are to be handed over to the Allied
naval command before the end of the
After steaming more than 20 miles
across the North Sea, the Harwich
forces, which consisted of five light
cruisers and 20 destroyers, were
sighted. The flag ship of Admiral
Tyrwhitt, the commander, was the
Curacao. High above the squadron
hung a big observation balloon.
Scene Very Picturesque
The squadron, headed by the flag
ship, then steamed toward the Dutch
coast followed by the Covestry, Drag-
on, Damal, and Centaur. Other ships
followed in the line with the naviga-
tion lights showing. The picture was
a noble one as the great vessels, with
the moon still shining, plowed their
way to take part in the surrender of
the German U-boats.
Soon after 7 o'clock 20 submarines
-were seen in line, accompanied by two
German destroyers, which were to
take the submarines crews back to
Germany after the transfer.
Subs Advance with Open Hatches
All the submarines were on the
surface with the hatches open and
their crews standing on deck. Their
vessels were flying no flags what-
ever, and their guns were trained
fore and aft in accordance with the
terms of surrender.
A bugle sounded on the Curacao,
and all the gun crews took up their
stations ready for any possible
British Crews Go on Board U-Boats
The leading destroyer, in response
to a signal from the admiral, turned
and led the way toward England, and
the submarines were ordered to fol-
low. They immediately did so. The
surrender had been "accomplished.
Each cruiser turned and, keeping
a careful lookout, steamed toward
Harwich. On reaching a point some
20 miles off Harwich the ships drop-
ped anchor and British crews put on'
board the submaines to take them In-
to harbor. The submarines were then
taken through the gates of the har-
bor, and the German crews were
transfer'sed to the transports, which
will take them back to Germany.
As the boats went through the
gates the white ensign was run up
from each of them with the German
flag underneath.
Hun Commanders Sign Pledges
Each German submarine command-
er at the transfer was required to
sign a declaration to the effect that
his vessel was in running order, that
its periscope was intact, that its tor-
pedoes were unloaded, and that its

torpedo sheds were safe.
Orders had been issued forbidding
any demonstration and these in-
structions were obeyed to the let-
ter. There was complete silence as
the submarines surrendered and as
the crews were transferred. So end-
ed a historic event, 'and the' first
portion of the German submarine fleet
is now in the hands of the British
For those who do not care to dance
at the women's league party Friday
afternoon, sewing and mending from
the University hospitals will be pro-
vided. This work is beingw directed
by the social service committee, of
which Florabel Ellis, '20, is chair-
man. The committee is going to fur-
nish, needle and thread, but urges the
girls to bring their thimbles.

Class Officers to be Elected
Today; Councilmen to .Preside
Classes of all colleges will elect officers at 4:30 o'clock today.
S. A. T. C. and naval unit men will be allowed to attend the meet-
ings so they can take full part in class activities. The units will be -
marched to the campus and dismissed at 4:30 o'clock. They are ex-
pected to go from the place of dismissal to the class elections. Stu-
dent councilmen will be present at all meetings today to preside in
case last year's officers are not here this year. These elections are
considered highly important in campus life.
The places of meeting are as follows:
JItts-Freshmen, Auditorium, University hall; sophomores -
Chemistry building, room 165; juniors-room 101, Economics build-
ing; seniors-Tappan hall.
Engineers: Freshmen-Natural Science auditorium; sopho-
mores-room 348, Engineering building; juniors-West Physics hall;
seniors-room 311, Engineeringbuilding.
Law: Freshmen-room C, Law building; juniors-room D; sen-
iors-room G.
Pharmics: All class meet in room 151, Chemistry building.
Homeops: All mee at the hospital.
Dents: Freshmen-Amphitheater, Dentistry building; sopho-
mores-junior lecture room; seniors-Museum, first floor Dentistry
Architects: Room 411, Engineering building; sophomores -
room 401; juniors-room 402; seniors-room 220.

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