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November 16, 1918 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-11-16

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is feats or laor in war-
truction is reported from
supply base in South Bos-
what is known as the "E
," one-story brick and con-
dings for storing Army sup-
e completed in 39 working
ead of the 90 allowed by
tion which has reached the
it of Labor gives some idea
agnitude of this job. The
cover about eight acres of
end the materials used in
ncluded more than 13,000
Is of concrete, 500 tons of
,000 brick, and 2,500,000 feet
e our advertisers.-Adv.


Washington, Nov. 15. - Congress
seems at last about to make the Grand
Canyon of Arizona a national park.
For years the canyon has been quite
generally regarded as a park, but of-
ficially it is a section of two national
forests, a game refuge and a national
"It has never been managed as a
part of the park system, and has nev-
er been susceptible of developnment as
such," says the house public lands
committee in reporting favorably a
Senate bill that would dedicate 950
square miles-600,000 acres-in north-
ern Arizona as the Grand Canyon
National park.'It appears that there
never has been a valid objection ad-
vanced against it," declares Secretary
Lane, in a statement favoring ~the
project. "Nor can spch an objec-
tion be urged, because the Grand Can-
yon belongs to the Federal Govern-
ment and any attempt to thwart a
change in its status, which would dis-
tinctly redound to its advantage, must
be of some private interest."
Private resources have accomplish-
ed limited development. Thousands
of tourists visit the Canyon annually,
but due to the lack of roads, trails
and side-trip destinations, the throngs
have little opportunity to enjoy in
full measure the marvelous grandeur
of the region.
Less than 400 of the 600,000 acres
that the proposed legislation would
place in the park are now in pri-
vate ownership, these being held in
small parcels near the rim. Obvi-
viously, the greater part'of the land
lies within the enormous gulf, meas-
uring at some points 20 miles across
the top. Sufficient land is to be in-
cluded back of the north and south
rims to make possible road develop-
ment and to care for camping and
hotel facilities.

Ilartha Cookies
Have A Jazz hand
In competition with the Army and
Navy band, Martha Cook has devel-
oped an orchestra. Yes, a real, live,
lusty one, too. Several weeks ago it
felt the syncopated fever of that long-
ing to create and indulge in music.
The good ol' ukes, banjos, and saxa-
phones were dusted off and tuned
anew. After laborious strummings
and blowings it was whipped into
tune and made its successful debut at
a closed caberet for inmates only.
The plaintive wails and arias produc-
ed put the Honolulu troupes to shame
and sincethen it has been interesting
in volume and quality.
Just as the baby's new tooth is the
object of parental pride and display
in some families, so is this infant
symphony the attraction supreme for
guests at the dormitory. Dinners in
the evening are made metropolitan by
the tinkling and twang of the orches-
trations. When the gay young Lotha-
rios come this year to serenade the
sweet damsels of Martha Cook they
may be surprised to hear a response
from the darkened windows above
that will vie with the efforts they
evidence in pouring forth their mel-
odies on the midnight air.
Will Preserve Present Copper Prices
(By the Associated Press)
Washington, Nov 15.-The American
copper industry, through a commit-
tee of producers and refiners, agreed
today with the war industry's board
to maintain present rate of produc-
tion and preserve existing levels of
prices and wages. Government reg-
ulation of prices and of material will
continue. The entire agreement is
to remain in effect until Jan. 1 next.



Ann Arbor representative dealer in EASTMAN KODAKS, films
and supplies, and photographer to Michigan Students. We do
THE amateur finishing business in Ann Arbor because we do
the kind that brings them and keeps them here. -

Established in 1905.

Growing bigger and better


719 N. U





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Washington Streets


for Thanksgiving
The greatest instrument in the
world to. give you -the kind of
music you desire and when you
want it.
Our stock of Victrolas and
Records is as complete as pre-
Ssent conditions will allow.
Victrolas from $15 to $350

Pep Effervesces
At Jiass Meeting
A bolshevik convention in full cry
after a square meal couldn't have
made more noise or voiced more vo-
luminous enthusiasm than the men
jand women of Michigan did at the
fill auditorium yesterday afternoon.
And they were only practicing. When
they get out to Ferry field and put
on the real works while Yost's stal-
warts are jamming with the men of
Syracuse the kaiser willtprobably
jump through the skylight thinking
his wife has begun to lecture him,
and Henry Ford will thing the pee-
pul are calling him to public office..
That crowd wasn't there just be-
cause their officers marched them
in; they were there to do business
and they wanted to show that the
great emotion of natIonal patriotism-
only added fuel to the fire of love of
college. When the diretcors of pro-
ceedings decided it was time to quit,
the crowd demanded "The Yellow
and the Blue" before they would con-
sent to give their throats a rest. Lit-
tle Brute Lamport's whirligig hand-
springs typified the spirit of the af-
The affair began as soon as enough
people to raise an echo in the great
hall had got through the front doors.
It didn't end at all; it kept right on
in the hearts of the participants while
they yere experimenting as to the ef-
fect of corned beef and cabbage on
the gastric juices. It made some
particularly rapt co-eds drop two
lumps of sugar in their tea careless-
like. Yes, gentlemen and escorts, it
was a whizbang of a pep meeting.
H. C. Hateh Dies at Great Lakes
Hyatt Clair Hatch, ex-'18, died at
the Great Lakes naval training sta-
tion following a two weeks' illness
of pneumonia resulting from an at-
tack of influenza, according to word
received here today.
Hatch, whose home is in Atlanta,
New York, first enlisted in the navy
at Philadelphia on May 7, and was
called into active service on Sept.
7. He had only been at the Great
Lakes' training camp 11 days when
he contracted the disease which in
two weeks resulted in his death.

Open house will be held at
7:30 o'clock this evening
at the First Baptist church to
which S. A. T. C. and naval men
are especially invited.
A meeting of the Student
council will be held at 10:30
o'clock Sunday morning in the
old Union building.
Upper Room Bible class at 444
South State street at 7 o'clock
tonight for University men, sold-
iers, and sailors.
There will be a social meeting
ofCercle Francas at 8 o'clock
Monday night in the' Cercle
Francais rooms, South Wing.
Masques will hold an import-
ant meeting at 4 o'clock tomor-
row afternoon at the Alph~a Phi
Unitarian Young People's so-
ciety will meet from 4 to 5
o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. W. B. Ford will give a talk
on the Unitarian work in Mich-
Tryouts are wanted for bus-
iness and editorial staffs of The
Michigan Daily. Chances are ex-
cellent for promotion. Apply at
the Press building on Maynard
street in the afternoon.





The endorsement given the ADLER-ROCHESTER Overseas
Service Coat by experts, both in the army and out, has been
strikingly emphasized. Thousands of officers, seeking the
highest standard in every item of their equipment, have bought
this coat. Serviceability-and style are its distinguishing marks.
Sold, not issued, to officers.


.. .



Schaeberle & Son
110 South Main Street


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Come in fora
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and get our


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The BANJO UKULELE is the latest
Hawaiian craze. It is played exactly the
same as the Ukulele but has arger tone and
greater carrying power. Very easy to learn.
Price $9 up to $18
Ebony trimmed; fine tone. Splendid or-
chestra instrument. Complete with flannel-
lined fiber case; evenly balanced bow.
Only $24

Weyman Flat Back; curly maple, swelled
two-piece back; selected white spruce top;
mahogany neck; ebony finger board; pearl
position dots. Handsomely polished.
Special this month-$24
Other styles at $18 to $6o
Fine double-fold Keratol Bag; cowhide
handle and straps; nicely lined. Only $1.75
Nicely lined black Keratol Roll; full sheet
music size. Only 75o

a ngineers Scattered in S. A. T. C.
The reserve engineers who were
recently inducted into the S. A. T. C.
were distributed to'various engineer
companies whose ranks were not en-
tirely filled. Company 12 receivedr
75 of them. Their uniforms were or-



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