THE MICHIGAN DAILY b..._ * * * * * * * * THE THEATERS tney - "Furs and Frills," y, Nov. 17. * AT THE MAJESTIC TODAY :ajestic - Enid e Vamp." * in * * Bennett cade-Gladys Leslie in "A' ph of the Foothills," and' lie Chaplin in "Triple Trou-' uerth - Frank Keenan ins e Trouble." Also News and edy "No Place Like Jail." 'pheum-Montu Love in "Lit- Sister of Everybody." Also s and Comedy. * * * * * * * * * * * * * A comedy drama in a new vein is offered today at the Majestic theater with Enid Bennett in the star part. It is "The Vamp,' from a scenario by C. Gardner Sullivan, and was produced under the supervision of Thomas H. Ince. It scored a decisive hit at its premier showing here. Those who have seen the dainty lit- tle Australian actress in Thomas H. Ince pictures recall her naivete and sweetness in girlish roles. To see her, then, still girlish, but endeavor- ing to assume a worldly air, even to the extent of "vamping" a man to such an extent that he engages to marry her, is a novelty indeed. Such is the keynote which lends the title to the story, but there is much more to it. The action carries the players to Ore Junction, Pa., where the newly weds take charge of a com- munity house for the miners. Then ensues a series of situations wherein there is a hint of Hun plotting and some cleveriwork on the part of the hero in which she again utilizes her newly acquired "vamping" powers to make an arch traitor divulge his sec- ret. In the end she justifies her siren tactics and proves that she is as loyal a soul as ever lived. Miss Bennett does the finest piece of acting she has done in many months in this role. She is ably supported by Douglas MacLean and others, in- cluding Charles French, Robert Mc- Kim, Melbourne MacDowell, Jno. P. Lockney and others. The picture will repay a visit to the Majestic theater, because it is original, full of comedy, wholesome and highly entertaining. merous other "original" stunts. N Gladys Leslie in "A Nymph of theE Foothills" will be the five-reel fea-i ture in addition to the two-reel Chap- lin comedy. Miss Leslie has won many friends during the short time in which she has been starred by Vit- I agraph. Her beauty, her smile, her girlish mannerisms and her dramatic talent are rapidly bringing her to the front. LABOR PROBLEMS NOW TAUGHT TO PUPILS BY AID OF BUREAU Washington, Nov. 15.-Labor prob- lems are being brought before school pupils through the work of the Unit- ed States bureau of education, which, in its series of courses on community and national life, has prepared inter- esting lessons on "The Worker and the Wage System" and "The War La- bor Administration." The lessons for the upper classes in the high schools discuss topics more advancedthan those for lower high school and upper graded school HERE'S THE KIND OF TROUBLE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR "TRIPLE TR~OUBLE" The New Essanay Comedy in which CHARLIE CHAPLI N will make his first appearance is causing all kinds of trouble among audiences throughout the state FIRST-They are having trouble in finding even standing room to see the picture. SECOND-They are having trouble in telling others how much they enjoyed the picture. THIRD-Their greatest trouble is to sober down after one continu- ous roar of laughter. Isn't that "Triple Trouble" worth while? See it at the I pupils, while still more elementary subjects are provided for the inter- mediate grades of the grammar schools. Topics previously discussed include the rise of machine industry,! social control, unemployment, labor organization, employment agencies, discussed; and in the lesson exclu- employment management and social sively for graded schools, the child- insurance. labor problem is taken up. In the lesson for the high school students in the lower classes, the For service and results try a Daily problems of women in industry are Want Ad.-Adv. 'MAJESTI 2-3:30-7-8:30 MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly-All Shows Sunday TODAY ENID BENNETT in "eTh VAMP" SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY BRYANT WASHBURN "Till I Come Back To You" 6m i I * * * * * * * AT THE WHITNEY * * ARCAD E THEATRE rd Carle will play an engage- t the Whitney theater, Sunday Nov. 17, in his latest and said his funniest musical comedy, and Frills." Besides furnish- Carle with one of the best roles of his career, the char- f Mac Tavish is said to be re- rith comedy of the compelling at serves to keep the audience ndition of alternate smiles and r. Among the many song hits hen My Wife Returns," "You Pake it with You When You Does Polly Want Wally," "Furs rills," "Spring," "Deception is tter Part of Valor," "Love's "A Short Farewell is Best," of My Heart," "Make Your- at Home," "Butterfly," "It e," "Always Take Mother's Ad- 'The Tale of a Coat," and oth- 'he cast is excellent, compris- chard Ca rle, Martha Craver, Fox, George Bogues, Jay El- Milt Dawson, William Wolff, I Meridith, and many other nown musical comedy players. is the usual attractive Carle of pretty girls, beautiful cos- superb orchestrations and environment. AT THE ARCADE WHITNEY THEATERS SUNDAY NIGHT, NOV. 17 The Funniest Man In The Universe RICHARD Late star of "The Maid And The Mummy.'" The Tender foot." The Isl Of Champagne.' .The Mayor Of Tokio."' "Jumping Jupiter."e "Mary's Lamb. " "The Spring Chicken."' "The Cohan Revue."and other big musical productions in the Positive Musical Comedy Triumph Of The Season "FURS AND FRILLIS" All Fun, Melody, Dancing and Pictorial Beauty AGreat Picked Cast Of 50 Merrymakers and the Carle Far-Famed Beauty Chorus 22 Real Song Hits 1500 Hearty Laughs In All The World-No Show Like A "Carle" Show Mail Orders Now! Seats on Sale FRI. 10 A. M. Patriotic Prices 50o 75c $1.00 $1.50 Notice Curtain. 7:30 Sharp This will be shown in addition to a splendid feature- Gladys Leslie IN -TODAY ONLY "A NYMPH ARCADE Hours: 3:oo, 7;oo, 8:30 Phones: Office, 296-M; Mgrs Res., 2316-M Sat-16-Gladys Leslie in "A Nymph of the Foothills" and Charlie Chaplin in "Triple Trouble." Sun-Mon-7- 18-Will Rogers in Rex Beach's "Laughing Bill Hyde" and Capitol Comedy, "Smiling Bill" Par- sons in; "Widow's Might." Tues-19-Lewis S. Stone in "Inside the Lines" and Star Comedy, "The Extra Bridegroom." l WuerthTheater Sat--16.-Carmel Meyers in "Society Sen- sation." Also News and Comedy. Sun-Mon-17-18-Thomias Jefferson in S"A Hoosier Romance," by fames Whit- comb Riley. Also News and Comedy, "What Will Father Say?" Cmy Orpheum Theater Sat.-i6-Montie Love in "Little Sister of Everybody." Also News & Comedy,= Sun-1-Mary Pickford in "Stalls Maris." Also Weekly and Comedy. g CLOSED MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY GARRICK ~anes GARRCK Wednesday and DETROIT Saturday V. Ray Comstock and William eltlott presen the Sixth Annual New York Princess Theater Musical Comedy Production "ASK DAD" 'Triple Trouble" is a new Chaplin comedy which was made by the Es- sanay company some time ago, but has not been released until recent- ly. It has never been shown in Ann Arbor. Needless to say it is full of the Chaplin antics, replete with Chaplin humor and brimming over with the genuine Chaplin fun. He makes the Huns walk the goose step, swallows a purse in order to save his money from robbers, shakes hands with a "hot-dog" instead of the cook (much to his regret), dumps a pail of garbage on the "Count," and nu- OF THE FOOTHILLS" The parents of a rich youth spurn his mountain bride-but she saves him from the gallows. GILADYS.LESLIS "E PHONE 1701 at Shows at 2:00 3:30 8:30 LAST TIMES TODAY 1 PARAMOUNT PRESENTS ENID BENNETT " THE VAMP"" The story of a "Plain" Girl who captured her Heart's Desire by "Dolling Up" Talky Jones" - Majestic Orchestra SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY BRYANT WASHBURN In " Till I Come Back to You" "eThe Army and Navy Forever" low re ic ri ttn 4:3ati LET US PACK AN M BOX Appeals to Military Men OR A Chinese Basket With Some of Our Delicious Chocolates and Deliver or Mail it for You TEN WEEKS REMAINDER OF YEAR $1.50 $3.00 II I li 709 N. University