1~}4 ,MICHIGAN DAIL Y M O N DONDA LICIAL "PNEWSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ished every morning except Monday the unvriy year by the Board in I of Student Publications. BIER OF TflI-'Z ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled use for republication of all news dis- s credited to it or not otherwise credited s aer and also the local news pub. erc tthe yotoc at Ann Arbor, by crrier or mil y5. ns not to exceed 300words, ignfature not neessariy toap- tas an evidene of frtand nts will be publshd nThe iscretion of theEdtr if left the office. inm~unications will m e eno No manuscript ill b re- fte writer inclosespsae acs not necessaril h rethe resdin the clomm i' ons. Io.....dv~e Vaager .1~ubiool~e age uj......Ciruiity etr Prof.HobbsResu e etures on War Loctures onl the war~ by Prof. Wil- liam H. Hobbs will be. continued this week. Professor Hobbs'had begun a series of war talks before the influ- enza epidermic broke out in this city but they were interrupted when the, closing order to prevent the spread of, influenza went into effect. "Historical Background of the w m" il be the toicoftM lecture he will glu'e at 4,1 cok usdy in thatural sineAdtru.N Proessr Hbbswill1 speak o "u fore the Womt'sAbview club. D"Weau m ssSeems ew mao~l'yIn the naet congress of at li t wo in ttsfae and nties tha4 -4 inth bte wasasue fro th reuie Thirsday. W~r tron btritof the eeto in M" a,4o' lmost kpt New -as -lete nthe Rphi retrs l oi lineup of the Mdbef ore the Sorti ontrol First class seaman, L. H. Powrie recently stationed in Detroit in the section patrol ser~tce, atrrivred it Ann' Arbor yesterday 'with ,second -class seaman, John E. Crampxn, of Pellram Bay, New Yo~ic. Bot~h of these xn~n will 'be stationed with the Naval Unit Says Conservation Is Sf11i Necessary struction period w",ill fall on America,j; There: must be no relaxation of food he says, regulations now that peace is near, Class dancing at the Packard Aca- State Food Administrator Prescott deomy, Monday and 'Thursday even- fias wired all° local food admainstra- ing3. 8 to 10. Comnpetent instruct- tors in. Michigan. The biggest burden or and chaperones. Private lessons of feeding Europe during the recon- by appointment.-Adv. I I1 A T WA HR'S " Status of the War"3 by Stoddard-and Frank $2.50 ooks and Supplies in General for Sold~iers and Saiors ' THE ARCADE IS OPE N I AHiR' S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE TODA Y I P ;' Specially ,Good Shows All This Week (UARRY'S Have a full supply of -EDITORS e WV. Porter John IKycer{ Bowen Schumacher Marie Thorpe ake Our 'Store Your Store FORM4ALDYH ED FUMIGATORS I i Apel ret Christie The kind that do not destroy gas fixtures or picture frames CLEAN UP OAN OLD GERMS When in need of anything in M'hSIN~E'SS STAJW 'Win. A. Lieitziniger C . WATCHES,. DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, 4OPTICAL 4GOODS,, FOUNTAIN PENS, SILVERWAR.E, SIL- VER AN C OLD NOVELTIES, MILITARY WAT~t)ES, SErVICE PINS, ARMY JEWELRY -ad CONVENIENCES. . 1 I :I I 4 , ! I j -S ee - Does .SHELdike CGandy?I Q uarry Drug Co.~s Prescription- Store COIL. SOUTHI STATE ST1E AND X. JIVERSITY AVENUE; PHONE 808 We pack our olvn boxes of I Optical Department We maintain a, complete optical department anJ give rapid service in replacing lenses. Lenses ground in our wnshop.- rp 0 eU *Michigan Chooltdes., U. of fX. WA kChocolates I BUY YOUR and Varsity1h~tte'rsweets We k'rap boxes for mailing I I HALLER & FULLER I STATE STREET JEWELERS OOKINS andl SUPPLiES" ARMY AND NAVY BOOK STORE I V. 0 -5NI r rs 4 LTZ -..#a -Mgmw-m BUSY B]?E 311~3 S. State Phone 13 U . _ ____a larching Shoes For Army And. Navy A TAN' 0 O . o " r -very o Tiny[ MA" *94 MSMtoff o° O low . eel BLAQK ffR THE Plenty of G odCloathe at ..eason able Prices Yes, it is a fact that flood clothes have advanced .. in price and are not, so :plentiful as in normal -times but N. N. Allen Co., -isi co-operation with "those i. ~famous clothes-makers The House of Kuppenheitner are-still offering abundant assortmlents of good qual- ity clothes at reas:nable prices.i For instance, atw $25,4$30, $35 or -$40-we can show suits and oiver-0 coats thrt are remarkable values as reflected in .fabric quality, tailoring and the ability 1o render long ser- 'We call particular attention tc our overcoat stock --it represents the finest gathering of wvarm, smart overcoats of every description under the N. F. Allen roof $25 -$30-._ to $40 N, f, ALLEN GO. "TheKuppenbeimer House in ;nn Arbor,, . MAIN STREET , I ARMY IAJ I F // I Just received another large shipment df this wonderful fitting last which-we -especially -recommend for army and Navy, men. A shoe of gene ious Width, allowing plenty of space for the ball of the foot. That permits the foot to spread, freely when walking. and in this sightly toe every little member d )fit mlro to work in comfort. PRICE $".00 to W0 C~omplete range ofsies. Wak4)ver' Boot Shop 115 S. Main St. R. J. HOQFFSTETTEX r, op. FITTING BIY APPOINTMENT