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November 11, 1918 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-11-11

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eam of world dominion obsess-
e mind of Emperor William
I the world into war. Upon
d the tremendous military eng-
destruction of which he was
abodiment, the exponent, and
der, rests the responsibility of
ately planning and bringing
he greatest conflict the world
or seen.
I not matter to the world that
peror's personal share in the
ivents immediately preceding
r had been obscured. The
onvicted him of organizing, di-
and maintaining at the top
f efficiency, the great German
y machine. It remembered that
ied the order for the German
tion. It remembered that he
ponsor for the terrorism and
lage which, under the guise of
, ravished Belgium, laid waste
es of France, depopulated and
d Serbia and sent the Lusi-
rith her freight of women and
n to a grave in the Atlantic.
doubt whether William was
sane.He said repeatedly
possessed a divine mandate
, that the Almighty was his
litional and avowed ally." It
entirely clear whether such
ngs were the product of a din-
. brain or were due to un-
d egotism and an effort to im-'
his subjects with the idea of
t and unquestioning submis-
Hlis speeches to his armies in
Lie asserted he and they were
ments of divine judgment upon
y's enemies" Were regarded
ny outside of Germany 'as
of rhetoric, intended only to
his own people.
"Me und Gott"
am's claim to close affinity
od was the burden of dozens
speeches long before, as well
r, the beginning of the war. Of
perhaps, none more clearly de-
his claim than his notorious

"divine right" speech delivered at
Brandenburg in 1890, in which he said
he regarded the German people as "a
responsibility" conferred upon him
by God and that it was "my duty to
increase this heritage for which one
day I shall be called upon to give ac-
count. Those who try to interfere
with my task I shall crush.'
The German war party grew with
William as its head, and the scheme
of world dominion awaited the hour
to begin its attainment. It came with
the assassination of the Austrian
archduke, Francis Ferdinand, and his
wife at Sarajevo.
Recalled from a yachting trip, Wil-
liam presided at a conference at Pots-
dam of representatives of the German
and Austrian armies, navies and
commercial interests. There, accord-
ing to the best information obtain-
able, the decision was reached to
make the assassination of the arch-
duke a pretense for the world war for
which Germany had long prepared.
Poses as Martyr
In the diplomatic exchanges be-
tween Germany and Austria on one
side and Great Britain, France and
Russia on the other side William pos-,
ed as one wishing for peace but driv-
en to war. He signed the order for
the mobilization of the German army
and from that moment war was in-
evitable. Thereafter he drove on his
armies relentlessly in the mad cam-
paigns for victory, encouraging them
with every devicerandsometimes ap-
pearing on the front to be proclaim-
ed as personal commander in a great
Publication of the "Willy-Nicky"
correspondence in 1917, placed the.
German emperor in the light of an
unscrupulous plotter. The telegrams
disclosed that Emperor William had
induced Emperor Nicholas of Russia
to sign a secret agreement to which
he was to force the adherence of
France in the perfection of an offen-
sive and defensive alliance against
England. The treaty was discovered
and repudiated by a Russian minister.
Failing in his attempt, the German
emperor set upon himself the task of
drawing England to his side against
France and Russia. How well he
thought he had succeeded in this may
be gathered from a letter he wrote
to President Wilson in 1914 in which
he said King George had promised

Prince Henry of Prussia, on July 29,
1914, that England would remain neu-
tral in a war involving the Central
Powers with France and Russia.
To Blame For War
Perhaps the most direct 9nd au-
thoritive of the accusations against
the German emperor and the Pan-
Germans are contained in the pub-
lished secret memorandum of Prince
Charles Max Lichnowsky, who was
German ambassador at London at the
outbreak of hostilities. The prince
unequivocally placed the blame for
the war on Germany, and for his
frankness was imprisoned in a Siles-
ian chateau, permanently expelled
from the Prussian house of lords,
which action was sanctioned by the
emperor, and, finally, was exiled to
The emperor, despite his previous
expressions of good will for America
gave vent to his anger against the
UnitedvStates when it became evident
no official action would be taken to
stop the shipment of munitions and
supplies to the Entent Allies by de-
claring to the American ambassador,
James W. Gerard, "I shall stand no
nonsense from America after the
Friedrich Wilhelm Victor Albert
was born January 27, 1859, and be-
came Emperor William II at the death
of his father, Frederick III, June 15,
1888. He came out of the Univer-
sity of Bonn fully prepared to enter
the school of statecraft. Set to work
in the government bureaus, he was
early taught the routine of official
business under the tutelage of the
great Bismarck.
Becomes Actual Leader
At the death of his father, the im-
perial throne devolved upon William
II who was then but 29 years of age.
Bismarck continued as chancellor but
not for long. Though the great states-
man had made every effort to instil
his young pupil with his own ideas of
government and diplomatic policies,
the new emperor soon found that he
disagreed with his grandfather's
former close adviser in many impor-
tant respects. In 1890 the disagree-
ment of the two men reached a crisis,
a rupture came, and Bismarck went.
The relations between the two men
remained strained for several years,
but before Bismarck died peace was
made between them.









Thoroughly Renovated
and Fumigated


- Tomorrow

TheD ISO Hun



George Fawcett-Dorothy Gish-George Slegman
This is no picture of fancy-but a tact.
The records of the United States Sv cret Service are filled with
just such black and damnable schemi s as engineered by "The
Hun Within"
See for yourself the way the Hun-snakes work, see their cun-
ning, and then rejoice in that swifter, alerter brain of Uncle Sam
which checkmates them by night and by day A great picture.
See it!i
James MontgomeryBURTON
Flagg ComedyT HOLMES
"Hick Manhattan









Nightly and All Shows Sundays
Wednesday and Thursday
nA Charles Ray

I -,& i


- in.-

"A Nine O'clock Town"
He's a midnight devil in a nine o'clock town. He tried to "sell"
his folks the ideas he formed in "the big town". He'll have you
wishing him luck when he tried to resurrect the local " Emporiurn"
He'll thrill you to the marrow when he wiggles out of the black-
mailers frame-up, and he'll have you rocking with joy when he
puts over the "big wallop". its some picture!




Saturday and Sunday
THOS. HINCE Presents







University Abusic lbouse

Mrsi. IA. . Avent
Uiilautonb aat #~i~trttt

The Story of the "Plain Girl" who captured her heart's
desire by "Dolling up"

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