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November 10, 1918 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-11-10

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dream of world dominion obsess-
the mind of Emperor William
nged the world into war. Upon
and the tremendous military eng-
of destruction of which he was
embodiment, the, exponent, and
leader, rests the responsibility 'of
berately planning and bringing
ut the greatest conflict the world
ever seen.
did not matter to the world that
emperor's personal share in the
't events immediately preceding
war had been obscured. The
Id convicted him of organizing, di-
ing, and maintaining at the top


sive and defensive alliance against
England. The treaty was discovered
and 'repudiated by a Russian minister.
Failing in his attempt, the German
emperor set upon himself the task of
drawing England to his side against
France and Russia. How well he
thought he had succeeded in this may
be gathered from a letter he wrote
to President Wilson in 1914 in which
he said King George had promised
Prince Henry of Prussia, on July 29,
1914, that England would remain neu-
tral in a war involving the Central
Powers with France and Russia.
To Blame For WYar
Perhaps tlie most direct .nd au-'
thoritive of the accusations against
the German emperor and the Pan-.
Germans are contained. in the pub-
lished secret memorandum of Prince
Charles Max Lichnowsky, .who was
German ambassador at London at the
outbreak of hostilities. The prince
unequivocally placed the blame for
the war on Germany, and for his
frankness was imprisoned in a. Sites-
ian chateau, permanently expelled
from the Prussian house of lords,
which action was sanctioned by the
emperor, and, finally, was exiled to
The emperor, despite his previous,
expressions of good will for America,
gave vent to his anger against the
United States when it became evident,
no official.action.would be taken to
stop the shipment of munitions and
supplies to the Entent Allies by de-
claring to the American ambassador,
James W. Gerard, "I shall. stand no
nonsense from America after the
Friedrich Wilhelm Victor Albert
was born January 27, 1859, and be-
came Emperor William I at the death
of his father, Frederick III, June 15,
1~888. He came out of the Univer-
city of Bonn fully prepared to enter
the school of statecraft. Set to work
In the government bureaus, he was
early taught the routine of official
business under the tutelage of the
great Bismarck.
Rpopies Actual U der
At the death- of his father, the im-
perial throne devolved upon William
II who was then but g9 years. of age.
Biamarck continued as chancellor but
not for long. Though the great states-
man had made every effort to instil
his young pupil with his own ideas of
government and diplomatic policies,

B cities of France, depopulated and
traged Serbia . and sent the Lusi-
nia with her freight of women and
ildren to a grave in the Atlantic.
Many doubt whether William was
tirely sane. He said repeatedly
xt he possessed a divine mandate
rule, .that the Almighty was his
econditional and avowed ally." It
not entirely clear whether such
tgivings were theproduct of a, dic-
lered brain or were due to un-
unded egotism and an effort to im-
ess his subjects with the idea of
verent and unquestioning submis-
). His speeches to his armIes in
ichli he asserted he and they were
Lstruments of divine judgment upon
rmany's enemies" were regarded
many outside of Germany as
ces of rhetoric, intended only to
ceive his own people.
"M* und Gott"
William's claim to' close affiity
th God was the burden of doens
his speeches long before, as well
after, the beginning of the war. Of
ese, perhaps, none more clearly de-
ed his claim than his notorious
ivine.. right" speech delivered at
andenburg in 1890, in which he said
regarded the. German people. as "a
sponsibility" conferred upon. hi
God and that it was "my duty to
crease this heritage for which one
y I shall be called upon to give. ac-
u~nt. 'Those who try to interfere
th my task I, shall crush.'
The German. ,war party grew with
illiam as its head, and the scheme
world dominion awaited the hour
begin its attaipment. It came with
S assrsination of the Austrian
ch pke, Francis Ferdinand, and his

The first public gathering since the
lifting of the influenza ban was the
meeting held at Hill auditorium Fri-
day night in the interests of the Unit-
ed War Work campaign, at which the
principal speaker 'was Mrs. Basil
Clarke, of Brussels, Belgium. Mrs.
Clarke lived for two years in Belgium
under German domination and thus
had first hand stories to tell of Ger-
man brutality and outrage.
One incident, especially, seemed to
reflect the terrible conditions under
which starving Belgium existed. Mrs.
Clarke, being an American citizen,
had more liberty to go about as she
pleased, although that was saying
very little. One day Mrs. Clarke en-
tered a soup kitchen where a long
line of hungry children were waiting
to be fed. She noticed one little girl
who kept saying, "O, hurry, hurry, I'm
so hunrgy." Finally her turn came
but before she was given her bowl of
soup she was put upon the scales and
weighed. Then the woman in charge
put her down and shook her head
saying, "No, I'm sorry but you can
have nothing ti eat today because
you have Wjst no weight since the last
time." Ne dless to say, Mrs. Clarke
took her to the kitchen and gave her
her own share of food.
This and many worse tales, Mrs.
Clarke told and the reality of her
stories made them so much moon im-
Preceding Mrs. Clarke's talk, Mr.
Carrol F. Sweet of Grand Rapids, a
member of the United War Work
campaign committee, exhorted the
people of Ann Arbor and elsewhere
not to stop being of service because
rumors of peace were in the air.
The seven organizations for which
money is now being raised will have
just as much, or even more, need
for money after the war. Mr. Sweet
said that the ten states that raised
their quota and went over the top
would have huts named for them in
France. He finished by saying, "Let
Michigan, the most patriotic of all
states, he the first to do its duty and
make it'0t that the Michigan boys
will go to the Michigan hut in Ger-
many, Unter den Linden."




F% a


Thoroughly Renovated
and Fumigated



- Tomrorow

- Tuesday

a e DII





George Fawcett-Dorothy Gish-George Siegman
This is no picture of fancy-but-a fact.
The records of the United States Secret Service are filled with
just such black and damnable schemes as engineered by "The
Hui Within"-
See for yourself the way the Hun-snakes work, see their cun-
ning, and then rejoice in that swifter, alerter brain of Uncle Sam
which checkmates them by night and by day A great picture.
See it!I
James Montgomery BURTON HOLMES
Flagg Comedy

the new emperor, soon found that. he
disagreed with his. grandfather's
former close adviser in many impor-
tant respects. In 1890 the disagree-
ment of the two men reached a crisis,
a rupture came, and Bismarck went.
The- relations between the two men
remained strained for several years,
but before.,fBismarck died peace was
made between them..
With the passing of Bisrnardk the
emperoK'szrealreignbegan. , As a mil-'
itary man,,e ,as astickler for ef-
ficiency,, dacipjipe, :ad ithe, Qbserv-
ace of etiquette to "the last detail.
And with the details of all these
cgmponents of, army life,.and ,train-
ing. he ,,"$familAr to ,the smallest
Ineverything he was Oescribed as
thorough and,rwithal, one of the hard-
est .worker in ihe empire. .His. rising
hour was 6 n o' ej pand a long
day's hard work, which frequently
extended -well into the night, folp.w-
sd. *







from a
eda a

'erence at Pots-
of the German
navies and
There", accord-
.,ation obtain-
s . reached to
n ,of, the arch-

icn Germni ,aa,,Wng.prepare.
Pofes gs Martyr
n the diplomatic exchanges be-
sen Germany and Austria on one
e and Great Britain, France and
ssia on the other side William pos-.
as one wishing for peace but driv-.
to war. We signed the order for+
3Mobili~ation pf the qernlij 4 -rmy
from that mement war was il-
ttlgle. Thereafter he 4rove on his
nies relentlessly in the mad cam-
gas for victory, encouraging them
;h every device and sometimes ap-
,ring on the front to be proeclaim-
as personal commander in a great
Publication of the "Willy-Niclky"
'respondence in 1917, placed the
rnax emperor in the .light of an
gc upulous plotter. The telegrams
closed that Emperor William had
Luced Emperor Nicholas of RkiA
sign a secret agreement to which
was' to force the adherence'k of
ince in the perfection of an offen-

- Rfes,ed ieO4h1p
Before the war Emperor William
often professed friendliness for Am-
erica. He encourage4 the foundation
of eachange profesorships by which
promninent 'erngn @eators visited
thii country an lec ntrqd iA the col-
leges here while American college
profegsrs similarly filled chairs in
German institutions of learning.
He was a great reader-his private
library in the imperial palace at Ber-
lin before the war was becoming one
of the most interesting collections of
books litthe world. He posed as a
dictator In music, painting, poetry,
and acting,
German mothers who wrote to the
emperor of the deaths of their sons
killed in battle elicited from him no
word of sympathy. He regarded their
deaths as "glorious." His own six
sons were protected, however.

Anna Case, soprano of the Metro-
politan Opera company, will open this
year's Pre-festival concert series Sat-
urday evening, Nov. 16, in Hill audi-
torium with a song recital. Mr.
Charles Gilbert Spross, well-known
composer, will act as accompanist.
Miss Case is a beautiful American
girl who has risen to the pinnacle of
artistic fame as the leading prima-
donna at the Metropolitan Opera
company and has won an equally en-
viable reputation as a singer of fav-
orite songs. She has appeared in prac-
tically all of the larger American ci-
ties with ;narked success.
The concert by Caruso with which
the series was to have been opened,
but which was prevented on account
of the influenza epidemic will be giv-
en later in the year.
Other artists who will appear are
Leopold Gowdowsky, December 14;
Joseph Bonnet, January 18 ,and Tos-
cha Sidel, February 8.
There is still a limited number of
course tickets available on all floors
of the auditorium which will be dis-
posed of in order of application at the
University School of Music.
Dr. Hugh M. Beebe, '07M, formerly
chief surgeon at the Homeopathic
hospital, has recently been given the
commission of major in the army.
Major Beebe left his position at the
hospital when the President's first
call for volunteers went out. He went
directly to Petersburg, W. Virginia,
where he received his commission as
captain. While there he was detailed
to give instructions in gas warfare
and resusication from suffocation by
gas. From the camp he was sent -di-
rectly to France, where he received his
commission as major.

Wednesday Vand


--in -

"A Nine O'clock



Nightly and All Shows Sundays

He's a midnight devil in a nine o'clock town. He tried to "sell"
his folks the ideas he formed in "the big town". He'll have you
wishing him luck when he tried to resurrect the local "Emporium"
He'll thrill you to the marrow when he wiggles out of the black-
mailers frame-up, and he'll -have you rocking with joy when he
puts over the "big wallop". Its some picturei


Saturday and Sunday
THOS. HINCE Presents





- IN-


ThtoyofteVPAinGwocpue e er'


Leave Copy
Qhuhr's and,
Us Bbt


TIf3 N4

Lemv Copy
Supply Store


T-A heavy gold watch bearing
me of owner. Report to bar-
eks 44. Phone 120,
Tr-Body of a gold cased foun-
n pen, Waterman self filler. Call
47-R . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _n _ _ _r _ _
T-Zeta- Psi fraternity pin with
me Richard HIovey Leonard en-

LOST-Hand carved silver watch.
Name in back. Reward. Call 251.
LOST-Black silk umbrella,name in-
side, top of handle yellow.
LOST-Gold watch: Plain case. In-
itials on front, WM. Name in baek.


The mass meeting for the United
War Work campaign was announc-
ed in Saturday's Daily for that eve-
ning. The meeting will be held in
Hill auditorium this evening.
You will always find satisfacton by

The Story of the ""Plain Girl" who captured her heart's
desire by "Dolling up"

57 on fob. Reward. Care of Daily.' advertising in the Daily.-Adv.

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