VARSITY MADE UP rom EVERY SERVICE [late SPORTS Intramural Readquarters Gives no Word on Corps No information has yet been re- ceived from the central army head- quarters at Chicago, regarding the in- duction of the engineer's reserve corps into the S. A. T. C. Nothing definite can be done until proper or- ders come through military chan- nels. The grades of engineering for the past five weeks are 1 ported to Secretary Hopkin This system is being used in the "Mentor" cards. The ma A. T. C. men will be particu ticed. The reports will not plete before the end of next 551 MISM iLIKE BLUFF r Says Stagg's Win, But Is Strong Team IN AND CENTER ARE' NTERANS WHO WILL PLAY Are Placed on stegemna, Toe tist Who Has Been Do-. voloped By W. V. Morgenstern EdItor of the Chicae Daily %aroon) ie of the Maroon football, team to defeat Michigan Saturday the Wolverines reappear on feld after an absence of 13 are only two veterans on the One of them is Captain Elton,; lfback, who is really a good He hits the line hard, and is' t dependable man on the team. er is Reber, who plays center. a. good defensive player. The the bunch is made up of fresh- d inexperienced players. Practice Poor ice this week has been miser- ad the brand of football play- not been up to the standard of rdue game, which was poor Coach Stagg has tried every a combination, but none of y much ti.renth Y*d, rit the eleven was unable to score against the Crane eollege team, and were lucky to get out of the game without being scored on. Thurs- day Stagg had the men out in a pour- ing rain, and they showed some im- provement. The Maroon line is weak, and the backfield is not very strong. The forwards do not work together, and they fail to open up holes. In the backfeld there is a fair conibina- tion, but without support from the line the backs are aot able to do much.. Elton is equally good at hit- ting the line or at skirting the ends, while Hermes at full is a powerful line plunger. Stagg is working with a bunch of men for the other posi- tions, and the choice for the open half lies between Fauche, Eubank, and Sears. McGuire, a former tackle, is trying for quarter now that Mills is out, but Jerry Neff may play there if his knee is in shape. Reber is certain to start at center, but the guards as yet are unpicked. It looks as though Stagg would use McCuaig, who played against Purdue, and Collins, a brand new man. The tackles will be Stageman and Teas, unless McGuire loses out at quarter, in which case he will play in the line. The ends will probably be Halliday and Karstens. Halliday> is a elever player, and an adept at pulling down passes. MRS. PEARL Chi Lineup Uneertai The exact lineup of the team is un- certain and the men will probably not, be picked until Saturday. Michigan will not have a walk away, however, as the eleven is determined to give Yo a~i' tenm a haird i1Lht. T2h en Iss - v cagtsmehn f h pret T. liill'H lii LOW 213 Z. LIBERTY S" 40 :Itlitlllilllltlli tll 1tl lllt111tililllilH of the old rivalry, and they are not going down without a struggle.- Elton will direct the team attack,I as none of the candidates for quarter are familiar with the signals. TheS burden on the Maroon captain is a heavy one, as he never directed playt before last Saturday. Elton will be a good general, however, since he has had plenty of experience, and can be depended upon to pick the right play at the right time. He and Stegeman are the hopes of Chicago. It was , Stegeman who dropped the ball be-t tween the posts for the Purdue score, and he has been practicing all week.- If Chicago gets within striking dis- tance, the big tackle will certainly get a chance to drop ne over.- Interest in the game is running high among the students and alumni. All indications point to all seats being; sold long before game time. A mass1 meeting was held in Bartlett gymnas- ium last night, and there will be plenty of cheering when the game starts.: ile dics Plan To Vattie Attorneys" Grave and dignified, students of the deep and mysterious, searching rec- ords, finding faults proving cases, making theories-all will go within a week, when the high-brow would-be; doctors will meet what hope to be lawyers in-yes, really a game of football. Bvidence produced by the counsel ur the iwyer nwas weighty enugh to shot 'that at-pro u'Coi2 be fed, wbhue a thorouga diulss af the case proved that the doctors, too could acarc eleven men to batter each other about the field of glory in a vain atempt to ilrn.tte Cach 'oat 's suadof footbai men. But be it as it may, the Medic and the Attorney'q;have reachte ~UOco- cluon that a game they will play ao tanni nz-_with the trt of a ine vweek practice wl be bell, inaa ragmens fr~r the com ing stellar contest wll be auoaced later. DETROIT tl:Ug ANCELS GAME WITH LOCAL SOCCER PLAYERS The Cosmopolitan football club of the University, an unofficial"organiza- tion to boost soccer will not play the Roses soccer team of Detroit today. The Detroit team wired a cancella- tion of the game due to a national contest in which they have entered. However, the Cosmopolitan bunch will hold practice at Ferry field this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, to prepare for a game which will be played lat- er. All candidates are expected to re- port at the field promptly. Patronize our advertisers.-Adv. GO TO The Mayer-Schairer Company 1128S. Man St. FOR. Fine Stationery Engraved Cards Die Sta iping Printing Ruling Book Binding Leather Goods Office Supplies Filing Devices Desks Chairs Book Cases RESERVES, S. A. T. C. AND NAVY CONTRIBUTE TO WAR TME ELEVEN Thirty-four sons of Michigan, war- riors of Uncle Sam, are in the great Windy City of the . middle west, watching, waiting and working to re- venege the defeat of the 1905 Maize and Blue warriors at the hands of the Chicago University varsity. Thirty-four sons of Uncle Sam, they are, for every one of them is in the service of their country. The army leads in individual count with 12 of the number counted dur- ing its - roll call, Jordan, Dunne, Carter, Hendershot, Hadden, Barnes, Genebach, Van Wagoner, Hunt, Hen- derson, Walker and Freeman are the Varsity men who are Yanks.. Then comes the "gobs" with almost an equal number. With Steketee, the star kicker, Vick the smashing cent- er, Karpus, an new end, Perrin a wonderful back, Wilson, Clash, Lent, Boville, Czyz, Morrison, and Olson, the navy make up a large share of the first string bunch. The reserves, such as the engineers and medics come in for their share with the remainder of the bunch. Goetz, Cruze, Cohn, Knode, Adams, Hauser, Timchac, Lindstrom, Fletch- er are numbered among this bunch. Despite the fact that army regula- tions have greatly reduced the time given to football practice, Coach Yost has succeeded in making of this bunch of men, one of the best football teams that has ever been in Michigan. Despite the lack of a training table and the customary way of keeping a watch over his men, the war time Varsity of the great coach is is prov- ing a wonder. I r 0110 1.. y ' Marching Shoes For Army And a .°- TANo FOR . x THE ARMYa ? I'a1- M FOR L~g IL~eyake 1raoi-o Clolie 4 A ' Cnd3 "g i ndTob Phone I1 0$K We Develop Your Film t--1o0 1i 1 1$9 UE--^e rst~y I. : . - - -. - . - t-fi - - - I - - . Just received another large shipment of this wonderit fitting law which we especially recommend for Arm3 and Nary men. A shoe of generous width, allowing plenty of space for the ha of the foot. That permits the foot to spread freely when waling and in this sightly toe every little member of the foot has ample roon to work in comfort. PRICE $7.00 TO $9.00 Complete range of sizes. Walk-Over Boot Shop 115 S. Main St. IL J. HOFFSTETTER, Prop. FITTING BY APPOINTMEW the University of Michigan are cordially invited to inspect our new line of J. F. NEWMAN Jewelers, New York FALL SUIT S and TOP COATS ils, newest models, Rewest lowest prices announce their hibit of official eX- I colorings, and r eca*oq FRATERNITY BADGES Military Jewelry : " " ; 7 HURRY DIAMOND ENGAGMENT RINGS Get one of those. iamb ILined Coats And Ask to See fur Army Shirts At $4.00 We have a nice Line of >leeping Garments Just the thing for The Cold Nights We Carry a nice Line of Society brand Suits and Overcoats Smart Novelties in Silver, Gold and Platinum with Coat-of-Arms or Greek Let- ters Makers of the Service Ring for Fraternity the S.A.T.C. Saturday and Sunday NOV. 9th and 10th ALLENEL HOTEL REPRESENTED BY MR. WARREN PIPER WESTERN MANAGER TUERTH CO.