4 DAILY __ ircoliegiate SPORTS Intramural The coming race will be run on the oval track around the football grid- iron at Ferry field. The time of the relay although not announced. will probably be between 4:30 and 6 o'clock to insure a sprinkle of spect- ators. year at the Methodist church at 7:30 o'clock tonight. All regular members, Cosmopolitan Club Ladies to meet prospective members, and th The ladies of the Cosmopolitan club of faculty men who 'may be in will hold their first meeting of the are requested to be present. Daily want ads bring result P A I DEFEAT OF ;arted right, while the backfield has Iready gained a nation wide reputa- on for ground gaining. The line also is in wonderful condi- ion. Ft. iq randv t Uo.hateiJ. n, Ft Continued from Page One) : e and Blue cheers will ring h the air as though the game o be played in Ann Arbor, for r leader full of pep will be with, am to handle the Michigan end noise making. Cheer Leader There ite" Lamport, the clever little1 an who attracted the attention men higher up, by his wonder- lity displayed at a recent meet-j the freshman class is the man d the yells. The little fellow, ser overflow of pep will manage g forth the old Michigan spirit. 1 Knode at quarter and Vick at , the Wolverines have the best g battery of the two teams. ng like machines, they will gain dvantage by getting the ball, Stagg's, aggragation to. pieces. Dunne at one end and Karpus at the other will make a formidable looking, pair,- should Michigan try any forward. pass- ing. 'Maroons Strong Although the Maroons have' not -an- nounced their line up, it is thought that they have greatly strengthened their team and that the front that they will put against the Wolverines will be no easy one to over come. Despite their defeat at the hands of the Purdue, eleven last week, it is customary for them to come back with a great deal more strength. With everything ready- Let's. go Michigan! A large collection' of Medici Prints on exhibition for ten days at DeFrie's Art Store. 223 So. Main St.-Adv. -t = !WOMEN PLAN HOCKEY GAMES AND . nl ~llfilI~lHIll~~li~lIIIUlll~IllIllI~il WIENIE ROAST FOR SATURDAY RELAY RACE SCHEDULED Tlte first hockey games of the sea- son are to be played Saturday at FOR NEXT WEDNESDYtPalmer field. T.he .seniors will play the juniors at 10 a. m. and the match JOHNSON TO PICK RUNNERS between the sophomores and freshmen FROM CANDIDATES AT is called for 2 p. m. After the games FERRY FIELD a blazing fire will be built at one end of the field and the girls will have a weenie roast. Plenty of root- Carl Johnson, Varsity track man oers are expected to add excitement to -last year, and in charge of the work- the games. outs of the short distance runners, Miss Wood wishes the girls to take has announced that a relay race will a more active interest in the -sport -be run next Wednesday evening, be- itself. It promotes class spirit and tween two teams of eight men each. rivalry, the assets of any good sport. Each man will run 200 yards and i frledical Student you need LABORATORY SUPPLIES and SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS We have them; of the best quality, and at the rightprices Let's get acquainted The Goodyear Drug Cc 107 So. Main Street Ann Arbor, Michiga YE.A T EAM!- HichigAn and all of her sons and daughters are back of you!. To- ight you leave for Chicago, where for the first time in 13&years you I- be given an opportunity to avenge the defeat of 19051 Varsity, thirteen years of Coach Yost's life.is wxapped- up in you. uring that entire period ho -has waited and worked for the eon- st that you are to play tomorrow. Let .us see you come back ith the long end of the score. 'Show your coach that ,his efforts aye not been in vain. Show him what a wonderful football man he All of the 30,000 people who will watch the game tomorrow at Stagg eld, will be watching patiently every move you make. Thousands Salumniwill linger In the newspaper offices over the country for a rord about the game. Varsity, above all, the men Who are'at your school tiwaining to. fight tttles of your country, and who are unable to watch you play out ' the city, will await every word from you. )[ake that word "victory" a :thousand times over. Vood luck to the teams will be picked during the next week by Johnson, from the men who are working out in the sprint events. An endeavor is being made to get all men who believe they can do the 100 yards in 11 seconds or under, to report for a tryout during the next few nights. A captain will be chosen to lead each team and it is likely that the best performers will be given the honors. Although the team is minus a coach, the Varsity men of last year, now In. school have. taken hold of the work and taught the beginners the finer points of track work. ARCADE OPENS SATURDAY Sat., 9-Harry Morey and Betty Blythe in "The Green God," and Star Comedy, "Shot in the Dumbwaiter." Sun., Mon., 10-11-Tom Moore in "Just for Tonight" and "Smiling Bill" Parsons in "Birds of a Feather." Tues., 12-Kitty Gordon in "Merely Players" and' Star Comedy, "House- cleaning :Horrors." Clyde Nicholson,'13, Made Captain Lieutenant Clyde Nicolson, '13, has been promoted to a captaincy, accord- ing to word just received in Ann Ar- bor. He is with the A. E. F. in France, and is connected with the Howitzer regiment, coast artillery corps. After graduating from the Literary college he took a degree at the Michigan Col- lege of Mines. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Nicolson, formerly of Detroit, now of Washington, D. C. WuerthTheater i Evening- :oo, 8 :o and zo :o Afternoon- 2:3o and 4:00= Phone-6o-J BOOKINGS FOR OCTOBER - Sat--9Edith Robert in "Beans." Al- , so News and Comedy. Sun-Mon- o-i i-Mildred Harris in "The Doctor and the Woman." (Six Parts.) Also Comedy. OrpheumTheater Afternoon-2:30 and 4: 00 Evening-7:' o, 8:0o and io:oo Phone-160-J BOOKINGS FOR OCTOBER Sat g-Mary Pickford in "Amarilly of Clothes Line Alley." Also News and Comedy. Sun-o-Bessie Love in "Little Sister . .. of Everybody." Also 'News and= Comedy. 111lII III[UlillfNillIllllitlilllilltllltl M BOX Of Chocolates and Deliver or Mail it for You LET US PACK AN V ' Wed., 1--Edith Storey in "The Si- lent Woman" and Screen Telegram. Thurs., Fri., 14-15-Norma Talmadge in "The Safety Curtain," Christie Com- edy, "Kids" and Official War 'Review. Phone' 79.R$ 709 N. U le-l PHONE -- 1701 DAILY 2:00 3 :30 7:00 8:30 df Thoroughly Renovated and Fumigated RE-OPENS TOMORROW Afternoon Frocks gf Satin and Velvet W IT DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS $25.00 to $5.00 IN "Say Young Fellow" Distinctively charming styles, every one of rlwwnYi Irr+r ii Y YII rrr . tic Theater Orchestra them, and just the kind young college women require for informal wear. Community Singing ECIAL-SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY ---SPECIAL FUE SCREEN SENSATION OF 1918-THE MASTER DIRECTOR THE VELVET DRESSES D. W. GRIFFITH, Presents THE HUN WITH IN" developed in shades of taupe, brown, and beet root in styles showing the smart simplicity velvet requires. Several styles are made with high collars. Hanging pan- els edged in fringe, tunic backs, and the use of bone buttons and bound buttonholes, are other style features. THE SATIN DRESSES Navy, taupe, and black are these frocks shown in an almost infinite variety of style. Sleeves wide at the bottom, wide crushed belts, and over tunics, individualize a number of models. Wool, silk, and bead embroidery adds to the charm of others. Often a combination with Georgette or velvet in some new and unusual manner, proves decidedly attractive. Gish George FaweeUt George Seigman gomery medyI COMMUNITY BURTON HOLMES TRAVELOGUE SINGING r mmm r : { f % Xs d rw w W Wr