One was slightly wounded. The r was sobbing and pleading with surgeon to save him from having; lead cut off, which he said he un-I tood from his commanding officerl Id be his fate. he doctor assured the frightened nan that the Americans were notl e as savage as all that; but the, oner was still trembling and ving as he was led to the rear of; t HILT OMMLI IUIT dvertisers.-Adv. Trya. very1 riors. Open (Continued from Page One) most rational procedure. The daily washing of the mask in ordinary wat- er and soap, is sufficient for its care. We advise that the order in regard to the wearing of masks by instructors and students in class, be continued for the present. Respectfully submitted, THE SPECIAL HEALTH COMMITTEE. Onie New Case Only one new case of influenza de- veloped among S. A. T. C. men yester- day and few new cases of pneumonia have been reported for several days. Authorities believe that by continuing present precautions the epidemic will soon be entirely obliterated. Five deaths occurred yesterday but medical men say that in an epidemic of this kind the number of deaths keeps up even to the end as people recovering from influenza, if proper precautions are not taken, -develop an almost fatal pneumonia. Three of the deaths were among section B men of the S. A. T. C. They were: Merle Boyer, company 1 of Monroe; Cecil "Cripple for Life" Sees Acnn Bay City, Oct. 29.-Major A. H. Ganssor, "crippled for life," in action on the western front, is again at the front, according to advices from France and is just as eager to chase the Hun as ever before. His stay in the military hospital was shorter than the major himself expected. It is re- ported that his recovery has been complete. ., incapacita Ilinois Students Study New Star Champagne, Ill., Oct. 29.-The Ob- servatory of the University of Illinois is hard at research work on the new star that appeared in the sky last June. Every clear night since then observations have been taken of it. The star, which is just visible to the naked eye, is in Aquilla. The stuff MORE ENGLISH SPO NORWAY THAN London, Oct. 29. disagreeably struc people who speal and restaurants fe ers understand or g ,_ teQ for Genuine I and Kumal U K U L E L NEOLIN SOLES $8, $10, $12.50. Other Values at $5 and $6 Kits to McEvoy, company 3 of Jackson, and Lawrence Tubbs of Adrian, a member of the University of Michigan army training detachment. Miss Eleanor Compton of, Burbon, Ind., a junior nurse of the University hospital training class, died early yes- terday morning at the contagious hos- pital. Medice Victim of Flu Antonios Panayotides, '19M, died at the University hospital last evening at 6 o'clock of pneumonia,; following an attack of influenza. Panoyotides came to Ann Arbor in 1913 from Turkey with an A.B. degree from Anatolia college, Merzifoun, Turkey, class of 1912. 1 The funeral will be held at a date to be announced later by the senior medical class who are taking care of the ceremony. Epidemic Among Civilians Nil The epidemic among civilian stu- dents has been practically stamped out. The University hospital, where those contracting the disease are sent, has admitted no new cases in the last two days. One hundred S. A. T. C.'s are still at the hospital with influenza or pneu- monia. Only six of these men are in a serious condition. In addition, there are 96 convalescents in the various infirmaries. Barbour gymnasium, where the mild cases among men from military units are treated, is at pre- sent harboring 120 patients. Increase in Japanese Trade Noted Tokio, Oct. 29.-Japan's trade with the United States increased during the six months ending June 30. Exports to the United States gained $30,500,000 and imports $97,000,000. The increase in exports was ac- counted for by the large shipments of raw silk, habutae and other staples, While the increase in imports is attri- buted to increased requirements of cotton, iron and machinery, as a- re- sult of the flourishing state of Japan's industries. Two Killed in Airplane Accident VIOLIN OUTFIT The Grinnell Special $115 This Violin is good enough for teachers and advanced pupils. It is a Strad model Violin, selected by us for its beautiful tone quality. With it we furnish a good quality Brazilwood bow, canvas case, fleece lined. We also include extra set of strings, piece of professional rosin, etc. Weekly payments if desired. Only $15 $12 Concert size Guitar, rosewood back and sides, highly polished se- lected spruce top. Has big tone. Complete with leather-bound can- vas carrying case, extra set of strings, and Self Instruc- tor. Only Instrument rim, 38 nickel ity, calfskin I leather-bound GUITAR OUTFIT $12 case, E Instru Easy payments accepted. Mail orders given prompt attention. We pay express charges. BA: Orinnell Bros 116 South Main Street p. I , .cckdf o iS ined nded ar A New it Jo " . f 01 Georgeute 'W4 & CO roRE A at $5.00 Mount Clemens, Oct. 29.-Lieuten- ants Oliver P. Jackson, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Andrew Sivley, of Raymond, Miss., were killed at Selfridge field today when their airplane crashed to earth from a height of 1,000 feet. The cause of the accident has not been determined. H Extra Good Kodak your films and see od work we can do. I You may leave them either of our stores. , at U-NOTICES The Michiganensian staff, ed- itorial and art, will meet at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. Everyone must be present. All members of the Student Directory staff must be at White's studio at 12 o'clock to- day for the Michiganensian pic- ture. Rev. Leonard A. Barrett re- quests that all members of the Presbyterian church on duty in the infirmaries and hospitals in- form him of the illness of Pres- byterian students, both S. A. T. C. and civilian. The registra- tion of the S. A. T. C. men by church preference is not avail- able, making this request nec- essary An especially fortunate purchase enables us to o you a blouse at this price which ordinarily would sel $6.50 The, styles are the sort that will appeal to colt women---simple yet distinctive. Many unusual touC are shown in the way of individual collars and collar neck lines. Beads and silk embroidery are also used good effect. One attractive blouse has the new bib fr Three racks of these charming waists await your spection, in shades of white, pink, flesh, beige, grey, tau navy, and black. A few blouses of crepe de chine are also includ These are plainly tailored in style for the most part, are particularly suited for school wear. U. I State St. A niversity Ave. 11 The Polonia Literary society will meet at Lane hall, at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. All Pol- ish students are requested to be be present. I di