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October 30, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-10-30

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. ,

An airplane from Mt. Clemens avia-
tion field landed on Ferry field yester-
day. afternoon while three companies
of the S. A. T. C. were drilling. The
machine was first noticed coming from
l I .e. .M.I.b . ' IaY.. O . .ALLLUU. a



the easf att nn oltittAa

Whe east at an aitituw
feet. Attention was
FquireCEl by the sound of its r
When the machine
VS above the field it made
- -to about 150 feet, wet
r SHARES It was very bizarre the field and returne
S OPINION above the ground. Th
A soldier and a squirrel were chas ed behind the driver
ing each other around a bare tree called for the compant
rately in Interests trunk right on the campus, in dry for them to land. The
nt of Peace"- Michigan. manders led their met
aa "My spurs are slipping," said the the field. After circ
soldier, and Instructor W. France gave bleachers the machin
lated Press) him the horse laugh. sped along the group
ETIN "Chatter-chatter," said the squir- rods. The aviator tu
- The Versailles rel. ped near the ball dial
ig to the reports At the risk of tautology we repeat charge of the drilling
his afternoon, has that Michigan is dry. given the "at rest" co
points of the arm- The members of the signal corps men might examine 1
will nt h c-have obtained 30 slender Michigan ce- The aviators in the)
tary commanders. dar trees, stripped them of all foli- ed from their seats a
ns, it is said, will age and branches, left them naked as swer the many questio
xmany simultane- the truth, measured each one to a by the quickly gather
istice terms. uniform length of 25 feet (this was began their return tri
done by ununiformed men) and set a half hour.
them up in rows between the Medi-
29e-In the ab- cal building and the engineering ca-
.al announcement ble shops. Then the men donned
at widespread im- spurs; not the kind to keep the feet HASKS MUSTE
;ht that Austria's from slipping off the desk; these were
President Wilson for business only, to stick into the
Presden Wisonspongy cedar wood, to support them rRSDN
mistice and peace when they climbed the poles.-
ed to the Allied One difference between this practice SPECIAL HEALTH'
the answer of the ground and the Belle Isle Zoo was ADVISES USE OF
. be returned. that few people, if any, offered pea- TION
, however, there nuts to the performers. Instructor
France said that it took about 16 Washington, Oct. 29
ard d n hours' practice to make the signal of new cases of influe
ustrian plea, be- corps men proficient climbers but monia continues to sh
ex problems aris- that after about eight hours' labor the crease in army camps
)nditions that ap- squirrels became real clubby with try, particularly whet
oped in the dual them. ments are arriving.7
President replied ed tonight at the su

e of about 1,000
attracted to it
oaring motor.
was directly
a spiral descent
ut the length of
ad about 20 feet
e observer seat-
motioned and
ies to make way,
e company com-
n to one side of
ling above the
ne landed and
nd for several
rned and stop-
Mond. Those in
companies had
ommand that the
the bird.
plane dismount-
nd tried to an-
ons put to them
ed crowd. They
[p after resting



9.-The number
enza and pneu-
ow a slight in-
over the coun-
e new inter-
Reports receiv-

first time in three hours,
3quit holding hands, and it
onet tobring this about.
had finally wandered on
ipus and it was after 10

office for the 24 hour period ending at
noon today, showed that new cases of
influenza numbered 2,860, against
2,831 for the previous day, while there
was a marked increase in new pneu-
monia cases, 619 being\ reported
against 431 for yesterday. Deaths to-
taled 198 against 188 the day before.
Camp Cody, ,N. Mexico, again reportx
ed the highest number of influenza
cases. .

I 1111=11112W NUW 1111IrIU 11W
"Brute" Lamport led the yells at
- the freshman meeting yesterday with
such enthusiasm that the men took off
their coats when a Michigan locomo-
tive was proposed. THROUGH HUN Cf
Abe Cohn and "Bill" Fortune of the 1
Varsity reminded the class of '22 the
necessity of wearing pots and green W.A.A. Plans Tag
Herman August, '19, heatedly urged Day 7o norrow
the freshmen to uphold Michigan tra-
ditions and cited several examples in
which the frosh were at fault. Tomorrow is tag day-the day that
"Brute" did full justice to his job the Women's Athletic association is
as cheerleader when it caine to shout- out for members. If you haven't a
ing for the sophomores, and the "Yea' tag, just come prepared to buy one,
'22" at the close of the meeting showed for those Interested in sports will be
that Michigan's latest are there. fn e
. after you.
,IThe object of this association is to
increase the interest in athletics
among University women, and to furn-
ish a medium through which active
f Of LIBERTY B OUII co-operation in the department of
physical education may be insured.
The association has furnished the in-
$61,500 BROUGHT IN BY GREAT signa to girls who have won athletic
LAKES MEN AT CI- honors, and annually gives a banquet
CAGO and cotillon. At its dances, the asso-
ciation members have been admitted
Great Lakes, Ill., Oct. 29. - The at a special rate. Many good times
bluejackets from Great Lakes did have been afforded through this or-
wonderful work in- the Fourth Liber- ganization, which has for its main pur-
ty Loan drive. For this effective Co-pose the building of a clubhouse.
ty Lan riv. Fr ths efeciveco-Athletic honor points are given for
operation credit is due to Capt. W. A. making class teams, participation in
Moffett, commandant of ,he Great dancing festivals, squad leaders, a
Lakes with the approval and sanction perfect record and attendance in gym-
of Secretary of the Navy Josephus nastic work, and membership in the
Daniels. women's athletic board.
From the middle of September, in Tags will be sold at the flag-pole,
the period of preparation for the drive, Natural IScience building and Tappan
to the last minute of Oct. 19, seven hall and the Library. They will be
units.of Lieutenant Sousa's wonderful distributed in all the dormitories, sor-
.Great Lakes band, 31 men and a band- orities, and league houses this eve-
master in each unit, were covering ning to girls who have already joined.
the states of Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ethel Glauz, '19, is general chair-.
Indiana and Michigan. These bands man of the champaign.
"covered" from three to eleven towns
daily, and played with an excellence
worthy of the uniform. U FACTURE M
Captain Moffett's staff officer, Lieut.
K. S. Goodman, had direct command t elfw
of these band activities with the exe.--
cutive assistance of Chief Yoeman i l S
Earl H. McHugh.A
When the crisis of the Loan appear- ALLIES RECEIVE 2,500 CRAFT
ed at the start of the third week nine SINCE JUNE 1; SEND 150
band units were sent to Chicago and BOMBERS
they played virtually in all the wards
and suburbs of the city. Washington, Oct. 29.-Production of
The records show that 11,012 lib- amerian aircraft now has reached a
erty bond sales making a total of
$979,850 were traceable directly to the stage where it is being limited prac-
efforts of the sailors during the three tically only by facilities for trans-
days of their activity in the city, porting the airplanes to France. The
Not content with this co-operation, production of Liberty motors during
Captain Moffett sent his sons, George the month of October reached a stage
and William A., Jr., eleven and eight temnho coe ece tg
years of age, and'in one day they of 1,000 a week, a goal which had not
were chiefly instrumental In sales of been hoped for until December.
$61,500 of Liberty bonds. On the last The latest official compilations show
day of the Loan all Captain Moffett's that since June 1 approximately2,
eqhildren entered with zest Into the thatf sin Jupnes apoxialy 2,.
whirlwind finish and added $210,000 500 fighting airplanes of all descrip-
to the Chicago total. Janet, George, tins have been shipped to the Am-
William, Charles, the three-year-old erican forces in France. When it is
and Betty, all wearing the regulation realized that none of the belligerents
navy uniform added greatly to the en- at an one timesince the beginning
thusiasm and spirit of the "wind up." of the war has had more than 3,500
To make the story complete it must airplanes in actual service, the signi-
be added that the Great Lakes sailors, ficance of an American production of
out of their pay of $32.50 a month, 2,500 planes in five months, becomes
were patriotic enough to pay $2,500,000 apparent. These 2,500 planes includ-
for Liberty bonds, ed nearly 150 heavy bombers and the
remainder were planes of all classes,
U. S. Infantry Drill Regulations including observation machines and
The main divisions of the infantry day bombers.
are as follows: The smallest unit is '
the squad, composed of eight men, one Photograph Senior S. A. T. C. Men
corporal and seven privates. A pla- Pictures of 140 senior men in mil-
toon has from two to four squads, itary service here were taken yester-
and is commanded by a lieutenant or
a sergeant. A company contains day for the first section of the Michi-
two, three, or four platoons and gen- ganensian. Seniors in the engineer-
erally contains about 144 privates ing and medical reserve corps should
and three officers, a captain, chief in make applications to have their pic-
command, a first lieutenant and a sec- tures taken this week, preferably Sat

ond lieutenant. A battalion consists urday or Sunday as those days will
of two or more companies, and is com- be reserved especially for them. Sen-
manded by a major. A regiment con- iors not in service should not have
tains two or more battalions, and is their pictures taken for the Michigan-
commanded by a colonel. A brigade is ensian until they receive notification
commanded by a brigadier general, through The Daily. Swain has been
and a division by a. major general. added to the list of official photograph-
Wallace Harvey Dies of Influenza ,
Wallace Harvey, '18E, of Adrian, Athena Literary Society to Meet
died at Camp Meade, Baltimore, Md., Athena literary society did not meet
Oct. 18, of pneumznia resulting from
Spanish in'Auenza. Last July he was as was planned last night. At the
called to College Park, Md., and aft- next meeting, Nov. 5. Try-outs will
erwards was transferred, Sept. 24, to be held for the selection of new mem-
the officers' training camp at Camp bers. All girls interested in oratory
Meade. He was taken ill with inftu- are urged to try out. Each should be
enza there Oct. 7, and was seriously prepared to talk for not more than
ill before his parents were able to three minutes on some subject in
reach him. They brought his body to -which she is interested.
Adrian, where funeral services were Further notices will be posted on
held- the bulletin board in University hall..

cried the sentry, rind the
ng not, continued:
love you more than you
while. the girl countered:
I love you more than you

French Slowly Obliterate
St. Quentin to Ari

(By the Ass

t- "Halt," said the guard, and his
lia. bayonet pricked the manly bosom of
nd Him, and She squealed and both put
ete their hands in the air.
' a That's all.
rld _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Says Ship Orders Must Walt
zld Sydney, Australia, Oct. 29.-"One of
the things I have been commissioned
t to look after," said Henry Yule Brad-
te don, the first and lately appointed
to commissioner from Australia to the
to United States before his departure," is
ar. the Australian ships building in the
as' United States. There are 10 ships on
an order and so far only one has been
ve, delivered. If I find that these ships
an cannot be supplied because of the war
I will ask the people here to agree
with me that in these particular cir-
cumstances we shall be willing to
,, wait awhile.


troit Free Press of yesterday
this notice: all prescrip-
ing for morphine, 'codeine or
hich are authorized by reg-
physicians, for patients suf-
m influenza or any pulmon-
onchial disorder, may be re-
sided the physician has noted
escraption, "Repeat if neces-
his notice is a modification
>visions of Article 2, regula-
rlaich prevented the refilling
is prescriptions.
n stated that this notice had
ived by internal revenue col-
.iiam J. Brady.
r, druggists in Ann Arbor
eived no such instructions,,
they do, have no legal right
r prescriptions containing
gs. There have been many
where for some reason or
.ients were unable to get a
cription from their doctors
askeid to have their old ones.

Hostess House Praised by Many"
Ann Arbor can boast of an attrac-
tive Hostess house and anyone who
has been in Memorial hall will agree
that it could not be tpo highly prais-
ed. The art rooms to the right of the
main entrance are converted into
lounging and writing rooms for the
,students in service, The library is
used as a study hall and reading
rom. The corridors are filled with
flowers and plants sent from the Uni-
versity botanical gardens. Various
magazines and pieces of music are
provided for the men. Ann Arbor's
Hostess house would be an addition
to any military camp.
Francis Lowry Killed in France
Word was received of the' death of
Lieut. Francis Lowry, '17E, of Den-
ver, Colo., and member of Phi Kap-
pa Sigma fraternity. Lieutenant
Lowry was admitted to the Officers'
Training Camp at Fort Riley in May,,
1917, and sailed for overseas in De-
cember of. that year. For the last
three montis he has been doing aerial

'Assured by his special health com-'
mittee that the influenza masks should
be worn if the health of the students
of the University is to be maintained,
President Harry B. Hutchins request-
ed yesterday that all students and
members of the faculty continue wear-
ing the masks. This should be done
until the epidemic is stamped out,
says a letter received from the Uni-
versity hospital authorities. The com-
munication follows:
Urges Use of Masks
To the President of the University:
The special health committee ap-
pointed by you to consider measures
for the controlling of the influenza
epidemic advised, as a result of their
first conferende, the wearing of a face
mask. Previous to this time the mask
] had been worn by every one in the
University hospital for a period of
two weeks. This experience led us to
recommend their general use in the
Jniversity. Further experience of the
staff of the University hospital' has
been such as to make it seem advis-
able to submit a report to you. The
hospital has cared for over two hund-
red cases qf this disease in its most
virulent form. The meibers of the
staff have accordingly been exposed
many hours every day to the infection
and in spite of this fact none of the
doctors, with possibly one exception,
has come down with the disease. They
have all faithfully worn the mash.
The medical students, who have worn
the mask at the hospital, have also
been exposed; notwithstandi ig this,
but two of them have contracted the
We consider the observed disre-
gard of the order concerning the wear-
ing of masks in classes as a very ser-
ious neglect. While the disease is on
the decline here, it is sufficiently sev-
ere to justify this simple precaution
for the mutual protection of all, es-
pecially since the epidemic may recur
as it has done in other. places. We
know that the disease spreads by drop-
lets that pgss from one person to an-
other during talking, coughing and
sneezing, and that the simple matter
of wearing a mask as ordered is a
(Continued on Page Four)

London, Oct. 29e-Theri
the Austrians against tb
the Italin theater, app
weakening, according to
communication issued t
British 10th army contl
rance east of the Plave r
With the American A
west of Verdun, Oct. 29
The American big guns m
on the main line of the
the region of Confians to
so shelled a large enemy
centration in the neig
Mangrennes. The Confian
portant because it extend
many's principal commu
to Metz. The 'firing in t
of Conflans continued it
throughout the day.
Yanks Shoot 1500 P
When a troop concen
reported in the region of
ters and Mangrennes, the
turned in that direction,
dJectiles weighing approxi
pounds each.
At intervals, also, the
side the American lines
territory, around Spincoux
mary-Bourt, both inporti
With the American Arm'
of Verdun, Oct. 29 (11:1
Eighteen enemy airplane
down during the day by
aviators. Five America'
were lost in carrying ou
reconnoitering missions.
Verdun Front Ac
The artillery fire on
front was heavy today an
much machine gun fire a
of the Meuse river, espe
of St. Juvin.
Summary of War A
In the Italian theater, o
nearly 40 miles' from the
to the middle reaches o:
river, the British, Frent
ian armies are developin
cess an offensive agains
tro-Hungarians, and are 1
ing them from the mont
towards the Austrian froi
ican reserves are behind t
pared to aid the Allies w
portune moment arrives.
French Level St. Quent
On all the other battle
Allied arms continue to b
Belgium there has been li
Farther, south the French
uing successfully their pr
eling the old salient in t
around St. Quentin and Re
tional progress has been i
eral Debeny's troops, not
the violent resistance of ti
who all along the front
machine guns to retard t
of the French toward th
lines of railway communica
east. On some sectors t
are slowly retreating, b
are the French patrols pe
enemy to get out of contac
Seniors graduating t
from the literary college
members of the medica
should have their Mic
sian pictures taken as
the regular medical sen
pointments should be
the studio of either
Swain, Randall, or Re
Engineering reserve
should also make arran


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