Washington, Oct. 26.-To advance
seven miles against a hurricane of
German fire, machine gun bullets and
big shells, is not all glory and ex-
hilaration even for a United -States
marine. This is disclosed in a series
of vivid pen pictures of the tremend-
ous fighting in which those American
boys participated on the Marne salient
written by Major Robert L. Denig, of
the tmarines, to his, wife in Philadel-
phia. Major Denig and his battalion
took part in the great Allied counter-
attack on the Marne salient, July 18,
that started the Hun backward toward
Germany and began the disintegra-
tion of the German western front.
"To picture a fight," he writes, "mix
up a lot of hungry, dirty, tired and
bloody men with dust, noise and
smoke. Forget the clean swords,
prancing horses and flapping flags.
At night, a gas filled woods, falling
trees and bright, blinding flashes, you
can't see your neighbor, that is war.
In the rear it is all confusion. The
general told me "Hurry to such aplace,
all goes well, we are advancing!" His
staff miles away, all clean-one was
shaiving, another eating hot cakes,
we had not had a hot bite for two
.days. As I reached my jumping off
place wounded men, killed men, horses
blown to bits, the contrast! ',
Advance Without Food
Describing the marines' advance,
Major Denig goes on: "We were fin-
ally, after 12 hours' ride, dumped in
a big field and after a few hours rest,
started our march. It was hot as
hades and we had had nothing to eat
since the day before. We at last en-
tered a forest, a finer one I have nev-
er seen. Deer would scamper ahead
and we couldhave eaten one raw. At
10 o'clock that night, without food, we
lay down in a pouring rain to sleep.
"At 3:30 o'clock the next morning
Sitz woke me up and said we were to
attack. The regiment was soon under
way and we picked our way under
cover of a gas infested valley to a
town where we got our final instruc-
tions and left our packs. We now be-
gan to get a few wounded; one man
with ashen face came charging to the
rear with shell shock. He shook all
over,- foamed at the mouth, could not
speak. I put him under a tent and he
acted as if he had a fit.
"At 8:30 o'clock we jumped off with
a line of tanks in the lead. For two
"kilos" the four lines of marines were
as straight as a die, and their advance
over the open plain in the bright sun-
light was a picture I shall never for-
get. The fire got hotter and hotter,
men fell, bullets sun, shells whizzed-
banged and the dust of battle got thick.
A man near me was cut in two. Oth-
ers when hit would stand, .it seemed,
an hour, then fall in a heap.
Germans Set Trap
"About 60Germans jumped out of a
trench and tried to surrender, but
their machine guns opened up, we
fired back, they ran and our left com-
pany after them. That made a gap
that had to be filled, so Sibley advanc-
ed one of his to do the job. Then a
shell hit in a machine gun crew of
ours and cleaned it out completely.
"At 10:30 o'clock we .dug in-the
attack just died out. I found a hole
or old trench and when I was fiat on
my back I got some protection. From
then on to about 8 o'clock in the eve-
ning, life was a chance and mighty
uncomfortable. It was hot as a furn-
ace, no water, and they had our range
to a "T," Three men lying in a shal
low trench near me were blown to
bits. {
"I went to the left of the line and
found eight wounded men in a shel
hole. You could hear men calling for
help in the wheat fields. Their cries
would get weaker and weaker and die
out. The German planes were thick
in the air; they were in groups o:
from three to 20. They would look
us .over and then we would get a
pounding. One of our planes got shot
down; he fell about a thousand feet
like an arrow, and hit in the field
back of 'us. The tank exploded and
nothing was left.
"Well, we just lay there all through
the hot afternoon. As twilight came.
we sent out water parties for the re-
lief of the wounded. Then, we wond-
ered if we would get 'relieved. At
o'clock we got a message congratulat-
ing us, and saying the Algerians xvouM
take over at midnight. We then be
gan to collect our wounded. All the
time bullets sung and we prayed tha
shelling would not start again whilE
we had our wounded on top.
"We are now back in a town fo:
some rest and to lick our wounds. A
I rode down the battalion where one(
companies 250 strong used to march
now you see 50 men with a kid seconm
lieutenant in command; one compan:
commander is not yet 21. In the figh
103 of the men in the compan:
that I brought over were killed o:
wounded. The second fight must hav(
about cleaned out the old crowd. WE
advanced 10 kilometers, with prison
ers and guns, and the bells rang it
New York for the victory, while well
dressed girls and white-shirted mei
no doubt drank our health in many f
lobster palace."
College Women Join W. S. T. C. woman students' training corps at faculty, the women took th
Chicago, Oct. 26. - Seven hundred the University of Illinois. After the corps and were givet
women have been inducted into the speeches by various members of the naires to fill out.
Philadelphia, Oct. 26. - Gathered
about Dr. Thomas G. Masaryk, presi-
dent of the defacto Checko-Slovac na-
tion and chairman of the mid-Euro-
dent of the defacto Zhecko-Slavoc na-
pean union, were representatives of 18
nationalities, numbering 65,000,000
people, all bent upon the same mis-
sion-the absolute crushing of the
dream of Mitteleuropa and the de-
struction of absolutism that rules in
the German and Austro-Hungarian
The conference was held about a
rough table in the banquet hall on
the second floor of Independence hall.
It was decided to send a motion to the
Allied governments and to the Presi-
dent of the United States stating the
nationalistic aims of each of the sub-
ject peoples represented at the confer-
ence. A hope was expressed that au-
tonomy would be granted to a state
comprised of these people in Hungary
beyond the Carpathians.
One of the principal features of to-
morrow's gathering will be the arrival
of the new "Liberty Bell," a full-sized
replica of the old memorial that
stands in Independence hall. In ad-
dition a number of smaller bells will
be cast, which will be given as a
token to each of the peoples that
throw off the yoke. The words of this
new declaration of independence will
be inscribed on each in the language
of the respective races.
You will viways find satisfaction by
adveritsing in the Daily.-Adv.
The Alumnus, a University publica-
tion that came out recently, forms a
link between the University of the
present and the University of the
The frontispiece is a picture of the
American University Union in Paris in
which are located headquarters for
Michigan men. The issue contains
many cuts. There are editorials on a
wide range of subjects among which
are the new Michigan Union, Bel-
gian relief, the fraternity situation,
the Law school, and the navigation
Prof. Claude H. Van Tyne, head of
the history department, gives an ex-
tensive account of his activities in the
educational campaign of the National
Security league.
A department has been inaugurated
containing letters from the front.
Among the letters is one from Prof.
Charles B. Vibbert, Michigan's repre-
sentative at the American University
Union in Paris, giving a vivid descrip-
tion of a night raid on Paris. There
is also an athletic column edited by
Coach Elmer Mitchell.
The former editor of the Alumnus,
Mr. W. B. Shaw, resigned just after
the August edition appeared and went
to Washington, where he was asso-
ciated with the commodity section of
the shipping board. He was transfer-
red in October to a California univer-
sity, where he is serving as assistant
to the director of the S. A. T. C. Prof.
John L. Brumm ie acting editor.
The Alumnus makes a special ap-
peal to the subscribers to send their
copy to someoneain active overseas
service after reading it, or to sub-
scribe for a couple extra copies to be
sent to France. Special rates of $5
are given for three one-year subscrip-
The draft board has receivd in-
duction papers for the following men:
Albert E. Daugherty, Emery T. Jones,
William Smittlinger, Allen M. Emer-
son, Donald J. Newth, Russell D.
Hank, Carl D. Nehls, and Arthus C.
These will be delivered to the com-
pany commander at once.
Fresh sweet Cider. 5c glass, 35c
Gal. Cushing's.-Adv.
Patronize our advertisers.-Adv.
The Students' Directory asks
' all fraternities and sororities
send in a list of members to-
gether with house address and
telephone numbers. Mail lists
immediately to Department A,
Students' Directory, Press build-
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