NE 7, 1919. THE MICHIGAN DAILY IPusic Notes Fxceptional Fine Line of Genuine Palm Beach Suits Hester Reed and Dorothy New will give a joint graduation rec: at 8 o'clock Monday evening, June at the University School of Music The program will consist of the b lowing numbers: Sonata, Op. 109.........Beethov Hester Reed vell ital 16, e. Pol- ven I .l AT THE THEATERS - TODAY - Lake will play opposite him. Tom Moore is his own charming self in "One of the Finest" which will be shown tomorrow and Monday. He plays the role of a handsome young auto cop who stops a speeding chauff- eur, saves the heorine, Senna Owen, from an accident who has him "broke" for his impertinence. Only an Irish- man would have the keen love of a fight and a sense of humor to meet what happened then, and Tom Moore surely lives up to these requirements. Buy your Trunks, Bagas, and Suit Cases train F. W. 'Wilkinson. Trade ' your St.- II r. $15 TO $20 I OPENING FOR CO Six more men can E take charge of Farmer in one county for Ju September. Fair addre bility necessary. Agri ence not essential. Go men. Instructor here 1775 at once for conf Tenais ackta and Ii's P'harmww y-,"v Summer is here. Old Sol insists that you wear cool Summer Suits, Palm Beach and Kool Koth Suits will feel real comfortable. New Style ideas are shown in a variety that will please all men who appreciate good looking coolfitting apparel. We urge early buying however, so as to afford you the best possible choice. Presude a Mer...........Arensky Prelude, and Fugue..... .. ... Bach Eclogue....................Liszt Scherzo, Op. 16..........Mendelssohn Dorothy Newell Prelude and Fugue .............Bach oldfish ..................Debussy Mazurke....................Liszt Hester Reed Variations serlenses ....Mendelsshon Dorothy Newell r l ) MaJestie-Mme. Olga Petrova in "The Panther Woman." Cases from F. W. Wilkinson. Trade ins's P~anuacy.~-A4v. Arcade-Bert Lyteli in "Black- ie's Redemption." I - i -11 1ISUNDERSTANDlING EXISTS ABOUT SECUR~IG ALLOWAN CE WHITE FLANNEL TROUSER $8.50 There has been some misunder- standing as to the .means qf ex-serv- ice me obtaining the extra allowance for traveling. Either the original dis- charge, or a copy certified by a re- cruiting officer must be sent with the application. Copies certified by a no- tary public will not be accepted. Forms for application may be ob- tained now at the Knights of Colum- bus rooms over Calkins' drug store. t f . Wuerth--Bllie Rhodes in "The Love' Call." Orpheum-Bryant Washburn In, "Venus of the East." i Picture Framing ,we carry a complete line of mouldings and all stock. Our picture department is up-to-date in al spects and lve can sale you money. See our line of canoe paints. We solicit student patr MRRORS L.E. WENZEL Swi PHONE 84 207 E. LIBERT A "OOL BATHING SUITS $4.50 Rock, .pair Athletic Silkymull Union Suits $1.50 and $2.00 shubertaorrIek, Detroit-Jessie Bonstelle company in "Yes or No." AT THE MAJESTIC The Sal of Base Batt Gloves continues at Wesr'; flookstor.-Md mitts a Univers F. we AL Gross 309 S. MAIN MAJESTIC MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly-All Shows Sunday LAST TIMES TODAY MMe. Petrova - in The Panthcr Woman - A Shows at 3:00; 1:00; 8:30, Phones : Theatre 29&M Mgr's Res., 231&-M a'd tT pl How big business relaxes and spends its swollen profits on the mid- night pleasures of Broadway is vivid- ly pictured in "Mary Regan" which is the first National feature to be shown at the Majestic with Anita Stewart starring. The dates are"June 8,9 and 10. Miss Stewart has the part of a young girl whose mother .was a socie- ty woman and whose father is serving a penitentiary sentence, for theft. She has determined to live so that she may clear the reputation of her family name and repay her father's debt to society, She has refused to to marry a detective because she is unwilling to have her husband share the stigmaof her father's name. Peter Loveman an attorney, is the head of one of the gangs which dress- ed in evening clothes prey upon the wealthy. He sees in Mary an ideal tool. She is young, beautiful, educat- ed and refined. He decides to use her in throwing his net over Jack Morton, the son of a rich man and inclined to be wild. These events lead rapidly to much more exciting ones= which prove to be the biggest scen~s in the picture, and offer Anita Stewart remarkable oppor-I tunities for exceptional acting. Canoeing and Picnic Parties. You will find at our store a fine line of Pickles and Preserves, Patted Meats for Sandwiches, in fact the makings for the I Sat-7-Bert Lytell in "Blackie's Redemp. tion" and Big-V Comedy, "Humbugs and Husbands." Sun-Mon-8-9-Tom Moore in "One of the Finest" and "Smiling Bill" Parsons in "Midnight Alarm." Tues-Wed - 10-11 - Earle Williams in "The Usurper;" Star Comedy, "Fun in a Flat" and News Weekly. WUERTH THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Sat-7-BILLIE RHODES in "The Love Call." News and Comedy. Sun Mon -8. - TAYLOR HOLMES in "Taxi" arid a two-reel Charlie Chap- lin Comedy, "Police."' Tues-Wed-1O i-WILLIAM FARNUM in "The Man Hunter." Also Lloyd Comedy, "Pistols for Breakfast" and News. - COMING/- HENRY B. WAITHALL in "MODERN HUSBANDS" 1, AT THE ARCADE 11 One of the delightful Blackie stor- ies, "Blackie's Redemption" will be shown at the Arcade today and to- morrow with Bert Lytell as the star. Nearly everyone is acquainted with the character which Jack Boyle has so ably created for the Red. Book. mag- azine. Blackie is remarkably human and Bert Lytell is about the most na- tural actor on the screen today. Alice o Why should you buy an Electric Iron? Here is good reason: To press your clothes, keep them trim and i you feel better and you know you look better, have the p perous appearance, you know. You are judged more by the appearance of your clof than whether they are the latest fashion. Let us help you select the Electric Iron for you from complete stock. THE DETROIT EDISON COMPA WILLIAM AND MAIN STS. ANN ARBOR finest kind of a lunch. I I yer & Whilker ORPHEUM THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Sat-7--BRYANT WASHBURN in "Venus of the East" (Ret.) with a News and Comedy. Sun-Mon-8-9--CARLYLE BLACKWELL in "Courage for Two." Mutt and Jeff Cartoon, "A Shell Game" and Ford Weekly. Tues-Wed-0-I11 -- ALBERT RAY and ELINOR FAIR in "Words and Music By" and "The Silent Mystery" No. 4. " - COMING - " "REBELLIOUS BRIDE" I Attend the Upper Room Bible class this evening and hear Mr. Robert Mc- Candliss sing. The hour is from 7 to 8 o'clock.-Adv. " - .mmmmmm m 114-116 E. WASHINGTON Don't Forget I VFRT it r' a a Leave Copy at The Dita WAXTID -Six more men for another to take charge of "Farmers' purse" during July, August, tember. Good pay to right air address and reliability s Agricultural experience ssary. Instructor here to- one 1775. -A county agent in each pper Peninsula counties to extinguishers to business mers, autoists, etc. This is ble outdoor work which you e permanent. Address Fire in Sales Corporation, 23 Ave. West, Duluth, Minn. -25 students to work during in Machine shop, Wood shop embly departments. Apply ase at Broadway plant, Ann FOR RBNT FOR RENT-Rooms for summer school, also for next'year. Shady and cool for summer; new steam heating for winter. Newly furnished, fine location, two blocks from cam- pus. Call 1579-J. TO RENT-For coming year to in- structors or upper classmen two fine suites in private home, cen- tral and modern. Telephone 786. FOR RENT-For summer months, five-room furnished flat, lower floor, modern conveniences. 311 S. Fifth Ave., Phone 2415-J. FOR RENT-For the summer term, two rooms in a strictly modern house one block west of the campus. Phone 1878-M. FOR RENT - Furnished apartment during summer school session. Cut- ting Apartment No. 14. Phone 352-M. FOR RENT-The Daily ena rent any vacant property for you. Try it. gratify &H !- wvas Toa mn WANTED-To rent a canoe for sum- mer or buy. Kern 2438-M. LOST LOST-Cigarette-holder in case, am- ber with silver-filagree, between Caulkins and Engineering Arch. Re- ward. 1423-R. LOST- Dark green knit sport coat taken by mistake from fourth floor of Chem. Bldg. Call 188. LOST-A black riding skirt lost in Barbour gym. Finder please call 400-F2. LOST-Gold Elgin watch with Buick fob. If found call 2652. Reward. O SALN FOR SALE-Complete law library in splendid location nearby. Business location very excellent. Good pro- position if taken at once. Establish- ed business of twenty years. Ad- dress C. B. Atherton, Gen. Delivery, Durand, Michigan. FOR SALE-A Yost Typewriter, $4.50. One display plateglass show case. Phone 2357-M between 2 and 5 P. IlgILLAg OUS SUMMER EMPLOYMENT,,STUDENTS. YOUN MAN to assist in selling "Home Photography" at fashionable sum- mer resorts in northern Michigan. Prefer one .who has had previous selling experience. Lee F. Redman, 472 Kercheval Ave., Detroitfi, Mich. That we still have plenty of those GENUINE CORDOVAN OXFORDS (Packard make) and 11 the price is still $10.00. el. Calf and Vice Oxfords, $6.50 to, $9.00 Campus Boolery 304 S. STATE STREET T - Small family, l 'take furnished all furnished house Address Box D, A full line of Tennis Shoes