THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JUNE 7,1 June 9 open invitation affair in hie trans- tion's history. Golfers , which section of the country1 >f the St. mitted to participate in t the first tournament. the associa- from every will be per- he one week WAR CHANGES EGYPT'S oVoPOLITICAL RELATIONS j II PrEcrENT r"ll1UlDERlS IN r VALLEY EXPLAINED BY DELEGATE NILE Are You Insistent BECAUSE (By Associated Press) Paris, June 5.- A statement con- cerning the present disorders in Egypt, explaining the situation from the viewpoint of the agitators, has been given to the Associated Press by Mohammed Mohmund Pasha, a member of an Egyptian delegation of 20 which is here to ask the peace con- ference to recognize the independence of Egypt. Mohammed Mohlmoud Pasha was at one time governor of the Suez Canal and later governor of the pro- vince of Behiera. He with three other leaders of his party were deported recently to Malta but were sreleased after a month and came on to Paris. His statement follows: "The political status of Egypt un- derwent a great change, owing to the war. International relations between Egypt and other countries must be re- arranged, and the British protectorate which was proclaimed at the begin- ping of the war and which has never been accepted by the Egyptian people, was a war measure and cannot stand after the termination of the war. "All these questions which emanat-s ed from the war can be settled by the peace conference only, and a proper settlement necessitates the hearing of Egypt's voice therein. For these rea- sons the Egyptian delegation was em- powered by means of mandates from all classes of the Egyptian people to come to Paris, plead the cause of their country before the peace conference, and request therefrom the recognition' of the independence of' Egypt. "But the delegation' was prevented by the British authorities from leav- ing for Europe, and the Egyptian min- istry which was in complete solidar- ity with the people, resigned early in March last. No Egyptian was found to form a ministry, and for this bank- ruptcy of British administration in Egypt, the delegation was held re- sponsible. "The chairman, Saad Zagloul Pasha, former minister of education and later of justice, and now vice-president of the Egyptian legislative assembly; Is- mail Sidkey Pasha, former minister of religious endowment; Hamed El Basil Pasha, one of the leading Bedouin chiefs and a member of the legislative assembly; and myself were arrested on March 8 and deported to Malta without any charge or inquiry. "The Egyptian people almost to a man demanded our immediate release and the immediate departure of the delegation for Europe. Their indigna- tion reached a very high pitch when they saw in this violation of individ- ual liberty an attempt at depriving Egypt from enjoying the liberal prin- ciples of President Wilson, and they also saw that all the enormous sac- rifices which, in the language of Gen- eral Allenby, were to a very large ex- tent responsible for the decisive vic- tory over the Turks were in vain. "Representative Egyptians from Alexandria to Assuan lodged a stern protest against such a treatment. Young men and the students made peaceful demonstrations, but the Brit- ish troops opened fire at them. Yet the demonstration continued and the fire of machineguns and rifles con- tinued also. A very large number were killed in Cairo and the, provin- cial cities, "This revolution is a national move- ment against a foreign domination, which is abhorred by the entire Egypt- ian population. Mohammedans and the Christians are in absolute accord. The Egyptian movement is neither relig- ious nor anti-foreign, nor instigated by Germany or Turkey. It is a deep rooted desire on the part of all the inhabitants of the valley ofdthe Nile for the attainment of the independ- ence of their country." Douglas, Aged Polo Enthusiast, Dies New York, June 6.-"William Proctor Douglas, 'member of the first Amer- ican polo team ever organiedz, and widely known as a yachtman of the old school is dead at his home here after a long illness. He was 77 years of age. Follow the crowd to LYNDON and you'll get LATEST MODELS in KODAKS FRESH EASTMAN FILMS and the BEST AM- ATEUR FINISHING IN THIS COUNTRY. 719 N. Uni7ersity Ave. TRAOD *"RG. AUS.PAT . .. Women who appreciate better Shoes--will appreciate the choice new creations we are now showing and es- pecially our New Colonial Pumps. Air.d e sime Dinners are so hard to equal. Slyle No. 1604, comes in French Kid and Patent Price $8.0 and $9.00 Our Sales organization is qualified to fit you We Feature Fit inteUigently Walk - Over Boot Shop 115 S. MAIN ST. U THEY SAY as old Wave oming In the meantime you should get into a pair of our white Serge or flannel trousers-and enjoy the waiting. line- We have your size in our ready-to-wear PALM BEACH SUITS Yes, we can supply your needs-either in a ready-;nade or made-to-your- order suit-in a wide variety of materials, Comp ip and look then over. J. K. Malcolm 604 East Liberty St. Malcolm Bilk. U -~ ry of Your Study Lamp Summer Price Coke IF you were studying by an old smoky oil lamp and suddenly a mnodern, sun-like MAZDA lamp were thrust into the room, the contrast would be dazzling. That instant would unfold the result of thirty years' development, research and manufacturing in electric lighting. is Almost Gone And this development commenced with Edison's first lamp-hand-made, when electricity was rare. The General Electric Company was a pioneer in foreseeing the possibilities of Edison's invention. Electric generators were developed. Extensive experiments led to the design and construction of apparatus which would obtain electric current from far-away waterfalls and deliver it to every city home. With power lines well distributed over the country, the use of electric lighting extended. Street lighting developed from the flickering arc to the great white way. Electric signs and floodlights made our cities brilliant at night, searehlights turned night into day at sea, and miniav ture lamps were produced for the miner's headlight and automobile. While the making of the electrical indus. try, with its many, many interests, was developing, the General Electric Com- pany's laboratories continued to improve theincandescent lamp, and manufacturing and distributing facilities were provided, so that anyone today can buy a lamp which is three times as efficient as the lamp of a few years agc. Those who desire to buy the hidglwst grade Coke at the lom'r est price for this season slwiddl I purchase at once. r 0 0 10 0 1 0 ra rEectric SchenectadyN.Y UniV995-N n WI an Ijtta ( Itt Qh'mpni.