Th.MICHICAN. DAILN e r Will son is - J1 ffiLLL21 I - - 16 OTH ARRIVE IN LArfi FOR PRESERVATION aising, Mich, June 2.-The battle a and standards of the 119th Field .llery regiment of the 32nd divi- , made up almost entirely of bigan men and one 'of the organi- ons which acquired considerable e on the western front n France, e been received in Lansing and to be preserved. Col. Walter G. :ers,quartermaster general of Mich- a, has received the colors and sug- :ed that cases for their preserva- , such as shield the colors of the o's civil war regiments, be pro- ed. M AJESTC IAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly-All Shows Sunday TODAY ONLY, Mabel Normand -- in -~ I News From The Other Colleges I Western Normal-A blind girl wbo has com'lleted her course at Western Normal, Kalamazoo, has secured a position to each seeing children next year. Despite 'the fact that she is de- prived of sight she has completed her work at Western with distinct honor, and has participated in all the school activities with the same keen interest that has characterized the work of her fellow students, and now has re- received her appointment at her own request, since she much prefers to teach children who can see. Cornell-Reduced railroad rates are to be in effect for graduates re- turning for the semi-Centenial celebra- tion at Cornell, it has been announc ed. 'Alumni returning will get round trip railroad tickets for two-thirds of the regular price, paying full fare to come to Ithaca, but will receive a tick- et there entitling them to one-third of the regular price for return. Furdue-The Y. M. C. A. carnival is to be the last student festivity of the year at Purdue. The "Y" carnival will typify "Ye old time country carnival" every single feature. of the produc- tion being worked out in every detail I "eMICKEY"~ ARCADE Shows at 3:00;oo 7:; 8:3o Phones . Theatre, a296-M Mgr's Res., 2316-M Sf AT THE THEATER." Tues-Wed----4--Nazimova in "The Red Lantern;" Star. Comedy, "Expert Elop- er" and News Weekly. 30c. (Shows at 3:00, 7:00, 9:00). Thug-Fri--8-6--Alice Brady in "TheHl low of Her Hand;"Christie Comedy, "O, Baby," and Ford Weekly. Sat-7-Bert Lytel in "Blackie's Redemp- tion" and Big-V Comedy, "Humbugs and Husbands." ^'1 in in such a way as to intimate the typical scenes of the old fashioned country fair. A military tableau is tot be one of the big features, rendered in memory of Purdue men who served during the war. Mlnnesota-Eleven girls have signed up to enter various events of the an- nual swimming tournament to be held at Minnesota. There is a list of ten events, plung for distance, 20 yard dash, 20 yard breast stroke, 20 yard back stroke, 50 yard free style, diving for objects, bobbing 20 yards, under- water swin 20 yards, fancy swimming, and fancy diving. Yanks Lager For Educational Help Paris, June 2.-(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)-Scores of thousands of American soldiers eag- erly have grasped the opportunity to attend the schools which the army now is providing for all the men of the American Expeditionary Force, under the direction of the Educational corps. Men in some cases are working eight, ten, and twelve hours a day at military duties and then studying at night in the post schools, tired in body but doggedly determined. . In some cases they have voluntarily worked at night so as to be alowed to attend a lecture or school session in the daytime. Illiterate men who havie been taught to read and write often ask permission to take ther dog- earred primers home with them when their divisions start for America. Thousands of such men have been started on the road to education in the past few months. Practicality is the key word of all the educational courses. The soldier is not going to school merely for the "fun of it." 'He wants results that will help him with his job back home and he is getting them. Vocational train- ing is an important and successful feature of the post school and there are few trades that are not taught in some of them. In the academio course, history, English and mathe- matics hold the major places. If there is sufficienit, demand for the teaching of a given subject it is plac- ed on the curriculum. SOCIAL DIRECTORS FOR RESIDENCES APPOINTED A IA uld Oak Park. While in Ann Arbor she will work for her doctor's degree. Miss Brock comes to Alumnae resi- dence from Saginaw high school. She will assist Dr. R. T. Crane and will work for her master's degree in the University. Miss Lucy Elliott, present director of Newberry, will resumeher teach- ing in Detroit next year., Mrs. Mar- garet Wallace ofAlumnae reside 0 will rejoin her husband who has re- cently returned from overseas. We do our okn Copking and guarantee Courteous Try our home-made Ties and Cakes SERVE-SELF 1121 S. Open 6 A. M. to 12 P. M. Saturday night until 2 A. M. Tel. 2642. irrY rfIrWMY OREN'S a i - TODAY - I IJ ; ' ' WUERTH THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Majestic - Mabel Normand "Mickey." Arcade -Alla Nazimova in "The Red Lantern." DYS BRQCKWELt, Trap" with a Lloyd the. Woods" and a al feature, "Earth's E GREY in "Whe. Wuerth- Gladys Brockwell "The Divorce Trap." Orpheum - Corinne Griffith "The Unknown Quantity." in in n"The Love -- COMING - TAYLOR HOLMES in "TAXI" ORPHEUM THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Tues-Wed--3-4-CORINNE GRIFFITH in "The Unknown Quantity" and "The Silent Mystery" No. 3. Thurs-5-WILLIAM S. HART in "Sel- fish Yates" (Ret.) with a News and Comedy. Fri-6---DOROTHY GISH in "Battling Jane" (Ret.) with a News and Comedy. - COMING - "REBELLIOUS BRIDE" op Kato. Mat.25-50 as. Thur. GARRICMat.-is-se ad sat. DETROIT 50c and 75c The Bonstelle Co. "YES or NO" Shubert-Garrick, Detroit-Jessie Bonstelle company in "Yes. or No." AT THE AROADE "The Red Lantern" featuring Alla Nazimova . will be the attraction it the Arcade today and tomorrow. Nazi- mova's work in this picture is said to, surpass anything she has ever done for the screen. This distinguished Russian star in "The Red Lantern" plays a dual role the personalities of which are as widely different as the poles. One is Mahlee an Eurasian girl and the oth- er is Blanche, her English half sister. Mahlee is a brunette and. Blanche is a blonde, and it is said that this is the first time during Nazimova's career that she has practiced the deception of appearing as a blonde. + "R' i i , 27iistimtngs~~ql gpersonalik ist r~e q NAZMuI. I Miss Hope Conklin, '10, of Ann Ar- bor, has been appointed social direc- tor of Helen Newberry residence for next year. Miss Gertrude Brock, '17, of Ionia will fill this position for Alumnae residence. These appoint- ments were made at recent meetings of the board of governors of New- berry and Alumnae residences. Miss Conklin has had several years' experience teaching in the high schools of Ann Arbor, Houghton and !iii RI in &hitfWherry's TODAY, AND TOMORROW I' I The Arcade naturally had to pay a high rental price for this splendid tion, and therefore finds it necessary to slightly increase the price of ad 1 Adults 30c, Children 10c Shows at 3, 7 and 9 or -A RETURNED BY TO DAY POPULAR DEMAND O NLY Mable Norman in 66 You will never forget her pranks, adventures, hardships, loves and sorrows TOMORROW -THVRSDAY 0 Lina Cavalieri "A Wornan of Impulse" SEE THE. PERl L OF HAVING A DEAVTIFVL WIFE "WELL I'LL BE" Select Comedy 1ALIEI ' IAmpmuu.flsae' SVNDAY- 3 DAYS et R ANITA STEWART In "East Lynne, with Variaon Sennett Coumedy