THE ;MICHIGANIDAILY war w ...r.r.Mr.. .., I <4 1G ELS ..momm.. . T e . . .__.... "' rrr.ry+ r """" . "',.... I111 i - - 7-1 - - N4 -IMP 8 ' 1 the' Weathe r Man by wearing one of our UL S Palm Beach or Kool Kioth Suits 1-4 -J WADHAMS AND COU. STATE ST. STORE4 This VICTORY LOAN BO0NDS $4.00 per week will purchase a $100.00 Bond $2.00 per week will purchase a $50.00 Bond We will be very glad to oarry thern for you Farmers and Mechanics Bank 101-105 SO. MAIN ST. 330 SO. STATE ST. (Nickels Arcade) Member of the Federal Reserve Satisfaction Has Veen Our Most Successful Accomplishment ( Next Season W e Shall "Carry - On" --this Idea Alivays 1h OP 2 Short- Uppermost. Cut . .. To, The Arcade Jewelry Shop I..' W.hat are you going tp 'owithYour t3 ewhriter tam- ing vacation? S$ome are exchanging their heavy nachjis f r n Corona portable, domne are storing?th ypewrim;r -with me, having hOmcleane and ut t °d o4wrking condition for the coping Schaal y r, others are selling. My facilities are uneqiualled for meeting your requirements. 0. Do MQRRJLL, 117Nicels Arcade "Everything ,for the T'ypewriter" '-4 CARL F. BAY / , Maestic where you Suits Riding Breeches A FewGodLa ookr for Review O{3 's LaW Quizzer, 27 Subjects. Willis on Contracts. Whitipan's LW Quizzer, 32 Suib's. An~son on Contracts. 41' W Fd' Pllocl, on Coitraicts Tiffany Real Property Mashall on Corporotious Real Custom Tailoring Original Designs r D. E. GRENNAN 'I see T. I. BIDDLE FOUNTAIN PEN INK BLUE BOOKS y.. .. At least keep your feet cool. Alkx. the best Pictures AtIfrri' 3i.LJubil, 3w. I- Certainly- Our7/oun tain ou10ke iill Plase you, sanitary fountain service cannot be excelled. RAY'S BETSY ROSS SHOP. Our 60.62 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL, After july 15 Nickels Aroade ANN ARBOR 10 1 Washington Blvd . DETROIT first eveloplng 14c Print S e, 4e, Se Films Developed and Printed SY T88 MOST INIPROVZD ME'THODS We have the best equipped shop in the city Leavelfimsibefore 9.a. in. Get your prints at five p. gyn. the same day Kodak Departmeni ARCADE FILORAL SHOP POST OFFICE SUB-STATION OPen cycry day, except out ~ ay .fr~ 0a? za. to pP . m Studeuts pat~ronize The Dalyr jv ieso pper for Khsbga a mm. re Copy rra "4a ahBets A-61t-DVERTIN( LearejjCepJ at 4imyaid The Oetta I W.ARJT" NTED-Six men to take charge of armers' Short Course in one county, !liability and fair address necessary gricultural experience not essent- 1. Phone 1775 today for informa- on (not here tomorrow). Ins truc- r will meet you Friday and Satur- ly. NTED-For July, August, and Sep- mnber, ;furnished rooms with light use keeping privileges or furnish- )house for three ladies. All mod- ,n conveniences required. Send of- rs to Mrs. A. Minier, 1028 Church ~TED--Canoe in good condition. ust be treasonable. Brown, 211 S. galls.' 849-W. ITED -- Set of drawing instru- znts. Call 1967-J. M. E. Sakls- ry. rTED-Two waiters at once. 620 nth State St. 231. FOR SALN FOR SALE-Complete law library in splendid location nearby. Business location very excellent. Good pro- position if taken at once. Establish- ed business of twenty years. Ad- dress C. B. Atherton, Gen: Delivery, Durand, Michigan. I F'OR SALE-Fairbanks with leather case. $60.00. Guitar $3.00. & Cole banjo $20.00, worth Phone 330-M. MILLION ASSOCIATE MEMBERS GOAL SET BY BOY SCOUTS Campaign to Enlist Aid of Children's Parents in Scouts to Start Next Week To enroll 1,000,000 associate mnem- bers of the national council is the purpose of a nation wide campaign to be waged by 'the Boy Scouts June 8th to 14th. This campaign is to enlist the aid of the parents of children in further- ing the Boy Scouts of America, which has for its basis the. proper training of American boyhood so as to incul- cate in them the duties, obligations, ideals, and, conception of American citizenship. Ann Arbor Quota 1,000 In Ann Arbor, it is hoped to enroll 1,600 members, each paying dues of $1.00 or more a year. Persons pay- ing $2.50 or more will receive a year's subscription to "Boys' Life," the Scout's magazine,. Mr. M. A. Ives is chairman of the local citizens' commiittee, Other com- mittee chairmen are: Newton a P et- FOR RENT TO RENT-For coming year to ta- structors or upper classmen two ifine suites in Wiyte~ home, cen- tral and modern. Telephone 736. FOR RENT-Rooms for men, next year. Steam heat, fine location.1 First class in all respects, 727 Oak-3 ter, church; G. MacTaggart, Scout demonstrations; Ray Basset, adver- tising; Roscoe 0. Bonisteel, Chamber of Commerce; and H. J. Abbott, fin- ance. Subscriptions will be taken by the citizens' committee and the ]otary club. To Give Demonstration Demo sir tiAns will be, be given by the Scouts on $11 days in front of the Court Hou~se. Throgh- out the campaign, exhbitions wil be placed in store windows. On S~4tgr- day, June 14th, a. decd day meet will be held in the afternoon and in the evening a joint exhibition by Ann Ar- bor and Ypsilanti troops in the High school auditorium. ENGLISHl CARRIER- PIGEONS NOW BEING DEMOBILIZED London, June 2.--Demobilization of English war pigeons and men who care for' them in France has taken place, with tbe exception of birds and men selected for the 4ymy of Occu- pation. About 10,000 birds tGhat had served their country faithfully were sold JA France and Belgium and the proceeds of ,kale divided among chari- table instttuatons 91 those countries and England in Accor@#aj with the the .wish of the breeders who h. do- nated the pigeons to the British army. Many a n; owes his life to the rapid flight of a pia from na broken- down seaplane. In the J)t~e of *~es- sines 1,00 pigeons were used to carry messages, not a single one of which OPENING FOR COLLEGE MEN A place for six men to take charge of Farmers' Short Course in in one county, July. August, and September. Reliability and fair address essential. Agricultural experience not necessary. Phone 1775 for °information today (not hare tomorrow). Instructor will Met you Friday and Saturday-AdY, Scieno. has prved that uewape~er advertising pas' best. T44 oasrash all the students and faenity through The Daily.-Adv. .4 IFOR SALE-Victrola and 18 Records. +IUsed 2 months. 615 Monroe., 2146-M. LOAT SST--Gold watch in basement of Engineering building. Name on fob. .all 302-M. 609 E. Univ. Ave. Re- ward. ,LOST--On North Thayer and Wash- ingto'n, three one dollar bills. Find- er pleatse call 1223J. LOST - Gold bar pin with platinum' tog set with Wore sapphires. Re-' ward. Cal 8 276-J. LOST-A sorority pin set -with pearls, with name and number on back. Quality Service D eveloping Films you leave them at Qua rryDu cos Prescription Dru-g torf A~~~~~~4tN BpJR~4~S~~T4J .U1~sTY4hTJ I