THE MICHIGAN DAILY "1"J, 3L"1m i1 RL JOHNSON EARNS 121-2 POINTS IN MEET (Continued from Page One) higan, fourth; Rollins, M. I. T., b. Time, :10. 20-yard dash-Won by Haymond, insylvania, Moore, Harvard, sec- Clark, Princeton, third; Cook, higan, fourth; Davis, Pennsylva- fifth. Time, :21 3-5. 10-yard dash-Won by Mayer, Cor- L;. Terrill, Princeton, second; Rice, ;gers, third; Stewart, Yale, fourth; ;der, Syracuse, fifth. Time, :49 ile run-Won by O'Connell Har- d; Crawford, Lafayette, second; Dermott, Cornell, third;, O'Leary, iell, fourth; Raymond, Princeton, h. Time, 4:23 3-5. :alf mile run-Won by Mayer, nell; Gustafson, Pennsylvania, sec-. ; Shaw, Columbia, third; Turner, acuse, fourth; Coakley, Dartmouth, i. Time, 1:56 2-5. SedgwIck Third in Two-Mile; 20-yard high hurdles - Won byI th Cornell; Watt, Cornell, second; wbridge, Princeton, third; Savage, vdoin, fourth; Bellerjeau, Rutger, 1. Time, :5 1-2. 20yard low hurdles - Won by' th, Cornell; Watt, Cornell, second;, age, Bowdoin, third; Fraser, Penn- ania, fourth; B. Trowbridge, iceton, fifth. Time, :24 1-5. wo mile, run-Won by Dresser,1 nell; Goodwin,' Bowdoin, second; gwick, Michigan, third; Hutchin- Harvard, fourth; Dudley Yale, . Time, 9:22 2-5.; Smith Fourth In Hammer unning high jump-Won by Lan- , Yale, height, 6 feet 2 inches, apton, and Johnson, Michigan, tied second at 6 feet 1 inch. Ramsey, "Not how soon LEAVE YOU 713 East Uni or at Quarry' Fo S W Cornell, and Krogness, Harvard, tied for fourth, 5tfeet, 9 inches.byWl, Dartmouth; distance, 143 feet 2 1-3 H inches; Dandrow, M. I. T., second, 137N feet 5 inches; Murphy, Dartmouth, 137 IA M feet; Smith, Michigan, fourth, 183 feet 55 1-4 inches; Stevens, Harvard, fifth, 132 feet 3 1-4 inches.oSoldier Johnson Takes Broad Jump and Relatives Require Expert Pole vault-Won by Myers, Dart- Handling mouth, height 12 feet 6 inches; New- stetter, Pennsylvania, 12 feet 3 inch- HUNDRED EMPLOYES READ es; Harwood, Harvard, Landers, DAILY MAIL OF DEPARTMENT Pensylvania, Brackley, Rutgers, and Parker, Yale, tied for third at 12 feet. Washington, May 31.-More than a Shot gut-Won by Allen, Maie, ton of incoming mail daily, and near- 44 feet 6 1-8 inches, Braden, Yale, ly much outgoing mail, has made it second, 45 feet 5 1-8 inches; Baker, necessary for the bureau of war risk Michigan, third, 43 feet 55 inches; insurance to build up a postal system Clark, Harvard, fourth, 41 3-8 inches; of its own larger than is maintained Smith, Michigan, 40 feet, 5-8 inch. by any single institution except the Broad jump-The men scored points post-office in the United States. An in the same order in which they qual- announcement today by the bureau ified yesterday as follows: said an average of 80,000 persons Johnson, Michigan; Lee Gendre, write daily, inquiring about allotments Georgetown; Flower, Harvard; Lan- and allowances, insurance policies, or ders, Pennsylvania; Davis,' Pennsyl- compensation payments, or remitting yania; Smalley, Pennsylvania. Dis- checks and currency as premiums on tance, 23 feet 10 1-2 inches insurance. This also means that each letters must be answered and that GENERAL STRIKE IN CANADA makes an outgoing mail of 80,000 let- EXPECTED TO CLOSE SOON ters. Requires Hundred Readers Winnipeg, Man., May 31.-With ar- Since the bureau has 13,000 employ- bitration conferences actually under es and 36 divisions devoted to var- way on the basic industrial dispute ius phases of the bureau's work, the of the general strike-the walk-out o opening, reading, sorting and deliv- the metal trades-and hundreds of ery of these letters to the proper di- employes returning to work, gradual visions is a task requiring more than settlement of the civic and industrial 100 employes. tie-up, which has been almost com- Mail is received every half hour, and plete since May 15 was beginning to- most of it is opened by machinery day, according to government officials. and tied in bundles for delivery to the Edmonton dispatches indicated re- first set of readers. The readers per- sumption of publI service functions use each letter to ascertain to what is now complete there although strike division it. should be routed, check headquarters asserted workers in 32 up to see that the envelope contains trades were still out, the check or bill which the letter may say it contains, and that the return Advertise in The Daly.-Adv. address is on the letter a well as the envelope. Thousands of letters come without return address making it dif- ficult to trace them. Hundreds of en- but how good" velopes contain currency without let- ter or address to identify them. Many Are signed by an inadequate name, such R FILMS AT as "Mrs. Smith," so that identification must be worked out laboriously by .versity Ave* clerks. Use Form Blank s Drug Store When letters give insufficient in- formation upon which a reply may be based, a form setting forth all the necessary~ information is sent to the writer. Outgoing letters are sorted accord- ing to the states for which they are you'll get the best results destined and tied in bundles and plac- ed in separte sacks before leaving the bureau in order that they may be more rapidly handled in the federal -,post-office. II to Young Men NV [ASITESV mployment CAMPAIGN foR ECRUiTS racation. FEAR RELEASE OF 150,000 MEN MAY CRIPPLE n opportunity to earn SERVICE devoting your time to Washington, May 31.-To prevent the Navy being left in a crippled con- diton when the Peace Treaty is sign- s. Write us for our ed ,atomaticaly releasing 150,000 men froma service, the Navy Depart- ment will wage n intensive recruit- ing campaign as soon o 4Congress de- y & C o.termiesow large a navy w"ll be Capt4n Leigh, chief of the Bureau T BANKERS of Navigtkon, Friday explained to the House Naiv4 2Cpmmittee that 100,- Detroit, Mich. 000 men in the reguia iyyy and all except 25,000 of the Nvl espypya would be recalled when peage i 4 e- clared, and that only 126,900 would be left. He declared this number would be "entirely insufficient" and would })ave the Navy "in a dangerously crip- plad condition."Secretary Daniels has Studentsrecne ed a Navy of 250,000. Uosgress p y be asked, Captain Leigh said, prye for a two-year enlistment ternm t.o Aftilate recruit- rAYO%%E CLUB HOLDS SECOND Gral Public ANNUAL BANQUET SATURDAY The Bayonne club et ayonne, New upon the Campus except 'ePgey, held its second a etal ban- n forbidden by the Board 1jt t the Catalpa Inn Saturday th PublicAct. No. 80 of eveat, ,Darold Herman, '21, acting as c Act b .l 2 oft1907. oastmaster.. The farewell speech of: ~ At N. 32 o 'd07*.Pes. Samuel yprsky was followed .cution under the terms of by a letter from gsiniel E. Epstein, and Grounds Department '17L, former president of the club. Regents to enforce this The history of the club was reviewed.. nReentiys toenfor e This was followed by Russian songs .ns are entirely separate sung by Charles Gitlin. The officers inance relative to riding .fir next year are: Benjamin M. Kline, =president; Abraham Kenigson, '21, vicoe-president; Harold Heiman, '21, PARDON, secretary; and Joseph Linder, '22E,f assistant secretary.' ildings and Grounds. ar Science as proved that newspaper advertising pays best. You an reach all the students and faculty through T'n'*'_.A Av_ BILLIONS TO BE SPENT BY FRANCE IN RECONSTRUCTION WHAT'S GOING ON Railroads to Receive Large Share of Proposed Reclamation of TODAY Battlefields 6:30-Union service of the Young. ---~- People's Guilds at the Methodist Paris, May 31.-"France will spend church. Farewell address by N. C. about 4,000,000,000 francs on new pub- Fetter, Jr. lic work, besides about 3,000,000,000 7:30 First M. E. church. Song serv- francs for the rebuilding of railroads ice. in the devastated regions," The Asso- 10:30-Presbyterian church. "Satis- ciated Press was told today by M. factionsbyeron bLord. "ar- Claveille, minister of public works. factions" sermon by Leonard A. Bar- "Our program," said the minister, rett. "calls for the electrification of 5,200 10:30-First Congregiatiopnal chulrch. miles of railroad, the building of 3,500 "My Ideal Church," by Lloyd C. miiles of local railroad lines and tram- Douglas. ways, the rebuilding of 6,000 miles ofh 10:30-Zion Lutheran church. Stell- national roads and about 60,000 miles horn, pastor . of other highways that were ruined c: rg-an .A esshytLetM by the intensive army traffic or de- congregation. Address by Leo M- stroyed by mines and shell fire. We Franklin. have also," he added, "more than 2,000 bridges to rebuild, 12 tunnels that Tomorow must be practically rebored and a 7:00--Meeting of the Varsity band at great many culverts to be replaced. I the School'of Music. estimate the amount of material re- 7:00-First dancing lessons under quired for this work at ten million Roy Hoyer at old Union. tons." U-NOTES 3ichiganensian staff members who wish to attend the All-publications banquet next week at the Union must sign the list at the offices be- fore Satur ay. Fraternity wards meet at 7:00 COUNCIL OF FOUR SAYS NO MOD- Tuesday in Union. IFICATION POSSI- BLE Chicago Defeats Wisconsin Stagg Field. Chicago, 111., May 31. (By Associated Press) --Rallying in the ninth inning the Paris, May 31. -- The greater part Maroon baseball team succeeded in de- of the objections raised in the Ger- feating the Wisconsin nine by a score man counter proposals have, in the of 4-3 here today. opinion of French diplomatic circles, already been set forth in separate zngmvg W platemp g a German notes and duly answered by Specialty-Brtug your card plate to the allies. Consequently ,it is said, Wabr University BookstorE.--Adv. there -acn be no modification of the peace terms, and there is no necessity for verbal discussion in which the Berlin government desires to involve the allied powers. - Hun Time Expired It is understood the council of four will agree in taking this view in an- swering the Germans. The German peace delegation has been notified that since the period of delay expired at 3 p. m. Thursday, no further notes will be expected from the delegation. It became known that the German counter proposals were accompanied! com by a letter, apparently written by Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau. It is more conciliatory and adroit than the counter proposals which were elabor- ated by the Berlin government. It re- fers to the sacred character of treat- ies, disavows the Brest-Litovsk treaty made with Russia, and concludes with the folloiwng phrase: IkWe shall only undertake those ob- Mre o e C ligations which we are sure of keep- lng, because it is the German people 2_S9 FOURTH AB wlio in the last resort will give itsF T assent to the treaty"_,_._ _. .,.._..., iDAILY ANSWERS THOUSANDS OF CALLS ON BIG SPOUT EVENTS Entire Campus Shows Keen Interest In Michigan Teams Competing Away From Home Telephones in offices of The Mich- igan Daily kept up a constant ringing throughout the entire afternoon and evening, with the efforts of people on the campus and in the city, to learn the results of the big athletic events in which Michigan was entered. All three of the affairs, the base- ball game, the track meet and the tennis tournament, proved big draw- ing cards for information. Despite the fact that Michigan did not win the coveted first In the track meet, ex- pressions of joy were felt when the public learned that the Wolverines had placed above schools like Yale. BERNSTORFF TO BE NAM"E AMBASSADOR TO ITALEES Rome, May 31.--The Berlin corres- pondent of the Corriere d'Italla wired Friday that Count von Bernstorft will be appointed German ambassador to Italy. Daily advertising is a direct meas toward a prottable end.Adv. Shorthand Typewriting Bookkeeping Hamilton Business College State and 'William Sts. Ic Gleanu Pany_ / to develop and print--then obtainable. Position open t I 4 t VE. PHONE 208 who wish e during v We will show you a $100 or better weekly by selling investment stock proposition. J. W. Sib INVESTMEN' 612 Penobscot Bldg. I To Universit Paris, May 31.-The allied and as- sociated powers, the Paris newspapers declare, unanimously will accept no important modification of the peace terms as a result of the German counter proposal. The allies also will reject all verbal dWscussion. Will Reject Offers The Echo de Paris says the answer of the peace conference to the coun- ter proposals will be very short. The answer will reject almost entirely all the German suggestions the Excel- sior says. V Paris, May gL-Premier Clemen- so Inj ceau, as president of tbw peace con- ference, today replied to the last two German notes. The official state- 'ne4fs on the replies have not yet been isued NEWARK CJ MEBTAB 910 1CII00L 01 AD A E Michigan propaganda was piange4 by the Newark, N. J., club at a ban- quet held at the Delta on Thursday evening. Graduating high school so- niors of Newark are to be met by the members of the club and urged to 4 pj 6,iichigan. At the same meeting , following officers were elected for the comig year: Pres., C. Baccaro, '21D; vice-pres., W. Kruger, '20; secretary, S. Meyerson, '20; treas- ure, E. A. Stanchi, '22M. AUSTRUN "$ i'ORECEIVE TERMSAUfF.EACE MONDAY Paris May 31.--The Austrian Treagz 1will be submitted to the Austrian del- estes at St. Germain at noon Mon- day at t e ponclusion of the secret plenary session of te Peace Confer- ence. The meeting at 16 p. m., after a session lasting twO hours and a quarter. Make Pitures wile ta sun shines. ]resh Films at Lyndon 1N I. Uni- Drithw .-dvt.tfI n mfit hta A v Are~ sisten~ ru GAUSE tr. Ilesimers' r Irv 1 PEI School CI and the Gen Bicycle riding anywhere in regular driveways has been of Regents, in accordance wi 1905 as amended by Publi Violators are subject to prose these Acts. The Buildingsa has been instructed by the legislation. These regulatio and distinct from the City or bicycles upon sidewalks. - dow-m f e ejs teak Dinners are so ~har4 to equal. E. C. Superintendent Bui I