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(Continued from page one)
being caught at home Parks then
took secondandtraced home ahead o
the captain of the team on Knode's
homer. Cooper reached first on a sin-
gle and gained home by a drive from
Bowerman's bat.
Illinois Unlucky in Seventh
Illinois held the Wolverines score-
less until the lucky seventh when
Knode and Bowerman crossed the
pan. Parks lead the rally with a
single to first, but was put out at sec-
pud after the third baseman collect-
od Knode's hit and hurled it to
Cooper continued the rally by dou-
bling! Bowerman followed with a
single, scoring Knode. Cooper was
tagged at home in an attempt to steal
on an infield hit. Garrett singled and
Bowerman raced home
Rooters Cheer Illinois
The fllini rooters endeavored to en-
courage the home team to start a ral-
ly when they came to bat by singing
the campus songs and rooting for Il-
The attempt on the part of the spec-
tators was unsuccessful for the Illini
nine was held scoreless by the Wol-
verines for the entire nine innings
Following is the accout of the game
play by play
First Inning
Captain Knode who lead the Mich-
igan batting. order, opened the game
with a single and stole second. After
accepting two strikes Cooper con-
nected for a drive to second which
Baklage muffled, allowing Cooper to
Teach first and Knode to make third.
With one strike and one ball called
on Bowerman, Cooper took second.
The big Wolverine fielder was hit by
the thrid ball pitched, filling the
bases. Knode scored the first run
of the game on a passed ball and
Cooper and Bowerman advanced one
base. Garrett fanned, Karpus was
thrown out at first, and Cooper was
called out on an attempt to steal
Kissinger, the first man up for 11-
linois, drew a pass. Eliehl sacrificed
and. Kissinger went to second. Doss
struck out after feqling Parks' offer-
ings for a series of ouls Ingwerson
failed to make first and Deihl follow-
ed suit, endin the inning. Score-
Michigan 1, Illinois 0.
Second Inning
Langenhan was called safe at first.
Froemke sacrificed, sending Langen-
han to second. Huber found Arrow-
smith for a clean three bagger
which scored Langenhan. Parks hit
.to outer field and the Michigan catch-
er was caught on the way home.
Parks took second and raced home
ahead of Knode following the latter's
homer. Cooper rolled one down the
third base line and made first. He
took second on a passed ball and scored
the fifth run for Michigan on a wild
throw by Arrowsmith. Bowerman
Johnson was retired for Illinois on
a short fly and Barklage was sent
back to the bench on a long aerial to
# Langenhan. Kaiser walked but was
left on first as Kopp ended the inn-
ing with a third fly Score-Michigan
5, Illinois 0.
Third Inning
Garrett opened the inning by strik-
ing out. Karpus also fell a victim to
Arrowsmith's ' strikes. Langenhan
walked. Froemke drove one to Kis-
singer who got his man by a perfect
throw to first.
Arrowsmith, first man up struck out'
for Illinois. Kissenger drove one to
Garrett which he found too hot to'
handle, Kissinger being safe at first.
Diehl and Doss succumbed to. Parks'j
curves. Scotre-,Michigan 5, Illi-
nois 0.
flied to right field.
Kissinger out, Garret to Froemke.
Diehl s ruck out. Doss followed suit. KWIN MARKS
Score-Michigan 5; Illinois 0.
| ~Seventh Inning '%
Parks started with a single, Knode TEN RETURN
hit to third, while Parks went out.
Knode stole second. Cooper contin-
ued the rally by doubling. Bowerman la Outit Centered About Johnson
followed with a single scoring Knode. Plaes e at Top of
Coper out at the plate tryin to make Conference
home on the hit. Bowerman scored
on overthrow to first, when Garrett SAME STARS NOW BIDDING
singled. Garrett went to second on FOR CURRENT CHAMPIONSHIP
passed ball. Karpus ended the inn-
ing by flying to center. Michigan's return to the Confer-
' Inwersen walked.' Johnson next once last season was marked by un-
man up, hit into a double killing, usual success in every way. In both
x Garret to Knode to Froemke Barklage the indoor and the outdoor Confer-
hit to Garret who juggled the ball ence meets the Maize and Blue team
long enough to allow Barklage to carried off the honors and was by
reach first. Kaiser lifted one to cen- far the class of the Big Ten.
ter for the third out. Score-Mich- One of the best stars that has been
igon 7, Illinois 0. seen in the track world in recent
Eighth Inning years, Carl Johnson, was the main-
Wrobke went in to relieve Arrow- stay of the team and in meet after
smith in this inning. Langerhan out, meet he succeeded in winning three
short to first. Froemke out third to or four firsts. His number of brok-
first. Huber, out short to first. jen records runs up above 10.
Kopp was out on a fly to deep cen- Runners Enter Service
ter, Langerhan making a beautiful The team was broken up a bit
catch. Wrobke out, Knode to when several stars left for service but
.Froemke. Froemke took acre of Kis- ;Michigan's opponents were also weak-
inger's grounder unAssisted. ened and with several men who could
Ninth Inning be relied upon to take first places in
Parks started this inning by driv- every meet, the fact that the Wol-
ing a single out of the infield. Knode -verines won every contest that they
was retired at first unassisted, Parks entered is understandable.
going to second. Cooper struck out, In her initial appearance against
but Kaiser dropped the third strike Conference teams Michigan succeed-
and had to play Cooper at first, retir- ed in outstripping all the rest in win-
ing him there. Bowerman went out, ning the Big Ten meet held at Illi-
short to first. nois. A nine man team took the trip
Diehl opened the last half of the to Urbana and won 24 points. Carl
ninth by fanning. Doss also went out. Johnson was the individual star tak-
ngwersen ended the game by retir- ing firsts in the high and low hur-
4ng on an easy infield fry. 4es and the high jump. The gres
two mile relay 4eam placed second
to Chicago. Zoellin got a second in
the 75 yard dash and Cross second in
the pole vault. Haigh tied with
DLLJohnson for first place in the high
MY Bjump and Baker took a third place
do the shot put Johnson equaled the
DEPENDS UPQN SUPPOUT GIVEN 'record for the Illinois gym in the
BY ALUMNI, FOR COM- Team Gains Confidence
PLETWN The success of the team in the first
met gave the team confidence and the
if the alumni financial support of the improvement was rapid. Notre Dame
new Union program turns out as it is was met a week later in a dual meet
hoped it will, the swimming pool will and Michigan emerged with the vic-
be completed by next August, at least tory by a score of 57-38. The Wol-
in time for the opening of school next verines won 9 out of 11 first places ald
fall. If the needed funds are not got enough seconds and thirds to win
raised the students will have to wait by a comfortable margin. Johnson
an indefinite time before getting the again won the high jump and the hur-
advantage of a swimming tank on the diles and Sedgwick ran true to form
campus. and copped the mile. Cross showed
Is 75 by 30 Feet considerable improvement but could
The natatorium is 75 feet long by 30 not succeed in out-vaulting his rival
Rademacher of Notre Dame and this
.feet wide, being 5 feet wider than the event was tied. After the meet the
D. A. C. pool in Detroit, and varying team assembled and elected Donnelly,
from 4 feet in depth at one end to 9 the distance runner, to captain the
feet at the deepest spot. It is to be team.
finished with white tile on the bottom Chicago was outclassed in the next
and sides and the walls of the room clash.of the year and Michigan ran
will be of cream tile to a height of 5 away with a score of 57-20 Chicago
fee. Te ladders are of brass wih a could win but two first places, one in
composition covering on the rungs the mile and the other in the 440.
Rain water will be used entirely for Johnson was again the star of the
the pool, being the purest water ob- meet equalling two gym records and
tainable, free from all dirt and bacter-
ia except that which is acquired from
the air. The rain water for the tank
is being collected already and stored
in a resorvoir at the side of the Un-
ion buildingr
Water Changed Often
Three times a week the water will
be drained from the pool and pumped
through a sand filter and then ranS a tu
back into the tank again. In this
process any chemical purifier necess-
ary is added.
Tests made where this method was an
in use showed that water having been
used again for six or eight times was
purer than the best water obtainable
Each time the water is changed the
pool will be thoroughly scrubbed.
Amerkm Ln e
St Louis 9, Detroit 7.
New York 6 Washington 5.
Boston 6, Philadelphia 4.
Cleevland 2, Chicago 5.I
National League
Cincinnati 5, Pittsburgh 10.
Brooklyn 3, New York 2.
Philadelphia 6, Boston 1.
Chicago 2, St Louis 1.i
hlatter's Up; Church Out
New Yoirk, May 3i.-Vestrymen of B U SY
fashionable St. George's voted to ad-
vance church hours so fans might get
an early start to Snnday ball games.
Students read The Daily.-Adv.
copping another first. Chicago was
unusually weak and in some events
Michigan won all three places
Wins Big Ten Meet
Michigan carried off the honors in
the Northwestern Conference meet by
getting 42 points to 22 of Chicago and
6 of Wisconsin. Johnson was the in-
dividual star of the meet, tying Con-
ference records in the 60 yard dash
and the 60 yard high hurdles, and
winning the high jump. Cross of Mich-
igan won the pale vault and Baker
the shot put. Sedgwick and Donnelly
got second and fourth places respec-
tively in the mile.
The first appearance of the track
team in any outdoor meets took place
in the Drake relays. Michigan was
not very successful in this competi-
tion and won only second place in
the half mile relay.
Johnson Seores at Penn
Johnson was the only man on the
team to take the, trip to the Penn re-
lays and won eight points, getting
first in the broad jump and second in
the hurdles
The loss of three stars who enter-
ed the service, did not keep Michigan
from winning an easy dual meet from
Notre Dame by the score of 86 1-2 to
48 1-2 Johnson, the perpetual star,
coped four Brsts in this meet In this
meet he tied the record in the 100
yard dash. Johnson did not enter
the high Jump but won in the broad
jump. In the indoor meets he had
not entered this event but because of
Michigan's strength in the high jump
he changed to the broad Jump in
which he was much stronger.
Maroons Downed Again
Chicago again went down In defeat
to Michigan by a score of 87 to 48.
The Maroons won four firsts and
Johnson also won four firsts. The
Victory over Chicago made a victory
in the Big Ten meet almost certain.
In the last meet of the year whch
was the Stagg meet at Chicago, Mich-
igan once more proved her superiority
by leading the Conference by a large
Sisler .Proves
Valuable .Asset
Michigan's Oldest Book Store
' = =1
Leather diaries with lock
Michigan banners and pillows
M watch fobs
Michigan rings set with pearls
Fine Stationery
George Sisler, former Michigan
baseball star, is considered of the
most value to his team of all major
league first basemen, by Fullerton's
dope card.
Although Hal Chase is undoubtedly
the stellar first baseman in baseball
today, Fullerton explains that in final-
ly figuring out his dope he gives Hal
second place to George Sisler.
When Sisler was playing on the
Wolverine nine ahe won fame as a
pitcher and still holds his place among
the best pitchers in the game today,
but besides working on the mound for
the St. Louis Browns he covers the
initial sack.
Washington, May 31.-Repeal of the
luxury tax section of the war revenue
bill was considered today in the house.
Chairman Fordney of the ways and
means committee, said favorable ac-
tion on the repeal resolution seem-
ed advisable.
Michigan seal hat pins
Seal Braceletts
Michigan souvenir spoons
Coffee spoons with seal
Leather writing sets
Fountain pens
Photo albums
Michigan song books
M book racks in oak and in mahog
Tk* Students patronise The
advertemp -lot.
-:= _0
Fourth Inning
Huber singled to third. Parks sac-
rificed. Knode also sacrificed Huber
going to third. Cooper grounded out.
Ingwersen for Illinois grounded out
to second. Johnson hit to Garrett, who
nailed his man at first. Barklage
flied to Knode. Score - Michigan 5,
Illinois 0.
Fifth Inning
Bowerman went ont on a fly to
third. Garrett flied to second. Kar-
pus skied to right field.
Kaiser for Illinois lifted one to cen-
ter. Kopp gave Langenhan a put out.
Arrowsmith struck out Score -
Michigan 5; Illinois 0.
(Formerly Sheehan & Co.)
Book Sellers to Michigan Students
More than One Half a Century
Sixth Inning
a struck out. Froemke hit
it was out at first. Huber1