THE WEATHER PROBABLY SHOWERS TODAI r e , t rt 4attx ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AD NIGHT WI SERVICE VOl XXIX. No. 173. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1919. PRICE THREE CITY HONORS DEAD *IN lMANY fERYICE5 ON MEMORIAL DAY DETROIT CLERGYMAN DELIVERS ADDRESS IN HILL AUDITORIUM BOIH CIVIL AND WORLD WAR HEROES EULOGIZED Civil War Veterans Aided by Distribute Flwers at Cemeteries ScoutsI "Memorial Day is a memorable day. It has been celebrated since 1868 un- der various conditions and circum- stances, but never has been one like this, when all hearts are still re- joicing at the victory which has just been won," said the Reverend Joseph Vance of Detroit, who delivered the principal address of the evening at the Memorial exercises held at 8 o'clock Thursday evening in Hill audi- torium. War Ideals Consistent "The issues for the four great wars of America have all been the same; that principally of self-determination of peoples. This outstanding passion of Americans has given them triumphs in the Revolutionary, Civil, Spanish- American, and present wars. The readiness to defend liberty character- ies American spirit and in all of our wars this trait has always been pres- ent," he continued. "The American soldier is the in- carnation of American spirit and dar- ing. His onrush to death won the war earlier than had been expected. His fearlessness of danger resulted in a large loss of life, but the saving made by not prolonging the war, easily made up for this." The Reverend Vance then told of the 'estimation with which the Amer ,Can soldier was held by the allies and concluded by describing the soldiers' gay courage and daring. Few Old Veterans Present Only a few Civil war veterns were present at the services, but a large representation of World War veterans were in the seats reserved for them. Twenty-six seats, decorated with flow- ers and flags, represented the men from Washtenaw county who made the supreme sacrifice. The Friday evening services were opened with a prayer by the Reverend Sidney Andrews and were closed by' the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner.", Graves Decorated Decorating the war' heroes' graves in the morning, firing a salute in front of the court house at noon, and hold-! ing a memorial meeting at the Armory ' in the afternoon, the Ann Arbor post! of the G. A. R. paidtribute yesterday to those who have given their lives for their country. At 11 o'clock parties made up of Civil War Veterans as-' slated by boy scouts started for the' St. Thomas cemetery, the Forest Hill1 cemetery, and the Fairview cemetery in autos laden with flowers. Slightly after noon the 47th Co. of the Michi-' gan State troops commanded by Capt. Sodt, fired a salute to America's sol- dier dead. Local Attorney Speaks An appeal to everyone to guard the{ American principles that have been mnade sacred at the cost of so many lives was the key-note of the message given by Frank E. Jones, local attorney, the1 speaker of the occasion. SOCIETIES DEBATE l FOR CUP TONIGHTP The Alpha Nu and Adelph fresh-p man debating teams will meet for the only campus debate of the year at 8x o'clock this evening in Sarah Caswellt Angell hall. "Prohibition of European Immigration," a topic of special in-a terest at this time, is the subject for discussion. Both of the well-matched teams are eager to win the lovingt cup offered by the Delta Sigma Rho8 honorary debating fraternity. TheI members of the Alpha Nu team are:1 Wilber M. Seeley, Claude Van Patten,3 and Robert Ritter, while the Adelphib representatives are: Joseph C. Mor- .ris, Louis Gottlieb, and Myer Baron. The judges are Prof. Thomas C. True-t blood, Registrar A. G. Hall, Prof. E. S'blood, S'blood! Daily Slaughters Gargoyle Again Piling up just 10 more runs than its erratic opponents. The Daily swamped the gargoyle baseball team by a score of 18 to 8 yesterday morn- ing on Ferry field. To describe the spectacular flaying with justice would require a vocabulary worthy of Ringl- ing's best sideshow ballyhoo-er. Varsity Diamond Used The Varsity diamond proved too del- icate a scene for such fast works at The Daily exhibited and Phil Bartelme asked that the place of action be trans- ferred far away from the bleachers. Although this request was not very considerate of the watching crowds, his request was complied with. Terrific hitting piled up four Daily runs in the first inning, and for five innings Harry Carey's vicious drop kept the saddened wits from tallying more than three runs. In the mean- while, the newspaper men continued brilliantly, adding to the total. Gargoyle Pitchers (I) Many Each side used numerous pitchers, but for opposite reasons. The Daily wanted to give all of her men a chance to show what they could do, while the gargoyle's box-men were replaced just as fast as they were knocked out. Reed Bachman started out but he found that if he took an inhale with his windup the smoke from his "Home Run" got in his eyes when he made the delivery, so he quit in disgust. Mr. Everett really did do very well and held The Daily down for a few inn- ings. But unable to make the super- human effort that was necessary to continue, he finally gave way. to the Varsity (?) pitcher, Kimball. We won- der what the Senior Engineer would have said if he had seen Walt Riess, the gargoyle manager, being congrat- ulated by the whole Daily team upon his choice. Suffice be it to say that The Daily lineup went around several times that inning. Ump Almost Succumbs Pat Hogan, the umpire, had his troubles. No wonder he was foaming at the mouth when he frequently saw such things as Daily base runners pushed off first and then tagged, and infielders performing a sort of "shim- mie" to hold runners till the ball ar- rived from the outfield. After a gar- goyle runner had been tagged by a Daily baseman and called safe because the umpire said it was unintentional, cries of "We want Lovell," rent the air. The doctor was wise; he kept on the sidelines. Pat passed out in the sev- enth from heat, but a hurry call for water brought him back to earth.. Gargoyle Lineup Elusive One of the mysteries of the game was the gargoyle lineup. It was shifted at will. Some innings, their three heaviest hitters were the only ones that batted at all, although one or two runs may have been scored. Half one inning, they played in the field without discovering that they were minus a rightfielder. Several Daily players reached first in one inn- ing while Kimball was quenching his thirst. Steve Aattwood in left field did some wonderful running and hitting. His work evoked shouts of "Fat, fat, fat, Attwood" from The Daily cheerers. It is rumored that he lost 15 or 20 pounds of weight during the game. Kimball Accidently Good Kimball tried to get away from one of Harry Carey's fast ones and in so doing, he accdently hit a home run. Trying to prove that he meant to do it, the next time up he broke the best bat. The fielding sensation of the day was the double play from Carey to Baxter to Carey. This proved beyond a doubt what possibilities there are open in professional ranks for these men. Carey played an errorless game until the apeparance of several sorority damsels. The maids were noticeably affected by the errors of their favorite. The Daily team as a whole showed itself a more finished and better balanced organization. As previously remarked, the gar- goyle lineup was more, or less a mat- ter of conjecture. The Daily lineup at the start of the game was as fol- lows: McManis, c; Carey, p; Landis, lb; Baxter, 2b; Merz, ss; Schneider, 3b; Attwood, If; Bernstein' cf; At- kinson, rf. Ensemble is Brilliant In the words of the fashion page,. the colorful and picturesque costum- ing lent a cheeful and gay note to ;/ Bronze Fountain, Gift Of Alumnus, To Be Unveiled BRONZE DRINKING FOUNTAIN, GIFT OF ALUMNUS TO CITY. EAST JORDAN DATERS CHAMPIONS Of MICHIGAN WINS FROM DURAND H. S. MINIMUM WAGE QUESTION ON East Jordan high school won the state championship of the Michigan High School Debating League last night at Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The successful contestants upheld the negative against the Durand high school debaters, on the issue of whether or not the State of Michigan should adopt a schedule of minimum wage for unskilled labor, constitution- ality waived. Follows District Meets The contest was the culmination of some 70 district meets, and brought as its reward a handsome silver cup. The decision, which stood two to one in favor of the negative, was reached by Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, Dean Edward H. Kraus, and Registrar Ar- thur G. Hall, who acted as judges. League in Second Year Professor Holister in introducing Prof. W. D. Henderson, who acted as chairman, praised his work in fos- tering, through the Extension Depart- ment, the state debating league which is now in its second year. The East Jordan team made up of Conrad Hughes, Gertrude Hockstad, and Reo Bockes, and the opposing Durand trio, which included Baxter Fair, Robert Chick, and Celma Simonson, hotly con- tested the argument. Late Wire Briefs (By Associated Press) London, May 30.-England is threat- ened with a country wide police strike. The metropolitan police of London are balloting on the question. The Liverpool men already have voted to stop work next Monday. London, May 30. - Premier Lloyd George in his speech to the Welsh di- visions at Amiens declared, according to the South Wales Daily News: "We say to the Germans, 'Gentlemqp you must sign. If you don't do so at Ver- sailles you shall do so in Berlin. We are not going to give way."' Parkersburg, Va., May 30.-One sol- dier was killed and five others seri- ously injured, one probably fatally when the five rear coaches of a Balti- more and Ohio passenger train No. 3 were derailed at East Monroe, Ohio. Washington, May 30.-Hearings on the eligibility of Victor Berger, rep- resentative from Wisconsin, to a seat in the house will begin before a house committee, June 11. 'WILSON PAYS TRIBUTE TO DEMOCRACY'S DEAD LEAGUE OF NATIONS COVENANT THAT MEN HAVE NOT DIED IN VAIN (By Associated Press) Washington, May 30.---President Wil- son in an address today at the graves of American dead in Suresnes ceme- tery near Paris said the league of na- tions was the covenant of governments that the millions who fell in the great war shall not have died in vain, and added that he looked for the time' when every man who now opposed the league would be just as ashamed of it as if he now regretted the unionpf the states after the Civil War. Old Standards Assert Themselves Declaring the standard of an older order are trying to assert themselves the President said those who sought to accomplish the return to "an order of which we are ashamed" must real- ize that- they cannot succeed because "the peoples of the world are in the saddle" and "private councils of statesmen cannot now, and cannot hereafter determine the destinies of nations." After paying tribute to the Ameri- can dead the ,President declared it would not profit to eulogize the brave men who fell in the war unless the lessons they taught were taken to heart. The American soldiers he said did not cross the sea merely to defeat Germany; they came to defeat forever the things for which the central pow- ers stand and to see to it that there should never be a war like this again. "For Us to Use Counsel" "It is for us, particularly, for us who are civilized," said Mr. Wilson, "to use our proper weapons of coun- sel and agreement to see to it that there never is such a war again. The nation that would now fling out of this common concord of council would betray the human race. "So it is our duty to take and main- tain the safeguards which will see to it that the mothers of America and the mothers of France and England, and Italy, and Belgium, and all other suffering nations, shall never be called upon for this sacrifice again. "This can be done. It must be done, and it will be done." Wilson to Visit Brussels Paris, May 30.-President Wilson sent a message today to King Albert of Belgium, assuring him of his inten- tion to visit Brussels within the next few days. A bronze drinking fountain, the gift to the city of Ann Arbor of the late Francis M. Hamilton, '69, mayor of Ann Arbor from 1905 to 1907, will be unveiled at Commencement time. The fountain is the work of the sculptor, Albin Polasek. Gift Is Bequest Mayor Hamilton, whose gift comes to the University on the 50th anniver- sary of his graduation from the liter- ary college,. is well remembered as a public spirited official who made the good of the city his constant con- cern. At his death in May, 1914, he left bequests to many good causes, and remembered both the city and the University. To the University he left the sum of $1,000, from which was established the loan fund called by his name; and to the city an equal sum to erect a drinking fountain at the corner of State street and North University avenue, on the northwest corner of the campus. Result of Careful Effort The charge has been executed with devotion and taste by Mayor Hamil- ton's sons and daughter, who have added $500 more to the gift, and have undertaken the installation of the fountain on a dignified base of gran- ite. Desiring to have the fountain a true work of art and not a mere prod- uct of commercialism, they turned to Mr. Robert Aitken, the sculptor of several beautiful works in connection with the exposition at San Francisco, who made a first sketch embodying the general idea which has been car- ried out: On Mr. Aitken's entering the army in 1917, however, he turned over the commission to Mr. Albin Polasek of Chicago, to whom the final design and the execution are due. Mr. Polesek is one of the distin- guished younger sculptors whose train- lug was completedat the American Academy in Rome, to the founding of which the University of Michigan contributed, and to which it owes some six members of its 'staff. Following an honorable mention at the Paris Sa- lon of 1913, he has reecived numer- ous medals and pries in the United States, and is represented by works in several of the leading museums. Rellefs Are Symbolic The three basins of the fountain are sunk in the top of a circular drum of bronze, surrounded by a procession of figures in relief, representing Youth, Labor, Poetry, and Philosophy. First come exuberant boys with cymbals, trumpets, and pipes, then two grace ful women bearing water-jars, a child with a basket of flowers, a young man with a scroll in hand and a maiden leaning on his arm, a grave young shepherd with his sheep, and finally a youth spreading a scroll of figures before a sage of noble and kindly mien. Above the top is the inscription, "Presented to the City of Ann Arbor by Francis M. Hamilton, Mayor 1905- 1907, University of Michigan Class of 1869." The sculptor writes, "It was my aim to make something dignified, with a touch of youthful delight," and the fresh young faces, with their touch of seriousness, admirably bear out his Intention. No banal interpretation of details is necessary for the enjoyment of the work, which makes its, appeal directly by its embodiment of the spirit of owrk and play, and by the rhythmical sweep of figures and drap- eries." Watch Bulletins For Scores Today Final arrangement for the play by play bulletins to be posted by The Michigan Daily, this afternoon, have been made. University students and the Ann Arbor public will be kept in touch with the progress of the Illi- nois-Michigan baseball game as each play is made. Special telegraphic arrangements between Champaign, Ill., and The Michigan Daily offices will afford the news. Bulletins will be posted in the offices of The Daily, beginning at 3 o'clock, and will be continued until the close of the contest.- All news received from the inter- collegiate track meet being conducted at Boston, in which six Michigan men have qualified, will not be received: until 9 o'clock Saturday night. Six WOLVERINES TO ENTER RACES IN EAST TODA BAKER, SMITH, LOSCH, COOK, Ai MEESE SHOW FORM FRJDAY AFTERNOON JOHNSON QUALIFIES FIVE EVENTS IN MEF Carl Beats Five Rivals in B oad Juu Making 23 Feet, 10 1-6 Inbchs in Trials (By Associated Press) Cambridge, Mass., May 30.-The U: versity of Pennsylvania qualified men today in the trials of the iUt6 collegiate track and field games. Mi igan qualified 12 events, Cornell Harvard and Dartmouth 9, Princet 7, Rutgers 6, and Yale 5. Michigan men qualified in seven the 10 contests, Carl Johnson, the W verine star, making the broad un running high jump, 100 yard da and 220-yard hurdles. Other menbe of the Michigan squad qualified as 4 lows: Baker in the shot put, Smith ha merthrow, and Meese, Losch, a Cook in the 220-yard dash. Summaries of Trials 100-yard dash-First three men each that qualify for semi-finals Si urday. First heat won by Moo: Harvard; Cook, Michigan, secon Davis, Dartmouth, third. Time, : 1-5. Second heat won by Haymoz Pennsylvania; Gourdin, Harvard, s ond; Kunkle, Lafayette, third. Ti :10 1-5.- Third heat won by Clai Princeton; Losch, Michigan, secon McCann, Georgetown, third. Tin :10 2-5. Fourth heat won by I. Gendry, Georgetown; Davis, Penns: vania, second; Rollins, Mass. In Tech., third. Time, :10 -1-. Fil heat won by Johnson, Miohigaii; t witt, Rutgers, second; Burwell, Syz cuse, third. Time, :10 1-2. Michigan Not in Half 880 yard run-First three men each heat qualify. First heat won Mayer, Cornell; Ruelsen, Co bia, second; McCoughran, Dartmoui third. Time, 1:59 4-5. Second he won by Gustafson, Pennsylvani O'Connell, Harvard, second; Turni Syracuse, third. Time, 2:00 - Third heat won by Shaw, Columbi Coakley, Dartmouth, second; 'enfie third, Princeton. Time, 2:01 2-. Smith and Baker in Shot Shot put-The following qualified this order: J. M. Braden, Yale, d tance, 43 feet 5 1-8 inches; W. Alen, Maine, distance, 42 feet, 10 6 inches; J. L. Baker, Michigan, d: tance 41 feet, 10 1-4 inches; C. Cla Jr., Harvard, distance, 41 feet, 3 inches; C. Smith, Michigan, distance feet, 1 11-2 inches; W. F. Barte Pennsylvania, distance 39 feet, inches. The following qualified in the 1 yard high hurdles: Savage,'Bowdo Weed, Dartmouth; Smith, Corne Smalley, Pennsylvania; HefflIg Yale; Bellerjean, Rutgers; Watt,.C nell; Trowbridge, Princeton; McCai Georgetown; and Sheldon, Yale. B time, :15 3-5, by Watt and Smith. Carl in High Jump Running high jump-Krogness, H vard; Johnson, Michigan; Hampt Pennsylvania; Landon, Yale; Calle Mass. Inst. Tech.; Ramsey, Core height, five feet, 11 3-4 inches 440-yard dash-The following m qualified: Shea, Pittsburgh; Tern Princeton; Smith and Rogers, Pen sylvania; Mayer, Cornell; Souder, E racuse; Rice, Rutgers; Gourdin, Ha yard; Steward, Yale. Best time, : 4-5, by Rice, Rutgers 220-yard hurdles - The followi qualified: Bickford, Cornell; Hold wok,Dartmouth; Smith, Cornell; Sa age, Bowdoin; Johnson, Michiga Smally, Pennsylvania; Watt, Corne Trowbridge, Princeton; Frazier, Pen sylvania. Best time by Smith, Corne :24 2-5. Losch Enters .29S Dash 220-yard dash-The following mi qualified: Davis, Pennsylvania; Smil Yale; Losch, Michigan; Haymor Pennsylvania; Clark, Princeton; 1 Witt, Rutgers; 'Kunkle, Lafayett Moore, Harvard; Steward, Princeto Shea, Pittsburgh; Cook, Michiga Shackleton, Cornell; Gendre, Georg tow; Robinson, Cornell; Meese, Mic a. (Continued on Page Six) igan. 'Best time by (Continued o' In