THE MICHIGAN DAILY FESTIVAL GUESTS Oren's Cafeteria E. William St. ._ _ _ . . _- _ . ' I.. L J61Y lflOx a} o .uv 1wrT k r CAM .s2SCitrADY oarLarT J iriQdDt9 ts 7 DfOM E 4 FIRST FLOOR OF NEW Y LC. A. BUILDING Roy P. Henry's Clothes are like o. Henry's Books Interesting, Individual, ImpressiveFascinating The college man who~seeks in- dividuality and fashion in clothes will get what he wants of-- Roy P. Henry, Arcade Tailor, NICKELS ARCADE :I $2,877.13, while the total outlay was CHICAGO ALUMNI LOS[ $2,901.24. In the outlay were ed the expense of entertaining the ON HI Opera troupe, the cost of renting the Ot THISEAR'S OPERA Auditorium theater for the production, postage and mailing expense, adver- Small Deficit Is Result of Many Ac- tising outlay, and miscellaneous costs tivities, According to Various reasons are given for the Report fact that this year's Opera fell behind financially, among them- being the The Chicago Alumni association of large number of activities the Chicago the University of Michigan suffered association has been engaged in, in- a total deficit of $24.11 on its perform- cluding the Union campaign, addition- ance of this year's opera, according al liabilities incurred through .news- to figures just made public. paper advertising, and the extra ex- Total receipts, gained both from the pense incurred by bringing the troupe sale of tickets and the sale of program to Chicago. This last item alone space to advertisers, amounted to amounted to about $150. Creat Wolf Who Lived A oit 20,000i Years Ago HOW NICHIGAN CANE BY THE GREAT WOLF Stopping in his headlong lope across with the other creatures. the hill, the great wolf turned his Several years ago, the owner of the head to listen. The subdued moan- Rancho La Brea, while doing some ing from the nearby valley that had excavating, struck this pit, which by been troubling him all day had sud- that time had solidified into a solid denly changed to a pandemonious asphaltine mass. Upon digging deep- crescendo of howls and snarls and er he discovered a number of bones, shrieks of a horde of perishing beasts. and thinking them to be of scientific Sniffing the air for a moment as if de- importance, told the authorities of the lighting in what he found there, he University of California of his discov- turned, and ran with the speed of the ery. Investigations were immediately cyclone toward the chaotic outbursts. begun, and the pit was found to con- * * * * tain the bones of countless mammals, Far back in Pleistocene times, al- carrion birds, and many remains of most 20,000 years ago, on the site of prehistoric predacious animals. Since what is now the Rancho La Brea, Cali- then scientific knowledge has been fornia, there was a huge tar pit, form- greatly enhanced by the removal of ed by seepage from the earth through countless bones. The movements of cracks left when the great ice fields the tar have torn these skeletons asun- passed over the country on their jour- der, and it is only on rare occasions ney southward. This immense pit that they are found in complete form. was covered with a light film of trans- Three years ago an expedition from parent liquid, giving it the appear- the University of Texas, unearthed a an:e of a pool of cool, deep water. great bone bed from which a great When the big animal came to the number of remains of mammals and edge of the pool he saw the cause reptiles of the Permean Age were ta- of the disturbance. A herd of thirsty ken. By an agreement with the Uni- elephants, parched with thirst, had versity of California many of these been attracted by the cool depths, and have been exchanged for bones taken plunging in, had been caught and held from the pit on the Rancho la Brea. by the sticky, tenacious substance. A short time ago, the geology de- There they were, struggling, shriek- partment received the bones of the ing, and goring one another in a vain Canis Dirus, or Terrible Wolf. With attempt to gain their freedom. The the aid of 20 gallons of gasoline, and wolf, enraged and lusting for fresh, an infinite amount of painstaking labor, warm blood, forgot caution, leaped to Mr. W. H. Buettner, prepartor of the the shoulder of one of the fighting geology department, tias assembled the brutes, and in the ensuing turmoil skeleton, which is now on exhibition was dragged into the tar, and perished l on the second floor of the museum. GLEE CLUB MEMBERS APPEAR FOR LAST TIM[E Final Glee and Mandolin Club Concert of Year to Be Held Here June 1 With Chase P. Sikes, '16, and Leroy J. Scanlon, '16L, appearing before a University of Michigan audience for the last time, the Glee and Mandolin clubs will give this year's final con- cert on June 1 in Hill auditorium. The program that the clubs used on their trip to the Pacific coast will be given, with the addition of several new of- ferings. Chase Sikes will bid the campus adieu with "Clan Alpine,' the war song from "The Cross of Fire." Leroy Scanlon will tinkle several selections on the Steinway and throw in a few voice accompaniments on the side. Among th new offerings will be a vaudeville sketch of incidents of the western trip, featuring a robbery which occurred in Montana when thieves went through the train in which were the sleeping musical clubs and made away with six watches and three pocketbooks. The mandolin club sextet has re- fused to play anything but ragtime during the performance. Their syn- copated music has been declared by competent judges to be the best dance music ever produced and they will be allowed to give profuse demonstra- tion of it at the June entertainment. Lantern slides of 40 views photo- graphed on the vacation trip have been made and will be shown at the con- cert. BEOWORK- ON CIMPUS UNDER WAYI Concrete Driveway to Be Bunt Be tween Medical Building and East. University Avenue With the completion of the beauti- fication work on the State street front of the campus, and the construction work on the new mall between the Natural Science and Chemistry build- ings, the plans of the department of buildings and grounds for campus im- provement this season have started. A new concrete walk has already been constructed along the East Uni- versity side of the campus between the surveying building and the new addi- tion to Waterman gymnasium, and some time during the early part of the summer a driveway will be built be- tween the Medical building vehicle entrance and the avenue. Later when the driveway has been curbed off grass will be sown on the east side of the building. The vacant place back of the Law building and south of the Natural Science building will not be improved ow Wein berg s* I m p rov ed C LIE Swimming Pool, proper in all its arrangements. A Midway that is a credit to Ann Arbor. Mirth - Midway-Museum- Music. Something for Everyone to Enjoy. Open as long as you want to stay. Open until the asphalt part of the diagonal walk between the Law building and the Economics building has been re- placed with a concrete one. The new wvalk probably will be built this sum- fner, and improvement work on the northwest part of the inner campus will therefore be delayed until that job is completed. New stairways will be built in both halls of the north wing of University hall this summer. Four of the rooms on the third and fourth floors in the south end of the wing were recently remodeled,.and it is probable that aft- er the new stairways have been con- structed the interior of the whole structure will be repainted. A number of bare spots on the cam- pus have been graded and resown with grass seed this spring, but on account of the large amount of construction work now in progress or to be started this year a considerable part of the, lawn has been left untouched. According to an officer of the de- partment of buildings and grounds, less destruction to the campus lawn has been done this year than for a a number of years past. The im- provement work, it was said, will continue in proportion to the amount of care which students and others use in keeping off the grass, because a large part of the amount of money which the department has each year for improvement purposes generally goes for repairs, and little therefore is left for beautification in' the way of plants and shrubbery. M. N. G. Encampment.August 3 to 12 The annual encampment of the Michigan national guard will be at Grayling, August 3 to 12, according to the decision of the state military board at a meeting Thursday at the Hotel Statler, Detroit. Equip your CANOE with a VIC- TROLA. SCH AEBERLE & SON. For quick service, call 2255. tf Advertizers in The Michigan Daily are the reliable business men of your city. It will pay you to patronize them. VICTROLAS, $15 and $25 for your CANOE. SCHAEBERLE & SON. Call Lyndon for a good flashlight. Patronize business men who adver- tize in The Michigan Daily. **