THlE MICHIGAN DAIy lY" - ~ *~. Your Ease of Mind Self-possession and personal effici- ency depends largely upon the clothes you wear. If we are your tailors you will always have that feeling that comes with Clothes. of Character' G. H. WILD C"OMPANY LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS STATE'D.ST. We are' the Agents for l.,e SLOTTED THROATRAKT Rackets Restrung tn Three -Days r SEEH= STUDENTS BOOKSTORE D)ETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. Cars run on Eastern time, one hour faster han local time. Detroit Limited and Express Cars-3:1o a. . and hourly to 7:10 p. -nl., 9:10 P. In. Kalamiazoo Limited Cars-S8:48 a. nm. and !very two hours to 6:48 p. in.; to Lansing, :48 P. in. Local Cars, Eastbound-5 :35 a. tn., 6:'4o a. rn., :o5 a. n., and every twvo hours to 7:05 p. in., :05 P. 1n., 905p. mn,, o:5o p1; in.To Ypsi- nti only, 8:48 a. In. :~daily except Sunday), x:20 a. Mn., IZ:o; p. In., 6:05 p). it,., 11:45 .P. :. i:o a. m.,I:2o a. Il. Local Cars, \Vestbound-6:12 a. in., 7:10O a. ., and every two hours to 7:50 P. !II , ::2 i. n., 12 :20 a. In, We Have a FULL LINE OF .Cut Flowers and Plants For All Occasion C-UVUS INS &HALL. 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Phone 115 The Ann Arbor savings Bank Organized 1869 Capital........ $ 300,000.00 Surplus .......... $ ;150,000.00 Resources over . ...30000 Banking in all branches Main Office, N. W. Corner ]sin and Huron Sta. Branch Office, 707 North Univ. ersity Avenue. Official newspaper at the Univerity of M7ichiigan. Published eve y morning except Monday during ible univrsity year. Entered at the pos-office at Ann Arbor as seconid-class 'natcr.l Francis F McKin ney...Managing Editor fcnhn S. Leonrd......... Business Manager Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- ,scrit~tiu:s: be carrier or mail, $250 Want "ad. stdiorxs: Quarry's, Students' Supply Store, The Dleta, coi Packard and State. Phones: Business. 96o ; Editorial, 2414. t (Commiications 1h}otto exceed 300 words in icngth, .or iotict of 0events will be pblishd mi 'Fhw Daily if left at the office in the Ann Arbor P'ress lg. or in the notice bo in the wear corridor o the general library. where the notices are collected at :oo oclock each evenling. F. Rodgers Sylvester News 'Edito Tom C. Reid......... ..... .elegraph EditorI Verne Burnt......... ...'elegraph Editor E. P. Wright......... .......Sports Editor J. C. B. Parker... ...Assignment Editor Conrad N. Church .............City Editor Fdwin A. Hyman....... .city Editor L~ee Joslyn ,............City Editor (.nriaon 17 Cooke.....Statistical Editor Golda Ginsburg ..........Xoen's Editor Fdward F. Mack ...... Advertising -Manager 11. Birk White. .......Publication Manager Y. R. Asee. , Circulation Manager. C. V. Sellers ...... ........... ..Accountant C. T. Fishleigh. .Assistant :Business Manager Night Editors L~eoranl W. Neter Earl Pardee L.. S. 1,hotopsoni J. L. Stadeker Hencley lill I. C. L,. ackson Reporters II. A,. FizgeraMl Cecil Andrews Lin ton ll. Di moud E A. Bangarth Bruce Swane E, L. Ziegler W. R. Atlas Frank Tber N at Thompso n H olland Thhopson Phil Pack fl, C. Garrisonj Alien Slhoenfield D. S. Rood C. WV. Neuann Jas. Schermerhorn, Jr. Business Staff AlIbert f;. Horne tRoscoRaum I;. C. Musgrave F. M. Sutter K. S. McCol L W. Kennedy C. P. Finery Bernard Woh J. 73. Campbell TK{URSDAY, MAY 18, 1916. Night Iitor........... Walter Atlas CONVENIENCE OR CONVICTION? The main argument against throw- ing open the gates of Ferry field seenms to be that it would be contrary Sto the policy of the people of the state. We can see a possible ground for such a contention, yet we cannot see tat it is of much force. T1.he student body is not -asking that te field be opened for all day, but for the afternoon only. They do0 not ask Ithat Varsity or intercass games be played at this time. They merely Iask for an opportunity to play a few sets of tennis or a friendly game of bail in an effort to hasten along the afternoon of the longest day of the week. Faculty and students, speaking both officially and unofficially, are practi- cally unanimous for the scheme. They only blk when the question is asked, "What will the people of the state say?" The faculty man thinks of the' appropriations that are comning for his pet study; the student, of better venti- lated buildings and posibe dormitor- ies. Yet we wonder if there is as much potency in this argument as there seems to be. Policy is a broad term. It is used to cover many things. The policy of the state is the samve that it was whten the library was thrown open to studlents on Sunday afternoons. When that action was taken there was no question of what the people1 of the state would say or would not say. To put forward such a con-I tention now seems to be more a mat- ter of convenience than conviction. EXPLAINS HIS STTEMENT iII it i, ._ f ..... To clean or fill, th no,. The fanny man will do the _ w~p\ job. EASY To Fu. SML 2 sECONDS Used by Fcu'lty and Students Alike Let this satisfactor'y pen travel with you through your college course, It will be a big help in youtr work, because it is the lead- ing Self-Allirng Safety pen. pR LFFILLSAFE FOUNTAIN PEI The new thing in, self-filling pensj -Po slits, slots-or levers, no holes in the wall of the barrel, giving no chance for escape of ink, even in accidents. Fills in 2 seconds for 10,000 words by pressing button, Carried flat, up-side-down, in any po.- stion-can't leak. All sizes-$2.5O, $3, $4 and $5. Liberal agents' terms if not represented. arker Pen Co. ,223 Mill St. Janesvrille, Wis. T E now 150 Brand New (is Year's) TENNIS RACKETS .+r to Select from- and Everyone Guaranteed Price: $1.50 to $10 WA "' UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES IMLV 14 n~i ;. 9 1 i N TE AND GERMAN AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK Main & Wishing 0" Sta. ources, $2,5009000.0 0 ley, FRATERN ITIES t me figure with You on your next ,ar's supply of coal. Now is the ne to look after next year's coal pply. JrIQ. J. SAUER hone 2484 31O W. Liberty Teachers of Commercial Subjects prepared4 at Hamilton Eusness College Staste andWilliams Stag. I 1, HAVE IT! Wears better than Leaiuir VN'S 6QUALITY I SHOE SHOP The New Shop, 11148S. University.' ASK FOR and GET THE ORIGINAL Cbeap su ,-sites o-t YOU same price. of athletics violations of training regu- lations. It is far from the thought of the athletic authorities to institute a spy system., but they will take very de- cisive action if called upon to do so. I trust that this will be accepted by all candidates for our teams as a fair, impartial warning and I sincerely hope that the board in control will have no occasion to take action on a single case of an infraction of training regulations or of any of our. athletic rules." P. G. BARTELME. NOT TO REPEAT PAGEANT 1111F. KENYON MAKES REPORT; WOHME 'S LEAGUE TO HAVE LI F E EMBERSHIPS Feeling that the program for Comn- inencement Week is already full, the board of the Women's League decided at a meeting held yesterday afternoon not to repeat the Shakespearean. Pageant, as had been suggested. A full report of the pageant was made by Professor H. A. Kenyon, and was accepted by the board. A committee was appointed to ar- range a system of life membership, similar to the Union memberships, but for a much smaller sum. It is hoped that by this plan many alumnae may be interested. Tentative plans, for a Women's league dance were discussed, June 3 being considered as a probable date. Fur- ther announcement will bo made by the committee appointed for the pur- 'pofi. Girls wishing to take the swimming test for athletic honors should makze appointments with Miss Evans at once. The women of Newberry residence. will be at home to their friends at' tea, from 4:00 to 6:00 o'clock, this afternoon. Freshlmenl taking required gymnasi- urn work should look on the bulletin; board in the Women's League room,' in IUniversity hall, for notices of ab- sences. '.ickets for the~ Freshman Slipper. Monday, May 22, at 5:30 o'clock, must be secured by Saturday, May 20. They A Complete -LIne of ALBET MANN, Dr ;s* 215 South Mm liSt. AimimAribo-. Mioh* THE BEAUTY .OF MY BUSINESS IS--. FLOWERS Visit my store and see. Rverything in Flowers--Daffodils, Orchids, Tulips, Narcissus, Violets, Sweet Peas, Roses, Carna- tions and billies of the Valley.. Full Lime of Plants MRS. FLANDERS" FLOWER SHOP Phone 294 213 EAST LIBERTY STUEET R OMEwasn'ts 'built in a day Neither was any- thingaelse 'worth while. It takes mo' than two years to "ibuild " a tin of VELVET* r.'Z Hot ,Water usually stops when the furnace goes out. Hot Water all summer with a ig Oct all Michigan Jewelryat Cost--- ALSO INGERSOLL WATCHES and ALARM CLOCKS Gas-Fired Heater. Wash tenaw Gas Co. )CK SCHLEEDE 340 SO. STATE S'TREET You know there's a difference in clothes; it's in the genuine IF and lasting distinction of fashion and design of appearance-- due to real knowxledge with real care for the niceties of dress. may be obtained from Mrs. Blackburn, Women's editor, 627. or Dean Jordan's secretary, at the~ There will be a special rehearsal I gymnasium, or from representatives' of the Glee Club this afternoon, at in both dormitories. 1500 o'clock. Education notes on Herbart were________ found in the Daily box yesterday. The Paitronize Daily dvertizers. **I owner may have them by calling the; For quick service, call 2255. Call 830 for saddle ponies, tf tf No ffj Don't throw away that old trunk. We will repair it. Koch & Henne, 300 South Main. t , Capper & Capper Furnishings D. E. GRRNNAN REAL CUSTOM 'TAILOR 606.-E. LIBERTY STREET i SAM BURCCHFIEL cCO. Fine Tailoring 3111. BARTELIME CORRECTS THE IMISCO)NTIIITTIO'N OF FOOTBALL Editor, The Michigan Daily: The Michigan Daily unintentionally misconstrued my statement with refer- ence to training regulations made be- fore the football candidates Monday evening. By y breaking' training rules, I did not mean failure to get out for spring practice without a legitimate excuse, but I (lid state that every man should l)e out for spring practice if college or outside work did not absolutely pre- vent him from so doing. Nly declaration regarding the break- ing- of training rules applied to the regular seasons in all branches of sport, undt that declar-ation was,'in substatnce as follows: "Any membe~f r of any athletic squad guilty of the( slighxtest infractions of triigregulations during the regular season of the sport involved will be very liable- to suspension from that1 branch of sport for the entire season if this infraction is brought to my at-, tenition. The coaches and trainers of at hl eti c teams will be relieved of the responsibility of taking action, for I' shall place before the board in control Don't Forget the Sale at Brown's Bookstore 340 SO. STATE STREET BUY FOR FUTURE. NEEDS 11 11 Department Paper Thesis Paper Kara Linen- now 20c lb. ~20c flb. W, Louisine = - - ~,242 I. P. Loose Leaf Book. 25% off f5c lib. c lb. i 2255, open under new manage- 'Saddl1e ponies aIt 5,cOTan hor. Call tt 830. tr Lyndon for a good flashlight. Old Town Canoe paddles, $1.25 and $2.00, also seat backs at $ .85, $1.25 next group picture. Call and $1.50. Save money on canoe sup- m18l plies at Switzer's, 310 State. tf II! 1-3 off on Michigan Jewelry,. Souvenir Spoons, Pennants, and all other articles in the Store. F. W. BROWN BOOK CO. 340 5. State S. I r I