TJE DAILY .i0c NEWS OF THE WORLD AND THE CAMPUS VOL. XXVI. No. 160. dB 47it JS row) L .., .. Photes:-dEiitorial n1-i It11silles -, 60 TiCEL-:I l'Y SERVICE UE NEW YORI( SUN a F- k; Z~~~__ - - ~-r- ~ -- ® = ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1916. - -~-. __ _ _ BLOW UP BEFORE CORNELL.BATSMEI MILLER, ROBINS, ANDRUS ANI) OILMACHER FAIL TO STOP RED AND WHITE RANDELL AND DUNNE SHINE Twenty Binigles Heaped Up by Cornell; Michigan Batters Drive i . Six Runs Ithaca, N. Y., May 17.-Michigan lost to Cornell today 13-6 in a game that made the score book look like a crazy; quilt. Everything that ever happened in a ball game took place and some things that nobody had ever heard of before'were on exhibition. Miller started for the Wolverines and got away fairly well for two innings by allowing Cornell' only one run in each frame. Robins went in in the third stanza and took his share of the pun- ishment by walking one, allowing four singles and two three baggers, all of which netted the Ithacans five runs. In the fourth, with two down, Michi- gan started what looked like a rally when Brandell, Caswell and Thomas; all got singles, filling the bases. Dunne, however, struck out, retiring the side. In the fifth the Wolverines shoved across four tallies. Newell doubled to deep center, and went home when Sauters threw wild to firat in an at-, ,tempt to retire, Ohlmacher. Eckley repeated the performance on a ball hit to him by Niemann, Qhlmacher taking third. Walterhouse was hit. Labadie popped up a high one to the catcher. Brandell doubled to center, scoring Niemann, Walterhouse and Ohlmacher. The next two batters filed out. Cornell gleaned six singles in the next two innings, netting a run1 in each. Again in the seventh they-got three on three singles, a double, and a balk bytOhimacher. Michigan scored one in the eighth on an error, a walk and a passed bal. In the ninth Brandell singled and (Continued on Page Six) 1 Americans Drovn In Dutch Vessel Two U. S. Citizens Rescued When Ship; is Mined; Send Report to Washington London, May 17.-Luiti Martini Man- cini, an American citizen, was drowned' and two other Americans saved in the1 sinking of the Dutch steamer Batavia V in the North sea, according to a dis- patch to the American embassy today. Three Dutch sailors were also drown- ed. Mancini, an Italian by birth, was1 naturalized in New Mexico, and was the younger son of a titled Italian+ family. Samuel Comstock, of Santa Monica, California, and John Galeta, of1 New York city, were the Americans7 saved. Comstock reported to the em- bassy that he thought the ship strucli a mine. This report will be sent to4 Washington. LEHIGH DEFEATS WOLVERINES Soft Courts, Wind, Lack of Practice, Contribute to Downfall Soft courts, a high wind, and strong playing by the Lehigh tennis teani combined to defeat the Michigan Var-l sity yesterday by a 4-2 score. Yester-1 day was the first sunny day since last Saturday, and the first chance the team has had for a workout in three7 days, which also helps to explain the Wolverine defeat. The team meets Lafayette today, a team which recently defeated Lehigh with ease. Summaries: Singles--Powers,. captain (L) d. Crawford, captain (M),. 6-3, 4-6, 6-1; Mack (M) d. Warner (L), 6-3, 7-5; Purple (L) d. Switzer (M), 6-4, 6-3; Sherwood (M) d. Johnson (L), 4-6, 6-3, 6-3. Doubles-Powers and War-I ner (L) d. Crawford and Mack (M), 6-3, 7-5; Purple and Johnson (L) d. Switzer and Sherwood -(M). 6-3, 6-4. iTe Weather an 9isi tied In Again Fis01i achinations (arise Postpone-. meat of Straw Hat Day; "I told you so!"P Yes, the old crowd was on deck again yesterday when almost mid-De- cember weather made the boys packj up their new straw hats, and turn sadly to the old felt. "I've never seen it to fail," hissed the fellow with the sore tooth. "It either rains, or snows, or-Oh, some- thing always happens to take the joy out of life. Doggone it all."I But cheer up, old sport. Things aren't so bad after all. It may be hot in California, but it's a good bet that the boys from Leland Stanford have never seen' a Michigan Straw Hat Day. So for their especial benefit Straw Hat Day's going to be held off until Sat- - urday.. Everybody wear one! Adopt Army Bill Without Trouble Republicans OpposeProvision for Vov. ernment-Owned Nitrate Plant Washington, May 17.-After a live- ly discussion of the Mexican situation, the national guard, and the proposed government nitrate plant, the Senate today adopted the conference report on the army reorganization bill, with- out a roll call. The bill provides for a regular army of 211,000 officers and men at peace strength, and approxi- mately 260,000 men at war strength, and for a federalized national guard of 457,000 officers and men at maxi- mum strength. Republicans, gener- ally, and a few Democrats, expressed their hostility at the retention of the provision for the nitrate plant, which Senator Lodge of Massachusetts said was intended more for the develop- ment of a southern motor car &oncern than for the manufacture of gunpow- der. The bill, he said, was wholly inade- quate in its provision for the regu- lar army. PRICE FIVE CENTS LACK OF CAPRBLE GUIDES HAMPERS MEXICAN PURSUIT WAY ' itIiROi~ (t'OUTR, TO SI11IW -WILD S'ENlOl t(N E'N 1H1"Al) SWI !("4U"!, PRIOCESSION 4: * * 4: A;'* At * * is *. SOPHOMORES! * Tonight is the night! * Mass meeting for a display of : "pep". 7:00 o'clock, West Physics hall. * Every man out! - More than a score are still '~needed for the soph relay teams. * 'ryouts at Ferry field from 3:30 * to 5:30 o'clock today. Ten fresh- m men are also needed for the re- T ays. M * * * * * * * * * $ *: *: a. *: N* * }: * *e *. 48 HONORED WIHOENGCONCERT SIGMA XI C~fIESCORES GREAT HIT -S s.w FRESHMEN EXHIBIT EXCELLENT, SPIRIT One Yearling Arrested as Result Encounter with Police in Front of Orpheum SOPIlS GET TOGETHER TONIGI of IT The men of 1919, though few in num- bers, last night furnished one of the most spirited and enthusiastic "pep" sessions in recent years. Approximately 300 of the first year men gathered together in West Phy- sics hall to hear the new rules for the spring contests explained, and to hear how different contests were conduct- ed in past years, but from the moment the freshmen had selected their yell captain, T. Garrett the hall rever- berated with noise from the lusty throats. R. W. Collins, '17E, and W. W. Schroeder, '16L, were the speakers. Student Arrested Later, during a demonstration by a number of freshmen in front of the Orpheum theater, the police took into custody J. H. McLean, '19E, who is ac- cused of throwing an egg which soil- ed an officer's uniform. McLean was later released when identified by E. C. Flanders, a local flOrist. Tonight at 7:00 o'clock, the sophs will try to outyell the freshmen at their meeting in West Physics hall. "Wap" -John, '16. and "Bill' Mullen- dore, '16L, will be on hand to tell Pick 6 from Faculty, 22 Graduates, 16 Stock Directs Brilliantly; Frieda Item- Undergraduates, and 2 Non- pel Well Received; Responds Student Investigators I to Four Encores ONLY ONE LITERARY STUDENT ('1ORAL UNION coMES TONIGHT Announcement was made yesterday A large and appreciative audience of the election to Sigma Xi, scientific greeted the Chicago Symphony orches- honor society, of six members of the tra, with Frieda Hempel as soprano faculty, 22 from the graduate school, soloist, in the first of the May Fes- 16 undergraduates and two non-resi- tival concerts last evening in Hill au- dent investigators. Election to the ditorium. society is based on scholarship and The opening number was Berltoz's aptitude in scientific research work. "Le Carnival Romaine," and its bright Of th total list of 46, but three are and brilliant character as brought women. Miss M. S. Ruger, grad., was out by the orchestra under the baton chosen for proficiency in chemistry, of Frederick A. Stock made it a very Miss Esther E. Shaw, grad., for apti- suitable number with which to intro- tude in psychology, and Miss Anna G. duce the Festival series. Dumont, '16M, for excellent work in Miss Hempel sang three well known the medical college. arias, which afforded her an excellent Of the faculty men picked. Prot. aiswihafodd1e.nexeln H.Bartlttof the botaty nydkeprt.a, opport nity to display her beautiful H. Bartlett, of the botany departm 1L' coloratura voice, which is of unusuI. has done considerable research work sweetness and flexibility. Her inter- on the mutations in the genus Oenoth- preatios were pleasing, and her pian- era, Dr. Tomlinson Fort of the engi- issimo work was extremely effective. neering college on differential equa- Her numbers were so well received tions of the second order, Dr. C. H. that she responded to four encores. Laws of the medical school has done thao one reshes theocalncr- workin etaolim mehod, Pof.J Ior one encore she sang the vocal ar- work in metabolism methods, Prof. J. rangement of the "Blue Danube" C. Parker of the engineering collegewangemend herthen"B oe Dan" has ondctednumrousresarchs waltz, and her rendition of the song has conducted numerous researches could leave no one in doubt as to the in electrical engineering, Dr. M . I. sing e's nat onlity.bHer oth r en Smith of the pharmacy college has singer's nationality Her other en- Smit ofthephamacycolegehascores were "Just You," a little Ger- worked on the pharmacological effect a of various alkaloids, and Dr. F. N. Wilson of the medical school has stud- The other orchestral numbers were ied on the electro cardiograph. Beethoven's splendid "Symphony No. The non-residents selected are E. 7 in A minor," "Wedding March and 0. Weaver, professor of physics at Variations" by Goldmark, which con- Wittenberg College,, Springfield, 0., sists of twelve variations and finale, who is engaged in research on the ef- all of which were very interestingly feets of electrolysis on the streets of worked out. Alfven's "Swedish Rhap- that city, and Mr. Bryant Walker, De- sody," having Swedish folk-themes for troit, an investigator of international its motives, thrilling with life and mo- reputation in conchology, who has tion, closed the program in a fitting been the financial backer of several manner. museum expeditions sent out from At the second Festival concert to-' this university to South America and night, the University Choral Union, to Mexico. with Albert A. Stanley as director, as- Harold Cummins, '16, is the !econd sisted by an able corps of soloists, undergraduate from the literary col- will present Bossi's "Paradise Lost," lege to be picked by the society in this work having been given but once three years. before in this country. The date for the initiation has not Three of the soloists, Sophie Bras- yet been definitely set, but it will un lau, contralto of the Metropolitan Op- doubtedly be held some time next week era Company, Gustaf Holmquist, bass, and some speaker of national reputa- and Mabel Garrison, soprano, also of tion will be on the program, the Metropolitan Opera Company, will FRATERNITIES GETt PETITION BLANKS Supporters of Plan for Ferry Field Opening on Sundays Send .~t1'ir Yirs FIRST BLANK SIGNING BRISK Furthering the plan to discover how many students are in favor of petition- ing the Board of Regents for the open- ing of Ferry field on Sunday after- noons, blanks similar to those posted in various places about the campus yesterday have been sent to the frat- ernities and clubs. While the signing of the blanks al- ready posted about the campus has been going on briskly, the feeling is prevalent in some quarters that ndt enough of the undergraduates are be- ing reached by this method, and as a result, the secofid set of petitions has been issued. Iihmediate action has been urged, in order that the petition might be presented to the Board of Regents at a meeting in the near future. The petitions will be collected this after- noon. SWHAT'S GOINGONI Weather forecast for Ann Arbor and vicinity: Cold. TODAI Morning, afternoon and evening, en- gineering exhibit. 4:00)o'clock-Junior lit vs. fresh lit baseball game. 8:00 o'clock-May Festival concert, Hill auditorium. TOMORROW Gargolye out. Horning, afternoon , and evening, Engineering exhibit. 4:00 o'clock-Tug-of-war between sophomores and freshmen. 2:30 o'clock-Third concert df May Festival, Hill auditorium. 6:30 o'clock-Prof. White speaks be- fore A. I. E. E:, room 165, Chemistry building. 5:30 o'clock-Meeting of the Colo- rado club, Michigan Union. 9:00 o'clock-Round-Up club dance, Granger's academy. U-NOTICES Freshmen and sophomore foresters who have not yet reported are re- *: *, :x *: }: * * * * * * * s * * * * *Sign Petitions Today Additional petitions concern- ing the opening of Ferry field on Sunday afternoons this year have been sent to fraternities and clubs. It is urged that all approving the movement sign as soon as practicable. * * * * * * * 1' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TROOPS KNOW COUNTRY NOW F#hces Watching o (inents of Slip- pe1ry Villa Leader; Can t (Catch Him Mexie (city, May 7a.-Vencral Obh. regon, minister of )1ar, today denieY reports in cIrculation in the United States that he had expressed confi- dence that President Wilson did not contemplate war i~li ,Mexico. lHe de- cla red that he had made no such starte- meat. Hleadquarters in the Field, near Namiquipa, Mexico, by motor truck to Columbus, New Mexico, May 17.- Failure of the American forces to cap- ture or kill more bandits since enter- ing Mexico on the chase after Pancho Villa and his men has been due to lack of guides. Natives had to be de- pended upon at first and they were afraid, if not absolutely unwilling, to furnish the desired information or to act as guides through the gorges and canons which it was believed the ma- rauders were using as daylight hid- ing places. Go About Without Scouts The same condition of affairs still exists so far as the natives are con- cerned, but the officers and men have spent so much time exploring the country that they are able to get about now without trusting to na- tives, or even to the American scouts brought from the border, whose knowl- edge of Perrain was mostly based upon the fact that at some remote period . t ':oatinued on Page Six) FOR BGEXHLBIT" Buildings 'Will Be Open All Day; Guides to Shw Visitors Through Departments TO GIVE SOUVENIR PROGRA MS the sophomores how to beat their ad- The list of elections to the society versaries in the three big events Fri- is as follows: day and Saturday. Faculty-Harley H. Bartlett, A.B.; Need More Men for Relays Tomlinson Fort, Ph.D.; Carl Henry More than a score of sophs, and 10 Laws, M.D., instructor in pediatrics; freshmen are needed for the obstacle John C. Parker, A.M., E.E.; Maurice relays, H. L. Carroll, '17E, announced Isadore Smith, B.S., M.D., and Frank last night. Tryouts will again be N. Wilson, B.S., M.D held at Ferry field from 3:30 to 5:30 Non-resident Investigators - Edwin o'clock today for this purpose. Every Oscar Weaver, Springfield, O., and Bry- upperclassman is expected to help in r ant Walker, Detroit. getting the underclassmen out for Graduates-In astronomy, Bernard these races. If a sufficient number H. Dawson; in chemistry, Edgar C. do not turn out for the relays, the aritton, William T. Isbell, Orin E. affair will be forfeited to the side Madison, Earl C. Sherrard, Nathan E. which does have the required num- Van Stone, Frank C. Vibrans, and Miss ber of men out. M. Selden Ruger; in chemical engi- Captains for the various fresh teams neering, Walter E. Jominy, John T. were elected as follows yesterday: Naylon, and Harold F. Wood;' in en- Pushball, E. E. Weiman; heavyweight gineering, Ira H. Reindel; in forestry, tug-of-war, H. M. Brand; middle- Horace J. Andrews; in medicine, Wayne weight, H. H. Block; lightweight, C. J. Atwell, Dr. Grady E. Clay., Arnold Bell; first relay team, C. G. Fuess; H. Eggerth, Dr. Walter A. Hoyt, and second team, E. S. Maurer; third team, Dr. Robert W. Selby; in physics, Al- G. J. Higgins. bert L. Fitch, and Ambrose H, Stang; The list of men who made the tug- in psychology, Dr. William II. Batson of-war squads and those who are on 'and Miss Esther E. Shaw. the relay teams will be published in Undergraduates-College of litera- The Michigan Daily tomorrow. (Continued on Page -Six) make their debut to Ann Arbor audi- ences at this time. The fourth soloist, Reinald Werren- lath, baritone, appeared in this city about two years ago, at which time his work was very well received. Perhaps They Want to Fish, Italy ! Rome, via London, May 17.-Orders have been issued to the Italian sol- diers not to eat American frozen beef and canned meats, unless shredded. Recent consignments to Italians were found to contain small hooks and prongs which it is suspected were pur- posely hidden in the frozen beef and potted meat for the purpose of dis- abling the soldiers. An investigation has beent ordered. - U-NOT WES Junior laws will hold a class meet- ing Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. to nominate a student councilman. Soph lits pay class dues in men's entrance to library, Friday, 1:00 to 4:00 o'clock. The doors of the engineering build- ings and the new science building will be thrown open this morning at 9:00 o'clock to visitors to the third biennial exhibition of the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture. The ex- hibit will continue in all, depart- ments until noon when the student exhibitors and visitors will suspend operations till 1:00 o'clock. From 1:OQ until 10:00 o'clock in the evening the exhibit will be wide open. All visitors will enter the south door in the engineering arch and will then be escorted by guides around the en- tire exhibit in the following manner: South end of first floor and up south stairs to architectural exhibit; down stairs north of engineering arch to naval tank; north on first floor through mechanical laboratories, elec- trical and illuminating laboratories; up north end stairs and south on sec- ond floor to electrical exhibit; upstairs in center of building and north on third floor to surveying, na- val, military, and marine exhibits. Up to fourth floor to free hand drawing rooms. After leaving the north entrance to the building, the visitors will be shown through the automobile labor- atories, the highway department build- ing, and the shops. They will then go to the Chemistry building and be escorted in groups to the various ex- hibits, going last of all to the Science building, where they will be met by another body of guides. Upon first entering the exhibit at the engineering arch the visitors will be given a souvenir program and will register upon an automatic numbering device. Seniors who will work on the exhibit Will wear cap and gown on the two days of the exhibit. A list o illustrated lectures in connection with the exhibit appears in another part )f this paper. quested to see Mr. R. W. Easterbrook in room 317 of the Natural Science building this afternoon. Fresh lit baseball practice at 3:00 o'clock; game at 4:00 o'clock.