"- , THE MICHIGAN D1L IAww] i 1 - .._ -,_ II Although we have betn offredl $550 per Pound for Elon Developer which we could get along without, but wich gives bette'r results for AMATEUR FINi SHING we refused the offer because we are determined to give to you, Mr. Amateur, the best results obtainable. THE'WONDER IS that we do notcrganmoetnteohr fellow who uses a make-shift develop-;r. We for.;awt ils r ndi icmand "safety first", we believed in PREPA ECD NE 4SS. THE ;RESULT IS: When you wa:nt Peace Time inishii a Times Go to L YND N ; ! a o DELTA- CAFE ~loog, Life is S-hort" k g-Ilps. - hipment of -this ~it .pfd of Summer Footwear 4 M t® mstdurable of Hot Weather Shoes.a ae tucile Chrome Soles, Wedge Heels. Oxfods $4 Shoes $4.50 s Lf -_r VER BOOT SHOP 115 s. MAIN ST. w ~Photographs, oil, paintings, water- colors, and colored drawings in correct color values-it's not so easy, but he ~t13E. Uiv. ve. knows how to do it. ALL-FRESH DEFEATS U, OF ,I Yearlings Wallop Opponents by Score of 10.3; Turner Allows 3 Hits Coach McGinnis' yearling ball-tog- sers administered the worst defeat of the year to the University of Detroit nine yesterday morning, the final score standing 10 to 3. Arntz proved an eas target for the freshman slugger,, vho succeeded in collecting 10 hits 1froAl this source, while Turner, the big ur- due letter man, allowed but three hits while on duty for his side. A feature of the game was ti1 three base hit by Morrison,whh sailed straight over the third -aggr head and into the gardens. PDancer proved the leading light of tip c~ t man offense, making two hits and cltwo runs out of twice at the plate. S core by innings: 123456 lI.E., All-Fresh.....1 0 1 3 1 4--10 12 : Univ. of Detroit0 0 3 00 0 4- 3 4 Summary: Two base hits-Leiebre, Morrison.1 Three base hit-Morrison. Struck w lt -By Arntz, 2; by Tvrner '.2, Left oin bases-Michigan, 2; 'V ,~.Wld pitches, Turner, Arntz. 4is aeo errors--Michigan, 3:; Det roit, 1. w - pire, McCain. We set glass in ai pr- C. H, Major*~ Co., Mane237. xu1 =4- "'-i OrpeumTheatre 'The, "Homaof Par3:r+.nount and Triangle Photphay~.s I i Special Attention Give ay estival Guests Spe ccial Music Every Day D9_ rring Festival Week. F,=.-~ -Lih~ ohin Dpii~n "nO o ..., ..._.,, . w . .. _. a LL , _ 4/ q TTNN AMATEURS! AMATEURS _.. . .. of i A S o :o , ~ :cb 93 Musy 5u"fan -;'B dieJ;. -1t C W~ed.- -I--Ae hoin"hfl - ETgvoy," aBu i. S 1 1i s; ,hEutt 't3 ,-I 4 Y j Yotwill always be assured of bric~ht, carpictures if you have your develop- ing and finishing done by DAINES & NICKELS (WI N 10. V'_R1t," ON Sl iPl) YFIELD) OPENN (Vontlniedl from Page One) on Suindaysy it should be only for the af"ternoons." --Henry Carter Adams. :I don't think that the question is quite clear. The contentions appear to be evenl.y balanced. It is all a inatter of i:divdual opinion. .I do not feel that Ik oueough about the n)ater to cmm )it illy::elf."--Prof. H. R. 1 haven't thought the matter over, buzt I feel thiat I wvould be opposed to the plan " -Prof . Edward M. Bragg. "It wuld' give offense to a great numirber of people. TI3do not believe that it isteial7--rf George W. "T anii very f.uch opposed to any suc mve,---Prf.William D. Hen- 0 t 't r it;tdets have plenty of op~otumt forthatsort of recrea-' liondurn5 te wek.I should be oppse toit" -Prf.Edward H.i Atheti Dr ec tor Philip Bartelme staedtathewoud ladly undertake theadf hitrtiv wrk which would he conectd wih Fery field on Sun- day."I hve nverbeen averse to any s ort of hzealthful recreation on Sunda,' 1hesaid, "a I believe'the planwolbebnfca" Rev.Henr Tatookwas, the only miniterwho o~1 beseen last night, and e rfu.. d cmmit himself fuirthier than the statement that thenrtudobel create aiiiet d aopposition from the people throughout the state. PICK TWO OPERA SCENARIOS IVlwn Connitteo, Makes Selectilon for Net-7 Year'.s Protinction At a mneeting of the Union Opera scenario commuittee yesterday morning two sceiiario~s were selected from a large number pres >nted as suitable for next year'Ys iproduction. Follow- ing the new rules , iyt in effect by the opera authorities, ;. meeting will be heldtoorwennga 7:30 o'clock, at the i nion for all those who desire to wiedaousfrthese scena- rios. Thhe books, as fnially completed, will be duie abot thle ,middle of June. Anyone desiring to -write a complete boo~rk, bothi dialogue andi plot, and sub- mnit saute to theonite at the time the dialogues are de, ill be privi- leged to do so. * *: *: *= 4, *m FIFTEEN MEN MAKE TRIP TO EAST Coach Lundgren announced last night that the following 15 * men would make the annual * eastern baseball trip:, * Nienaunn, Walterhouse, Bran- *dell, Capt. Labadie, Caswell, *Thomas, Dunne, Miller. Newell, *Roehm, Robins, Reem, Ohlmach- *er, Andrus and Birmingham. The * squad leaves Ann Arbor this aft- *ernoon. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tiinwrof112 c'iduleq V' ~ E: 1,ay r TSu J < lt r sch dule o" tjiT' tI) i l, ratn 'ywil g iM fec Toitday May23 o han ~rePad'-nIh ; a~H MPI-KERS FOR P~EP MFEl'N(S F'TWO ('LASSES Ct 01iued from '.age One) m~n who have reached the water's 1,( 3)he th eir side.. is losing, from nimuna ackout of thte water and :3ginjolhn~on the big rope. The inslnt acontestant leaves hold of therop le will be disqualified front furtheri participation in the affair. Its ferees Will Be Selected T-lie various student couincihnen who will 'have charge of the different con- ? (re as follows:. Pushball con- rant L. Cook, '17L. Tug;-of-war, t ;L J, Kilburn, grad, and il. A. T'ay- l 7F; relay races, Hi. L. Carroll, TH E -FMOUS - ~. Cox Sons and Vining CAPS, GOWNS AND HOODS f or' all College Degrees ~may beordered 'now from ,'..?lay and E. T. Colston, '18P. Refe rees for the. different contests will be annouuced by General Chair-, man ack, within the next few days. Ten cents rents a good Eastman kodak, any size you want. Lyndon's, 719 N. University. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Flints enlargect at .Hoppe's. m14 i a .aa Putting Best r i 5 p1f X p \ ! f 1 ..ii at S' o :lonials Again Make Their The above exrs wo1ba double meaning wcseaa'k when a manymst et her'n with both feetIf h e is o make goodandboh 7ee must be welsod if aoa i to make:o h yso good dressers!.. "opular Appeal _- , , y For several seasons past colonials have. been great fa- vorites, and this season finds them even more popular,, The model pictured here- ti . " " c Y. , Y ' _ _. ' . :- ti ..ter ' .' ^= ': ,- ver. made ~Ti with is extremely graceful in its lines, exceptionally at- tractive, in Bronze -and Black Russia Calf. -,... ---3.' ,.-;,,. r' .' ----N p n rty 5 ..ig h ' 'Y . - S t °"' -.. -.c fro u . t h ' l r : ?y - O. troitx, TO 11OLO S' 1I)LN'I COUNCIL YLEC11ON 1) tW ('- THIS WEEK Electlins to the stude.1 nt council from the _soph lit andli soph engineer- ing, classes and the ei, engineering, law, medic, denft, hom,,eopalhic and ar- citect junior classes will be held the latte>r part of next wiee:k, at the dif- fr nIt class meetings. Meetings for- the nomlinating of can- didtes w;ill probably b'wheld Monday o r Tuesdlay, to allo-w Se'veral days be- tween the noi-ntions andi elections. Notice of such class meetings will be published in The Michigan Daily. aYour next portrait,call Hoppe's. m14 MessSleror 7I3a I5 -- UirerityAye Yh i~- oTi~i Ladies' Salesroom 802 S. University Ave. Opposite Tappan Hall I - j DETROIT y.3lm.2k'.: r. r. W-__ ..+ . 'M'r x 4- . ; 0 3f'4-w ,. t.-!..- t ° F egtab I 4 4 '~ILrAMSTRET IE