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May 10, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-05-10

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aeering Arch to Take on Appear.
me of Arsenal During Exhibit;
4how Torpedoes and Cannon
e engineering arch will take on
ppearance of a fortified arsenal
e time of the engineering exhibit,
18 and 19.
o large cannon mounted at each
of the campus end of the arch
command the whole length of
liagonal walk. At the senior
es in the engineering court will
cated a large coast defense sub-
ie mine.
it inside the entrance of the
ing will be mounted two of the:
st torpedoes, full size. Farther
will be a rapid fire gun and
al smaller cannon. Displays of
cutlasses, carbines and sidearms
be shown.
e military exhibit has been ob-
d through the secretary of war
ashington. The largest of the
torpedoes was sent here from
Francisco at a cost to the govern-
of $415.00. It occupied a whole
ar en route. The two torpedoes
nsured for $15,000. The second
do was sent from Milwaukee.
e coast defense mine was sent
Seattle, Washington. It weighs
s crate just 2500 pounds. The
n are being shipped from De-
on a University truck. They
taken from the DonJuande Aus-
a naval reserve training ship
at Detroit. The other parts of
xhibit will be shipped to Ann
r from different points scattered
the United States.
quad of U. S. marines has been
ed from Washington to demon-
and explain the exhibit.

Jusic Studentsa
To Give Recital


Public Inxited to Hear Program
School of Music Tomorrow


Tomorrow afternoon at 4:15 o'clock
the following students will give a
public recital at the University School
of Music to which the general public
is cordially invited.
The program will be as follows:
Sonata (first movement), Op. 2, No.
1 ............. '...Beethoven
Florence Walker
Souvenir de Lubeck.........Riechen
Frank Panek
Sonata, Op. 109 (first movement). .
Louise Davis
Polonaise in A.... . .... . Chopin
Gertrude Roos
Concerto in A minor........Accolay
Rena Spathelf
Fantaisie, F minor...........Chopin
Lucile Colby
Ahapsody, No. 2....... ..... .Liszt
Gertrude Flowerday
Indian Lament. ...Dvorak-Kreisler
Moto Perpetual..... . ...Bohm
Sherman Bates
Impromptu C sharp minor.... Chopin
Helen Grieve
Nocturne, Op. 32, No. 1.......Chopin
Impromptu, Op. 28, No. 1.. .Reinhold
Ester Hood
On Friday afternoon a second stu-
dents' recital will be given at the
same hour, while on Friday evening,
the first graduation recital of the
-year will be given by Miss Elsie Lin-
coln of Hillsdale who will present an
interesting program of piano numbers.

Irish Revolt Draws Interest of World;
Sir Roger Casement May Give
Up Life
Much of the world's interest for the
past week has been centered on the
Irish revolt which is being weeded
out by the British troops in Dublin.
Several of the captured Sinn Fein
leaders have been executed, and Sir
Roger Casement seems to be in line
for similar treatment. Fierce local
engagements on the Franco-German
front accompany the sending of the
German note to the United States. The
White Star liner Cymric has been
among the list of torpedo victims for
the past week,
The German note, though not en-
tirely satisfactory to the American
government, seems to have been re-
ceived with some perplexity in govern-
ment circles. Minor details are stillj
causing considerable dissension in the.
State department. While excitement
over the German note has begun to
settle somewhat, however, the trouble
with Mexico has been complicated by
the ordering out of militia of Texas,'
Arizona and New Mexico into the field.
This action followed close upon a cab-1
inet meeting concerned with the de-
mand of General Obregon that the
United States authorities set a time
limit on' the "occupation" of northern
Furious fighting has been going on
almost continuously about Hill 304
in the Verdun sector. Contradictory
reports come the same hour from both
Paris and Berlin as to the victory
of attacks and counter attacks on that
hill. Action is being anticipated on
the Belgian front, where a large force
of British has been assuming the of-
Exhibit During Festival Week to Showi
Processes Used

Don't delay being measured.
No deposit required.
Henry & Company
713-715 North University Avenue


Chronic Normal
Callers Called
Regtular Ypsilanti Visitors' Bluff Will
?Not Work on This
"If it weren't so far and the concert
didn't last 'so long I'd like to take
yon over to Ann Arbor tonight to hear
the (lee Club."
The "Ypsi fusser's" pluff has finally
been called. for the Glee club that
m le the trip to the Pacific coast dar-
ing spring vacation will give a c'n-
cert Saturday evening in Pease au-
ditorium, Ypsilanti.
'he program will be the same as
the one rendered on the western jour-
ney. and the admission price will be
25ii cents.
Late (. 1'. Harkness of Standard Oil
Company Remembers Alma Hater
New York, May 9.--A $500,000 be-
quest to Yale university was contained
in the will of the late Charles W.
Harkness, Standard Oil company di-
rector, which was ad:nitted to probate
here today. Harkness graduated
from Yale in '83 with an A. B. degree
and was afterward a student at Co-
lumbia Law school.
There is no indication in the will
as to the total value of the estate,
though Mr. Harkness generally rated
as a multi-millionaire. The dece-
dent's stock in the Standard Oil com-
pany is bequeathed to his brother, Ed-
ward S. Harkness, making the bene-
ficiary the third largest stockholder in
the Standard Oil company. There
was also also a bequest of $350,000
to the New York Presbyterian hospit-
al and one of $25,000 to the "Lend a
Hand" mission of Cleveland.

Friday, May 19. to Be Date of Ann
Arbor E-xaminations; Nine Men
to Go to South America
Word was received yesterday, by
Prof. David Friday of the economics
department of the university, that the
examinations for the "Special Agents
to Investigate South American Mar-
kets," for men only, will be held in
Ann Arbor on Friday, May 19. The
place where the examinations are to
be taken will be announced later.
There are to be nine Special Agents
appointed to South America.
Applications for these examinations
should be sent to the bureau of for-
eign and domestic commerce at Wash-
ington. D. C. They should include a
statement of the candidate's knowl-'
edge of the subject of investigation,
and his methods of investigation. The
applicant should also inclose an un-
mounted photograph of himself taken
within the last two years.
Those men who successfully pass
the written examinations may be re-
quired to appear before an oral ex-
amining board at Washington before
they are given the positions.
Captain of Nereus Dies While at Sea
Norfolk, May 9.-A wireless mes-
sage received here today states that
Captain Hutchinson, commanding the
naval collier Nereus, died at sea last
Saturday. The Nereus is now en,
route from Guam from the Philippines.
Captain Hutchinson was a native of
Nova Scotia, but his family resides in
Camden, N. J.
Patronize Daily Ad-vertizers. **

Not All Native
Sons At Mrichigan

Ilut 42 Per Cent of Students
from Homes Within 101)
Mile Radius




Maijestie - Virginia Pe
and Charles Kent in "The
Arcade--Robert Warwk
"human Driftwood."
Orphieum- Marguerite?
in "The Cruceible."

ER * '
arson *
Vital *
k in *
Clark *
* * *

That "Cosmopolitan Michigan" is
more than a mere slogan is shown by
a series of statistics compiled by Reg-
istrar A. C. Hall in replying to a ser-
ies sent him by the librarian of the
University of Washington.
According to the report from the
western university, 50 per cent of the
students attending 20 of the leading
universities and colleges situated out-
side great cities, covering a period of
14 years, have come from within a
radius of 50 miles. At the University
of Washington itself, 75 per cent have
come from within that distance.
At Michigan, only 28 per cent come
from that -radius, while 42 per cent
have homes within the 100-mile circle.
The remaining 30 per cent come from
a wide area ranging from neighboring
states, to the students from Japan and
'e ae ii Iou Smith, 'I"E. Harold For.
sythe, '17,i and George Caron, '17L
Phi Alpha Tau, national honorary
.oci l v of tl, arts of speaking, Jdra-
matics and *nusic, yesterday initiaz-d
Harold Fdrsythe, '17, Don Smith, '17E,
and George Caron, '171.. A banquet
was held after the initiation. Talks
were given by C. L. Fordney, '15E, H.
H. Springstun, '17, M. C. Wood, '17,
0. J. Watts, '18, G. C. Caron, '17L,
Prof. L. A. Strauss, and L. H. Dun-
ten, 16L.
i' tronize Daily Advertizers. **

- -

Continued from Page Three)
h Saturday with the Ann Arbor
school racquet artists. The prep
ol lads are being coached by
is" Mack, of the Varsity squad,
are reputed to have a fast team.'
man especially, Schlee, is ex-
d to make the sledding extreme-
ugh for the first year men. The
of the team will be picked from,
bs, linderwood, Behr, and Held.'
e game with Olivet College, sche-
I for May 15, has been cancelled
he Congregationalists and Mana-
Steketee is attempting to replace'
th a match with Albion College,
3 played here May 27. Negotia-
are also being carried on with
Detroit College of Law for a
h to be played some time this
.h. A return date with Toledo
high school will occupy the
Is the first week end in June.
iladelphia, May 9.-The eyes of
owing world will be focused on
annual American Henley regatta1
Saturday, when this water classic]
place on the upper Schuylkill.
teen races will take place in
ge, high school, and club classes.
e big event of the day will be,
ace for the Childs cup, which will
together the Varsity crews from
polis, Princeton, Pennsylvania,I
Columbia. The midshipmen rule1
ites in this contest, due to their
t defeat of Pennsylvania.
.er events are the junior colle-
race, to be rowed in three heats,
eshman eight-oared race, the in-
ub eight-oared race, the interscho-
eight-oared race for the Franklin
enge cup, and several four-oared
singles contests.3
nager "Tony" Amtsbuechler,
ger of this year's wrestling tour-
nt, announced yesterday that a
ng of all the men who signed up+
his year's. bouts, together withl
who took part in last season's
would be held Thursday night
e Alpha Nu debating rooms.
meeting has been called for the
se of electing office'rs for the
ig year and to talk over certain
that have come before the man-
ent since the last tournament
nitiated. "Tony" has urged there-1
hat all the men be present. The'
ng will be held at 7:00 o'clock.

* * * * * * * * * *
"Birth of 21 Nation" at the

D. W. Griffith was eight months pro-
clucing his great spectacle, "The Birth
of a Nation," which returns to the.
Whitney Theater for three days, start-
ing Thursday afternoon, May 11. Grif-
fith took his photographic and player
forces to five different states to get
the proper color. Some scenes were
taken in Virginia, and in the Caro-
linas, while the bulk was made in
California, and one scene in Mexico.
No less than five professors of Ameri-
can history in as many western uni-
versities contributed the historical
Once World's Leading PrimaDonna; Is
Suffering from Cancer.
Winsted, Qonn., May 9.-Mrs. Clara'
Louise Kellogg Strakosch, at one time
considered the world's leading prima:
donna, is critically ill from cancer at
her home, Elphstone, six miles from
Twenty-five years ago Clara Louise
Kellogg, in the full flush of her stage
triumph, settled down on her beauti-
ful Connecticut estate.
She was the first American woman
singer to gain in Europe recognition;
for the new world. She was one of
the best "Marguerites" that the opera
of "Faust" has ever seen. The Ital-
ian school was best suited to Miss
Kellogg's coloratura soprano, and
she made many notable appearances
in "Rigoletto."
Bragg to Address Fresh Engineers
Prof. E. M. Bragg, of the marine en-
gineering department, will speak at
the fresh-engineer assembly today on
the subject, "The Field of Marine En-
gineering." Prof. Bragg will speak
mainly of the marine engine.
Prof. Trueblood Out of City
Prof. T. L. Trueblood of the oratory
department has been in Delaware,
Ohio, since last Saturday, visiting a
friend who is seriously ill. He will
probably return today.
Reports Prof. Allen Still Improving
A slight improvement was reported'
yesterday in the condition of Prof.
John R. Allen, of the mechanical en-
gineering department, whose right eye-
ball was removed Saturday night fol-
lowing an accident which occurred
at his farm near Potter's crossing.

To prove that a majority of our ties
and silk stockings and many other
things are made from wood is the aim
of one of the features of the exhibition
given by the different departments in
the New Science building and the
Colleges of Engineering and Architec-
ture during the week of the May Fes-
A model will be made by the forestry
department showing the large num-
ber of stages the wood goes through
before it becomes wood pulp. Differ-
ent models will be constructed to
show what things are made from the
The recent use of wood pulp by the
Germans to make cotton in the use
of explosives has brought up many:
new uses for wood pulp. Silk neck-
ties, hose, cigar and cigarette hold-
ers, fancy combs, umbrella handles,
films, cellulose, papier mache and sev-
eral hundred other useful things are
now being made from pulp.
The mentor cards in the Engineer-
ing College are being made out this
week and will be in the hands of the
various mentors after 4:00 o'clock on
Thursday. There has been some con-
fusion in the past because of students
calling for their grades too soon.
The instructors are to have the cards
ready this afternoon, and will deliver
them to the mentors before tomorrow
afternoon, so that they may be ob-
tained by the students at that time.
Practical Jokers Rob Annual Recep-
tion of its Brilliance



A. A. 'lorrow to Deliver Address for
Graduating Lawyers
A. A. Morrow, l6L. was selected a%
valedictori n for the senior laws at
a meeiing of the class held Monday
aftlwruoon. This selection came as the
result . a resolution adopted to the
elfecr that the man possessing the
highest g:rades be given the honor. To
Mr. Mor ow vwill fall the distinction of
delivering the valedictory address be-
fore his classmates on Class Day in
Jun e.

?ANYONE wishing to make the E
Canoe trip down the river from
Lakeland, Saturday, with Mr. G. R.
Swain's party, should make their
reservations at once.
U. of M. Boat House
. n-I Oxv 9 NIa0KVa 9kIlo ' zV3 0 iaok v") 4


Adrian, Mich., May 9.-The annual
senior reception at Adrian college to-
night for the college graduates is
likely to be stripped of some of its
customary brilliance, unless the un-
der class men return the seniors
caps and gowns, which were taken
The regalia was shown for the first
time a few months ago and on the
day the dignified seniors marched in
chapel in their flowing robes the ju-
niors trailed clad in gaily-colored bath
Yesterday the seniors held a meet-
ing and learned that every cap and
gown in the class had been stolen.
They were still missing this morning
and the seniors are wondering what
they will do for the reception tonight.
Looke over the advertizements in
The Michigan Daily. They will in-
terest you. *;

f i --
-. .-77
%j f . ADLRkR. BRMCOS.

Make This Store Yours
Besides a wide choice of 100%
values i n your clothing require-
ments here, there's service you'll
Fashion Park, Alder-Rochester
and Clothcraft individually designed
suits in all wool oxford grays, banjo
stripes, mixtures and straight blues
at $15 to $35.
Sport Coats
At $8 to $10, there are flannel
and knitted sport coats in gray, blue,
green and large black and white
plaid. Slip one on.
Summer Underwear
Of course, you may want your
regular B. V. D's. at $1, but we have
a hunch you'd like the new Mansco
Slide Backs at $1.
Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co.
The Big Store 200-202 Main St.

for saddle ponies.

tf Patronize Daily Advertizers.


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