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May 10, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-05-10

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VOL. XXVI. No. 153.


Phines :-Editorial 2414
Business 9611



11355 S AT10OO Tryouts Toda.y
109609 StaffPostiom,,.Opened to (Compe titors
at Press building at.


Vote On Changes
in Constitution~

A 1


Oratoirical A ssociaItionI )May Proeb



Tryoutsf or position on net years
staff of The Inlander will begin at

FrenichiComiter Attack lDrives
mnan s From Positionis They


Paris, May 9.-The crown prince
has lost 10,000 in dead and wounded
since he renewed his drive against
Verdun with a heavy thrust from the
northwest early Friday, French ali-
tary men estimated today.
The Germans suffered the heaviest
losses in frontal attacks on the north-
ern slope of Hill No. 304. After cap-
turing French trenches they were ex-
posed to a terrible fire from French
guns mounted in the summit which
spouted death all Saturday night.
Dawn broke on Sunday over a bloody
hillside and piles of boaies scattered
before the wrecked trenches.
German prisoners confirmed the
belief of French officials that the
present violent attack northwest of
Verdun constitutes the beginning of a
fourth great assault against the fort-
ress. They declare they were ordered
to takethe dominant position on Hill
304 at all cost.
After a violent bombardment of the
French position on Hill 304 the Ger-
mans attempted an advance at 3:00
o'clock this morning, the war office
announces. The attack was repulsed
French counter attacks east of the
Meuse drove the Germans from cer-
tain positions they -lad captured.
These positions consisted of some
parts of trenches northeast of Thia-
mount. An intense bombardment was
conducted by the Germang in the sec-
tors of Eix and Chattllon and be-
tween Douaumont and Vox.
Senior Reception
Elect Phili Lovejoy eGneral Chairman
Elect Philip Lovejoy General Chair-
ma for Bg Affair held
Announcement was made yesterday
of the various committees for the Se-
nior reception to be held in Barbour
gymnasium, Monday, June 26.
Philip Lovejoy, '16, was elected gen-
eral chairman for the whole reception
by the different chairmen of the entire
number of committees. .Constance Or-
cutt, '16, was chosen general secre
tary; Harry Sutter, '16L, general treas-
urer, and Clinton P. Harris, '16E, gen-
eral auditor.
The other committees for the Recep-
tion were chosen as follows:
General arrangements: H. A. Lich-
tig, '16M, chairman, Constance Orcutt,
'16, Louis M .Bruch, '16L, C. S. Bloom-
shield, '16E, Nena Maclntyre, '16. I
Decoration: Albert J. Gans, '16,
chairman, R. G. McAndrew, '16E, Da-
vid F. Kennedy, '16L.
Invitation: Werner Schroeder, '16L,
chairman, Sarah Stanley, '16, Glenn
J. Wilmore, '16M.
Publicity: Harold Perry, '16E,
chairman, Marie G. Sullivan, '16, John
S. Switzer, '16, Harry Sutter, '16L.
Music: Isaac Kinsey, Jr., '16, chair-
man, Clinton P. Harris, '16E.
Tickets will probably sell for $3.00
a couple as last year, with spectators
tickets at $1.00 each. -
At the annual election of the
Classical club held last evening
the following were selected as officers
for next year: President, R. C. Hunt-
er, '17; vice-president, Ruth Kelsey,
'17; secretary, Blanche Covey, '17;
treasurer, Charles Wilner, '19; cen-
sor, R. F. Matthews, '19.
Several French Trenches Captured
Berlin, via London, May 9.-The
capture of several French trenches on
the Verdun front south of Haucourt

was announced by the war office to-
day. The trenches captured were
south of Termitten Hill, according to
the official announcement.

the Press building at 4:00 o'clock to-
day. While it is epected that the next
staff will not be as large as the pres-
ent one, graduation of staff members
will leave a number of places to be
The trials will not be in the nature
of any formal test, but an attempt will
be made to give all those who wish
to try out a chance to work on the
two numbers of The Inlander which
are to be published this spring. Wil-
lingness to work, ability to write, and
acquaintance with campus life will be
factors which will be held in mind in
selection of the new staff members.
The staff will be composed of men
and women and will be limited to
juniors and seniors. It is expected,
however, the opportunity will be pro-
vided tor those who are to be sopho-
mores next year, to act as assistants
in the various lines of work during
the year with a view to going on the
staff in the following year.
Hutchins Opens
Taylor Sessions
President Delivers Welcoming Ad.
dress to Scientific Maage-
ien Men Tomorrow
President Harry B. Hutchins will
deliver an address of welcome to the
conference of the Taylor society on
scientific management at 3:00 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon, in room 348 of
the Engineering building.
Following the response for the Tay-
lor society, by Harlow S. Person,
president, an informal reception will
be held. At 8:00 o'clock in the eve-
ning, Henry P. Kendall, treasurer of
the Plimpton Press, of Norwood. Mass.,
will deliver a lecture on "Scientific
Management: Its Nature and Signi-
On Friday, three iectures will be
given during the course of the day. At
10:00 o'clock in the morning, six si-
multaneous round table discussions
of scientific methods of management
applied to various types of industry
will be held.
- -'
Save All ut Five
Of Cymric s Crely
Quintet Killed by Explosion of Tor-
pedo That Sinks Ship; LT-Boat
Question Is Revived
London, May 9.-With the official
announcement today that the tor-
pedoed White Star Liner Cymric had
gone down at 3:00 o'clock this morn-
ing came the news that five of the
crew of 107 men were killed by the
explosion of the torpedo that sank
the ship. The others were saved.
The sinking of the Cymric and the
publication of the American reply to
Germany's note have revived acutely
the whole submarine question. All
the evening papers today publish
prominently the American reply but
only the Westminster Gazette makes
f comment. It failed to see any con-
cessions on the part of Germany.
Swedish Socialists
A ttempt Regicide ?

. j

hI( w)IRepresentation for Womeln
Ne'vwell to ApplIear on f1ir'st Agaihst and Engineers
SKalamazoo Mine ''his __
%fteri'ooi - At a general meeting of the mzem-
Ihers of the Oratorical association to
ALTEIRIf)!'E To B\T SECONI) be held tomorrow afternoon at 4:00
o'clock in room 302 N. W., a vote will
be taken on the adoption of the new
constitution which was recently drawn'
F, Ni. ann, right field. -up by a committee.
11 Walt . zhouse, sh1eitstol., The outstanding features of the new
* E:L atI-. left field. 4document are the clauses providing for
Urandell, center fiel.* the admission of delegates from the
Caswell, second base. .engineering classes and of women dele-
Thomas, third base. y gates from the classes in the literary
Newell. first base. :: college, and the section providing for
* u mn. catcher. an executive board composed of four
M ille IPitche-. students and one member of the fac-
* ulty. The legislative functions of the
* * * ................association will remain vested in the
Oratorical board.
Michigan will lineup as listed alo e I Under the arrangement which went
for today's game against Kalamazoo into effect last fall, all students in
Normal. ('oach Lundgren has shifted the univ rsity are members of the

* :~. . ~ . * * *
About three weeks away is
C'ap Night, when freshmen fling
their caps into the fire, and be-
come officially sophomores. This
ceremony, however, means noth-
ing unless the caps have been
worn. The wearing of the fresh
cap is a matter of class spirit;
it shows that freshmen stand
together in their willingness to
learn Miclhigan customs; and
the burning of the caps, after
they have been worn in that
spirit, is what gives the symbol-
ism to Cap Night. The fresh
cap is the official badge of fresh-
manhood. Every freshmin
should buy one nd wear it up
to June 2.
S* * * * * * *: * * *



> *
L '
l 'I'




Walterhouse to second position in the
batting order, and Caswell has been
:o' ed btnw; to seoOId( base in the
infield, with Newell stationed at first.
The Varsity hooked up with the All-
Fresh yesterday afternoon for a short
six inning tilt. and they barely nosed
out the yearlings, the final score be-
ing 1 to 0. The Varsity counted cni
Newell's single, Ohhnacher's sacrifice
and Niemann's single. "Billy" Nie-
mann almost contributed another
tally, but he was ruled out at the
plate for failure to touch the rubber
.after he had the throw beaten by sev-
eral feet. "Bill" clouted a long
triple over the center fielder's head
and when the throw to third eluded
the infielders momentarily. Niemann
tried to score, but the arbitrator de-
cided that he didn't touch the plate
and a run was lost.
Niemann's hitting was the bright-
est point in the Varsity attack. The
team hasn't been meeting the ball as
they should, and unless they pick up
by this afternoon, Kalamazoo will
prove a big stumbling block.
Brandell will play center field to-
day, although he is far from being in
good shape. "Bran" turned his an-
k'e sliding to second an ' his speed
will be materially affected in today's
contest, but the center fielder insists
that he will play.
Ohlmacher worked out for the Var-
sity yesterday and the Freshmen only
got two hits, Captain Adams catching
the Varsity infield flat-footed with a
bunt and doubling to center later in
the game. Parks, twirling for the
freshmen, held the Varsity to four
hits and pitched a good game of ball.
WillD eal With All ('ounries South
of Rio Grande; Freshmen Excluded
A new history course of the Latin-
American countries is to be estab-
lished in the Literary college, under
the auspices of the Carnegie Interna-
tional Endowment Conciliation, in the
interests of peace.
This course, which deals with all the
countries south of the Rio Grande, in-
cluding the islands of the West In-
dies, will take up the histories of
these nations together with a study
of their political and social conditions
and their commercial relations with
tile United States. It aims to bring
us into closer relations with the exist-
ing conditions of our neighbors and
our duties toward them.
This branch of the history depart-
ment will be conducted during sum-
mer session by Mr. W. Schurz, in-
structor in the English history de-
partment, who receives a Hudson as-
sistant professorship. The course will
be open to every one excepting mem-
bers of the freshman class
\ c( ident in Atlas Powder (ompany
Plant In ures :3
Dover, N. J., May 9.---Five men were
killed and between 30 and 35 injured,
many of them seriously, in a double
explosion at the war munitions plant
of the Atlas Powder company near'
Lamding this afternoon. The win-
dows in Lake Hopetcong summer ho-
tel an( in towns for miles around were
shattered. The shock was felt through-
out northern Jersey.


Oratorical association and are entitled
to vote on this question.
r e
Roberson, Fog, Morales, Sylvester,
It idner and llardikar Put
on Boa'd
Frank Olmstead. '16, was elected
president of the Cosmopolitan club at
a meeting of that organization in New-
berry hall Tuesday evening. Those
chosen to compose the board of di-
rectors are: W. M. Robertson, '18D,
G. H. Fong, '18E, A. Morales, '16M,
and E. R .Sylvester, '17. Prof. J. A.
C. Hildner and Dr. N. S. Hardikar
were elected as faculty advisers, and
Tom Lowry and Rev L. C. Douglas,
as representatives of the local busi-
These of Cers will be inaugurated
at a banquet in Barbour gymnasium
at 8:00 o'clock Friday evening. Ex-
Congressman Edwin Denby, '96L, pres-
ident of the Detroit Board of Com-
merce and treasurer of the Hupp Mo-
tor Car company, will be the chief
speaker of the evening, while among
those invited are President Harry B.
Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, members
of the Board of Regents and their
wives, the directors of the Detroit
Board of Commerce and their wives,
members of the Women's league, the
Michigan Union, the Cercle Francais,
the Deutscher Verein, and the Ann Ar-
bor Civic association.
Several novel dishes are promised
for the menu ,which will be represen-
tative of the various nationalities. A
number of the acts from the All-Na-
tion Revue will be given after the
William Robertson, '16D, the retir-
ing president, will act as toastmaster.
The committees in charge of the af-
fair are:
Program and printing: A. Seele,
Philip J. Lovejoy, and John Kneebone;
menu, Dr. N. S. Hardikar and Q. L.
Young; guests: Prof. J. A. C. Hild-
nr. H. L. Switzer and Clifton Maree,
'171); tickets: R. J. Blum ,'18, and
E. Horkheimer, '18, and Ralph Bonnell.
Tickets are on sale at Wahr's, at the
Union, and at the Y. M. C. A.
Irish Nationalist Unionist Leader Re-
pudiated by Commons
London, May 9.-During the commit-
tee stage of the military service bill-
in the House of Commons today Sir
John Brownlee Lonsdale, whip of the
Irish Nationalist Unionist party, moved
that Ireland should be included in the
operations -of compulsion. The mo-
tion was rejected. Premier Asuith
said that a very large number of the
representatives from Ireland were not
at the moment prepared to accept com-
pulsion in Ireland, and that it was not
desirable that the country should be
plunged into a controversy .at this
Galey to Address Phi Beta kappa
Preparations for the Phi Beta Kap-
pa banquet to be given in Barbour gym-
nasium at 6:30 o'clock Thursday night
are well under way. The speaker for
the occasion will be Prof. C. M. Galey,
of the University of California. Pro-
fessor Galey graduated from Michi-
gan in 1878 with the degree of A. B.

New Unit to Be Formed Tonight if,
Enough :t eReport
at Drill
A faculty company may be added
to the Officers' Drill corps owing to
the number of queries received by
C. E. Wilson, commander of the corps,
as to whether members of the faculty
were eligible to participate in the mili-
tary training.
This special company will be in-
augurated at the meeting of the corps
to be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock
on Ferry field. It is expected that at
least 175 men will be present in uni-
form to take part in the maneuvers,
and drill in two companies.
About 200 students are now enroll-
ed with the corps. Of the number
which originally signed up prior to
spring vacation only two have with-
drawn, and both based it upon the
fact that they could not be present
on Wednesday nights. Of the total
number enrolled at present, at least
40 have had considerable previous
training and these have been acting
(Continued on Page Six)

(Militia From Texas, Arizona and N ew
Mexico Adds 8000 Men
to Forces
Marathon, Texas, May 9.-American
soldiers and posse men have already
avenged the death of the four Ameri-
cans at the hands of Mexican raid-
ers at Glenn Springs.
Just how many Mexicans have been
killed is not known. Two fights have
taken place between Americans and
Mexicans since the raid, one Monday
and another today. Captain Fox of
the Texas Rangers reported here today
to Colonel F. W. Sibley, commander of
-the American expedition into the Big
aend country,.a fight between seven
American, soldiers and three civilian
posse men on the Mexican side of the
river near Boquillas.
"Several Mexicans were killed" was
his laconic statement.
Earlier in, the day another fight be-
tween United States River Guards,
Texas Rangers, and posse men was re-
ported on the Texas side of the line
between Boquillas and San Vicente.
The Americans came upon the Mexi-
cans hiding in the cottonwoods along
the river bank. There were twelve
in the band. The Americans killed
eight of them, the report says,
The entire American expedition is
now either on the river or under way
from lMarathon south in the direction
of the bandit raid. Colonel Sibley re-
mains here to direct the work of his
men which will be done by telegraph
over a line which the signal corps is
stringing from here to Glenn Springs,
only 15 miles north of the border.
Major Langhorne, of the 8th Cavalry,
will be in command at Glenn Springs,
which will be the base of operations
for the scattering parties. The mes-
sage from Captain Fox reporting thee
battle between the Americans and the
Mexicans in Mexico did not say whe-
ther the Americans had returned to
this side of the river or were contin-
uing their hunt in Mexico. It is re-
ported here that the force has been
a'ugmented by the soldiers of Troop A,
14th Cavalry, under Captain Casper
Cole, and that they are penetrating
into Mexico after the bandits.
Colonel Sibley was-offlcially advised
by the Carranza government tonight
in telegrams that 1,000 Carranza troops
had been ordered into the Big Bend
country on the Mexican side of the
toundary by Governor Espinos Mire-
les of the state of Coahuila. The mes-
sage states that since the news that
the bandits who had attacked the
Americans at Boquillas was received
in the state of Coahuila, Governor
Mireles ordered cavalry forces of the
Carranza command to proceed in pur-
ruit of the bandits and to capture or
kill them wherever located.
Wilson Calls Out Troops from States
Washington, May 9.-President Wil-
son today called out the national
guard of Texas, Arizona and New Mex-
ico for service on the Mexican bor-



Weather forecast for Ann Arbor and
vicinity: Fair and warmer, with mod-
erate westerly winds.
4:00 o'clock-Xalamazoo vs. Michi-
gan baseball game, Ferry field.
4:00 o'clock--Mr. S. D. R. Smith
speaks to classos in journalism, 202
West hall.
4:00 o'clock-Senior Architects
meet, room 312 New Engineering
7:00 o'clock-Band rehearsal. U-
7:30 o'clock-Rev. Burke speaks be-
fore the Catholic Study club on "Evo-
lution from the Christian Viewpoint,
K. of C. parlors..
3:00 o'clock-President Harry B.
Hutchins opens the conference of the
Taylor society on, scientific manage-
ment, room 348, Engineering building.
7:00 o'cloc:--Meeting of Glee and
Mandolin clubs, room 151, Chemistry
7:30 o'clock-Poetry club meets, Cer-
cle Francais room, 202 South Wing.

}j }f

Stockholm Paper Says King Gusta3
Was Obtject cif I'l'suecessfulI
Plot of R even ge
Stockholm, via London, May 9.-As-
tonbladdett today prints rumors of ar
unsuccessful plot by socialists and

anarchists against the life of King
Sensational rumors are current.
says the newspaper, of a plot by the
young socialistic-anarchist party
against the life of the king of Sweden
in revenge for the recent conviction
of three, socialists, leaders of the anti-
militaristic congress. The attempt on
the king's life was planned to be made
at the horse show, but the conspira-
tors were foiled by the mobilization
of the entire detective force and the
placing of a cordon of detectives'
around the king.

Coming on the heels of the raid by
Mexican outlaws on the American
towns of Glenn Springs, and Boquil-
las, Texas. and in the addition of dis-
turbing news of an impasse in the
negotiations between Major-General
Scott and War Minister Obregon of
Mexico, the President's action made a
,.eep impression here.
General ' Obregon is understood or
reliable authority to have deadlocked
the conference yesterday by a demand
that a time limit be imposed on the
presence of the American troops in
Mexico. General Scott is said-to have
bedn instructed by Secretary of \ai
Baker, following a meeting of the
cabinet, to reject tlve proposal and to
reiterate that the United States can-
not consent to consider a withdrawa
until the original purpose of the Per-
shing expedition is accomplished and
effective steps are taken by the Car-
ranza authorities to safeguard Ameri-
(Continued on Page Six)

'h'e Junior Engineer dance whlich
was to have been held at the Union
Friday, May 12, has been cancelled ,
because of the demolition of the Union
Members of the bands are requested
to meet at U-hall at 3:30 o'clock this I
afternoon to attend the Kalamazoo
Baud rehearsal will be held at 7:00
o'clock this evening in University hall.

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