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May 06, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-05-06

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Says Business Expansion Has Turned
Lawyers Into Solicitors and
Business Counsellors
"In the last 35 years the business
expansion in this country has taken
lawyers out of the law and put them
into .business. It has destroyed the
profession of advocacy and turned the
lawyers into solicitors and counsellors
for the business interests," said Mr.
Albert M. Kales in his address on "Ad-
vocacy in the Appellate Courts," given
before the law students yesterday aft-
ernoon. This was the last of a series
of four lectures given by different
members of the Chicago bar on the
same general subject. Mr. Kales went
on as follows:
"This change has had its effect upon
the law schools. The ideals of the
schools have always kept before the
student the profession of advocacy.
Your walls are decorated with the por-
traits of the great judges. who were
the great advocates in their day. You
study the opinions of the same judges,
who received their training as advo-
"Yet the American legal world has
discarded these ideals and gone into
the making of money as the solicitors
and counsellors of business interests.
"The law schools have shown an
increasing interest in the success of
their graduates as such solicitors and
counsellors. One of the greatest
teachers was known to speak with
pride of the fact that his best stu-
dents could command $100 a month
in the best offices of New York City
on graduation. Nothing, to my mind,
was ever so incongruous as a great
leader of the Harvard Law School re-
joicing in this wholesale absorption
of his students by the legal business
"There are signs, however, of a new
development. Business is discovering
that its solicitors and counsellors are
r. no longer fitted for the practice of
advocacy. Thedgreat cases are mak-
ing an increasing demand for the pro-
fessional advocate. The solicitors and
counsellors are demanding his serv-
ices, as- the general practitioners of
medicine are calling upon the special-
is."This employment will give new life
to the ideals of the practice of advo-
cacy. It is the oblject of the Chicago
Society of Advocates to give force
and direction to this new demand."
After this introduction the speaker*
classified the advocates into those who
spend their time in jury trials, and
those who devote themselves to non-
jury or chancery trial work. le said
that those who practice as advocates
in the appellate court were not a sep-
arate class of advocates.
The speaker then mentioned six gen-
eral qualifications for the practice of
advocacy in the appellate courts: first,
training in argumentative writing;
second, general academic training in
law; third, special academic training
in the decisions of the particular ap-
pellate courts 'before which the advo-
cate practiced; fourth, the importance
of actual practice in the trial courts;
fifth, the voice, presence and address
of the advocate. which were of less
importance in the appellate court;
sixth, the necessity of constant prac-
tice in the appellate courts.

The speaker than passed to practical
hints as to the practice of advocacy
in the appellate courts. He dwelt upon
the importance of the attitude of the
advocate to the court; his absolute
frankness and sincerity in making his
points. He made practical suggestions
as to constructing written briefs and
arguments and oral arguments.
In conclusion the speaker dwelt
upon the true aim of advocacy in the
appellate , courts. This aim, briefly
stated, is to win. But there is more
inethis suggestion that the mere state-
The advocates in the appellate court
learn that cases can be won by argu-
ment. They learn what it is to force
opposing counsel to their knees; to
demonstrate to the court that they are
right and the other side is wrong.
They know that in a majority of cases
such a demonstration can be made
and the court convinced.
It is the aim of arguments to do
this on every occasion. The advocate
should have the spirit and object to
win by putting forth that which is un-
answerable and the demolition of an
opponent's case.
Hoppe's artistic studio for your
portraits. m6
Craftsmen Election Tonight at 7:30.
Patronize Daily Advertizers. **

IRceve Large Number of Summer
Jobs, Paying as high as
$20.50 per Week
With six weeks of the present se-
mester still remaining, the "Y" em-
ployment bureau has already given
out 3160 jobs, according to Philip
Lovejoy, employment secretary. The
number is expected to reach 4,000 by
the end of the year.
11here are numerous summer jobs
pcuring into the "Y" bureau every
day, paying as high as $20.50 a week.
Most of these positions are in factor-
ies in roledo, Detroit, and Chicago.
Although the summer resort jobs
are coming in slow, there will no
doubt be a greater number than usual
this year due to the prosperity of the
According to Loveoy the city of
Ann Arbor is to be covered more
carefully than ever next year, and a
report has been turned over to the
deans of the different schools show-
ing them what progress the employ-
ment bureau has been making. The
aim of the bureau is to form a closer
association between the faculty and
the employment bureau.
May 10.---Kalamazoo Normal College:
vs. Michigan, baseball game.
May 12.---Soph Prom, Armory.
May 13.-University of Detroit vs.
All-Fresh, baseball game.
May 13.- -Varsity track meet.
May 13. - Cornell University vs.
Michigan, baseball game.
May 17.-First concert of May Fes-
tival, 8:00 o'clock, Hill auditorium.
May 18.-Second concert of May Fes-
tival, 8:00 o'clock, Hill auditorium.
May 19.-Third concert of May Fes-
tival, 2:30 o'clock, Hill auditorium.
May 19.-Afternoon, tug of war be-
tween sophomores and freshmen.
May 20.-Morning, pushball contest
and class relays, Ferry Field.
May 19.-Fourth concert of May Fes-
tival, 8:00 o'clock, Hill auditorium. -
May 20.--Polish Seminary vs. All-
Fresh, baseball game.
May 20.-Leland Stanford Univer-
sity vs. Michigan, track meet.
May 20.-Fifth May Festival concert,
2:30 o'clock, Hill auditorium.
May 20.-Sixth concert of May Fes-
tival, :00 o'clock, Hill auditorium.
May 30.-Memorial Day (Holiday).
May 30. -State Normal College vs.
All-Fresh, baseball game.
June 2-3.-Interscholastic Meet.
June 2.--Notre Dame University vs.
Michigan, baseball game.
June 2.--Cap Night.
June 3.-Notre Dame University vs.
Michigan, baseball game.
June 9.-M. A. C. vs. Michigan, base-
ball game.
June 10.-M. A. C. vs. Michigan, base-
ball game.
June 25--Baccalaureate Services.
June 21-22.-Class day exercises in
the schools and colleges.
June 23.-Alumni Day.
June 29-Commencement Day.

Experts in Scientific Management to
Lecture; Hold Round Table
More than 150 business men and
manufacturers from. the eastern and
middle western states are expected
to attend the conference of the Taylor
society at Ann Arbor from May 11 to
May 13. Experts in the science of
management will lecture and round
table discussions on various phases
of the work will be given.
President Harry B. Hutchins will
open the conference Thursday, May
11, with an address of welcome. Fol-
lowing the address the following talks
will be given throughout the day:
"Scientific Management, Its Nature
and Significance," by Henry P. Ken-
dall; "Scientific Methods of Manage-
ment Applied to Various Types of In-
dustry," by Sanford E. Thompson;
"Scientific Management in the Opera-
tion of a Public Service Corporation,"
(illustrated), by Charles Day; and
"An Illustrated Trip Through Scien-
tifically Managed Factories," by H.
K. Hathaway.
On Friday, May 12, round table dis-
cussions of scientific methods of man-
agement as applied to various types of
industry will be held. The discus-
sions, which will take place simultan-
eously in different rooms, will be on
such subjects as: Paper and pulp, tex-
tiles, books, clothing, boxes, envel-
opes, printing, automobiles, construc-
tion, store sales management, and
traveling sales management.
On Saturday a general discussion
will be held, after which the confer-
en ce will close with a visit to the ball
game between Cornell and Michigan.
Business men and manufacturers
from neighboring states have been
invited by the society to attend the
meetings, all of which will be open to
the public. Students wose fathers
or friendsswould be interested in at-
tending the conference may secure
programs and additional information
upon application to Professor Bursley.
The school children o .. Arbor
have entered into the "Swat theA}Py"
campaign with vengeance. Evidence
enough of this fact is furnished by
the request from the pupils of the
Tappan eshool, who have entered a
requisition for 300 swatters.
Pupils of other schools have asked
for fly killers in lesser numbers, but
all have evinced the liveliest interest
in the work of fly killing, following
the announcement of Superintendent
of Schools H. M. Slauson, that swat-
ters would be distributed free of
charge to public school pupils.
flake Plans for Matinee Racing Card
Active preparation has been begun
for the matinee racing card to be
staged by the Ann Arbor Driving club

Majestie-Louise Lovely in
"Tangled Hearts."
Arcade-Pearl White i i n"'Ite
King's Gamne."

* I enchain the spectator's interest.

* :




Everybody interested in the possi-
bilities of war finds in the D. W. Grif-
fith's spectacle, "The Birth of a Na-
tion," which returns to the Whitney
theater for a three-day's engagement
starting Thursday afternoon, May 11,
a thrilling association with the issu-es
of today.
The great crisis of 1861-1870 as pic-
tured in the play have their lesson for
the Americans of today. The North
and the South in internecine struggle;
the strategy of the Petersburg cam-
paign and of Sherman's march to the
sea; Lee's surrender to Grant, and
the aftermath of war in the Recon-
struction period-all these form a se-
ries of martial and political events that

This will be the last opportunity to
see "The Birth of a Nation" as it will
not be shown in this city or vicinity
A list of the secondary schools ac-
credited by the North Central Asso-
ciation of Schools and Colleges has
just been published in this city and
is being distributed by the educational
This is the first time in the history
:)1f the North Central association that.
their list has been published in such
an elaborate form. Seventeen new
.schools in the state have been added
'o the association, making a total of
116 schools in this state.
To belong to the North Central as-
; ociation a school must maintain a
certain number of teachers per pupil
and these must be provided with a-
certificate from a school in the list of
secondary schools and colleges. Then
the school must also have certain la-I
boratory reuirements and hygienic
Look over the advertizements in
The Michigan Daily. They will in-
terest you. **

Inte rcollegiate
Harvard--Twenty-one races will be
held during the second annual Har-
va rd Invitation Regatta next week.
)linnesota-Political parties are or-
ganizing to elect delegates to a mock
convention which will be held in the
near future.
Stanford-An "Honesty Day" has
been organized. On this day, every-
body on the campus will return all
borrowed books, clocks, pencils, hats
and tennis racquets to their rightful
Vanderbilt-Mrs. Emmeline Pank-
hurst, the militant English suffragette,
recently addressed the students on
"Woman's Patriotic Work in the Great
War." The proceeds were added to
the endowment fund.
Yale-Spring football practice was
started this week.
Illinois-Thie French club imported
a classic dancer to entertain the uni-
versity at the French play.
Miiinesota-Tbe agricultural college
is to give a country dance. Gingham
aprons, sunbonnets, braided hair, flan-
nel shirts, overalls, and boots will be
in style.
Send The Daily. home. 50c for the
rest of the year. **

Say, Fellows !
E HAVE just received a big
shipment of Sport Coats in
all the new popular shades and
sizes from 33 to 44. The man-
ufacturer advises us that he can
make no more shipments of
these coats, owing to the fact
that there is no more goods to
be had at any price from which

to make them.

Our advice to

you is to buy quick if you in-
tend to own one.
We have also received a big
assortment of Cotton Crepe
Shirts from Samuel Samuel
& Co., Yokohomo, Japan
Beautiful Patterns---Easy
Lutz Clothing Store
Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes

____-at their track in this city on Memorial
iL. C. Representative Issues Warning Day. Already seven horses, prospect-
Now that the nice weather is here, ive entries, are being worked out here
long afternoon walks will be popular. and more entries are due from nearby
In view of the fact that the Michigan cities and surrounding country.
Central tracks have, in the past, been James Murnan has been named offi-
used as a promenade, a representative cial starter. The judges will be Dr.
of this company wishes to warn stu- R. E. Atchison, R. C. Campbell, Dr.
dents of the danger connected with F. L. Arnet of Dexter.

the practice. The disaster on Wash-
ington's birthday when one man was
killed and another seriously injured,
should serve as a warning to those
who persist in trespassing.
Advertizers in The Michigan Daily
are the reliable business men of the
city. It is to your interest to trade
with them. **

. C. Claassen Nominated by Petition
George C. Claassen, '17L, has been
nominated for president of the Ora-
torical association by special petition.
This new addition makes the list of
nominees for the presidency four in

Patroniize ai ly A dyertizers.


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