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May 04, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-05-04

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7 2

Phones :-Edltorial 2414
Business 960

VOL. XXVI No. 148.







List of Participants Includes
Dancers, Singers and.


Although Athe first dress rehearsal
is not to be held until this evening,
many participants in the Shakespear-
ean pageant, "The Queen's Progress,"
appeared in full costume at the re-
hearsal held in Hill auditorium last
night. With but e of the anticipated
hitches, the dialogue, songs and dances
went smoothly, and gave promise of
a finished performance Friday night.
The patronesses, cast, and dancers
Mesdames Harry B. Hutchins, Junius
E. Beal, John R. Effinger, Henry M.
Bates, Victor C. Vaughan, Mortimer E
Cooley, Julius O. Schlotterbeck, Wil-
bert B. Hinsdale, Neville S. Hoff, Shir-
ley W. Smith, Isaac N. Demmon, Fred
N. Scott, Thomas C. Trueblood, L'uis
A. Strauss, Morris P. Tilley, Charles
McKinney, M. B. Cady, James Heaton,
and L. S. Harper; Misses Marion
White, Lucy Eliot, Grace Millard,
Katherine Hine, and Lotta Broad-
Queen Elizabeth, Miriam Hubbard;
Master of the Revels, C. P. Anderson;
Duke, H. L. Haag; Amiens, Chase B.
Sikes, Jacques, J. Fishback; Orlando,
E. H. Nelson, Adam, G. Robbert; Rosa-
lind, Mildred Hill; Touchstone, G. D.
Wilner; Witches,Ruberta Woodworth,
Dorothy Gruss, Nellie Rose Warner;
Macbeth, J. B. Barker; Banquo, M. S.
MacLean; Capulet, E. Griest; Romeo,
E. M. Wisdom; Juliet, Helen Davis;
Nurse, Pauline Emerson _ Antony, I.
C. Hunter; Mistress Quickly, Helen
Ely; Falstaff, Walter R. Atlas; Hob-
goblin, Constance Orcutt; , Mistress
Ford, Katherine MacBride; Mistress
Page, Sarah Stanley; Ophelia, Olive
Hartsig; :Titania, Della Laubengayer;
Puck, Helen Champion; Bottom, Wal-
ter R. Atlas; Peaseblossom, Virginia
Hendrickson; Cobweb, Fern Brittain;
Moth, Dorothy Hoover; Mustardseed,
Marjorie Hoover; Epilogue, E. M. Wis-
Villagers: Jeannette Armstrong,
Olive Hartsig, Euthymia Hildner,
Marion Holden, Ruth Kruger, Madge
Mead, Margaret Norton, Gertrude Ten-
inger, Marjorie Votey, Dorothy Walk-
er, Annette Wood, Margaret Hill,
Frank Wood, W. E. Brown, Harold
Perry, Rex St. Clair, A. F. Wakefield,
De T. Mosier, L. F. Berry, A. V. Liv-
ingston, J. V. Schmidt, L. P. Waldo,
W. Holt.
Attendants to the Queen: Rozella
Noble, Hazel Giddings, Maude Paine,
Mary L. Alexander, Pansy Blake, Viv-'
(Continued on Page Six)
Kohn to Lecture on Architecture Today
Mr. Robert D. Kohn, a prominent
architect of New York City, will lec-
ture at 1:15 o'clock this afternoon
in Alumni Memorial hall. The lecture
is the first of a series on various
phases of the architectural field to
be given on the campus this spring
under the direction of the College of
Architecture and the Michigan chapter
of the American Institute of Archi-
Change Time of Chicago Lawyer's Talk
The time of the lecture on "Parlia-
mentary and International Cases", by
John M. Zane, of the Chicago Society
of Advocates, which was to be given
at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in room
C of the Law building, has been chang-
ed to 10:00 o'clock this morning.

Sisler lDay Plans
Receive Support
undgrenI Plans to hie elen Respite
on Friday ini Order to
See Former Star
Coach Lundgren stated yesterday
afternoon that unless the Michigan
team "blew up" against Syracuse to-
day, he would grnt the men a day's
respite in order that they might see
the Sisler Day baseball game in De-
troit tomorrow.
Captain George Labadie, "Duke"
Arentz and "Dewey" Burrows will
purchase the watch this afternoon
that comes as the result of the fund
that has been raised to secure a re-
membrance of the occasion for ,Sis-
ler. Nearly $50 has been subscribed,
and donations will be received up un-
til noon today. All who are going to
contribute towards the purchase of
the present for the former Michigan
player will thus have to attend to
this matter some time this morning
at Cushing's drug store.
The Michigan Central special train
has practically been assured, and the
Ann Arbor delegation will leave this
city tomorrow at 12:30 o'clock. The
committee announced yesterday that
anyone who intends going into De-
troit for purposes other.than the ball
game will be welcome on the special.
The usual special $1.00 round trip
rate prevails, with the return trip
tickets good until Sunday. In Wed-
nesday's game George secured a two
bagger out of two times at bat, giv-
ing -him seven hits out of his last
ten trips to the plate.
Gilday Plans to
Arbitrate Strikes
State 'roops Appear in Strike Zones
Near Pittsburg as Result of
Reign of Terror
Pittsburg, May 3.-Coincident -vith
the, appearance of the state troops in
the Turtle Creek and Monongehela
strike zones came the anngunceient
today that Thatrick Gilday of the state
bureau of mediation and arbitration
has arranged with President E. M.
Kerr of the Westinghouse Electric and
Manufacturing company for a meet-
ing with the mediation committee of
the strikers from the allied Westing-
house plants. Tiffs definite action
which followed yesterday's reign of
terrorism in. which two were killed
and a score or more seriously injured
in a clash with deputies and coal and
iron police at the Edgar Thompson
Steel works, Braddock, leads to the
belief that a settlement of the diffi-
culties between labor and capital in
this district is a few days away.
With the arrival of state troops big
plants which had shut down rather
than court violence at the hands of
the unrestrained mob during the last
few days announced today that they
would reopen tomorrow.
School of Music Students Play This
Afternoon at 4:15 o'Clock
Members of the piano and vocal de-
partments of the University School of
Music will give a public student's re-
cital this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. The
public is invited to be present.
The following program will be of-
Impromptu, Op. 2S, No. 3, Reinhold,
Poupee Valsante, Poldini, by Olive

McClouth; Romance, John Mokrey, by
Clara Lundell; Wohin, Schubert, by
Lola Stevens; Staccato Caprice, Vo-
grich, by Jessie Robbins; Scherzo,
Largo and Finale from Sonata, Op.
58, Chopin, by Elsie' B. Lincoln; Valse
Arabesque, Lack, by Jane E. Thomas;
Wanderer's Nachlied, Fruhlingsglaube
Schubert, by Florence Jernberg; and
Two Etudes, Chopin, Sherzo, Op. 4,
Brahms, by Earle S. Epps.

Who takes the part of "Romeo"
in the pageant scene from "fo-
meo and Juliet."
WCarranza General Informs Command-'
ers That Scott-Obregon Meeting
Promises Satisfaction
El Paso, May 3.-General Gabriel1
Gaviera, military commander of Juar-
ez, sent a message this afternoon to
all his commanders in the field in-
forming them that the conference be-
tween Generals Scott and Obregon was
progressing satisfactorily to the Con-
stitutionalist cause and that he be-
lieved he would be able in a short time
to announce its conclusion in an
amicable manner satisfactory to. both
governments and the people thereof.
Baldnero Almada, general fiscal
agent for the Carranza government in
the United States, after a visit 'to
General Ob gon today, n adethe dec-
laration Atht all differences betweenI
the Mlexicns and: the Americans have
been cleard up. He asserted that;
General Obregontold him today that
he had never met a man who was
fairer than General Scott.
Question of War or Peace Will Be Set-
tled by Anniversary of
Lusitania Sinking
Berlin, via Amsterdam, May 3.-
"Next Sunday, the anniversary of the
sinking of the Lusitania, will witness
the final decision of the question of
war or peace between Germany and
the United States"
This statement is made on the basis
of information, the fullinature of which
the correspondent is not permitted to
disclose. It is made, however, on ab-
solutely reliable authority.
This does not mean that Germany's
answer to President Wilsdn's last
word on the submarine question may
not be despatched to Washington to-
morrow or Friday. What it means
is that within four cays mie crisis be-
tween. Germany and America will be
definitely ended. or will have devel-
oped into a diplomatic break:and pos-
sibly war.
It was hinted here by a high' foreign
office official this afternoon that if
Sunday should have been picked for
the day of the climax-which he did
neither deny nor confirm-it was done
at the suggestion of the American gov-
ernment. Such a suggestion, how-
ever, if it was made, could have been
possible only after Washington had
been privately informed by Ambassa-
dor Gerard that the German answer
(Continued on Page Six)

Highty Redmen
on the Warpath
)[embers of the Paleface Nation Come
at Last to State of
Listen to this tale of romance,.
Tale of Indian warriors bold.
In the early moon of Green Leaves
Came they forth, the stoics valiant.
Forth they romped to Great Chief's
But he came not forth to greet them.
Long belov'd but now departed
Dwells he now with Manitou.
Round the mighty oak of Tappan
Circled Michigamua's red men;
Circled yelling, screaming Indians;t
In their war paint, colors flying.
Round the tree of Indian legend r
Stood the white men, pale and tremb-
Warrior's choice of paleface nation;t
Choice of tribe to run their gauntlet.
Down the warriors, painted demons,
Swooped and caught their prey, liket
Loud the war cry stirred the stillness,r
As they seized their hapless captives.E
Forth they bore them to their wigwam.
There to torture at their pleasure,
There all ate round glowing campfire.
Heard the words of mighty wisdom,
Smoked the pipe of peace and friend-
Thus there came to Michigamua
Staats Abrams,''17E, Kemp S. Burge,
'17, Leslie H. Carroll, '17E, Cecil Cross,
'17, Maurice F. Dunne, '17L, Abraham
S. Hart, '17, Edward E. Mack, '17, John
Maulbetsch,'17P, John C. B. Parker, '17,
Edwin B. Palmer. '17, E. Rodgers Syl-
vester, '17, and Edward F. Walsh, '17.'
French Win Lines
at Le Jvort Homme
Take Additional German Trenches on
West Bank of River, With 1
Many Prisoners
Paris, May 3.-The French counter
offensive at Le Mort Homme, the im-
portant height on the west bank of the
river in which progress was made on
several occasions last week, resumed
late this afternoon with an assault
which won further German positions
and gave the French about 100 pris-
oners. The extent of the trenches oc-
cupied has not yet been announced.
There was a violent artillery bom-
bardment today in the Avocourt sector
but this was not followed up by an in-
fantry attack. Three companies of
German infantry, about 750 men, were
used last night in a small attack made
on French positions in the Argonne
between La Harazee and Le Four de
This attack of last night, although
participated in by' only a small body
of troops, was preceded by a lively
bombardment with gas shells. It was
successful for the moment. The Ger-
mans gained a foothold in advanced
French trenches but they were unable
to hold them and had to retire, suf-
fering heavy losses.
Oratorical Leaders for Next Year
Nominated Yesterday
*Nominations of officers for the Ora-
torical association for 1916-1917 were
made at a general meeting of the as-
sociation yesterday afternoon. The

election will be held Saturday, May 13,
from 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock, in Univer-
sity hall.
The following nominations were
made: President, R. M. Carson, '17, G.
F. Hurley, '16, H. B. Teegarden, '17;
vice-president, I. S. Toplon, '17, L. W.
Lisle, '17L; secretary, W. T. Adams,
'17, J. H. Hathaway, '17, J. R. Simp-
son, '18; treasurer, B. F. Magruder,
'18, E. O. Snethen, '18L, G. W. Hul-
bert, '17.


sire in the College of
Steps toward the establishment of
the honor system in the engineering
college during the coming June ex-
aminations and the next semester,
were taken yesterday when it was
decided to elect a student committee
to put the system in force.
The committee will consist of two stu-
dents to be' elected by each of the
three _upper classes and of a chair-
man to be chosen by the present com-
mittee from the junior members. The
elections are to take place today, bal-
lot boxes being placed in the hall near
the library of the engineering build-
ing. The nominees are: Staats
Abrams, '17E, R. L. McNamee, '17E,
G. A. Scheibel, '17E, E. A. Thomas,
'17E, and N. H. Ibsen, '18E, W. A.
Bangs, '18EE. M. Schaffter, '18E, and
J. C. Kortick, '18E.

engineers Plan
for Honor System


Nominate Committee to Enforce Meas- l AUGUSTINE BIRRELL RE





Weather for Ann Arbor and vicin.
ity: Fair and warner.
Qualifying round of campus chami
pionship golf tourney begins.
3:00 o'clock-Junior lits baseball
practice at Ferry Field.
4:00 o'clock-Junior and senior en-
gineer baseball game, Ferry Field.
4:05 o'clock-Michigan vs. Syracuse.,
baseball game, Ferry Field.
7:00 o'clock--Freshman Glee club
meets, McMillan hall.
7:30 o'clock-Meeting of the Poetry'
club, Cercle Francais rooms.
7:30 o'clock-Meeting of Actuarial1
and Statistical society, room 208, N. W.
8:00 o'clock-Dr. E. L. Stevenson
speaks on "The Expansion of Geo-
graphic Knowledge in the Middle
Ages," Natural Science auditorium.
8:00 o'clock-Prof. Hermann S.
Hering speaks in University hall, aus-
pices of Christian Science society.
8:00 o'clock-Girl's Lower Section
of Deutscher Verein meets, Verein
rooms, University hall.
4:00 o'clock-G. C. Cummin speaks
on "The Relation of Engineering to
City Administration"' in room 348, New
Engineering building.
4:15 o'clock-Dr. Edward L. Ste-
venson speaks on "Early Discovery of
'xploration in the New World," Nat-
ural Science building auditorium.
7:00 o'clock-Alpha Nu discussion of
National Prohibition, Alpha Nu rooms,
401 U-hall.
8:00 o'clock-"The Queen's Prog-
ress," Hill auditorium.
Qualifying round of the campus
championship golf tourney continued.
John Keracher, secretary of the
Michigan Socialist party, speaks on
"The Labor Theory of Value," in New-
berry hall at meeting of the Inter-
collegiate Socialist society, 7:30
o'clock, Friday evening.

Secretary of Ireland is Blamed for
Failure to Prevent
London, May 3.-As the sun rose
over the high grim walls of the Tower
of London today it witnessed down in
the historic execution court, the last
act of the drama of the "Easter Re-
public of Ireland," played to the tune
of rifle bullets from four successive
firing squads that snuffed out the
lives of the four chief rebel leaders,
who eight days ago had raised the
curtain to let rebellion play its piece
of terrorism unconfined.
Patrick H-. Pearse, "the provisional
President nof Ireland," James Connel-
ly, "commander-general of the Irish
republican army," Thomas J. Clark,
and Thomas MacDonah, court mar-
tialled and convicted of treason, were
shot to death to pay the penalty of
their Easter dream.
In a cell not far from the scene of
the execution sat Sir Roger Casement,
a prisoner in the Tower awaiting trial
for treason. The rifle shots could be
plainly heard in the silent prison
room of the knight who was arrested
a few days before the rebellion broke
out while attempting to land arms
from a German auxiliary on the Irish
Accepts Birrell's Resignation
Shortly after Premier Asquith, in
opening this morning's session of
Parliament, had announced the fate
of the four Sinn Fein leaders, Augus-
tine Birrell, chief secretary for Ire-
land, handed in his resignation. The
premier promptly accepted it. Birrell
explained he was laying down his of-
fice upon having been assured that
the insurrection had been quelled.
Subjected to bitter attacks in parlia-
ment and in the press from the mo-
ment of the Dublin outbreak, Birrell's
position had become untenable. The
chief grievance' against him. was that
on the day the rebellion broke out he
had assured the government and par-
liament that the situation was well in
hand. The attack grew in scope and
fervor, as the rebellion pressed
through the week instead of subsiding
instantly and there were many who
blamed him directly for the whole sit-
uation, charging, him with a lack of
foresight and unpreparedness to meet
such an emergency.


Chief Cartoonist of Detroit Ne
Speaks Before Large Audience
To the large audience that gather
to hear him, Burt C. Thomas, chi
cartoonist of the Detroit News,
plained at some length the mode
processes of engraving which enab
even the smallest papers to secure
daily cartoon at a very nominal ra
In dealing with the start of this n
important part of the modern ne'
paper, the speaker recounted ma
amusing anecdotes concerning I
Fisher, "Tad", "Briggs", Goldbi
Fontaine Fox, and many others of n
in this branch of work,


Band meets in front of U-hall in
khaki uniforms at 3:30 o'clock, for Lecture on Christian Science Tonig
Syracuse game. Hermann S. Hering, of Hoopest
.J-engineers report at Ferry Field at Illinois, will deliver a lecture on Ch]
3:00 o'clock for baseball game -with tian Science in University Hall
senior engineers. night at 8:00 o'clock. The lecture
Fresh lit baseball team will practice under the auspices of the local Chr
at 3:00 o'clock on south Ferry Field. tian Science society.



May 4
8:00 P.M.


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