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May 02, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-05-02

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VOL. XXVI. No. 146.

' . 2
' B&3

Phones :-Editorial 2414
Business 960







Features of All Descriptions Planned;
Manufacturers' Products Will
Ile Barred
The engineering exhibit for this year
is now an assured fact since the Re-
gents at their last meeting allowed the
exhibit committee a generous appro-
priation for the expenses incurred. The
exhibit, which is a biennial affair, is
under the direct management of the
senior engineers, who are responsible
for its entire conception and develop-
ment. The juniors work in conjunc-
tion with the seniors, and the fresh-
men and sophomores take part on the
General Chairman John F. Clark,
'16E, when interviewed yesterday,
stated that preparation for the exhi-
bit was already well under way and
that all would be in readiness for the
affair on May 17 and 18. He stated
that the exhibit would be more elab-
orate this year than any previous year,
that it would be confined to student
work, and that no manufacturing con-
cern would be allowed to exhibit its
products for advertising purposes.
Freshman, sophomore and junior en-
gineering students who desire to do
work on the committee in the capacity
of guides and exhibitors are requested
to report to Chairman Clark in room
270 of the engineering building. Those
who do this work will be excused
from classes during the exhibit, but
only those who report now will be
thus excused.
An idea of the scope and interest of
the exhibit may be obtained from sore
of the feature exhibits which the sep-
arate departments are to show.
Civil EnIigineering
The sanitary branch of this depart-
ment which deals chiefly with muni-
cipal water supply and sewage puri-
fication will have models of plants
which show both branches of this
work. A model of concrete which
contains a filter bed and settling ba-
sins will demonstrate the purification
of water. A large model of an Imhoff
tank, by which city sewage is purified
will be in operation. Samples of
treated sewage obtained from the uni-
versity experimental station will be
on exhibition.
The structural branch is planning
on showing a six-foot model of a steel
and wood bridge which is being made
in the engineering shops. The high-
way course has many models of dif-
ferent road surfaces about four feet
square. A complete set of road work-
ing tools and equipment will be shown.
Tests of different road materials will
be shown in the testing laboratories.
The hydraulic department is build-
ing a model of a combined irrigation
and power development project. A
large tank will contain the water to
be backed up by a model dam, to be
used on a miniature farm and to de-
velop electric power in a miniature
power house. The power will be used
jto light the project and to run an
electric railway.
Marine, Naval and Aeronautic Exhibit
The marine engineering department
is to exhibit many models of instru-
ments of naval and military warfare
that have been specially obtained for
the occasion from the war department
at Washington. Two models of mod-
ern torpedoes, weighing over a half-
ton each are already in Ann Arbor.
Revolving cannon, coast defense guns,
field batterie, rapid-fire guns, broad-
sides, shells, rifles, cutlasses and car-
bines have beenobtained for the ex-
hibit and will be, shown by a squad
of marines detailed from the service.
Sixteen-foot models of warships wi

be exhibited in the halls of the build-
ing. The marine tank will be in oper-
ation and students will demonstrate
the work which is being done. Several
models of airships will be placed in the
engineering court.-
Meclanical Engineering
In the mechanical department, high
speed turbines, atmospheric steam en-
gines, a bottle from which a liquid
(onnned, on Pw_- Six)

Who Takes the Part of Titania,1
the fairy Queen, in the Shakes- l
pearean Pageant.
Christie Gives
french Lecturet
To Illustrate 'talk on Philippines<
With Slides Made from
Emerson Christie, of the Spanish de-
partment, will deliver the last of thei
French lectures on the program of the}
Cercle Francais at 5:00 o'clock this
afternoon in Tappan hall.1
"The Wild Tribes of the Philippines"
is the English rendering of the sub-
ject upon which Mr. Christie will
speak. The material which he will
use was collected during his eight
years' service with the United States
Ethnological Survey in the Philippines..
The lecture will be illustrated with
60 slides made from photographs taken '
by Mr. Christie himself. The numer-
ous illustrations will make it possible
for those not intimately acquaintedl
with French to appreciate the lecture.
Admittance wi- be free.
Union D ances to
Ve Held in Gym
Start T'learing Down of Old Dance
Hall; Pond Residence to
Ile Moved
Work on the moving of the Union
dance hall has started, and from now
on all Union parties will be held at
Barbour gymnasium. The last dance
was held at the Union Saturday night,
with aslarge crowd on hand to enjoy
the last dance in the old building.
The regular Saturday night dance will
be held at Barbour gymnasium as well
as all other former Union dances.
No definite action as to the erection
of the new building has been decided
upon, and it is stated that until the
million dollar mark has been reached
real work will not begin. The con-
tract for the new structure has not
been given out as yet.
The Pond residence, next to the old
Union, will also be moved to the
northwest corner of the property
within a few days, thus marking the
departure of one of the oldest build-
ings on State street. It is expected
that the main Union structure will
be torn down shortly before Com-
mencement time.
New Yorker to Lecture Thursday in
Alumni Memorial Hall
Mr. Robert D. Kohn, an architect of
New York City, will lecture before
the students of the College of Archi-
tecture at 1:15 o'clock Thursday after-
noon in the Alumni memorial build-
Mr. Kohn is a well known architect
and designed the new building of the
New York Evening Post, as well as a
number of other large structures in
New York. He was formerly presi-
dent of the New York Society of Archi-
tects and a director of the American
Institute of Architects. The lecture is
one of a program being given before
the Michigan chapter of the institute
and the students of the university. It
is open to the public.

liH.LEN D1{, '16, IN ClARIGE OF
Tit anioa s Attendants in "The Queen's
Progress" Have Daintiest
Costumes for the participants in
the Shakespearean pageant, "The
Queen's Progress," are almost com-
pleted, according to a statement made
by the chairman of that committee
yesterday. Helen Dow, '16, has vhad
charge of designing the costumes for
the color, flower and moon fairies, for
Night, Titania, queen of the fairies
and for the women taking part in
the peasant dances.
Garb for the principals and for those
appearing in the court dances. have
been executed by Fritz Schoultz of
Chicago, a designer of some reputa-
tion'in the middle west, to whom was
given the work of outfitting those tak-
ing part in the recent pageant held
in Milwaukee. These costumes will
arrive Thursday, and the first com-
plete dress rehearsal is set for Thurs-
day night.
Perhaps the daintiest apparels will
grace the children taking the parts
of Titania's attendants. Little Mar-
garet Hoover, aged 10, as Mustard-
seed, will appear in a dress of tan
colored silk while her diminutive sis-
ter Dorothy, as Peablossom, 'will
wear pink and lavender.dVirginia
Hendrickson as Moth will don a dress
of gray silk under a net of orange. A
dress of white tulle and silver has
been selected for Fern Drittain who
will take the >art of Cobweb.
All portions of the pageant have
been rehearsed a number of times,
and according to Prof. Herbert Alden
Kenyon, who has been acting as su-
pervisor, the effect is pleasing and
rapidly acquiring the finish required
for the first production.
Seats went on sale yesterday at the
box office in Hill auditorium, and
will continue to be sold from 9:00
until 12:00 o'clock, and from 2:00 un-
til 6:00 o'clock daily until May 5.
Hold Rehiears'a Wednesday; List of
Other Parts on Women's League
Bulletin Board
Announcement has been made by
Ruth Brown, '16, chairman of the Se-
nior Girls' Play, of the cast for "The
Piper", by Josephine Preston Pea-
body, which is to be given Commence-
ment week. Rehearsals will com-
mence at once, the first meeting of
the cast being held Wednesday after-
noon at 4:00 o'clock in Newberry hall.
It is important that all girls taking
part be present at this time.
The cast is as follows:
The Piper, Isabelle Ronan; Michael,
Elsa Apfel; Cheat, the Devil, Sarah
Stanley; Jacobus, Pauline Emerson;

Kurt, Emilie Sargent; Peter, Marjorie
Stowell; Hans, Dorothy Walker; Axel,
Selma Lindell; Martin, Nena MacIn-
tyre; Peter, Ora Sharpe; Anselm,
-Marguerite Perry; Old Claus, Ruth
Hutzel; Town Crier, Marion Stowe;
Jan, Leila Pike; Hansel, Helen Ely;
Olse, Marjorie Carlisle; Trude, Mild-
dred Backers; Rudi, Honor Gaines;
Veronika, Miriam Hubbard; Barbara,
Lola Ryan; Wife of Hans, Hazel Ste-
vens; Wife of Axel, Helen Service;
Wife of Martin, Madge. Mead; Old Ur-
sula, Catherine Wenley.
More than 70 girls have been chosen
to play the parts of the children,
monks, nuns, burghers and town wom-
en. A list of these parts will be found
posted in the Women's League room.
All girls who tried out for the play
should be sure to see if their names
appear on this list, as no other notice
will be given them. The "mob" is
to be present at the first meeting on
Wednesday, as well as the cast.

Who Takes the Part of Queen
Elizabeth in the Shkespeareani
Pagean t.
U"Prince" Eakes
Un princely Exit


Hawaiian Students Object to
Adopted by Traveling


Racial pride and objection to an
apparent insult, led Hawaiian students
of the university to complain to the
police last night against "Prince" Pu-
reza Rico, a traveling singer, who
styles himself as "The Celebrated Ha-
waiian Basso," and who sang at the
Bethel African M. E. church last eve-
ning. -
According to the "prince's" adver-
tising posters he is "a great attraction
in the eastern hemisphere, and ac-1
knowledged to be the most gifted and
remarkable basso the world has ever
known," and has, since coming to the
United States, "been electrifying the
public." But the Hawaiian students,
objected to his use of the term "prince"
besides doubting his Hawaiian lin-
eage, and put the county attorney and1
the Ann Arbor police on his trail.
At the Michigan Central railroad
station lie was discovered in trying to
make a rather unprincely "get-away,"
and although arrested, he' escaped in
time to catch an outgoing passenger
Jackson City Manager to Speak Friday
Mr. Gaylord C. Cummin, city man-
ager of Jackson, and a graduate of
Cornell, will deliver an address Fri-
day afternoon at 4:00 o'clock in room
,34, New Engineering building, on
"The Relation of Engineering to City
City management is a new phase o
engineering activities and is demand-
ing broad training. All interested are
To Stand Pat on
Note to Germany
State Department Reiterates Asser-
tion That It Will Not Re-
cede One Inch
Washington, May 1. - While still
a waiting advices from Ambassador
Gerard the State department reiterated
its assertion today that the United
States would not recede one inch
from its original demand, which prac-
tically means that - Germany must
abandon its submarine warfare against
Secretary of State Lansing made it
clear tonight that no compromise on
the vital question of the American
note-the immediate ending of sub-
marine menace to non-combatant life
-will be acceptable.
JohnC . Kenned, Chicago Alderman,
to Appear in Newberry Hall
John C. Kennedy, socialist alderman
of Chicago, and secretary of the Illi-
nois socialist party, will speak on
"Socialism, the Fulfillment of Democ-
racy," at 8:00 o'clock Friday, May '12,
in Newberry hall.
The lecture will be given under the
auspices of the Michigan chapter of
the Intercollegiate Socialist society.
To - cover rental of hall and Mr. Ken-
nedy's traveling expenses an admission
of 15 cents will be charged.

*J *k * * * * *~ * * ****
* *
* "God forbid that we should be *
drawn into war, but if we *
* should, America would seem *
once more to awaken herself *
out of a dream to say: 'Did any *
* man deem that we were asleep? *
Did any man deem that we had *
* forgotten the traditions of Amer- *
* ica? Did any man deem that he *
* could tamper with the honor or *
* the integrity of the United *
* States?' And in the great wave *
* of national enthusiasm which *
* would be raised, all the world *
* would stand once more thrilled *
* to see America asserting its *
* standards of justice and liber- *
* ty"-President Wilson, yester- *
* day, at Chevy Chase. *
* *
** * * * * * * ** * * *
Rebels Surrender; About 1000 Takent
-Prisoners; Arms Given Up
to Soldiers
London, May 1.-All the rebels in
Dublin have surrendered, and those in
the country districts are doing like-
wise, according to the official state-
ment this evening.
According to the statement, there
were 1,000 prisoners in Dublin yester-
day, of whom 489 were sent to Eng-
land last night. It is reported from
Queenstown that hopes were enter-
tained that an armistice would be en-
tered into today in the city of Cork.
During the night of April 30-May 1, the
rebels in Aennis Corchy made an offer
to surrender their arms on condition
that the rank and file be allowed to
return to their homes. They were in-
formed that the only terms that could
be considered were unconditional sur-
These terms were accepted by the
rebels at 6:00 o'clock this morning.
It was reported that the rebels were
surrendering today on these terms. A
column composed of soldiers and
Royal Irish constabulary captured
seven prisoners in the neighborhood
of Ferns, County Wexford, today.
(Continued on Page Six)

Reports Say Scott-Obregon Conference
May Result ii New
Washington, May 1.-Through two
different channels today, the United
States notified General Carranza that
it does not desire at this time to dis-
cuss a withdrawal of American troops
from Mexico.
Secretary of War Baker so advised
General Scott, who is representing
the United States in conferences with
General Obregon on the border.
After the conference with Secretary
Baker and Chancellor Polk, Secretary
Lansing later in the day informed
Eliseo Arredondo, the Mexican am-
bassador designate, in response to a
pressing inquiry from the latter, that
the American government would not
be in position to answer General Car-
ranza's formal request for a with-
drawal of the troops until the con-
clusion of the Scott-Obregon confer-
On high official authority it may be
said that President Wilson has no in-
tention of withdrawing the troops,
however insistent Carranza may prove
to be, until the de facto government
of Mexico has demonstrated in a prac-
tical way its ability to control the sit-
uation in northern Mexico and pre-
vent a repetition of the border out-
Forces Prepared to Resist Attack
On the basis of information obtained
from the same source, the inference is
drawn that if the Carranza authorities
attempt to back up any threats for an
actual attack on the American forces
in Mexico, the administration is pre-
pared to invade Mexico in force and
take such further steps as may be
necessary for the establishment of a
stable government in that country.
That the Carranza government would
have everything to lose and nothing
to gain in the long run by such a de-
velopment is an argument depended
upon in administration circles to per-
suade Obregon to listen to reason and to
consent to discuss with General Scott
plans for co-operation between the
military forces of the two govern-
ments, in the pursuit of Villa and the
final dispersal of his bandit follow-
The communication to General Scott
was sent this afternoon in response
to an inquiry from him for amplif ea-
tion of his instructions. Although the
Americannchief of staff had stated in
his reports to Secretary Baker .that
something like a peremptory demand
for a withdrawal of the American ex-
pedition had been made by General
Obregon, the Mexican minister of war
has indicated a desire for an expres-
sion on this point from the American
government before proceeding further
with the negotiations. That Obregon
should take such a stand is regarded
in official circles here as a natural
step and not necessarily as final.
Although realizing that the Carran-
za government might go so far as to
threaten force to compel the with-
drawal of the expedition, officials who
have handled the situation do not be-
lieve that Carranza is in a position
to make good on such a threat. There-
fore it is declared by men who have
taken an active part in directing the
(Continued on Page Six)

'_-'_"' ""'i





Weather for Ann Arbor and vicin-
ity: Partly cloudy.
4:00 o'clock-Soph lits vs senior
lits baseball game, south Ferry Field.
4:00 o'clock-Meeting of the St. Hil-
da guild of the Episcopal church, Har-
ris hall.
4:05 o'clock-Michigan vs. Ypsilan-
ti Normal, Ferry Field.
5:00 o'clock-Cercle Francais lec-
ture, Tappan hall.
7:00 o'clock - Alpha Nu meets,
rooms, U-hall.
7:15 o'clock - Zoological Journal
club meets, room Z231, Natural Science
8:15, o'clock-Benefit concert, high
school auditorium.
4:00 o'clock-Special meeting of Phi
Alpha Tau, election of officers, Union.
5:00 o'clock-Meeting of prospective
Union opera writers, Union.
Meeting of the business staff of the
Inlander this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock,
Press building.
All candidates for the senior lit
baseball team report at Ferry Field
at 3:00 o'clock today for the game with
the soph lits.
Members of the officers' drill corps
are requested to be at the south end
of the Waterman gymnasium at 4:00
o'clock this afternoon for a photo-
graph. .
Fresh lit baseball practice at 3:00
o'clock; game at 4:00 o'clock.'

Leo Stevens, alias Joe MillE
sentenced to a term at Ioniac
2 to 14, years yesterday by
Kinne in circuit court. Steve
caught at Milan last week, w
attempted to get away with a
- check for $230.
Other cases disposed of y
included the petty larceny cas
mer Stofflet, Albert Pfromm
gene Weekly, and Henry
charged with the theft of a go
a hen from the coop of Albert
of this city. " The quartet wa
$10 after entering a plea of nc

ier, was
of from
ens was
lhen he
e of El-
er, Eu-
ose and

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