* _ - W Eare now taking the measureof all the miemYbers of the 1916 classes for caps and gowns. (L Tlhe most conbaeniently located place on the campus. tenr opany 713-715 North University Avenue . .'ill Inc pai Professor Demmon .IA 1deliver a short address. While t? h at set for the planting is later than I' at of the actual anniversary J ate. it was thought best to postpone it until the play set for the performance o the Women's League Pageant. Look over the a divcrtlzvepts. They av1il interest you. XANTEI> Students to tel Nibeo Sanitary BIrushes.1Best proposition on campus. Phone Cotton-373-W, Sirnpson-21S0-M; Yeisley, 2494. Have your aaerfiniising d(onle at lloppe's Studio. W~e can plMe y c) i. a30 Walsh Taxi Linre, Phone 2255. Patrouize d~ally advertisers. * 1111 Uln111 I I - .--- If It 's Crrect It's at the Blig Store Come in log 2 YO'U W A T ant I .Ar.e If it 's a Suit or Overcoat, you 'll find a really big new supply here with all the ear-marks of custom tailored clothes--except the price--made by such people. as Al er-Rochester, Cl the raft suits B1anjo stripes, Oxfordgrays,iflixtures, blIu e serges and flannels in designs that you 'll like.a $15 to $35 Overcoats Liningless blue t knitted.," mist proof, " in mixtures and other loose backs and large sleeved models. $1.2 to $25 Sport Coats Anwa you want them them blues, greens, grays and large black and white checks. Flannel $8.5o, Knitted $1o Summer Trousers- You kno~v the' regular Ice Cream pants, either flannel or serge, plain )vhite or strip ed. $4 to $5 11 Afnhattan Shirts A fresh stock here noip. Tmake adha n ta ge of it. N'adras or Silk. New "'Lat- tice " pattern. You ought to see the mighty loud plaid golf shirts ive 'bie got. $1.50 tO $5.00 Summer Under- wear You can habe the regular Vl.V.fD.'s or lye think you 'd like to try neiP Slide- VBack Unions, made by the 7lanhattan Shirt people. $1. 00 Suit' Up 0 gel Co. 200,~202 South Main 7,