I* 41 THlE MICHIGAN DlAILY ... max. i our Ease of Mind Self-possession and personal effici- icy depends largely upon the clothes you wear. we are your tailors you will always have that eling that comes with G. C1othes of Character H WILD COMPANY TAILORS STATE ST. -- NiC NIAN DM LI Official newspaper at the Univers;ity of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Francis F. M 'Kinney. Managing Editor John S. Leonard.........Business Manager Offices: Ann Arbor. Press Building. Sub- scriptions: by carrier or mail, $2.50. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Students Supply Store, 'rhe" Delta, cor. Packarda~nd State. Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 300 words in length, or notices of events will be published in The Daily if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west corridor of thee general library, where the notices are collected at 7:00 o'clock each evening. E. Rodgers Sylvester News Editox TE oC. Reid... ........Telegraph Editor Verne Burnett-.........,.Telegraph Editor3 E. P. Wright..................Sports Editor J. C. B. Parker.........Assignment Editor Conrad N. Church..............City Editor Edwin A. Hyman---------------.City Editor' Lee JosI n .. .... .. .City Editor Gordon sCooke..........tatistical Editor Golda Ginsburg .............. Wonien's Editor [ennis Rackets We are the Agents for theI SLOTTED THROAT RACKETS Rackets Restrung In Three Days SHEEHAN'S STUDENTS BOOKSTORE Unitarian Church State and Huron Streets 10 :30-Thoughts from Nietzsche;--I The Superman, being first of three addresses by Rev. R. S. Loring on Nietzsche. 11:45-The Public Control of Mich- igan's Water Power, address by Mr. M. E. Osborne, before the Social Service Class. 6:30--Mr. Geo. C. Claassen, law '17, speaks on Law and the Masses be- fore the Young People's Society. AILY INTERVIEWS AND COMMENTS NATION BUILDING AND WAR "Nations are comparitively new in human history. There were no na- tions in the ancient world. Men were grouped in empires, in races, as fol- lowers of a religion, as clansmen ow- ing allegiance to a chief, but not as nations as we use the word. There were no nations until the dream of a universal political empire had passed away; until the stately magnificence 150 Brand New (This Year's) TENNIS RACKETS I ''I IAPU% Wl to Select from - and Everyone Guaranteed I Price: $1.50 to $10 E NN WAH R'S VNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES I i m r. .w " som New Victor Records FOR MAY On Sale Today DETROIT UNITED LINES :tween Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. rs run on Eastern tine, one hour faster local time. troit Limited and Express Cars-8:io a. ad hourly to 7:io P. in., 9:1o p. rn. lamazoo Limited Cars- :48 a. M. and two hours to 6:48 p. In. to Lansing p. n.. cal Cars, Eastbound-5:3 a. ., 6:40 a. M. a. in., and every two hours to 7:05 p. in., p. ill, 905 p. in., o0:50p.in1'. To Ypsi- only, 8:48 a. mn. odaily except' Sunday), a. ni., ia:o; p. in.. 6:05 p.' in., 11:45 p.: ::io a. tn., 1:20 a. in. Kcal Cars, Westbound-6:12 a. nM., '7:5o a. rnd every two hou-s to 7:50 p. n., 10:20 r2:20 a. in. ha Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized 1869 apical ............$ 300,000.00 urplus............$ 150,000.00 esources over ....$3,000,000.00 Banking in all branches lain Office, N. W. Corner Main and Huron Sts. ranch Office, 707 North Univ- ersity Avenue. TRY CHAPMAN'S JEWELRY STORE For Albrm Clocks and Michigan Pins 113 So. MAIN STREET Our "Tailor-Made" Clothes Cost No More Than the Average "Ready-Made" CANSLE, The Tailor 108 E. Washington St Second Floor CHO 11 p off a few minutes and eat some of WAI KING 1,OO 314 S. State St. Phane 1244-M FIRST NATL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $Ioo,ooo Surplus and Profit $$65,ooo DIRECTORS: WIR CORNWELL WALDO M. ABBOTT GEo. W. PATTERSON HARRY M. HAWLEY . W. CLARKSON HARRISON SOULE FRED SCHMID D. B. SUTrTON E. D KINNIE FOR CHOICE CVT FLOWERS G gBISCHOFF'S HOUE E 220 Chapin St. Phone 809-M Edward E. Mack........ Advertising Manager H. Kirk White----- Ad--Publication Manager Y. R. Althseler-------Circulation Manager C. V.Sellers.... . . ccountant C. T. Fishleigh . .Assistant Business Manager, Night Editors Leonard W. Nieter Earl Pardee L. S. Thompson . L. Stadeker H en ley H ill I f . C . 1,. Jack sonaRp o t r Reporters IT. A. Fitzgerald Cecil AndrewsI Linton B. Dinond glr A. Bamgarth Bruce Swaney E. L. Ziegler W. R. Atlas 'Frank Taber Nat Thompson Holland Thompson Phil Pack Hi. C. Garrison Allen Shoenfield D. S. Rood C. W. Neumann Jas. Schermerhorn, Jr. Business Staff Albert E. Horne Roscoe Rau E. C. Musgrave F. M. Sutter K. S. McColl L. W.aKennedy C. '. Emery Bernard Wohl J. E. Campbell SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1916. Night Editor.............Walter Atlas of Rome had broken into a hundred fragments. It was then and only then that a new organizing force made it- self felt in the thoughts and deeds of r r r A FINE LIST 'HEAR THEM' I L a UNION NOMINATIONS. men. The result is that from the time of the death of Charlemagne to the time ofthe present German emperor, the history of the world is the history of nation building and the by-products of nation building. One war after an- other is to be explained in terms of a nation's definite purpose to possess itself of a geographic unity as its home. There has been by no means equal care taken by the nation to es- tablish and to protect an ethnic unity. "This process of nation building has gone on until the nation has come to be conceived as an end in itself, as superior to the law, to the conven- tions of morality, and to the precepts of religion. A form of patriotism has been developed all over the world which finds in the nation itself the highest human end. The logical re- sult, and indeed the almost necessary result, of this type of thinking is the war which is now creeping over the world civilization and destroying it with the pure pitilessness of an Al- pine glacier. "This war is the nemesis of nation building conceived as an end in t- self. Unless a nation, like an indi- vidual, have some purpose, some ideal, some motive which lies outside of and beyond self-interest and self-aggrand- izement, war must continue on the face of this earth until the day when the last and strongest man. superb in his mighty loneliness, shall look out from a rock on the Carribean upon a world that has been depopulated in its pursuit of a false ideal, and be left himself to die alone with none to mourn or to bury him." (From Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler's recent address to the gentlemen of The Associated Press.) WIFE OF FORMER HOSPITAL HEAD SEEKS COMPENSATION , A CANOE TRIP with GO TO i For the BEST LUNCH STRAWBERRY S H O R TXCAK E Incomplete Without an Icy-Hot Rattle . I On State PARTICULAR LAUNDRY un1VCVs ity Ofusic lb ouc~ MRS. M. M. ROOT Corner Maynard and William Streets I' AND TRY OUR Combination Lunch P. M. . to 7P. M. Cichp an Inn Chop Suey Wurster Bros. I1 Liberty St. Opp. the Arcadia Pasturized Milk and Cream FarmerS & Mechanics Bank Phone 423 in Street Huron State Street Office 330 S. State St. J The long and imposing list of nom- inees for Union offices appearing in yesterday's Daily is the work of a specially appointed committee. This committee was made necessary by the extraordinary lack of interest shown by the student body in these nomina- tions and elections. It is as absolutely impartial as a human body can be, and its nominations are made with the best interests of the Union in view. But these official nominations are not exclusive. Good men may be over- looked or the judgment of the nomin- ating committee may be questioned. Be- eause of these contingencies allow-] ances have been made for putting any name in nomination. If you know of a good man, he can be entered in the race by a petition signed by 25 Union members, and filed with the recording secretary before 9:00 A. M. of the second Wednesday in May-that date this year being May 10. Council to Decide on Saloon Licenses, The common council of Ann Arbor will hold its second regulartmeeting of the new council year tomorrow night, at which time the saloon li- censes which were turned down at the special meeting last Monday will again be up. This time it is expected they will come with the recommendation of the committee which was lacking at the time of their first appearance. d a ~r Quarry Drug. Co's Prescription Store Buy all sizes at Detroit Street CITY LAUNDRY THOS. ROWE, Prop. ! 4 For Particular Pcople Phone 457-M Just Arrived Medium weight Black and Brown Shoes for early Spring wear Prices from $4.00 to $7.00 Complete showing of Oxfords for Spring and Summer 00 STRONG BANK WITH EVERY BANKING NEED IORTHAND, TYPEWRIT ING B OOKKEE PING Best instruction and Equipmentg amilton Business College State and Willams Sts. I Cor. Detroit and Catherine Enoch Dieterle Funeral Director 210 South 4th Ave. Phone 404 I Mrs. J. B. Draper, wife of former Su- perintendent Draper, of the University Hospital, recently appeared in Lans- ing before the state industrial board i an action againstthe University of Michigan in the attempt to secure $2,000 compensation for the death of her husband. The decision of the board was reserved. -Mr. Draper died as the result of injuries received by being struck by a street car on North University avenue. p. W AH R'S SHOE STORES MAIN STREET Lyndon for good pictures. over the advertizements ichigan Daily. They will STATE STREET Hoppe's flashlight pictures winners. are a30 e Michigan Daily for the e year 75c., in in- ** rest Saddle ponies at 50c an hour. Call 830. tf Harry Bacher sells good life insur- ance, phone 735-M. apr29,30 F. M. FURBUSH A)NDTEN OTHER VOLUNTEERS LEAVE FOR FRANCE Frederick M. Furbush, of Detroit, sailed from New York, Tuesday, with a memorial plate to be placed in the Detroit ward of the American Am- bulance hospital in Paris, endowed in memory of Richard Nelville Hall of this city, who was killed while on duty with the'ambulance corps in Al- sace on Christmas day. Ten other volunteers for duty with the American Ambulance corps sailed with Furbush. Patronize Daily advertisers. WOMEN'S NEWS, PAGE COLUMN FIVE. FIVE,I * wmm .. . V.mwmmwm~ ... busy Bee w Canoe Lunch aD G s TFI 4a POPULAR usy Bee Canoe I Lunch Delivery Free to Boat House Delivery Free to Boat House PHFONE Decidedly Different I - -m13 PHONE Id ..,...