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April 26, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-04-26

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Phones :-Editorial 2414
Business 960

rOL. XXVI. No. 141.

_"".S 3K.. _._ ..._... . . R.



pt 1T'A






Villa Adherents Incite Populace to
Kill Americans and Over-
throw Carranza
El Paso, April 25.-In a message to
local Mexican officials General Obregon
announced tonight that he will reach
Juarez probably by Thursday, and
that the conference to hell) settle the
punitive expedition question with Gen-
eral Hugh L. Scott will be held in El
Paso as soon as the two generals can
get to this city. This was stated defi-
nitely by General Obregon to whom
it is understood the matter of a place
for the conference had been left.
It is understood that General Scott,
accompanied by General Frederick
Funston, will meet General Obregon,
who probably will be acocmpanied by
General Sabriel Gavira, Juarez com-
m'nder, and General Luis Sutierrez,
commander in Chihuahua, on the in-
ternational bridge, and that the con-
ference will be held either at Fort
Bliss or at some place in El Paso, to
be decided upon by General Scott.
Mexican officials intimated tonight
that a preliminary conference prob-
ably would be held in Juarez.
According to what can be learned
here it is believed that the conference
here will result in a declaration for
Americans to cease active hunting of
Villa bandits in Mexico, but to remain
in Mexico in concentration camps with
their activities confined to restricted
areas, for the moral effect it will have
on the bandits.
The Americans are to remain inac-
tive as long as the Carranzistas are
able to control the bandit situa-
tion, and when it is shown to the satia-
faction of the United States that the
bandits have been run down, the
American forces are then to draw out.
1eantime the American troops hold
themselves in readiness to co-olerate
with the Carranza troops if they are
asked to do so. It is intimated that
such plans have been discussed and
that it is only together on the minor
points that the meeting of Obregon
and Scott is to be held here.
General Gavira and Consul Garcia
discussed the coming of General Obre-
gon and Scott today with considerable
"In the first place," Garcia said, "it
will bring together the chief military
representatives of each country so
that a definite compaign may be dis-
cussed and outlined against banditry
in Mexico. Secondly it will do much
toward crystallizing a situation in
Mexico which will make for closer co-
operation among the military leaders."
"While the sending of additional
troops into Mexico, following the re-
quest of General Carranza for with-
drawal of all American forces, does
not look like a friendly act, I feel con-
fident that the good judgment of Presi-
dent Wilson will prevail and that' the
punitive expedition will not be turned
into an expedition of intervention."
EL Paso, April 25.-A plot was un-
earthed in the city of Chihuahua on
April 18 to kill all Americans and
overthrow the Carranza government,
according to letters rcei d t Ui af-
ternoon. The letters came from Amer-
icans and say that the plot was dis-
covered in time to prevent any of the
details being put into execution.
The leaders of the plot were former
supporters of Pancho Villa, it is stated,
and they used anti-American slogans
to inci'te the natives against the Car-
ranza officials, holding out that, if the
Americans were all killed and the

Carranza government overthrown, the
American invaders of Mexico would
become frightened and leave the coun-
try. Several of the leaders of the plot
have been executed, the letters assert.
This is the second plot discovered
there in a brief space of time. A num-
ber of arrests having been made in
the city on April 16 and five executions
have followed, according to messages
received in Juarez by General Gavira._

CereE ra ncais,
Rehersal Success
lress Rhllearsal Staged Last Evening
Assures Finished Per.
"Miquette et Sa Mere," the comedy
which the Cercle Francais will pro-
auce tomorrow night at the Whitney
theater, was given its first dress re-
hearsal last night in the auditorium of
University hall.
Each of the parts was excellently
handled. The company as a whole
shows remarkable finish and assur-
ance, in spite of the fact that the play-
ers are dealing with a foreign lan-
Miss Adele Crandall, '17, as Miquette,
shows herself to be thoroughly ac-
quainted with the spirit of the French
and their language. Miss Marie Corn-
well, '17, as Madame Grandier, mother
of Miquette, succeeds in giving a clear-
cut and very amusing interpretation
of the role, bringing out all of the
characteristics of the bourgeois class'
which it represents. Manuel del Valle,'
'16E, who has the role of Urbain, Mi-
quette's scatterbrained lover, and
Lloyd Curby, '17L, as the Marquis'
de la Tour Mirande, Urbain's uncle,
give two very funny parts their full
Dean John R, Effinger of the liter-
ary college, delivered the last of this
year's series of Cercle Francai's lec-
tures yesterday afternoon in Tappan
hall. The lecture, which was given in
English, dealt with "Miquette et Sa
Mere" and with the work of the men
who collaborated in writing it.
The seat sale for the play began
yesterday at Wahr's at 2:00 o'clock
and continued till 5:00 o'clock. The
sale wild continue today and tomorrowt
during the same hours in the after-
noon. Students holding associate mem-l
bership tickets in the Cercle Francais
may exchange them for 50-cent seats.2
The final dress rehearsal of the play;
will be held this afternoon at 2:00
o'cloch at the Whitney theater. t

Talks On West
L. 1). Kitchell to Present an Illustrat-
ed Lecture on Glacier Na-
tional Park
Laurence D. Kitchell, well known
lecturer, will give an illustrated trav
elogue on the "Glacier National Park,"
in Hill auditorium, Thursday evening,
April 27, at 8:15 o'clock.
Mr. Kitchell spent the summer of
1915 in the Glacier National Park with
a band of Blackfoot Indians gather-
ing material for this lecture. The
moving pictures and hand painted ste-
reopticon slides which will be thrown
on the screen during his talk were
made under his own personal super-
vision. His lecture is conceded to be
the finest travelogue of the Glacier
park ever delivered.
Mr. Kitchell will be remembered by
many for the excellent talk that he
gave last year in Hill auditorium.
During the last season, he has deliv-
ered over 150 lectures throughout the
His travelogue, which is to be given
under the auspices of the Forestry
club, will be free to the public.
Employees of 39 Industrial Corpora-
tions in Pittsburg on Strike;
Troops Mobilizing
Pittsburg, April 25.-More than 100,-
000 persons employed by 39 industrial
corporations in the Pittsburg district
are now on strike, and barring com-
plete surrender on the part of many
other large employers of labor, the
number of strikers is expected to
reach 130,000 within a week.
So critical has become the situa-
tion, and so fearful are the county au-
thorities that they will not be able
to cope with the struggle if it should
arise, that Adjutant-General Stuart
tjlay directed the commanding officer
of the 10th and 18th Infantry regi-
ments, and a cavalry troop of the na-
tional guard to prepare for mobiliza-
tion, in the event of their being needed
for strike duty. Whether these troops
will be called out depends entirely
upon Governor Martin Brumbaugh.
The order issued by General Stuart
today was only for the commanding of-
ficers of the troops to prepare for a
call for strike duty. At the headuar-
ters of the various companies of the
10th Infantry, which are scattered
over Washington, Westmoreland and
Beaver counties, it was stated today
that the order to prepare to mobilize
issued by General Stuart was being
carried out.
The most important development in
the big strike today was the announce-
ment that 4,000 street car employees
were to walk out on May 1, unless
their demands made some time ago
from the Pittsburg railway, and which
have been under consideration for
some time, are granted.
The men are asking increased wages
from 30 to 38 cents an hour. They
have not had an increase of pay dur-
ing the last nine years.
Prizes Amounting to $500 Will Ie
Awarded to Winners
Nine entries for the third annual

Advertising Competition were handed
to Prof. F. N. Scott yesterday. A first
prize of $300 and a second of $200 will
be awarded for the best original exam-
ple of advertising copy, drawings for
an advertisement, plan of an advertis-
ing campaign, or a discussion in essay
form of some problem in advertising.
The work of the contestants will be
judged by some expert advertising
man of Detroit, and awards made one
month after date of submission. The
essays or drawings then become the
property of the university and are
open to public inspection and use. The
donor of the prizes is a prominent
business man of the state, who has re-
quested that. his name be withheld.

Seniors Propose
Angell Mtemorial
Plan Fund to Commemorate Pres.-E-
eritus Angell; Deans Cooley and
Bates Approve Idea
Coming as a distinct surprise to the
campus, the proposed James Burrill
Angell Senior Memorial fund yester-
day formed the chief topic of discus-
sion for the student body. The ques-
tion did not contine its interests to
the members of the classes graduating
in June, however, as many of the ju-
niors and underclassmen were among
the participants in a discussion of a
plan which, if passed, will affect not
only they themselves, but all classes
graduating in the future.
A canvass of campus opinion, both
faculty and student, will probably re-
sult, and this was foreseen yester-
day when statements were made
by Dean M. E. Cooley, of the en-
gineering college, Dean H. M. Bates,
of the Law School, and J. S. Leonard,
"The idea of a combined senior me-
morial fund offers many possibilities,
it seems to me," said Dean Cooley. "I
believe that the idea at graduation
should be Alma Mater instead of de-
partment. What is needed now is
concrete expression of the idea. Per-
haps a good way to get it would be
to offer prizes, some portion of this
year's fund to be used for that pur-
Dean Bates seemed much interested
in the proposition, although he ad-
mitted that he had not given it full
consideration. fle said that the idea
appealed to him.
John S. Leonard, '16L, said that the
plan would place at the service of the
university an elastic fund of no mean
proportions which could be used to
retain professors in the university,
to make certain improvements, and
to benefit its interests in many ways.
T'ry-ots for South American Special
Agens to Be Held
in May
Annoncement has just been re-
ceived by Professor David Friday of
the economics department, from the
department of commerce at Washing-
ton, D. C., that examinations will be
held some time in May for those stud-
ents who wish to qualify for special
agents to South American countries.
The exact date upon which the ex-
aminations are to be given has not
been decided but will be announced
There are to be four special agents
appointed by. the government, the
first of which is to investigate the
markets of South America for furni-
ture, the second to investigate the
markets for stationery and office sup-
plies, the third for fancy groceries,
and the fourth to look over the situa-
tion in regard to jewelry and silver-
Each of the agents appointed will
receive $10 a day salary and all trans-
portation expenses. A sum not to
exceed $5 per day will be paid for ac-
tual subsistence.
Application for these examinations
should be made direct to the bureau
of foreign and domestic commerce at
Washington, D. C., and should state the
applicant's education and his experi-
ence in the subject for which he wishes
to qualify.


* , * *

:t * * * * *

Women Workers Have Collected
About 40 Per Cent of
Total so Far
$1079.21 was the total sum contrib-
uted to the Busrah fund up to a late
hour last night. This amount is $4.21
more than the total subscribed at the
corresponding time during last year's
campaign and $1069.04 less than that
collected during a similar time two
years ago. Two days of the four of
the duration of the campaign have
passed and the sum collected is about
30 per cent of $3650, the total amount
which must be raised among the stu-
dents of Michigan in order to keep
Michigan's alumni medical mission-
aries at Busrah, Arabia.
Women workers in the campaign
have collected about 40 per cent of
the total so far secured. The women
of the Y. W. C. A. this year promised
to collect $1000 out of the total $3650
and they have already secured $409.14.
At a dlinner held last night at the
Methodist churchefor all the 300cam-
paign workers, Dr. Paul W. Harrison,
a returned Arabian medical mission-
ary, gave a short talk, vividly pic-
turing the terrible conditions of hu-
man life in Arabia. Ethel Vail, '17,
and George McMahon, '16, also gave
short talks. Practically the entire
committee of 300 were present at the
All campaign committee chairmen
will meet this noon at 12:30 o'clock in
Newberry hall to receive important
information concerning their cam-
paign duties.
Another dinner will be given this
evening at 5:30 at the Methodist
church to all workers in the cam-
paign. Talks will be given by prom-
inent campus men and women,
Columbia Downs Strong Colgate Nine
New York, April 25.-In the fastest
game played on South Field this year,
Columbia downed the undefeated Col-


* Revolt, thought by the Eng- *
* lish to have been instigated by *
* German agents, broke out in the *
* city of Dublin and resulted in*
the capture of four or five parts *
* of that city by Irish rebels. This *
* Followed the taking by English *
* cruisers of Sir Rodger Case- *
* ment, who was leading an expe- *
* dition of German sailors and *
* supplies for Irish rebels. About *
* the same time, a German fleet
* appeared off the Englsh coast
* near Lowestoft this morning and *
* heavy fighting was heard in the *
North sea. War planes raided *
Dunkirk and Zeppelins appeared' *
* on the English east coast. *
4. *
Ball Playing in the Streets and on
Sidewalks to Be Punished
Despite repeated varnings issued
by Chief of Police Pardon, students
have continued playing ball on side-
walks and in the streets. Five of-
fenses were noted yesterday, and al-
though no arrests were made, it was
deemed wise to give one last notice
that this is a punishable offense. All
similar offenses of the law prohibiting
the playing of ball on the streets will
be strictly punished in the future.
WYeather forecast for Ann Arbor and
vicinity; Cloudy and continued cool.
4:00 o'clock-A. L. Weeks talks, 202
West Hall.
4:00 o'clock-Phi Beta Kappa ini-
tiates meet, room 101, Tappan hall.
4:00 o'clock-Michigan vs. Kalama-
zoo, Ferry Field.
4:1i o'clock-Meeting of local branch
of the American Chemical society,
room 151, Chemistry building.
3:30 o'clock-Dinner for all Busrah
campaign workers at Methodist church.
6:00 o'clock-Tau Beta Pi dinner,
7:00 o'clock-Band practice rehears-
al, U7-hall.
7:15 o'clock--Fresh glee and mando-
lin club meets, McMillan hall.
7:30 o'clock-Officer drill corps
meets, Ferry Field.
7:30 o'clock-Catholic study club
meets, Knights of Columbus parlors.
7 :00 o'clock A. RI. to 6;00 o'clock
P. M.-Tag Day for the benefit of the
Old Ladies' home.
4:00 o'clock-J-lit class meeting,
101 Tappan hall.
6:30 o'clock-Canadian club banquet,
Delta cafe.
7:00 o'clock-Prof. B. L. D'Ooge
speaks on "Carthage" at a meeting
of the Classical club, Alumni Memor-
ial hall.
7:30 o'clock-Republican club smok-
er, Michigan Union.
8:00 o'clock-Cercle Francais play
"Miquette et Sa Mere," Whitney the-
8:15 o'clock-L. D. Kitcliell speaks
on "Glacier National Park," Hill au-
Senior engineer baseball practice;,

South Ferry Field, 3:00 o'clock.
Candidates for the soph lit baseball


Aircraft Drop Six Bombs; Several
Persons Injured as Result
of Attack
London, April 25.-The official com-
munication issued tonight concerning
the situation in Dublin follows:
"At noon yesterday serious disturb-
ance broke out in Dublin. A large
party of men identified with the Sinn
Fein party, mostly armed, occupied
Stephen's Green and took possession
forcibly of the post office where they
cut the telegraph and telephone wires.
Houses also were occupied in Ste-
phen's Green, Sackeville Abbe Street,
and along the quays.
Soldiers Control Situation
"In the course of the day, soldiers
arrived from Curragh, and the situa-
tion is now well in hand. So far as is
known here, three military officers,
four or five soldiers, two loyal volun-
teers, and two policemen have been
killed and four or five military officers,
seven or eight soldiers, and six
volunteers wounded. No exact in-
formation has been received of< the
casualties on the side of the Sinn Fein-
"Reports received from Cork, i m-
erick, Ennis Tralee, and both ridings
of Tipperary show that no disturbance
of any kind have occurred in these lo-
Augustine Birrell, chief, Secretary
for Ireland, announced in the house
of Commons today the disturbance in
Dublin. He added that troops had been
sent to the Irish capital and that the
situation was now well in hand.
He declared that the rebels were in
possession of four or five parts of- the
Second Riot
Rioting broke out aresh after sol-
diers from Curragh put down the first
rebellion, he said, but these also had
been quelled. Hle said at first he un-''F
derstood the soldiers had recaptured
the Dublin postoffice, which was taken
by the rebels in the first outburst, but
the interruption of telegraphic com-
munication prevented his giving de-
tails. He gave assurances that the
situation was well in hand. Several
arrests had been made in Dublin but
he could not give names, he said.
Think Germans Are Instigators
This morning, a raid by German
warships, the first since the bom-
bardment of Scarborough and Hartle-
pool, on December 16, 1914, was at
once connected in the public mind
with the outbreak in Dublin. Sir Rod-
ger Casement attempted landing on
the Irish coast, and last night Zeppel-
ins raided.
The general opinion was that the
Germans planned a triangle campaign
of terrorism counting upon first start-
ing an uprising in Ireland and then
descending upon the coast with eris-
ers and Zeppelins.
War Planes Raid Dunkirk
Following within a few hours a Zep-
pelin raid on England, German war
planes this morning raided the coast
town of Dunkirk dropping six bombs.
One woman was killed, and three men.
were wounded according to a state-
ment from the Paris war office only
slight damage was done.
At least 150 men are expected to
report at 7:30 o'clock this evening
for the drill of the Officers' Corps, to
be held on Ferry Field. Provided
things go as expected, Major Wilson
intends to divide his charges into two

Other Districts Report no Activities
on Part of Insurrectionist

gate nine by the score of 8 to 1 yes- Engagement of Graduate Announced
terday afternoon. "Beals" Beck, the Announcement was made Saturday
southpaw, was on the mound for the of the engagement of Paul Miller, M.
Blue and White and allowed but three A., '15, and Miss Mabel Guenther of
hits. . this city.


Ozora S. Davis, president of the Chi- team are to report at the Club house,
cago Theological Seminary, will speak Ferry Field, 3:30 o'clock.
next Sunday at the "Y" Arcade meet- J-lit baseball practice, South Ferry
ing. His subject will probably be "The Field, 3:30 o'clock.
Christian Martial Virtues." Mr. Davis J-engineer baseball practice, South
has made many visits to Ann Arbor Ferry Field, 3:00 o'clock.
and is very well known to Michigan Fresh lit baseball team practices,
students. South Ferry Field, 3:00 o'clock.

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