. .,.. ,
Yearly Class Battles to Be Staged
on May 19 and 20 Between
Frosh and Sphs
* * * * * t * * * *
Majestic - "The
Arcade-Clara Kimball Young
in "Camille."
:lectrii Lights to Be Installed
That Naal Reserves May
Use Grounds
Plans for the spring contests on
May 19 and 20 between the classes of
1919 and 1918, are rapidly nearing
completion at the hands of tlhe Student
Council. As in the past there will
be three big events, the tug-of-war on
Friday afternoon, May 19, and the
push-ball contest and class relays on
Saturday morning, May 20.
The push-ball contest is the only
event in which all members of the
two classes are allowed to participate,
places on the three tug-of-war teams
being chosen according to the weight
of the men, while those on the relay
teams will be selected from the best
of a number of try-outs.
Will Have Three Teams
"Weighing-in" for the first event.
the tug-of-war, will be started within
the next few weeks. Three teams, of
50 men from each class, will be formed
and the light, middle and heavyweights
will be apportioned accordingly. All
freshmen and sophomores who meet
with the weight requirements of 180
lbs. for the heavyweights, 160 for
the middleweights and 135 for the
lightweights, are eligible to enter. As
in past years the battle will be staged
at the point between the gas plant
and the Argo dam, west of the Michi-
gan Central depot.
Dive Through Barrels
The relay events, the first thing on
Saturday morning, will be held on
'south Ferry Field, and will be in the
nature of obstacle races in which the
runners of the respective classes will
dive through barrels and clamber over
fences eight feet high. The runners
will carry with them the banners of
their classes nailed on a large pole.
Three teams of 16 men each will be
chosen from the list of tryouts for this
Will Select Captains
Immediately following the relay,
races, the two classes will assemble
on their respective sides of the huge
pushball and at a signal from the Stu-
dent Councilmen in charge will at-
tempt to shove the big spherical bag
into their opponents' territory. The
time for this event will be 20 minutes,
divided into four quarters of 5 min-
* Orpheum -Douglas Fair.
* banks with Loretta Blake in
* "His Picture in the Papers."
Paul W. Harrison: Opens "Y" Cam-
paign in h1ll Auditorium
With Address
"The Mohammedan religion bap-
tizes and cannonizes murder, pillage
and crime," said Dr. Paul W. Harri-
son, in a speech to the opening mass
meeting of the Busrah campaign Sun-
day night at Hill auditorium. Dr.
Harrison has just returned from
Arabia, where he has spent several
years doi.g medical work. "Moham-
medanism recognizes no difference
between morality and immorality, ut-
terly destroys the conscience and
treats progress as a crime.
"Mohammedanism stands today as
the most formidable antagonist of
Christendom. Christianity must con-
quer it or it will conquer Christianity.
"Missionaries are not allowed in
Arabia, but we can send medical men
there. Michigan's Busrah project
looks forward to the establishment of
a medical school in this city which
,can do for Arabia what the Rockefel-
ler institute has done for China, and
what American doctors have done for
Manilla. Arabia will be more in-
debted to the University of Michigan
than to any other institution."
Mr. Arthur Rugh, Y. M. C. A. work-
er in China, also spoke on the menace
to Christendom in Arabia.
About $300 was subscribed at Sun-
day night's meeting.
j..,amin Apthorp Gould.-New York.-
G. P. Putnam's Sons.
Electric lights will be installed this
afternoon upon Ferry Field so that
practices of the Eighth battalion of
Naval reserves and the Officer Drill
corps may be held there this week.
This evening the Eighth battalion
wil meet at 7:00 o'clock, under the
leadership of K. W. Heinrich, '16N.
It is expected that the number of can-
didatos for this branch of the servicel
will be even larger than appeared atl
the meeting held last Wednesday ere-
Major C. E. Wilson of the Michigan
National Guard, who is in charge of
the drill corps, expects that in the
neighborhood of 200 students will turn
out for this second practice. At the
E are now taking the measures of all
the members of the 1916 classes for
caps and gowns. (L The most conbeniently
located place on the campus.
Henry & Company
713-715 North University Avenue
m I
meeting held last week there were
108 men in attendance, and since that
time men have been visiting Major
Wilson in his office in the New En-
gineering building, and signing up for
the remainder of the year.
The Officer Drill corps will meet on
Wednesday evening and the probabil-
ities are that two .companies will be
In replying to a letter from the uni-
versity, Colonel John Bersey, adjutant-
general of the state of Michigan, re-
cently wrote that the demand for
rifles and accouterments during the
past few months is far greater than'
it has ever been 'before in this portion
of the country. He believes that at
least 10,000 men in the state are re-
ceiving some sort of military training
each week.
In the Naval Reserves the school for
candidates for commissioned officer
positions has opened, and a meeting
will, be held on Saturday afternoon at
2:00 o'clock. All tryouts for these
posts as well as for positions as petty
officers should report to Professor A.
E. Boak.
utes each.
The captains- for the various teams
will be chosen at the meetings of the
different classes and the captaincies
will be divided among the lits, engi-
neers and combined classes, accord-
ing to the plan of rotating the woffices
in use in the'1915 contests.
An important meeting of football
men will be held at 7:00 o'clock this
evening at the field house on Ferry
Field. Cards were sent out yesterday
from the athletic association to the
candidates for next year's Varsity, an-
nouncing the gathering.
No information has been given out'
as to the purpose of tonight's session,
but it is expected that Coach Yost1
will be on hand to talk to the men. I
At its May meeting, the Board in
Control of Student Publications will
choose a business manager and man--
aging editor for The Michigan Daily,
managing editor for The Michiganen-e
sian, and manager for the Athletic Pro-
gram, respectively. It is the policy off
the boad in filling the positions on thet
publications under its control to award
:hem on the basis of merit to those1
who have served in minor positions
on the publication to which the posi-t
;ions pertain..
It sometimes happens, however, thata
ao one who has served on the publica-s
ion during the year is eligible or ca-x
>able of filling one of the leading po-n
itions for the ensuing year. When
ither of these sets of circumstances
,rises the board finds it necessary to
:onsider outside candidates. This no-
ice should not be considered as an
ntimation that either of these situa-v
ions will arise this year.I
All applications for these positionso
hould be in the hands of Professor f
'. N. Scott as soon as possible and not
ater than May 3 in order to be con-b
idered. Each application should con- p
ain a statement of the experience of '
hie applicant and should be accom- l
anled by the applicant's eligibility
ard and any letters of recommenda-
on which he may have.C
Patronize Daily Advertizef:L. ** m
The greater tragedy is the tragedy
of Germany, the tragedy of hate and
madness and the stigma of a barbaric
ideal. The name of Germany will no
longer stand for the humanity which
she once possessed for there has been
not one among her people to see where
the path of hate and madness leads.
Mr. Gould is an American living in
Canada and he seems to feel the
greater tragedy of America with a
clearness and perspective which
Americans living in the United States
lack. In his various essays on the
questions and events which are agi-
tating the world he has given a very
thoughtful and stimulating analysis.
His plea is for the recognition of the
real 'causes and purposes of the war.
The men of Belgium, the men in the
trenches at Verdun, are fighting for
the beautiful and peaceful country of
Oshkosh county as well as for Bel-
gium and for France. They are fight-
ing our battles for they are fighting
for humanity.
We Americans seem to pass over
the responsibility and the purpose of
this war and focus our attention only
on the methods of the war. If this war
is indeed a necessary step in world
evolution, the accusation that Mr.
Gould makes seems just. The soul
of the United States has become hope-
lessly placid and middle-aged.
Those of us who have been content
to drift and wait should read this
book for it at least makes one stop
and think. Most of the views pre-
sented are conservatively expressed
but they are very earnest and their
message is a valuable one. M. W.
While canvassing for our books during the season of 1915, according 'to
their own statement and reports which are one file in our office for inspec-
tion :-
1st The men from one school alone (Valparaiso, Ind.) made over $35,000.00
in profits during their one summer vacation. Their average daily
profit was Over $7.65 each.
2nd One Hundred and Seventy-five men, while canvassing an average of less
than 50 days each, made an average profit of over $500.00 each.
3rd Over 700 mien made an average daily profit of from $3.00 to over $30.00
4th All our men together (over 700), without any exceptions, while canvass-
ing for our books, made an average daily profit of over $7.63 each.
For four years, according to their own statements and reports:-
5th Not a single man has canvassed 60 or more days and made less than
$200.0() in profits. This is our guarantee to our salesmen.
6th The average daily profits of all our men together, without any
exceptions, for the past four years respectively have been over
$7.54, $7.55, $7.60 and $7.63 each.
7th Practically all of the above records were made by students during their
summer vacations.
Barnum's Books
tBring Hom the Bacon",
Cleveland, Ohio, October 27th, 1915
City of Cleveland,
State of Ohio,
By R. C. Barnum, Pres.
M. F. Barnum, Treas.
R. I. Correll, Sec.
County of Cuyahoga, S. S.
Personally appeared before me the above named persons who, each be-
ing duly sworn, made oath that the above statements are true and correct to
the best of their knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 27th day of October, 1915.
E. J. Warrick, Notary Public.
The above students sold "The People's Home Library" which contains
Medical, Cooking and Live Stock Departments. It's a practical book and it's
an honest book. For students paying their way through school by canvass-
ing summers, "The People's Home Library" Is "The King of Subscription
$22.35 Worth of Training Free
We have already organized a class of 73 Michigan Men for training in
salesmanship. This class meets once a week to study "Knox's text-book of
"Salesmanship & Business Efficiency." This course is superior to any given
in the University. We would not be spending $22.35 on YOU unless we were
sure that this training would enable you to make the profits that thousands
of other students have made.
LAST CHANCE-ACT NOW-We want 12 men to
bring our class to 85-then we stop employing. Last
class In salesmanship just starting.
Wheeler.-New York.--The Macmil-
lan Co.
This life of Lincoln is written in a
very entertaining and readable style.
It is a successful attempt at a bi-
ography of a great man and is free
from the tiresome platitudes usally
found in such a work. Although the
book is written primarily for young
people, it might well be read by many
others in these days when unswerving
oyalty and devotion is a lost art.
M. W.
Common Council Passes 28 Licenses
At a special meeting last night, the
ommon council of Ann Arbor passed
the 28 saloon licenses which the com-
aittee presented to them.
C. BARNUM COMPANY, Cleveland, Ohio.
721 N. University Ave., Dr. Ritter's Office.
Phone 433-M