Fach Book Contains $1.00 in Coupons which are good for the Payment of Rented Canoes. PRICE, for $1.00 in Trade, 90c.
U. of M. Boat Livery
Mack, Swizer, CGoki, and Last Year's
All-Fresh Stars )lake Up
Michigan's Varsity tennis team will
go to Toledo next Saturday to play the
Toledo Tennis club in that city. Six
men will make up the suqad which will
invade Ohio for the first match of
the racquet season. Just what men
will compose the Varsity representa-
tion is purely a matter of conjecture.
The most likely candidates for the
team are Mack, who won his "M" on
the Varsity team last year, as did
Switzer, who is also, out again this
season, Codd, and from last year's All-
Fresh, Steketee, Coons, Stocking, and
Sherwood. Out of this list a strong
team should be built up for the com-
ing matches.
Tryouts for the team will be held,
the weather permitting, the early part
of this week.
Contestants Urged to Play Scheduled
Matches Before Wednesday
Night .
Drawings for the first round of the
freshman tennis tournament have been
completed and play will begin tomor-
row. Contestants are urged to get
in touch with their opponents as soon
as possible and arrange to play their
matches off before Wednesday night.
Results are to be posted on the bul-
letin board near the club house.
The following men are matched for
the first round, telephone nubers fol-
lowing each name:
D. S. Barnhart (131) vs. K A.
Knoche (1188); C. S. Estezes (1022-M)
vs. D. Borland (300-J); C. Rash (199)
vs, L. K. Ferris (435-M); C. 11. Mason
(1054-M) vs. J. C. Carey (1439-J);
A. Berkowitz (1408-M) vs. . Ray
(2005); N. Ioefeld (1159-J) vs. W. D.
Craig (131); J. 1. McClintock (1128-M)
vs. J. D. Hart (300-J); A. C. Kenble
(1762-M) vs. A. G. Mitchell (1467-J);
B. Howard (16) vs. A. K. Strauss
(1597-J); L Goldsmith (110-M) vs.
E. Steketee (319); C. Z. Hicks (402-W)
vs. S. L. Greenberger (1070-J); J.
Shields vs. S. R. Hyman (1070-J); T.
Rowley (1422-M) vs. J. Freundlish.
(1070-J); C. R. Rowley (371) vs. R.
Goldsmith (110-M); S. G. Miller vs.
I. Amberg (1933); P. Thomas (1331-M)
vs. C. J. Sullivan.
G. C. Crtiss Gets High Yearly Record
With Average of 196 7-13
for Season's Shooting
Michigan's rifle team averages are
more than sufficiena to insure the team
a berth in class "A" next season, ac-
cording to the official report of the
past matches. The high yearly aver-
age is held by G. C. Curtiss, who shot
in every match with an average of
196 7-13 points. His season total was
ileavywelght Bout Called Off: Other
Contests Prove of
Before an audience numbering close
to 150 persons, three of the four sche-
duled matches in the finals of the
wrestling tournament were staged yes-
terday morning. The heavyweight
bout between Kerwine and Moisides
was postponed, due to the failure of
the latter to appear.
The first bout of the morning was
a fast affair between the lightweights,
Reider and Whitlow, which went the
full time and was finally awarded to
the former on points. The winner was
on the aggressive for the most part
and succeeded in pushing his oppenent
so hard that time had to be called.
Keeping up the precedent he has set
so far this season, namely, that of
banishing his opponents within two
minutes of the time he takes the mat,
'Tony" Amtsbuechler disposed of "Joe"
Planck in 1 minute, 45 seconds At
the crack of the gong "Tony" left his
corner and swooped down upon his
opponent in such lightning fast fash-
ion that the latter hardly knew what
was happening until his shoulders
were pinned to the mat and "Tony"
was ambling to his corner with a
broad grin on his face. In the exhi-
bition match he succeeded in securing
three falls on Planck in less than five
At the close 6f this match another
feature was put on in the form of a
short boxing bout of two runds be-
tween Hill and Tuttle. The former
has been under the tutelage of Mr.
Westerman for several years and this
year acted as the boxing instructor's
assistant, while Tuttle is last year's
lightweight champion wrestler. No
verdict was announced.
In the final match of the day Brown
defeated Reider on a clean fall in 7
minutes, 45 seconds, thereby slicing
up the melon so that no man wuld
receive more than his share of the
honors. The match was featured by
the clever work of the loser in elud-
ing several difficult holds fastened
upon him by Brown, but near the close
of the halfway period the latter suc-
ceeded in fixing a terrible body scis-
sors on him from which the lighter
man could not escape and the welter-
weight title was therein decided.
Roy Johnson, Michigan strong man,
and Tuttle, former lightweight champ,
acted as judges for yesterday's con-
tests, and "Bob" Watson, heavyweight
champion of two seasons ago, held the
Football Practice Stopped While Yost
Makes Trip to 1etroit
Coach Yost went to Detroit yester-
day unexpectedly. The purpose of his
visit is unknown, even the trip itself
was not known to the Athletic office
until the coach telephoned over. How
long he will be in Detroit is another
matter still dark.
Practice was foregone in the absence
of the coach. Scrimmage will probably
begin this week, although the coach
did not state definitely just when the
hard work would start.
Colunabia Institutes New Sport
New York, April 22.-Columbia Uni-
versity, the home of the intercollegiate
championship handball team, the uni-
versity's newest team, is to add yet
another game. The physical educa-
tion department is responsible this
time. The game is volley ball. Fresh-
men who take compulsory physical
education and therefore cannot escape,
are -the ones selected by the author-
ities to play volley ball. Gym teach-
ers hope to some day develop the game
into an intercollegiate sport.
Harvard Wins Naval Academy Game
Annapolis, Md., April 22.-The Har-
vard baseball team, although outplayed
in every department of the game, ihan-
aged to'slip over a 4 to 3 win on the
Naval Academy ball tossers.
R. H. lE
Harvard ................... 4 4 4
Navy...................... 3 9 3
Batteries: Whitney and Harte; Blod-
gett and Connolly.
C. H. Major & Co. will decorate your
rooms at reasonable prices. Phone
237. A21-2,3,6
Tailors To Men Who Know
liarshall College Team Also ('omes for=
Gain-otghn a Our Best Ads
llad Been Cancelled
Are Not
Rain caused the game between Yp-=
silanti Normal and Michigan to be=
cancelled yesterday afternoon. InsteadB tt1
of reporting at Ferry Field for battle W ritten - - But W orn
the team took a vacation, and theB
Ypsilanti coach was disappointed in
his purpose of furnishing the Michi
gan squad with some unexpected ex
citement. According to the coach the Spring Syles - $30 n Up
most regrettable side of the fact that and
the game had to be given up is that=
the team lost just so much needed.
Rather to the surprise of the uni-
versity athletic authorities, two teamsH
planning on a game with the Michi-
gan nine arrived in Ann Arbor yes-
terday. In spite of the fact that it = Directly North of Law Bldg.
had been supposed that the game with
Marshall College had been cancelled,
that institution sent its team here.: li1l1I11 1N111tl
2555 points.
The individual
G. C. Curtiss .........
W. J. Schoepfle.......
H. P. Nicholson.....
M. B. Cutting......
L, C. Wilcoxen .....
1. 13. Clark . . ........ .
J. B. Moody........
L. C. McIntyre......
A. K. MacNaughton....
J, L. Bateman ...... ..
A, C, Simons . .....
, R. Parshall .,.... .
F, H. Atlee..........
J, P, Thompson ......
(ds of the men
Total Average'
2555 196 7-13
2541 195 6-13
2341 195 1-2
2150 195 5-11
.2148 195 3-11
2340 195
390 195
2529 194 7-13
2519 193 10-13
1934 193
2491 191 8-13
191 191
190 190
738 184 1-2
Hanover, N. H., April 22.--Harry
Hillman, champion hurdler and vet-
eran of three Olympic meets, has
signed a five-year contract to coach
the Dartmouth track team. C. W.
Spears, '17, All-American guard, has
been appointed coach of the All-Fresh
footba.l team.