- r TJFE DAILY 7 ic NEWS OF THE WORLD THE CAMPUS , "{ op. IAN D Phones:-Editorial 2414 Business 960 TELEGRAPH SERVICE BY THE NEW YORK SUN F VOL. XXVI. No. 139. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS !wAt t 0 - A A- - . R I/%-I I'UUHMILE SOUVAD F INISHES SECOND TO BADGER OJTFIT CARROLL ONLY MICHIGAIN ENTRY ABLE TO HOLD HIS OWN WITH WISCONSIN SMITH PLACES FOURTH IN 220 Hoyt of Grinnell Breaks World's Mark for 220-Yard Distance o Curved Track, Des Moines, Iowa, April 22.-The best four-mile relay team which Mich- igan has yet produced was but good enough to finish a bad second to the veteran Wisconsin outfit in this after- noon's seventh annual Drake classic. Chicago finished close behind the Wol- verines, with Iowa in the fourth notch. Captain "Hal" Smith, the only other Michigan entry, found himself in fourth position at the end of the invitation 220-yard dash. Hoyt of Grinnell led the field from the gun. He was clock- ed the distance in 21.2 seconds.' Coaches Farrell of Michigan, Stagg of Chicago, and Gill of Illinois said after the meet was over that Hoyt's time establishes at new world's record in, this distance for a curved track. Hoyt was timed in the invitation spe- cial event by an electric timing device, as well as by stop watches. He was favored somewhat by a slight wind be- hind his back, however. This may have a strong effect on determining whether his mark will stand. ,.Behind Hoyt came Hohman of Illi- nois, Shearer of Drake, and Smith of Michigan. Each of these men finished under 22 seconds, while all seen en- tries in thiseventhcame in less than 1-5 second slower than the first quar- tet. Hoyt's wonderful showing of today stamps him as being the most likely runner in his distance in present in- tercollegiate competition. He show- ed that he had worked to good ad- vantage in the warmer Iowa climate, and in this respect seemed to have an edge over his rivals, which probably helped him more than a little. Murphy carried the baton first for1 the Wolverines in the four-mile re- lay. After leading the field for three- fourths of the distance, the Michigan man seemed to heve shot his blt. He passed the stick to Ufer 50 yards be-, hind the Wisconsin runner. Ufer, then allowed Bennish to gain 35 more yards before he reached the full dis- tance, and was relieved by Donnelly. Schardt of the Badgers put himself 200 yards in the lead of the Maize and Blue runner, before he passed the baton to Harvey, the wonderful anchor man. Before the last exchange from n Donnelly to Carroll, Harvey gained 20 more yards before Carroll got started. By this time Chicago was also in the lead of the Wolverines, and Harvey had lapped Sellers of Indiana. Carroll shot around the track as soon as he had possession of the baton, and also succeededsin lapping the Hoosier ma. In the last 200 yards, Carroll passed the Chicago entry, and had gained 30 yards on the easy going Harvey, but the Wolverines finished a bad second, 170 yards behind the Wisconsin team. The time for the relay was 18 minutes, 3 2-5 seconds, which is 3-5 second fast- er than the same school made last year. German Public is Optimistic Berlin, April 22.-Pessimism which was evident yesterday in German of- ficial circles, today turned to opti- mism when the American submarine note was published. The text of the note as given out by the official news agency, became known to the German people for the first time and discus-, sion developed the fact that the differ- ences between the two governments can be patched up with satisfaction to all concerned. Campus Actress In Elopement Phyllis S. Povah, '16, Married to A Stuart hElon, 17E, at Toledo "Queen Elizabeth" has eloped. With the Shakespearean pageant but two weeks away, word was re- ceived here yesterday that Phyllis S. Povah, '16, scheduled to play the role of the "Good Queen Bess", eloped Thursday to Toledo, where she became the wife of A. Stuart Elton, '17E, in Trinity Episcopal chapel, Rev. Oscar Codd officiating. Miss Povah was a member of Col- legiate Sorosis, and has been active in local theatricals, taking the leading part in this year's production of the Comedy club. Mr. Elton is a member of Zeta Psi fraternity, and hails from Oak Park, Ill. First 'notice of the elopement was received in the form of a telegram to' the bride's mother, Mrs. Edward H. Povah, in Detroit Friday afternoon. She declared that although they had been engaged for some time, plans had been made for a church wedding in the fall, and the sudden culmination of the engagement caite altogether as a surprise. TO LUNCH BUSRAH Hold Mass Meeting at mill Auditor- Wun Tonight; President Hutchins Presides NOTED MISSIONARIES TO SPEAK' Michigan's seventh annual Busrah campaign for the purpose of raising $3,65{ for the support of three Michi- gan graduates, who are 'giving their lives to medical missionary work at Busrah, Arabia, will be formally launched tonight at 7:00 o'clock with a mass meeting at Hill Auditorium. President Harry B. Hutchins will in- troduce the speakers: Mr. Arthur Rugh and Dr. Paul W. Harrison. Mr. Rugh, has spent many years in charge of Y. M. C. A. work in China and since his return to this country he has visit- ed nearly every city and student asso- ciation in North America. Mr. Harri- son is familiar with Arebian mission- ary work, in which the students of Michigan are particularly interested.' This morning between 9:00 and 10:00 o'clock, breakfast will be served at Newberry hall to all members of the campaign committee. Mr. Rugh and Dr. Harrison will give short talks. Last night a dinner was given at Newberry hall to about 30 men, each] representing a campus fraternity. The Busrah project was explained and the raising of money among the fratern- ities was put entirely into the hands of the attending representatives. In a short talk Dr. Harrison said: "Within 25 years from now thre will1 be no other spot of equal area in the world which will have the population, wealth and well being of Mesopotamia.' Busrah will dominate Arabia, PersiaE and all surrounding countries of the near east."l A dinner will be given on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday1 nights at Newberry hall for all mom- bers of the campaign committee. Dr. Harrison will speak and a farcical demonstration of a solicitation for a Busrah fund donation will be present- ed by Grant L. Cook, '17L, and Don- ald W. Ogilbee, '16L. Monday morning Dr. Harrison will talk to all medic classes, explaining the Busrah project and the need for medical missionaries in Arabia. He will talk also to the medical frater- nities on Monday. PAPIIDIIT IAIII £ Decide To Reopen RFPfRT IINFYPFPTFflACIVITY IN TO C WITH E SENATOR STONE CONFERENCI "(EN ERA. E WILL INCLUDE L INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS" GERMAN PUBLIC SEES NOTE Demands Not to Embrace Mediter- ranean Pledges; Chancellor and Kaiser Discuss Note Washington, April 22.-President Wilson will confer with Senator Stone of the Senate Foreign Relations com- mittee at 8:00 o'clock Monday evening. It is said the conference will be on "general international affairs." Lit- tle hope that Germany would immedi- ately accede to the American submar- ine demands was apparent here today A statement of Admiral von Hozen- dorff, German admiralty chief, fur- nished the state department with the first definite information on the Ger- man official attitude. The conclusion was drawn by officials that the pro- posed modifications and the sternness of the American demands offered the only path of avoiding a diplomatic break. It is indicated officially that this government will leave to Ger- many the question of whether she can conduct warfare, making it ef- fective, without violating internation- al law. Dr.JMe To Speak To Polity Club Object to Draw Together Students In- terested in World Relationships Dr. John Mez, traveling for the American association for International Conciliation, is in Ann Arbor in the interests of the International Poity club. Dr. Mez has been on a tour of the States, meeting the various Polity clubs in an effort to draw them closer together, and will meet all students interested in international problems at the Union on Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The International Polity club offers opportunities to students to study in-' tensively the greater international problems of the world, and an effort will be made to secure a further mem- bership of students who desire a bet- ber understanding of internationalism. Delta Sigma Rho HoldsInitiation1 Honorary Debating Fraternity Takes Ten New Members Into Society, Ten men who have represented, Michigan on the platform during the year, were initiated into Delta Sigma Rho, honorary debating fraternity last night. Those honored were: William T. Adams, '17, Irving S. Toplon, '17, Rob- ert Munter, '16L, Clarence L. Menser, grad., Wilbur M. Brucker, '16L, Wil- liam Goodwin, '16L, Paul V. Ramsdell, '16, George D. Castro, grad, and W. E. Olds, '16. First Metho State Street, Corn A. W. STALKER,t M - MORNING SE SUBJECT: "THE PRACT -.SPECIAL EA; Scenario Contest[UnLIuwLv [LU [I[U[31111[1 mto CMP NEAR COUMBU; NO HI N T AS DsrdTO WITHDRAWL OF U.S. TROOPS. At a meeting of the Union Opera book committee held yesterday after- AMERICANS READY TO OPPOSE noon, it was decided to reopen com- RhfiYRDS OF TRENCHES CARIANZA IN ORDER TO petition for the scenario writers be- U GET VILLA" cause of agitation in various campus publications. The new attempt will be to get a scenario with Michigan life, 300 INFANTRYMEN ON MARCH preferably, as its basis. - The men who have already contrib- French Also Repulse the Heavy Line Rumor of Numerous Executions In uted scenarios aire urged to work on Firing of Teuton Mexico; Villa Bandits Still the new plan. The same rules for Forces Active this contest will hold true as were-used in the old one. These are posted in Berlin, April 22. - English troops Columbus, N. M., April 22. -- the Union. have recaptured one hundred of the There was unexpected activity at The new scenarios are to be in by 600 yards of trenches taken by the the base camp here today, follow- May 7, and should be forwarded to Germans on Wednesday in fighting ing receipt of orders from Gen- Arthur Schupp, '17, newly elected near Ypres and Lardemark, it was of- eral Funston at San Antonio. opera chairman, or left at the Union ficially announced their afternoon. T'Ihree hundred infantrymen left desk. French attacks on Dead Man's Hill for forts somewhere in Mexico. The musical contributions will be positions northwest of Verdun line called for soon. Further notices as to were broken down by the Germans San Antonio, April 22.-General Fun- the time will appear in The Daily. this afternoon. In the Caurettes wedge ston conferred with a Carranzista gen- -----__.---- the French were more successful in eral today as to the course of the their attacks, gaining several posi- American expedition into Mexico, and tions. There were several engage- officials at headquarters expressed the ments south of Haudromond and opinion that they see no likelihood of CHEM~ g[around the Fort Douamont. withdrawal as the result of the meet- Repulse German Offensives - ig. Guarded comment running along Paris, April 22.-In line firing the the line says that the Americans are Germans lost in very heavy firing ready to meet Carranzista opposition against the French around the south- if necessary in their determination to Noted Chemist Urges Adoption of Sci- west of Verdun and on the slope of "get Villa." entific Board for Dead Man's Hill. The flaming project- General Funston has reached the no- U. S. ods were brought into play against cessity of a new operating plan and the French around the north of Caur- it was believed he presented the prop- DISCUSSES THE DYE SITUATION ettes toward the wedge, but the Ger- osition to General Scott with argu- -mans were completely repulsed. ment for its adoption. Funston was "The record of what we have done -understood to be prepared to suggest about meeting the problems in chemi the detailed plan for a new line of cal preparedness is a sad story," said WILSON CHOICE FOR PRESIDENTt communication with the base moved Prof. Charles H. Herty, of the chemis- southward .on Columbus. General try, department of the University of t .Cparolina in thisUalkersithe o Daily Staff Favors Wilson and Votes predicament of the American troops in Nort Caolin, i hi tal intheChihuahua under existing conditions, chemistry building last night. "Our Down Woman Suffrage Cunstouha apparenl modie the chemists have done great work in the REPORT FREQUENT EXECUTIONS universities and in the field of applied Straw ballots taken in the offices of . . . ~~~~The Michigan Daily yesterday showed ao p - isoee chemistry, but this is not a time for ThBihga0al1ysedy hwd E Paso, April 22.-Stories, of exe- self-congratuatio Our idustries a that Wilson is the choice of the ma- cution revived in Mexico came from proceeding in a haphazard manner. jority for next president, while woman Lumo fao" to , Gener "When the European war broke out, suffrage was voted down. The ballots Torres and two others from the Car- as a result of Germany's isolation we were cast as follows: Trrss avt oers from the bgntfelteacofcranpo-For president:- ranzistas have been executed at the began to feei the lack of certain prod-Frpsdn:- Auadalajara penitentiary it is re nets heretofore imported from abroad, Wilson ........................ 12 AuadTaa y pnensary t i h e such as dyestuffs and potash. This Roosevelt ........ 4,.j........... 7ported. They are said to have con- the uesion upto merians Rot....................1spired against the first chief. The ar-' put the questions up to Americans, Root . .......................1 ranza government is believed to be 'What shall we do about these things?' Hughes ................... making wholesale arrests and other 'What if we were shut off from the so- executions throughout the republic dium nitrate supply of Chile?' 'How Against..........". . . . . .....7.e...12 areported Determined effortsby could we conduct a war without ni- he de facto government to sweep away tric a cide?' ~~~~~~_~~~~~-~~~-~~~-_ - opposition are also indicated in the "What we have done makes a sad order to deport anti-government for- story," Professor Herty continued. WHAT'S GOING ON eigners. "We found kelp plants along the west~ Mexicanrevolutionistsstationed W ern coast which could be used to get Weather for Ann Arbor and viin- the United States are reported active, potassium chloride from sea water. .t Cland ou Ay.-despite the watch kept over them by Yetrdyin Congress a bill for $175,- ity: Codand cluy. Yesterdayi these kbll for $s75,s TODAY tlie American secret service. 000 to develop these kelp fields was 9:00-10:00, o'clock-Mr. Arthur Rugh Prepare Mlove on Amerians at Torreon thrown out on a point of order. With :' -ementon th riansin our tremendous need of potash this and Dr. Paul W. Harrison speak at .enosrict in the I ~breakfast for all Busrah campaign Torreon and Lagua district of the request for experimental work was kresent campdiLageported to have been refused." workers at Newberry hall. prs p As regards methods of reform, Pro- 10:30 o'clock-Dr. George A. Gor- proposed by General Trezino, co- As regdonsspeaksdsMethodistmhurch mander-in-chief 6~f the Carranzista lessor Herty said, "We ought to have don speaks, Methodist churchand forces in northern Mexico. Arrivals a scientific board to give scientific, 7:00 oclock-Mr. Arthur Rugh andfr in hicArriaT disinterested advice as to what is best Dr. Paul Harrison speak at opening from Torreon today indicate that Tre- for this nation. We ought to get to- mass meeting of Busrah campaign, zino arranged for the foreigners onthe gether and utilize the water power of Hill auditorium. matter with British Consul Patrick -hs nto ~ m k irc ai n Ofato at Torreon last Monday. 'The t this nation td make nitric acid and, TOMORROW report is not officially confirmed. He make us dependent of other nations. o'clock-Dr. Paul W. Harri- took over the protection of the- 24 Colorado Club to Hold Monthly Dinnerson speaks to fresh medics on Busrah. Americans in Torreon when the United; TeColorado club wllhold thehy ir 11:30 o'clock-Dr. Paul W. Harrison States consul was deported last month. regular monthly dinner at the Union speaks to soph medics on Busrah. VILLA BANDITS STILL ACTIVE on Tuesday next week at 5:45 . M. 11:00 o'clock-Dr. Harrison speaks General Pershing's Field Headquar- All men from the state are invited. A to junior and senior medics on Busrah. ters, near Aquipa, Mexico., Wireless shor buinessrmeetng will behd A 4:00 o'clock-Comedy club meeting, to Columbus, April 22.-The menace after the dinner, room 205, N. Wing. of Villa and his bandits is not re- 5:30 o'clock-Dinner for all Busrah moved. Hardly a day passes that small - campaign workers at Newberry hall. bands are not sighted and reported. .[/'Many conflicting stories reached head- dist'C hurch U-NOTICES quarters of Villa dead and alive. Some Pageant rehearsals will take place of these state ,that he is dead and er of Washington Monday at the following hours: "As others say he will turn up at some D. D., MINISTER You Like It," 4:00 o'clock; "Ham- place on the Mexican Northern rail- let," 5:00 o'clock. way. Identification finds little credence .eJ-Lits will hold baseball practice among officers. RVICE, 10:30 Monday afternoon in South Ferry Field While no news has been received ICALNESS OF EASTER" at 3:30 o'clock. from Parral district, there is no con- Candidates for senior lit baseball cern felt about the advancing Ameri- S T E R M U S I C.-- teams report at Ferry Field on Monday can columns who seem to have gone afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. into several Carranza traps.- Hill Auditorium TONIGHT 7 o'clock os- BUSRAH BULLETIN Special Music Dr. Harrison ARTHUR R U"ormer Scretary '"*Y. M. C.dA I work in China, will speak on '"THE LIFE IN THE EAST"M Speaker Introduced by Pres. Hutchins I .f Arbia I THIS SPACE DONATED BY CALEIN'S PHARMACY I Nill Speak o s :