THE MICHIGAN DAILY. h '4 :dents GOD rrEws Let Music Ring Throughout the House I We are ready to show you the best WHITMAN'S CANDY IN A NEW PACKAGE TIED WITH U. OF M. COLORS line of Men's Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, Hats, Caps, and Furn- ishings at reasonable prices. CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 S. State Street Either when all alone, or when a few friends unexpectedly drop in, you'll find heaps of real enjoyment in the Columbia Grafonola. With all dance records at $1.00; popular double disc records at 65c, you make a saving on every purchase. This instrument, of a full, rich,glorious tone will be sent to your house on ap- proval. State whether you prefer oak or mahogany. With a large, noiseless motor of unusual strength, and a plush covered turntable, it's an extraordinary buy at $100. MUSIC SHOP ALLMEND INGER'S 120 E. Liberty St. i { _, ,, , , p _ ;- 7.. ,.. ~ . A J ', - y r , y_ ' S i P ' ,i I ;: i .f i( fi ;;;,' ; , ti ' , : ' ' 'a ij , ' r "'-' y~- ' t ++. , WADHAMS & CO.'S CORNER 201-203 S. Main St. , 7f 1 . _w Be Attractively Dressed and gain the admiration of all by having your next suit Individually Custom Tailored by ARTHUR F, MARQUARDT Campus Tailor 516 East William St! Phone 1422-J a GOTHIC" ARRO COLLAR FRONT PITS CRAVAT KNOT PERFECTLY. 2 for 25c CLUETT. PEABODY A CO..INC., MAKtERS BIRD COLLECTION GIVEN TO UNIVERSITY MUSEUM 18 Species of Owls Presented by Dr. Bryant Walker, '76, of Detroit; Birds All Mounted Lovers of birds will find lots of in- teresting material for study in the col- lection of owls which has recently been presented to the university by Dr. Bryant Walker, '76, of Detroit. The collection numbers 30 owls, rep- resenting 18 different species. All of the birds are members of the North American group, and practically every specie of the American owl is included in the collection. The birds are all mounted, and with the possible exception of a few of the most valuable specimens, they will be placed on exhibition in the museum. PROF. W. II. HAMILTON TO TAKE AMHERST CHAIR IN ECONOMICS Prof. W. H. Hamilton, who was as- sistant professor in economics at the University of Michigan during the col- lege year 1913-1914, and who was junior professor in economics at the University of Chicago last year, has recently been appointed 'to the en- dowed chair at the head of the de- partnent of economics at Amherst college, where he is teaching at present. Professor Hamilton has revised his text on "Current Economic Problems;" which was used here last year, and the new edition has just been pub- lished by the University of Chicago press. He is also the author of an article on "Economic Theory and So- cial Reform," which appeared in the Journal of Political Economy last June. "Y" PLANS FOR STUDENT EMPLOYMENT FACTORY ConIniittee Men of Ann Arbor Business Will Soon Consider Question With a total of 1,050, board, room, cash and miscellaneous jobs already given out, Phillip Lovejoy, '16, em- ployment secretary of the Y. M. C. A., has already put into operation plans for placing the work on an altogether larger and firmer basis this year. Mr. Janes Foster and Dr. Ellis Walker have been secured to head a commit- tee of Ann Arbor business men who will consider ways and means of im- porting outside work or turning over some of the Ann Arbor factory and business work to the students. Because of the* progress of the work, it is now deemed the right time to start this move which may result Lunches, Candies, Sodas NOTHING BUT THE BEST I SU( ,AR BOWL FWhen Down Town try our I , gloom "ON THE LEVEL",' Sharp mous can m ty Ra better Each aratel' sealed wrapp Prk 2 Pric 3. Mail, 0 ening with the fa- Hill Machine, we ake your old Safe- zor Blades shave than new ones. h blade is honed sep- y, hair-tested, and in a separate waxed er. ces: Single Edge, 5c per dozen. es: Double Edge, 5c per dozen. r bring us your blades RRY DRUG CO rner State and N. University F RATERNITIES, Clubs and Campus Societies who desire to hold Fall Banquets in the Tea Room should make the necessary arrangement at once. 4 A I in bringing to Ann Arbor a large fac- tory which will use student labor. Mr. Lovejoy states, however, that before the business men will con- sider any proposition, it is absolutely necessary to have a schedule of the school hours of every man who has applied for work soras to be able to present statistics to the committee. H.V.Wann Lectures on Constantinople "Types and Scenes in Constanti- nole" is the title of an address de- livered by Mr. Harry V. Wann, in- structor in French, at the Congrega- tional church on Sunday night. Mr. Wann spent the years 1909-1911 in Constantinople and he told of his per- sonal experiences and his own views of the life there. Stereoptican views, illustrating the various points brought out -by Mr. Wann, accompanied the lecture. -Whether It's Foot Ball or Whether That's the Way to Play the Game FITFORM Clothes for Young Men are more than "On the Level in style, in making, in appearance and in durability- ready-to-put-on, but more gen- uine class than the tailored kind, It's Business 'I ,It~ I1' iI A SalPMBRNT O4B THU LTATtST MODIULS IN1 NOBBY OVURcoATS JUST ARRIVU~D YOU ARE ASSURED OF THE UTMOST IN S RVICEGAND FINE COOKING. $18 $22.50 $25 $28 FITFORM IS GOOD FORM I' Cot Frank Brothers " FIFTH AVENUE BOOT SHOP NEW YORK Temporary Show Rooms 514 E. Washington St. U FALL LINE NOW READY 1 OTHER UNIVERSITIES COPYING ENGINEEIIJNG MENTOR SYSTEM Small booklets, entitled "The Men- ,tor System in the College of Engineer- ing," have been distributed to the freshman engineers. The pamphlet gives a history of the advisory system now in force in the engineering col- lege, and explains the relations be- tween mentor and student, mentor and instructor, mentor and parent, and of mentor and student discipline. Prof. William D. Moriarty reports that over 25 colleges and universities have written to the engineering col- lege for information concerning the system, and that some of them have adopted certain features of it. Adelphi House Holds Meeting Tonight Members of the Adelphi House of Representatives will gather for the second meeting of the season tonight o+ " 11 - t~n" r~n~a n he fmith REFER LOCAL OPTION MATTER TO SUPERVISORS' COMMITTEE Following a request by Registrar Arthur G. Hall, of the university, to withdraw petitions for a local option election, the board of supervisors at their session yesterday morning, re- ferred the matter to a committee. Mr. Hall was chairman of the committee which presented the petitions, and gave as his reason for wishing to withdraw them the fact that owing to wrong information the committee had not obtained the required number of signatures. Signatures amounting to one-third of the number of votes cast for governor at the last general elec- tion were necessary, rather than the 30 per cent which the committee ob- tamed. ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION TO COMMENCE TRIALS FOR PLAY Tryouts for parts in the annual play of the Oratorical association will be held in University hall this week be- ginning tomorrow. The hours for the tryouts are as follows: Wednesday, 2:00-3:00, Thursday 4:00-5:00, Friday. 4:00-5:00. Those wishing to take part in the play will come to the audi- torium at one of the above hours prepared to give a reading either from memory or from a book. The play to be presented this year is, "The Serv- ant in the House," by Charles Rann Kennedy, and it is desired that those who can obtain a copy of the play will use it in the tryouts. Prof. R. D. T. Hollister is in charge of the play, and those who intend to try out should see him at once. HOT OFF THE COLLEGE WIRES 34 Get Degrees Since June model, which is -now a part of the Bloomington, Ind., Oct. 18.-Trs- United States Bureau of Mines exhibit tees of the University of Indiana have at the San Francisco exposition, will authorized the conferring of Bachelor be turned over to .the university at of Arts degrees on 34 students who the close of the fair. The original is have finished since last June. Candi- the famous mine in South Dakota, dates will have the right themselves which furnishes the greatest portion to decide whether they shall be con- of the gold mined in that state. sidered of the class of 1915 or the - - class of 1916. Yale Has Enrollment of 3,303 ~o o W nNew Haven, Oct. 18.-The enroll- Ban on Dogs at Wisconsi ment in Yale university has reached Madison, Wis., Oct. 18.-Tom, the 3,303, a slight increase over last year's campus cop at the University of Wis- figures. The freshman class in the consin, has been having considerable college is exactly the same la st trouble enforcing the new law which yege is e tha me sh l prohibits canines from frolicking year, 472, while that of the Sheffield around the campus. A faculty man's Scientific school is 437, a gain of 35. dog was seized, and the act has caused the teacher quite some distraction. Cornellto Give Nine Concerts Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 18.-Arrange- Few Rl'3des Scholarship Competitors ments are being made for the, Christ- Champaign, Ill., Oct. 18.-Reports mas trip of the Cornell Musical club. from the colleges of the middle west Sixty men will make the trip, which show that there has been a steady de- will include only one of the cities crease in the Rhodes Scholarship reached last season. The nine cities competitors in the past few years. reached in this year's trip are: Buf- Only six men have entered the com- falo, New York, Baltimore, Pittsburg, petition at Kansas, five at Iowa, four Wheeling, Cincinnati, Detroit, Cleve- at Illinois, and four at Missouri. land and Albany. President R. L. James, of the Uni- versity of Illinois, who is one of the Shakespeare Lecture Course at Yale trustees of the scholarship, reports New Haven, Oct. 18.-Mr. J. R. that there is some talk of discontinu- Crawford, of the Sheffield Scientific ing it because of the lack of interest school, will deliver a series of Shake- and competition. spearean lectures, entitled "Shake- speare and the Stage.' The course California to Get Mine Model will include eighteen of the Elizabeth- Berkeley, Cal., Oct. 18.-The Home- an author's plays, with a brief ac'count stake Mining company will donate a of 'the dramatic structures, from the model of its working organization to point of view of the stage, of each one the University of California. The of the plays. To The Students WHO ARE CONTEMPLATING PURCHASING A TALKING INSTRUMENT TE11 VICTOR VICTROLA acknowledgedby mucal iebrities as the peer in its line, The Victor Co., having contracts with the best artists in every manner of entertainment. together with the fact of having the range of four different volumes of tone, make it worth your while to consider. Easy payments. GRINNELL BROS. 116 SO. MAIN ST. PHONE 17074 TOM 116 EAST CORBETT LI B ER T Y STREEI The Pen with the "Crescent- Filler" The "Crescent-Filler" is all on the outside. No hidden mechan- ism-no possibilities of internal trouble with Self -Filling Fountain .Pe NON-LEAKABLE The Conklin is filled in 4 seconds by a dip in ink and a thumb-pressure on the "Crescent - Filler." $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 and up. 13 TRADE MARK( Re9.U.& Pat Off. The Conklin Pen Mg. Co. Conklin Bldg. Toledo, Ohio, U. S. A. .Jest Dip ,a and Floess. .... A full pound fresh roasted peanuts for 10 cents at Dean's, 214 S. Main street. octl6-17-19-20-21-22 EXPERIENCE Experience has taught us that foot- ball games and week-end house par- ties go hand in hand. Experience has taught YOU that RELIABLE taxicab service is, at such' times, an ASSET in the fullest meaning of the term. Stark Taxicab SERVICE is RELI- ABLE. We have equipment adequate to handle large parties EFFICIENT- LY, and 'so we solicit yoir business. The Stark Taxicab Co. Phone 2255. octl4tf at 7:30, in their rooms on t he ouri floor of University hall. Visitors will Many Complain of Unmuzzled logs be welcome. According to the police, more than 500 reports are being received daily Rottscbaefer, '15L, Studies at Harvard by the Ann Arbor department com- Hf ry Rottschaefer, '15L, who was plaining against the practice of allow- an _ sistant in the economics depart- ing students' dogs to run around loose ment last year, is now at Harvard uni- and unmuzzled. A city ordinance pro- versity, taking graduate law work vides a minimum fine 'of $15 and a leading to a Ph.D. degree. maximum of $45 for the offense. Buy our special Yale padlock fo your locker. Swfitzer Hardware '310 South State. The private canoe houses at the of M. Boat Livery will close for I winter, Monday, Nov. 1st. Any wishing to repair or change their noe, or remove anything from locke must do so before Nov. 1st. Octl7-19-20 Well seasoned food tastily ser appeals to the 'student away fi home. That's just the reason N Bloomfield's meals are making a at two bits.