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April 22, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-04-22

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Phones:-Editorial 2414
Business 960


VOL. XXVI. No. 138.



- A. J.'.ll 2J 12 VIV k; UV..,J2N L';:3

---- --

Batting Order Has Been Changed;
Visitors Expect to Make Things
Smith will go back in the Michigan
lineup at second base in the game this
afternoon with Ypsilanti Normal, this
being his first appearance on the dia-
mond at Ferry Field and incidentally
his first game since the southern trip.
It was not known until rather late
whether the second sacker's injured
finger would be in sufficiently good
condition to permit his starting the
game, buttCoach Lundgren is now
counting on him
The Ypsi aggregation, whether from
policy or otherwise, seems to hold
the opinion that it can make things
interesting for their opponents, how-
ever Coach Lundgren is expected to
put in as many of the 'squad as pos-
sible to get a line on the men under
In a practice . game between the
Varsity team and the so-called scrubs
yesterday, the latter defeated the
former by a 4-3 score, touching up
Ohlmacher for all of their runs in one
period. Birmingham worked with
Roehm for the victors and Ohmacher
and Dunne'for the Varsity.
Either Andrus, Ohlmacher or Miller
will do the twirling for Michigan in
today's game, although it is not known
which of the three will be sent in to
start the battle, Dunne will do the
Following is the Michigan lineup in
its probable batting order although
a late change, maybe made: Niemann
rf; Dunne, ; -Capt. La adie, Vf; Bran-
dell, cf; Walterhouse, ss; Caswell, 3b;
Newell, 1b; Smith, 2b; Andrus, Ohl-
macher, or Miller, p.
Hard Fight Predicted for Ann Arbor
Candidate, V. E. Van
Tuesday morning, April 25, the dis-
trict G. 0. P. convention gets under
way with a meeting in the Ann Arbor1
court house. At this convention will
be all the county delegates for repre-
sentative at the national Republican
convention in Chicago, June 7, and
this district's man will be elected at
that time.-
Inasmuch as the Ann Arbor candi-
date for this representative position
has been instructed for Hughes, and
the Jackson candidate is uninstructed,
it may be possible that the choice of
nominee for president will decide the1
balloting, and it is probable that there
will be a fierce discussion, as Hughes
is the choice of the majority.of the
political element while Ford and
Roosevelt are the people's choices.
V. E. Van Ameringen is the candi-

date from Ann Arbor, and although his
opponents are not as well known, he
may have a hard fight to secure the
In an effort to assist the work of
the Ann Arbor visiting nurse in the
establishment of a "Better Baby"
clinic, the Congregational Girls' club,
composed. of university women, will
hold a flower sale today in the
Nickel's Arcade on State street. Both
cut flowers and potted plants will be
on sale and allstudents and frater-
nlities who intend purchasing any
Easter decorations are asked to Se-c
cure them from the sale, which will
be continued throughout the entire
The establishment of the baby clinic
will place Ann Arbor's charitable workl
among the most efficient organizations i

'Speaker Tells of
Famous Playersj

MEXICANS FIRE AT "Yankee Yogi' to
ii r rnonnair Play in Detroit

Marie Mayer Says Oberammeragui
tors ilve Their Parts in
Passion Play


V . , H.BDrLIt

In a full, rich voice and in simple
language, Marie Mayer told of Ober-
ammerga and of the world.famous
Passion Play inUniversity hall last
night. ;
Fraulein Mayer said that in Ober-
ammergau, a ittle village at the foot
of the Bavarian Alps, where 800 of
the 1700 inhabitants earn their living
by wood-carving in religious subjects,
all live a simple, sincere life. All are
united in an ideal-the fulfillment of
a vow made three centuries ago dur-
ing the Thirty-years war, when Ober-
ammergau was swept by the Black
The villagers vowed that if the
plague were stopped they would give
the Passion Play. According to the
chronicles of the village, the plague
ceased as by magic, and in 1834 the
first performance was given. The
Oberammergauers have continued to
give it since, and all spend their lives
in. preparation for the plays, which are
given every ten years.
Few Copies of
Inlander ' Left
Expect Sale to Be Closed Out by Noon
Today; Begin Work on May Is-
sue Immediately
With less than fifty copies left on
sale last night in the State street,
stores the initial edition of the In-
lander bids well to be entirely closed,
out by noon today. The edition had
been limited to 500 because of the ex-
perimental nature of the project, but
due to the ready response accordedS
by the student body in supporting the
new venture the whole work will be
planned on a larger scale for the May
At a staff meeting this morning ac-
tive work will be begun on the next
number.lvhchematerial isalready in
hand, having been held over because'
of lack of space in the first number.
Many of the people who initially
agreed to contribute have been work-
ing on material during spring vaca-
tion and it is now ready to come in.
The date of sale for the May numberI
Nas been set for the middle of May.
This will make necessary the setting}
of May 4 as the' final day on which
copy may be received by the staff.
In order to augment the Michigant
spirit of the magazine more space in1
the next two numbers will probably
be devoted to fact articles by stu-
dents concerning Michigan problems.
Arthur Rugh to Delier Address att
Openini Busrahl Meeting 1
It was learned at a late hour yes-
terday that Dr. Amos P. Wilder, who
was to have spoken at the big open-t
ing meeting of the Busrah campaignt
at 7:00 o'clock' Sunday evening, will
not be able to be here. Arthur Rugh
was immediately telegraphed for by
the secretary of the S. C. A. and heI
has been secured to speak at the
Mr. Rugh has spent six years int
China in charge of the Y. M. C. A.
work there. During the past year
Mr. Rugh has been giving his time
largely to securing workers for the
Y. M. C. A. work In the hospitals and
trenches of Europe. Dr. Paul W. Har-
rison, a returned Arabian missionary,
will also speak at /the Busrah mass
meeting Sunday evening.

Ernest M. Wisdom, '14, assistant in
the department of oratory, will be-
come head of the oratory department
at Monmouth college next year. He
takes the position vacated by G. A.
Andrews, '14, who will assume a posi-
tion in Grand Rapids as head of the
public speaking in all of theschools
of that city.
Andrews, who organized the oratory
department at Monmouth, has met
with considerable success in his ef-
forts there. The debating teams which
he has instructed have been successful
in all contests -in which they have par-

ntagouism to American Troops G("row'
ing; Carranzistas (oncentrate
South of Parral
Mexicans bombard American
aeroplane flying over Chihuahua.
Carranza forbids further fights
over cities.
American correspondents are
stoned in Chihuahua.
American troops ordered not to
go south of Parral.
Carranza refuses punitive ex-
pedition use of Mexican telegraph
and telephone lines.
Forage for Americans detained
by Mexicans.
Official Mexican statement says
that body exhumed at San Fran-
cisco Boika is not that of Villa.
Chihuahua City, April 21.-Scores
of shots were fired at the American
aviator who made a flight over Chi-
huahua Wednesday.
Carranza soldiers fired volleys at the
aeroplane and even private citizens
unloaded their revolvers at it. The
aeroplane apparently was out of range
of the bullets. The aviator fiew in the
direction of San Antonio, Mexico. He
is believed to have come from Satevo.
This occurrence was followed today
by the issuance of a Carranza order
of April 15 prohibiting United States
aviators from flying over Mexican
cities and barring the American forces
from using the Mexican telephone or
telegraph lines.
Stoning of Americans followed the
arrival here from El Paso of news-
(Continued on Page Sx
Telegraph Jlriefs
Washington, April 21 - Orders to
speed up the work of repairing and
overhauling the vessels of the Atlan-
tic fleet have been sent to command-l
ants of various navy yards by Secre-
tary Daniels. The move is said to be
a "preparedness test" to determine
how quickly the vessels could be re-e
stored to normal condition after the;
winter operations.
Marseilles, France, April 21.-Con.-
tinued landing of Russian troops here
has brought reports that at least 250,-
000 soldiers of the Czar will be added
to the allies' forces on the western
front this spring.
Amsterdam, April 21.-Dr. Von Lentz,
Prussian finance minister, in an inter-
view predicts great financial difficul-
ties not only for the German empire
but the individual states if the war
lasts much longer.
Petrograd, April 21.-Repulse of a.
German attack in the northern sec-
tion and Austrian attacks in Galicia
is reported by the Russian war office.r
Bordeaux, France, April 21.-An ex-
plosion in the powder plants of the
grenade factories here today resulted
in the killing of 20 persons and injury
to a number of others.
Ralph Lounsbury and Philip Lovejoya
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa 1
The Daily wishes to correct a mis-
take in the Phi Beta Kappa list oft
yesterday's edition. Through an er-I
ror only 34 names of the 36 elected to

membership were published.
The names omitted were:
Ralph R. Lounsbury, Detroit.
Philip C. Lovejoy, Ann Arbor,

Jnior Girls' P:ay Will Be Staged in
Mc('ofster Hall on Fri-
tday, April 29
Following three successful perform-
ances of the Junior Girls' Play, in Ann
Arbor, arrangements have been com-
pleted to stage the play in Detroit on
April 29 in the newly erected McCol-
lister hall, under the auspices of the
University of Michigan Women's asso-
ciation. Detroit alumni are enthu-
siastic at the prospect of seeing "The
Yankee Yogi," which has been pro-
claimed the best Junior Play yet pro-
duced. Two special cars will take
the troupe to Detroit, and bring them
back. This is the second time that a
Junior Play has left Ann Arbor, "The
Come-Back," last year's play, having
been taken to Toledo, as the guests
of the Collegiate Alumnae.
The, highest expectations for a suc-
cessful party were realized at the
"Frosh. Frolic" given at the Armory
last night. More than 100 couples
were present. A color scheme of
green and white was carried out in the
decorations, and brown leather pro-
grams were used. Shook's orchestra
furnished the music.
Students Fail to
Apply for Jobs
"V" Employment Bureau May Close
Its Aetivities May 1.; 56 Po-
sitions Open
According to Philip Lovejoy, em-'
ployment secretary of the University
Y. M. C. A., the employment bureau
will be discontinued May 1, unless the
students who wish work, wake up and
take advantage of the many jobs which
it has to offer.
Right now Lovejoy has 56 jobs1
which are open, ranging from a job
of four hours' duration to one of 10l
weeks. Many of these positions have
been held open for several weeks be-
cause no men can be found who wish
to fill them.
"Although Michigan has at the pres-
ent time one of the most efficient bu-
reaus in the country," stated Lovejoy,1
"nevertheless it will be closed with-,
out fail unless conditions change radi-
cally in the next few days."
G. D. Casto Takes
Prohibition Ivectj

* * * * * 4, * * * * * * *
* Philadelphia, April 21.-Mexi- *
* can bandits and German U-boat *DELAY NOT TO BE TOLERATED
* commanders were temporarily *
forgotten today when President *
Wilson hurried to Philadelphia * Stand Taken by United States Makes
to pay his first visit to four-* Deep Impression on
* weks-old Miss Eleanor Axson *re
* Wilson Sayres, the President's French
latest granddaughter. For near-
ly an hour the thunder of the * Washington, April 21.-Secretary of
* guns of war was drowned out by * State Lansing announced today that
*- the cooing and crooning of the * the United States note to Germany
baby wrapped in the arms of the * had been presented yesterday to Herr
* President grandfather. * von Jagow, the German foreign sec-
* retary. He intimated that tactics of
* * * * * * * * * * delay would not be tolerated by the
United States.
Count von Bernstorff, the German
F ambassador, told Secretary Lansing
Syesterday that his - government prob-
ably would not consider the matter of
this nature until the holidays were
over and nothing would be done until
Tuesday. It is learned that Secretary
Plans Completed for Active Work; Lansing is nettled at this. He believes
Mass Meeting in Hill Auditorium that if s the German government can
First Step conduct military operations on hli-
- c E ays it should be willing to conduct
'10 F1MPLOY 1S CO0M MI TTEE S diplomatic negotiations. The German'
ambassador left for New 'York today
Preparations for the greatest Busrah and will not returnruntil next week.
campaign in the history of Michigan Note Now inIHands of Germans
are fully completed. The campaign
will start tomorrow evening at 7:00 Berlin via London, April 21.-The
o'clock with a big mass meeting in American note in regard to submarine
Hill auditorium. Arthur Rugh, Y. M. warfare now is in the hands of the
C. A. Worker in China, and Dr. Paul German government. It was delivered
W. Harrison, returned Arabian mis- tonight to Foreign Minister von Jagow
sionary, will be the speakers. with no attendant circumstances to
A dinner will be served this evening mark the unusual importance of the
from 5:30 to 6:45 o'clock at New- occasion.
berry hall for about 50 men, each rep- Owing to the length of the note and
resenting a campus fraternity, the pur- the appendix and to the delayed ar-
pose being to explain the object of the rival of one section of the note it
Busrah movement to the fraternities was not ready for presentation until
through these men. Dr. Harrison will 7:30 o'clock this evening. Ambassa-
give a short talk. dor Gerard then rolled the document
Tomorrow morning between 9:00 in a magazine to protect it from a
and 10:00 o'clock, breakfast will be slight rain which was falling and
served at Newberry hall to all mem- walked across the square to the for-
hers of the campaign committee. Dr. eign office. The ambassador was
Harrison will speak, telling of the received immediately. The for-
importance of missionary work in eign minister reaI the note and. a
Arabia. short general conversation followed.
Eighteen chairmen have been fur- The note probably will not be pub-
nished with enough names to make up lished here before Sunday and no com-
a committee of 15 and nearly all the ment by the German papers is expect-
men have been recruited. Two instruc- ed before that time.
tion sheets will be furnished to each Chancellor Visits General Staff
committeeman. The first contains in- Paris, April 21.-The visit of Dr.
structions as to what all members von Bethmann-ollweg the German
must do before the campaign. The chancellor, to the headuarters of the
second will contain detailed informa- general staff will extend over the East-
tion as to the ditties of co-mmittee-er holidays, according to the Geneva
men during the progress of the cam- correspondent of the Havas news
paign _ agency. The chancellor left Berlin
Wednesday night.
WHAT'S GINGI O I The President's address has made a
deep impression in France. All the
newspapers giveit the place of honor.
Weather for Ann Arbor and vicin- The Matin characterizes the address as
ity: Shifting winds, becoming slightly epoch making and continues:
older; probably showers. "It is an historical event which is
deserving of our admiration and one
TODAY of the noblest acts in the memory of
3:00 o'clock-Ypsi Normal vs. Michi- mankind. Never has the head of a
gan, Ferry Field. state pronounced such grave words
,:30 o'clock - Fraternity Busrah against a state with which it was not
campaign representatives dinner at at war," is the comment of the Petit
\ewberry hail. Parisian.

7:00 o'clock - Upper Room Bible
lass meets, 444 South State street. COMEDY DPAS Y
7:30 o'clock-Dr. Chas. H. Herty CTS
talks on "Chemical Rambles," room
165, chemistry Bldg. Candidates for Organization to Meet
9:00 o'clock - University dance, Monday for Instructions
Packard academy.
A meeting of all candidates for the
TOMORROW - Comedy club for the ensuing year will
7:00 o'clock-Arthur Rugh speaks at be held at 4:00 o'clock Monday, April
S. C. A. meeting, Hill auditorium. 24, in Room 205 N. W., where they

fielhigan Representative Wins
Contest at Ypsilanti;
Hope Second


George I). Casto. Michigan's repre-
sentative in the state prohibition con-
test, took first place at Ypsilanti last
night, Hope taking second and Albion
third. Casto will represent the state
of Michigan in the interstate contest
some time next month. In addition to
Michigan, Albion , and Hope; Adrian,
Alma and Ypsilanti participated in
last night's contest.
Speaks on "Chemical Rambles" Under
Auspices of Phi Lambda Upsilon
"Chemical Rambles" is the subject
of a lecture to be given by Dr. Chas.
H. Herty, of the University of North
Carolina, and President of the Ameri-
can Chemical society, at 7:30 o'clock
tonight in room 165 of the Chemistry
The lecture is given under the aus-
pices of Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary
chemical society, and is open to the
public. Anyone interested in Chem-
istry is especailly urged to attend.

Presbyterian Church
Huron and Division Streets-
SUNDAY, 10:30 A. M.

Fresh Medic baseball practice at
Ferry Field, 2:00 o'clock this after-
J-Eng. baseball practice' at South
Ferry Field, 1:30 o'clock.
All track and baseball men are
urged to secure lockers at Ferry Field
at once.
All tryouts for the Varsity tennis
team are asked to report to Dr. Lee
at the Ferry Field courts some time

will receive instruction concerning
spring tryouts to be held April 28.
At this meeting the candidates wil
be informed as to what is expected o
them at the °formal tryouts, its plain
purposeb eing to assure them tha
no partiality will be shown in choos
ing the new members. The polic
of the organization in this regard wil
be to give more time to the instruc
tion of individuals and to develop the
talents of each candidate so that ther<
will be no dissatisfaction at the close
of the competition.

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