THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I =:--WAL K OVER \0 ' r~'/ Our Latest Arrival English Oxford, leather Sole O'Sullivan rubber heels Black or Tan Matinees PA DIVAWekof Wed. & Sat. GARI CKIII Apr il17 DETROIT "6MOLLY 0"- ARCAD Shows at 3 :oo, 6:30. 8:00, 9:30 Fri.-2 - Hamilton Revelle in "The Half Million Bribe." Sat.-22-Marc McDermott and Miriam Nesbitt in "Catspaw."' "Trip Around the World," 23 Mon,24-;5-. Rankin Drew andl Virginia Pearson in "The Hunted Woman,' and Musty Suffer Comedy. T his _I . Clothing Store S, heady for, Action '$5V0 We easily save you one dollar on this Oxford WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP 115t S. MAIN ST. ; . I I SWAIN 713 East Univ. Makes the -best Lantern Slides-plain or colored-you can get anywhere in the U. S. P. S. Did you know that first and last he has made over 25,000 Slides? Orpheum Theatre The Home of Paramount and _ Triangle Photoplays Ma tinees, 2:00, 3:15 Evening, 6:45. 5:oo 9:15 Saturdays -Holidays Continuous ell in Love With His Wife:" at-22-Orrin Johnson in "D'Artag- an" and ( "Fido's Fate." Triangle Cmedy). 14vening 15C. S.-Mona - 23-24 - Blanchie Sweet in "lack List.'" I r' t DELTA CAFE 'Art is lc vg, Life is Sho rt" Sunday -Evening- Luncheon Fifty Cents 5.30 PM. to8 P. M. SPECIAL FEATURE Mandolin "rrio Orchestra Reservations Enable pus to give Better Service ATTENTION! AMATEURS!( You will always be assured of bright, clear pictures if you have your develop- ing and finishing done by DAINES & NICKELS The Sign o#l Satisfaction. THE FAMOUS Cox Sons and Vining L GAPS, GOWNS AND HOODS for tall 'College Degrees %~may be ordered now from PENN MAN SPEAKS TONIGHT J. Russell Smith, of Wharton Schol of Finance, Talks oni Conseri-,dion Prof. J. Russell Smith, of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, specialist in commercial geography in the Wharton School of Finance, will deliver a lec- ture in the Natural Science auditor- ium this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock on the subject "Tree Crops and Con- servation," He has written a book on this subject, In the evening at 8:00 o'clock Pro- fessor Smith will lecture on "The Des- ert and the Desert's Edge." Both lec- tures will be illustrated by lantern slides. These lectures are the n^7xt to the last in a series that has contin- ued throughout the winter, The final leetures Qf the series wvill be given May 4 and 5 by. Prof., Edgar L. Stevenson, secretary of the Hispan- ic Society of New York, on the sub,- ject "Early Maps," FRENCH GQAIN IN COUiNTER AT- TACKS ON G'ER)IANS , AT YERiI)U Paris, April 20.E~-The offensive in the Verdun fighting during the la.,t 24 hours has bees} i1 the hands of the French. Two attacks were made by them, one on each side of the Meuse. Both were in the nature of counter- attacks intended to recover. positions recently taken by the Germans, and both met with success. INLANI)ER APP~EARS ON CAMPUS TOI)A Y (Continued front Page One) of making the magazine fill a place as a forum for the discussion of Mich- igan problems. Two more numbers will be publish- ed this semester. Work will begin on the May issue immediately. INVESTIIIGATE TIS No investment approaches Endow- ment Insurance in safety-none per- mits the equally profitable use of such small amounts of money-none so suc- cessfully inculcates the saving habit. It insures your life, it protects your own old age, and it performs this double function at a cost which to a young man is not app~reciab~ly greater than the cost of. an ordinary or 20- payment life policy. a Write Cyr phone for .an illustration at your ag . Harry Baeller, The Provident Life and Tru t Co., 516 1+. 7 " jj At7 y : CYl r cause ing, a hurry tomorrow, our se- lection has been keyed up to at ther, price they wishe Tomorrow, for Easter Sunday And-, all men interest-w ein good clothes can get Spring .Suits to their lik- tox pay, and be oan their wvay its highest ef ficien cy. Men again who have plenty of time can take all the timoe they wish.. in record T e import ant thing' Is that no matter h quickly you choose, or what pric e m .ay, you can get only reliable all- woI clothing, tailored in the latest time. Be many men will be in lashlon. We have the right model The New Styles First We Fit You Rightf suited 16o your appearance. 119 E. Liberty Street "SoClety Brand" Clothes Buy Eastman Latest Model Kodaks Fresh Films of Men's and YonMes LYNDON'S 719 NO, UNI'VERSITY AVE. ,Where You Buy Kodaks and Films SUITS s , I. Class baseballs teams.:-Get your supplies at Cushing's. Ask for specal rates. tf Extra'copies of the Angell Memorial edition may be obtained at the Tualy office. Look over the advertizements in The Michigan Daily. They will in- terest you. * Polish your floors with Old English floor wax. C. H. Major & Co. phone X20 - $2 2.50 - $25.00 ~n, 00 1 237. IMadison St., Phone 735- 2. apr2l-2I ------ FOUR DAYS SIX CONCERTS MAY 17, 18, 19, 20 r ., , _ s ' _ J s-" - 3 u1 G. SOLOISTS--Hempel and Hdinide, Sopranos;* Braslau and Matzenauer, Contraltos; Kingston and McCortmack, Tenors; Anmato and Werrenrath, Baritones; Holmquist,' Bass; Kinder, C rgnnist. CONDUCTORS-Stanley and Stock. ORGANIZATION S-The C loral IUnion, Children's Chorus, The Ch ic(ago Symphony Orchest ra CHORAL WORKS--Paradise Lost (IBossi),'Children at Bethlehem (Pierne) and ai:o r:J Delilah (Saint-Saens). COURSE TICKETS-On sale up to May 6, at $4.00 and $5.00 each. ($i.oo aid $2.uCO'if covter coupon is exchanged. SINGLE CONCERT TICHETS-On sale on and after May 8, at $i.oo and $1.50 each., Special announcements with programs and complete information will be mailed upon requ'est. CHARLES A. SINK~. Secretary. ', GET YOUR SPORT SHIRT TRY OUR $1.00 SHIRT I .. ...... _ - 1 1 .,:.- :. . .