.. ., r ORVEN'S CAFETERIA REETY PURI 605 EAST WILLIAM STREET s FAVOR HONOR SYSTEMI - I mm * * * * * * * * * * * * Engineering College Honesty Commit- tee Makes Report for February Honor in examinations among the engineers again came to the surface yesterday when the honor committee of the college read its report to the various classes on the working of the1 system in the February examination. The report contained the findings of the committee and certain recommen- dations to the faculty. The results of the vote, which was taken in the col- lege after the examinations, were also. made public. It is this vote among the students which affords an excellent index as to the success of the system. Just before the February examina- tions, when the system was put up to the classes for adoption, 52 per cent of the seniors, 79 per cent of the ju- iors, 82 per cent of the sophomores, and 89 per cent of the freshmen voted inML favor of it. Now, after the system has been tried out and tested, it is favored by over 97 per cent of all the classes. Only 20 men out of 900 voted against its continuance. FRESH BASEBALLERS WORK OUT Coach Cut 10 Men After Three-Inning Game Yesterday Slowly but surely Coach McGinnis is reducing his yearling baseball squad, yesterday seeing 10 men drop- ped from competition. The fact that the freshmen stuck to the job while the Varsity was battling with Olivet,' even while on bench-warming duty, showed the coach that they meant business. The practice session yesterday was devoted to infield drill, after which there were three three-inning games between picked squads. "Mac" will make the first real cut of the year to- day, and expects to retain about 30 or 35 men in the competition. To- day's practice will start at 3:00 o'clock CARL MITCIIELTREE APPOINTED AS LIFE INSURANCE ACTUARY Carl Mitcheltree, grad., has been ap- pointed actuary of the Cleveland Life Insurance company of Cleveland, 0., according to an announcement made yesterday by Prof. J. W. Glover, of the mathematics department. The .appointment to this important place came following a visit to Ann Arbor by President William H. Hunt, of the company. The position, according to Professor Glover, is a most important one and Mr.. Mitcheltree's appointment to it, im- mediately following his college course, is taken as a recognition of the standing of the university's insur- ance training. PINNEY ELECTED PATHFINDER OF MICHIG AN BICYCLE CLUB At the 'first -meeting of the Univer- sity of ichigan Bicycle club held last night at Harris hail, Nathan Earl Pinney, '16, was elected chief path- finder of the club, and Paul V. Rams- dell, '16, was elected chief mechani- cian and caretaker of the property of the club. It is the purpose of the organization to foster and stimulate an interest in the art of bicycle riding, several trips being planned to nearby villages. Any men o women wishing to join the as- sociation are invited to make appli- cation to Pinney at 829 Packard or call 1379-M. READY FOR FROSH FROLIC; SHOOK'S ORCHESTRA TO PLAY Everything is in readiness for the Frosh Frolic to be held in the Armory tonight. Shook's orchestra will hold forth and joy will be unconfined from 8:00 until 1:00 o'clock. The fact that spring is here will be impressed uponI those present by attractive green and white decorations. The few tickets still remaining are on sale at the Union desk. ANN ARBOR TAXPAYERS VOTE DOWN BONDING PROPOSITION The taxpayers of Ann Arbor yes-, terday voted down by a vote of 1288 to 80 the proposition of the school board to issue bonds to the amount of $250,000 to improve the public school system of Ann Arbor. They also voted; to adopt plan C, which is to place the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades in three centers, but since the bond is- sue failed to carry, no further plans Leave Copy at Quarry's and The Delta CLASSIFIED ADVERTISI NG Leave Copy: at Students' Supply Store I * * AT THE THEATERS TODAY .- m - I- I LOST WANTED. I LdOST--Thursday Conklin fountain pen with calendar clip; probably in F. & M. Bank or in Gym. Please re- turn to Blum, 431 Thompson, or call 369-M. a21 LOST-Will party who found black leather bill fold containing fifty dol- lars and laboratory ticket at Michi- gan Central depot April 7 call 692-J; reward. apr20-21-22 LOST-Medium sized black leather note book with Math, Rhetoric, His- tory, and Spanish notes in it. Find- er please call H. Penniman, 854-M. a21 LOST--Just before vacation S. A. E. fraternity pin. One dollar reward. Notify Tho Daily. LOST-A black leather-back note book with name, Alex J. Rogoski, on cov- er. Finder please call1474. apr20-21 LOST-Fountain pen with broken cap. Finder call 2182-R. Reward. a21 WANTED--A few more men to earn I from $7.00 to $10.00 per day next summer. The average Michigan man last summer earned $9.00 for a sev- en hour day. For further particu- lars call I. B. Wright after 2:30 P. M. Phone 1619-M. a21 WANTED-Students to sell Nibco Sanitary Brushes. Best proposition on campus. Phone Cotton-373-W,' Simpson-2180-M; Yeisley, 2494. tu-th-sun WANTED-To buy good 18-ft canoe. Phone 315 or 1596-M. a21 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Frosh Frolic ticket. Call 811-J. a21 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - Live business for sale, cash or terms, if taken this week. H. Gorton, 15 Saving Bank Bldg. Three-chair barber shop in nearby town. H. Gorton, 15 Saving Bank Bldg. apr.20-21 k 3, 'F Maestic - Arthur Chatterdon and Company in "The Witch- hg Hour." Arcade-hamilton Revelle in "'The Half Million Dollar Bribe." Orpheum--Florence Rockwell in "He Fell in Love With His **I*e" *- * * * * * * * * * *, *; , } s ' . ; r y t. __ , , , , , ,, ,. ; v ,, , - , 1 ; _ li ,', lfl ,. , , . l 1 1 1 y / / Z I\ r/ \ ".III I aI 1' i 6 / ' " , i I , ,;, j 1 .. ? J I F i , \1 ' r. , s _.,; . r '. F { s r Bicycles Sundries Repairing LOWEST PRICES At the Majestic But two days remain for Arthur Chatterdon and his company at the Majestic theatre. Tonight the famous Augustus Thomas play, "The Witching Hour," which was responsible for the great success of John Mason will be present- ed. It is a play which deals with spiritualism and it is quite dramatic and some methods used in police cir-1 les giving the third degree are shown. Tomorrow matinee and night "Pierre of the Plains" will be the attraction. Base Ball Goods Indoor Balls H. L. SWITZER CO. Hardware and Sporting Goods - 310 STATE PATRONIZE Daily Advertisers. ** Announce Union Dance Committee The committee for the Union dance tomorrow night consists of Maurice Nicholls, '17E, chairman; J. R. Dar- nall, '18M, D. V. Bathrick, '19, and E. K. Marshall, '17E. The chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Philip' Bursley. Canadians to Banquet Next Thursday Canadian club members will ban- quet at the Delta cafe at 6:30 o'clock next Thursday evening, April 27. Fac- ulty members have been invited to at- tend. The toastmaster for the occa- sion will be E. W. Tulling, '17. Patronize Daily Advertizera. ** Syracuse Defeats Hamilton College REDEEM OLD UNIVERSITY DANCE to 12:00 and from 2:00 to 3:00 o'clock Syracuse, N. Y., April 20.-Playing COUPONS TODAY OR SATURDAY on Friday and from 11:00 to 12:00 errorless ball in November weather, 'lc nStra.Tcesfo h the Syracuse university baseball team today shut out Hamilton College 4 to The regular weekly university dance April 1 dance, which was postponed 0 in the opening gaime of the season. will be held at Packard academy from because of the death of President- Captain "Red" Ahearn was the star 3 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock Saturday night. Emeritus Angell, must be redeemed at of the Orange team, coming through "Ike" Fisher's orchestra will be on this time. Proceeds from all unre- with a 1.000 batting average and a hand. The chaperones will be Mr. deemed tickets will be given to the perfect day in the field. Harold P. Scott and Mrs. Scott, and Old Ladies' Home. R. H. E. Mr. Lyman L. Bryson and Mrs. Bry- Syracuse................4 11 0 son. Arthur Torrey, '16, is chairman Advertizers in The Michigan Daily Hamilton ................. 0 3 0 of the dance committee. j are the reliable business men of the Batteries: Turnure, Keib, and Trav- Tickets will be on sale in the. main city. It is to your interest to trade is, Morgan; Whitman and Miller. corridor of University hall from 11:00 with them. ** _ ... ..:c., ,. LiVely, Breezy Styles for Young Men l \ .y r r ' t't 4 la . ' : . 4, , }--_: .r, ,. = } " r,. f r. f. Big type in this ad for quick read- ing-while you run, so to speak. Here's all we want you to remem- ber: When you are ready for a Spring Suit, ask for a Varsity Fifty Five. We will show you new smart materials, new light shades and colors, new designs and models. All in this famous style made by Hart Schaffner & Marx. CxiPyright liart schi, .xr& Ma. Lutz Clothing Store The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes