THE MICHI-GAN DAILY p nr , RI btivirn N THOUSANDS I Students from Entire Country to Take Part in Summer Drills; Harvard and Yale Represented CAMPERS JOIN BUSINESS MEN Thousands of college men from all parts of the United States are en- rolling for the military training camps to be held this summer. Harvard has a regiment of 1,070 men now drilling preparatory to going to the camps, and these, in combina- tion with several hundred students from Yale and 400 or 500 from Prince- ton will form the trained nucleus around which the remaining men are to gather at the different sectional training points. The original Plattsburg camps will continue on Lake Champlain, the first one opening on June 5, and continu- ing until July 2. Four other camps will follow, at that place, lasting until October 5. The "Plattsburg Idea" This year, the student camp move- ment has become merged in what is known as the "Plattsburg Idea" in which the students' training camps have been merged with the business men's camps under the name of the Military Training Camps association of the United States. Under this gov- ernment, the first camp will be at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. Sectional training stations are to be situated at San Antonio, Texas; Mon- terey, California; Salt Lake City, Utah, and American Lake, Washington. Oth- er camps may be announced later. It is estimated that the undergraduate attendance at these stations this sum- mer will aggregate at least 30,000 men. During the past summer, 92 per cent of the 2,000 men enrolled in the train- ing camps at Plattsburg were college students. In the other camps the per- centage was equally high. D. J. Kay, executive secretary of the association, who is receiving enrollments from un- dergraduates at his office, 31 Nassau street, New York, is assigning them to the stations in their respective sec- tions. These enrolments are not binding if it is later found impossible to attend. Hope to Foster Patriotism The general purpose of the camps is to foster a patriotic spirit and spread among the citizens of the coun- try some knowledge of military his- tory, military policy, and military needs, and to instill the habits of obedience, discipline, command and self control. Duriig the five weeks' outing, a clear insight into military matters is given by rinstruction in drill, cavalry exercises, field maneuvers, field sur- veying and field work. Ample time is given on the schedule for recreation and rest. Students pay $22.50 for mess for the camp period of five weeks. A deposit of $5.00 is required to cover loss or damage to the government property used. About $10.00 is required for the uniform and personal equipment. Other expenses are met by the gov- ernment. FORCE STUDENT TO JOIN ARMY Das Gupta, Former Michigan Student,1 Halted by British at Hong Kong While enroute to India in the in- terest of educational work among his own people, Juanada Charan Das Gup- ta, '13, was intercepted by British au- thorities at Hong Kong and requisi- tioned for army service in France.1 Mr. Das Gupta received his B. S. in pharmacy in 1913, and left for De- troit, where he was employed by The Lambert & Lowman company, manu- facturing pharmacists. He then re- turned to Ann Arbor to do graduate work. After considerable delay he: succeeded in getting a passport from government authorities to return to India. No word has been received by the faculty of the College of Phar- macy as to the final disposition of his case. German Coal Under Ban London, April 18.-The foreign of- fice announced today that neutral ship owners have been warned that all coal of German origin is liable to de- tention. A consular certificate con- cerning the origin of coal is advisable Just One More Revolution! San Antonio, Tex., April 18.-Gen. Antonio I. Villareal is attempting to start a new revolution against the Carranza governnient, according to a report received today by Consul Gen-i eral Beitran from Melquiades Garcia, Mexican consul at Laredo. .. NGELL_ SENDS THANS SON OF LATE PRESIDENT-EMERI- TUS EXPRESSES GRATITUDE FOR EFFORTS OF STUDENTS. Editor, The Michigan Daily: The family of President Angell were greatly touched by the honor and re- spect shown by the hundreds of young men and women who lined the streets! between the house and the cemetery on Monday. They are deeply grateful to the student body who joined in send- ing the beautiful pall of roses, and to the Glee club, whose singing of the Laudes Atque Carmina added so great- ly to the impressiveness of the service. Since we have no other way of reaching the students as a whole, will you kindly give our feeling expression in your paper? ALEXIS C. ANGELL. PROF. V LOVER PREPARES TABLES O, DEATH R ATTE Superintends First Set Ever Compiled by Census Bureau About Expection of Life Prof. James W. Glover has been su-1 pervising the preparation of the firstI set of tables ever compiled by the census bureau on the subject of ex- pection of life. These tables were made from sta- tistics obtained from ten states and' the District of Columbia and show the a death rates and life expection at all ages, classified by races, within this territory on the basis of the popula- tion at the last census and the mor- tality for the three years of 1909, 1910, and 1.911. In the preparation it was discov-. ered that the average female lives three years longer than the male. It was also found that one out of twenty' boys and one out of every twenty-five girls dies during the first year of its life. HOSPITAL NOTES' E. H. Bird. '16E, is confined in the hospital with erysipelas. Carroll C. Hyde is confined in the hospital with scarlet fever., N. D. Shaw, '16H, who was operated on for appendicitis before spring va- cation, is improving. L. Hayes, '17, is confined in the hos-: pital with erysipelas. PROMINENT CT ELIST TO LECTUTRE SATURDAY NIGHT REAL ADVENTURES BY MICHIGAN MEN ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * E. L. Demmond, '16, Tells How He Nearly Plunged Over 1000-ft. Chasm With Glacier ,* * * * * * * * * * * * S * * * AT THE $THEATEF TODAY Majestic - "He Comes Smiling." Arcade-Robert Warwick "The Supreme Sacrifice." Orpihe m-Dorothy Donnelly it "Madame X.l *I RS UP* III L * a= r * *: Mountain Climbing in Oregon How would you like to see your dog go over a bluff to his death after the glacier across which you were travel- ling had been jerked from its foun- dation and you realized you must suffer the same fate as that of the animal? Read how E. L. Demmond, '16, went through this thrilling expe- rience. "I had been appointed by the Unit- ed States government, along with five other foresters, to make a survey map of Wallowa national forest in the Blue mountains of Oregon, considered the roughest part of the Northwest. Al- though it was the middle of July, there was perpetual snow. "We had been surveying for about three weeks and had just about com- pleted our map, when one day we had an accident that nearly made one less student in the University of Michi- gan this year. We were surveying Mount Ella peak, the highest point in the Blue mountains and the only por- tion we had not yet surveyed, It was about 2:00 o'olool in the afternoon and we were just congratulating our- selves on our success, when suddenly the very ground under us gave a vio- lent jump and the glacier, a half- mile wide, swayed back and forth, upi setting us and sending us down the mountain side at a terrific speed. "A thousand feet down the. canyon was a bluff. To go over this meant certain death. It lay directly in Our path. The hobnails in my shoes, along with the weight of the transit, which had been entrusted to me, re- tarded my acceleration somewhat, wIth the result that I was the last of the five in our mad race down the side of the mountain. My comrades and our - dog, tumbling head over heels, were moving even faster than the' glacier. "About eight hundred feet down the canyon, the other foresters succeeded in grabbing onto a huge rock, which projected up over the glacier. Look- ing down the mountain side, I saw our faithful dog go over the bluff. As I lay in the dog's path, death seemed certain for me. My path lay about eight feet from the rock on which my comrades were stranded, so I could not reach that. But as I swerved down the mountain, accelerating speed, I took a long chance and failed. Un-i strapping the transit from my body, I grabbed the end of it and extended it to the right. As I swung near my comrades, they grabbed the other end of the transit. "A little flame of hope took fire only to be quenched. The terrific speed at which I was going made it In- possible for me to hang on to ny; end of the transit. To escape the fate of the dog seemed absurdity. "Smaller and smaller grew the dis- tance between me and the bluff. Sud- denly there loomed up in front of me a large rock, similar to that which my comrades had rescued themselves. on. I hit the rock at high speed, but owing to the hugeness of the rock, it completely stopped my locomotion.: After clinging desperately to the rocks for hours, the glacier passed over the" bluff. "My comrades threw down 4a rope to me, which we always carry in case of need, Tying this around my body, they started drawing me up to them. Then all turned black, "When I recovered consciousness, I was lying in my bunk in thelog cabin, with the doctor of our outfit bending over me. He informed me I had been in my bed for three weeks with a rag- ing fever and owing to my broken leg, would have to remain five weeks.more. And then I laid back in my bunk, thanking God for sparing me from such a horrible death as that of the dog," At the Majestic This afternoon and tonight "The Traveling Salesman," made famous by Ann Arbor's own comedian, Frank Mc- Intyre, will be the attraction of the Arthur Chatterdon Co. It is surely a laugh maker and the many comedy situations help to make it one of the biggest successes ever produced. ADDRESS KANSAS CITY ALUMNI Deans Cooley and Effinger Speakers at Annual Banquet There Deans M. E. Cooley and J. R. Effin- ger represented the university at the annual banquet of the Kansas City alumni association at the Hotel Muehl- bach on Saturday, April 15. Alumni from practically every class down to 1915 were present. In the afternoon, the two deans ad- dressed more than 200 high school papils and teachers at the Warwick theater there, and afterwards several reels of moving pictures taken from stadent life in Ann Arbor were thrown upon the screen, along with numerous slides.I Dean Efrnger left Kansas City for Oklahoma, where he speaks at other' alumni affairs. He is expected to re- turn to Ann Arbor tomorrow morning. NEUTRAL SECURITIES BACK OF IMPENDING FRENCH LOAN' -- New York, April 18.-The impend- ing French loan, it was authoritative- ly learned to day, will not be backed by any obligation of the French gov- ernment. The collateral that will un- derlie the loan, the amount and in- terest rate of which are yet to be de- termined, will consist of securities of neutral countries. In effect, the French government is endeavoring to mobilize securities in these neutral countries in much the same manner that the British treas- ury mobilized American securities. Delay in the completion of negoti- ations is partly due to the fact that the securities to be so mobilized are not payable or negotiable in dollars, as is most of the collateral which the British government has been utiliz- ing to effect further commercial cred- its and stabilize sterling exchange in this country. Greeks Evade Turk Protest Romer Apr. 18.-Turkey has protest- ed formally against the formation of a Greek volunteer corps destined to co- operate with the allies in future op- erations in Asia Minor. The Greek government replied evasively to the protest. Look over the advertizements in The Michigan Daily. They will in- terest you. ** FORESTERS TO HATE POTBETELEPHONE Recent Invention to Be Installed Thu Season; Rangers Can Cut in Along 20,000 Miles Washington, April 19.-A portab telephone, made of aluminum at weighing two and one-half pound the invention of a forest ofilcer, R. Adams of Missoula, Montana, will 1 part, of' the regular equipment of pa trolmen on the National Forests tU coming field season. This instrumel is regarded as a great .improvemei over the set formerly used. whic weighed 10 pounds. It is said that a field man equippi with this telephone, a few yards light emergency wire, and a sho piece of heavy wire to make ti ground connection can cut in an where along the more than 20,0( miles of Forest Service telephone line and get in touch with headquarters a supervisor or district ranger. 'I talk, one end of the emergency wii is thrown over the telephone line, til two ends are connected to the por able instrument, and the instrume is connected to the ground wire, t end of which must be thrust into t damp earth or in water. Contact wil the line wire is made possible by r moval of the insulation from a fe inches of the emergency wire. The Adams instrument does not ri: the bell of the receiving telephon but instead causes a screeching soum -from a small megaphone-shaped a paratus descriptively known as "howler." This instrument is i stalled at the ranger station telephon and is said to give effective notice th someone is on the wire. If the fie: man needs to talk with some one els where on the line, the ranger static instrument can be used to ring u the person wanted, when the conve sation can be carried on. Forest oficers say that these por able phones are especially valuable reporting fires and other emergencil with the least possible delay, and al in sending instructions to 'field me and keeping the district angers i formed as to the progress of woi going on in the field, thus suppl menting the regular telephone se installed at lookout points, rang stations, and at convenient interva along Forest Service roads and trail ANNOUNCE DATE OF SECOND ANNUAL C 0 T T0 N BAL Announcement was made last nigi of the second annual Cotton Ball, i be given under the auspices of ti Michigan Union Monday night, M 29. The unusual success achieved 1 a similar function last year prompte Union authorities to make it an annua event, and plans are being made secure special music and features f the occasion. Tickets will go on sa at the Union desk Wednesday, May 2 at $100 each. Chicago Man Lectures Edward S. Rogers of the Chica bar is delivering a series of lectur on the law of trademarks and unfa trade every afternoon in room C c the Law building at 4:00 p. m. T- first of these talks was given yeste day afternoon. Dr. Chas. H. Herty, of the University of North Carolina, and President of the American Society, will lecture next Saturday night at 7:30 in room 165 of the Chemical building. The subject of the lecture will be "Chemi- cal Rambles." It will be given under the auspices of Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary chemical society, and admit- tance will be free of charge. All who are interested in chemistry are urged to attend. Extends Rail Safety Act Washington, D. C., April 18.-The Supreme court yesterday so con- strued the various federal safety ap- pliance acts so that all employes-no matter 'whether engaged at the time in intra-state or interstate commerce -may recover damages from injur- ies occurring through failure of in- terstate commerce railroads to com- ply with city law. Schurman out for Hughes New York, April 18.-President Ja- cob Gould Schurman of .Cornell Uni- versity has come out as a Hughes man. He said that Justice Hughes is the man on whose record and char- acter the nation can rely as a guar- antee of statesmanship in the man- agement of foreign and domestic af- fairs. Shook's Orchestra at Union Friday Shook's J-Hop orchestra will fur- nish the music at the Michigan Union dance Friday night. The orchestra will consist of seven pieces with banjorines and saxaphones. The dance, which will he informal, will last from 8:00 o'clock to 1:00 o'clock. Tickets sell for' $2.00. "Jack" Benton Vsits Ann Arbor Among those who turned out to watch baseball practice yesterday aft- ernoon was "Jack" Benton, former Varsity catcher on the baseball team, nd end on the football squad. "Jack" Stater that his visit to Ann Arbor was a brief one and that he would be leav- ing in a couple of days. Announce Marriage of Margaret Supe Mr. and Mrs. Otto Supe have an- nounoed the marriage of their daugh- ter, Margaret L. Supe, '16, to Ivan A. Kenaga, '14. GRDAEATTACKS THE GERMAN. ,PROP ISTS Gustavus Ohlinger Writes Paper for Atlantic Monthly Denouncing Teutonic Agitators Gustavus Ohlinger, '99 and '02L, of Toledo, formerly private secretary to the late President Angell, and while a student the managing editor of the Michigan Inlander, attacks the work of German propagandists in the Unit- ed States in a paper which appears in the April number of the Atlantic Monthly. The efforts of the present writers and speakers in this country, he says, are directed toward the end of pre- serving German traditions and sub- merging the so-called Puritan tradi- tion or civilization which was brought over by the English. This movement, which is being furthered by many uni- versity professors and public men in all parts of the country, is a rem- nant of the larger ambition of the Germans, which was to establish a modified Teutonic state somewhere within the bounds of the United States The CivilWar. says Mr Ohl- MARCH! ALUMNUS 'OUT Photographs and Memorials Deal With Career of President Angell; Grad Writes from War Zone The' March number of the Michigan Alumnus, containing many pictures and reminiscences of President Angell will appear today. President Angell when he first came to the university, his portrait by Wm. M. Chase, the An- gell home, and the last tribute to President Angell are some of the half- tone cuts. There are also memorials by President Hutchins and Deans Bates, Vaughan, and Effinger. Under the -heading, "A Michigan Man in the Champagne Defense," is given a recent. letter by Fred W. Zinn, '14E, in which he describes his adven- tures during the French offensive in the Champagne district. He describes the new French battle cap as looking like a combination of ash can and dredge bucket, but he says it is going to save many lives because a soldier struck by a flying fragment of shell or bullet obliquely is saved from a severe head.wound. Zinn was wound- U LANDERS OR LOWERS 213 E, Liberty Street The Easter Flower Song FLOWERS, from creation's qliest dawn, have ever voiced their silent messages of good cheer to man. But, with the breaking of the first Easter morning, there was given a new symbolism, and the Spring Song of the Flowers became a pean of hope to millions of the human race. Today, this universal giving of flowers at Eastertide is a beautiful custom which breathes joy alike on both giver and recipient. Easter Lilies FlAzaleas Our lilies are perfect Deservedly one of the plants, guaranteed free Blooming most popular of Easter f r o m the blight often plants, w i t h abundant found, and which causes Rose clusters of rich blossoms. foliage a n d flower to Lasting and most effec- prematurely wilt. Bushes tive. Lilies *1.00 to $5.00 Azaleas. $2.00 to $6.00 Cut Flowers in the very Choicest Varieties Special for Easter-Killarney Long Stem Roses, in exquisite colorings. Selected quality, at $2.00 and $3..oo per dozen. Corsage Bouquets-The new "Countess Spencer" Sweet Peas, graceful Gardenias and finest Orchids, in rare colorings. I I InLgerwas lgeliNY resp oble.forthed in the last days of the battle by nger, was largely responsible for the an Austrian "105" shell and is now failure of this plan. in a hospital in France. Mr. Ohlinger is at present at work j upon a book dealing with the same {Washte naw Republicans Pick Delegate subject and which will be published At the G. O. P. convention for the within a month or so by the Macm!Ilan county of Washtenaw held at the court company. U, To Discuss Brick as Paving Material Mr. W. P. Blair, secretary of the National Paving Brick Manufacturers' association, will speak on "Brick .as a Paving Material for Country Roads and City Streets," at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in room 348 of the new engineering building. noose yesterday; Victor E. Van Amer- ingen of this city was selected as the delegate to the national convention, at Chicago, in June. District delegates were also chosen. The name of Van Ameringen will be passed upon by the district convention which meets in this city, Tuesday, April 25. Those living out of town n desired and be fully asst arrival inp ay remit red ofz Piatronize Daily Advertizers. **