I cs I
Coach Yon P I llr Ti'Ihroughi
Long I 'Sii - n w;ri !;ig i ebald
Coach Y~ t op i vci! '. mns-
tery dow. . th anu 01 the \olv-
erines yc. _ atoo n, _fng
his men irou, tir paco betind
locked ,ts. Tt secet praoice
which is olally i Ptted on Ferry
Field jur: bo e b:g :anos of the
season h1 ue u tituted already
forces th u Ceie f a n y of what
they had I". suspece>d. that the
M. A. C. eiist > one of the eason's
big gar
The Yomen worked at Ferry
field fo. rs anl a bail, with-
out enfinvim n audi-
ence. 7 - ex-
citemer up
the afi t to
their s te of
With 4:00
o'clock athe
Wolverin,, ohour
of thatp ra o ness,'
but Co under
whichtll o do
that e too
if nec-_) n of
the fW rows
of ele .went
the at ce to
Follo i-;drill
three dwe an-
been at quarter Js
promoted to th r s w e
Bixer and Johnst,
in the backfield un t
were sent back to e
"}harry", Schu n
field in a suit, bt t
workout was fo)-ed n
4the football squad oIle
fact that he is r i
having been out
Lewis Reimansh old pb
at tackle. "Mor ,t, L tnne wa not
on the field, being eag. he
rest is figured to o , oe
good, and his undurp an
be improved for it
Benton put in an app aaneet -' ,e
his place at hal as
"German Bullet" Says Desertion Idea
is a Concoction of Outside
In spite of the fact that local cor-
respondents for outside papers have
spread the report that Maulbetsch
would leave the Michigan football
squad because he was indignant over
an article which appeared in The
-dichigan Daily, the "German Bullet"
will remain on the squad.
Maulbetsch said yesterday that he
was not at outs with The Michigan
Daily, and that the idea of leaving the
team had never occurred to him until
he saw it published in outside papers.
1916 Laws Touted as Strong Bidders
for Title in All-Campus Cham-
pionship Race
Class football starts off with the
first day of play Saturday, the Intra-
mural office having completed, the
schedule for the first two days of play
in the class league, with seven games
arranged for.. The initial game will
be staged at 10:00 o'clock on south
Ferry field.
At present the senior laws are loom-
ing up as strong bidders for the class
championship. "Mac" McHale is coach-
ing the barristers, and they have such
m(- ""'om" McNamara, ex-Varsity;
Mcosall, :. rmer Harvard man; Par-
sley, an "R" man; Brown, formerly
of Mt. Union, and others worthy of
mention. Out of such material an un-
usually strong team should be built
up. The senior engineers are also
working hard and are coming into
form rapidly. According to this dope
the other teams will have to hurry in
order to keep in the running at all.
Not enough teams have reported for
practice to enable the Intramural of-
fice to complete the schedule, but the
balance will be printed later. All
games scheduled must be played off
or go by default. Managers who have
not reported to the Intramural office
siould do so immediately, in particu-
lar managers of the teams given be-
low. Eligibility lists must be handed
in before the games.
Following is the official schedule
for intramural football:
Saturday, October 23, 10:00 o'clock:
Junior lits vs. senior lits.
All-Fresh to Play Next Contest
Tiffin, 0., With Heidelberg
Saturday's tie game with Ypsi was
far from satisfactory to Coach Doug-
lass of the All-Fresh, and he promises
some changes in the personnel of his
pigskin chasers, especially in the
backfield. This part of the team
Icoked off color to the yearling men-
tor, and some shifting is bound to oc-
cur before the new men go into ac-
tion again. The line showed up in
better form, but here, too, some
changes may be made.
Tiffin, Ohio, will be the scene of the
next encounter, the squad journeying
there a week from Saturday to play
Heidelburg university. An effort was
made to meet the M. A. C. freshmen
here Saturday, but the contest could
not be arranged, so the yearlings will
rest this week.
Signal practice comprised yester-
day's activities, inasmuch as Douglass
thought his huskies had enaugh real
work Saturday to tide them over until
today, but this afternoon some scrim-
mage will be held, with either the
fresh reserves or one of the Varsity
squads on the opposite side of the line.
All the men came through the Ypsi
game in good shape, although some
of them are nursing bruises to show
for their work against Coach Mitch-
ell's brigade.
Distance Men. Separated Into Fast
and Slow Teams
Captain Carroll divided the cross
country squad into two teams yester-
day, and from now on the work will
be done in this formation. The fast
squad is for the men who have had
work enough to be able to maintain a
stiff pace over the practice course,
while the slow squad will contain the
men who make slower time.
The slow squad will be started out
first every afternoon so that the men
who start in the fast squad will pass
them on the way. By this plan it will
enable any man who can not keep the
fast pace to drop back with the slower
Appleton, Wis., Oct. 18.--(Special.)
-Lawrence college has paid for 33
towels, and has apologized to the two
universities from whose gymnasiums
they were taken by the Lawrence foot-
ball team. Wisconsin lost 14, it is
said, while 19 disappeared from Mich-
igan. The towels were paid for and
the apologies offered after letters had
been received here demanding these
conditions. Following the receipt of
these letters Dr. M. L. Spencer, chair-
man of the faculty athletic commit-
tee, resigned, and most of the men on
the Varsity squad have threatened to
qit the football team.
Rockefeller Returns to Bolster Penn
Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 18.-Because
of the poor showing of the team in the
Navy game on Saturday, Rockefeller,
a star of last year, will go into the
game at once. Roth and Williams
played at half and fullback today.
The coaches devoted most of the time
to correcting the faults which crept
out in the Annapolis game.
Newsboys to be Guests of City "Y"
Newsboys of Ann Arbor will be the
guests'of the city Y. M. C. A. tomor-
row evening, when they will be treat-
ed to a chicken supper. During the
evening an attempt will be made to
organize a newsboys' club.
Senior lit football practice at south
Ferry field at 4:00 o'clock today.
Junior lit's election, 3:00 to 6:00
o'clock today, in front of the library.
Final notice is here given that a
University fellowship is vacant Ap-
plications and letters should be in the
hands of Dean Lloyd not later than
Thursday noon, October 21.
Soccer practice will be held on Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday of this
week from 3:30 to 5:00 p. m. Candi-
dates for class soccer teams will re-
port to Mr. Fowler or to Intramural
Director Rowe on Ferry field.
-US yours
alone. -the pat-
tern you like best,
the shade that appeals
to you, the weave that
isn t afraid of service.
Not a huge amount of one pattern
but a huge number of patterns-
individuality guaranteed - distinc-
tiveness made a reality.
Continental Tailor d to Measure
Clothes-- quick d8eivery _- fully
guaranteed - " a values.
604 E. Liberty Street
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'C "t
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"# 'a. .N .
. I
's_ r
. . ,
One of the necessary duties during
the week will be watching the Aggie
"injured list" grow.
Zero in occupation is sitting in the
bleachers behind the man who per-
sists in telling how he played right
end in high school. ,
"Maulbetsch" may be a German
name, but those who know "Johnnie"
best insist that for a German he seems
to have an awful lot to do with Hol-
Maulbetsch is sore at The Michigan
Daily, according to outside newspa-
pers. In fact, "Maullie" is so mad
that Sunday afternoon he had the
managing editor out riding in his ma-
"Following the Yost men" has be-
come a rather delicate and difficult
task, inasmuch as the nearest one can
possibly get to them is about 200 feet,
and even then a brick wall intervenes.
Dispatches from Cornell state that
Captain Barrett "only" ran one punt
70 yards for a touchdown, scored an-
other from the 30-yard line and added
a couple of "regular" ones besides
these. Outside of that, we presume
that the captain of the Big Red team
was badly off form.
Coach Yost lost a circus freak from
his squad yesterday when Schultz was
forced to quit. Schultz's freakishness
does not lie in anything more or less
than the way he uses his feet when
punting and drop-kicking. When punt-
ing the Bay City lad uses his right
toe, but when called on to perform a
drop-kick he switches formations and
presses his left foot into the ;work.
Princeton Works to Perfect Offense
Princeton, N. J., Oct. 18.-Contrary
to the usual custom, Coach Rush or-
dered a scrimmage for today and kept
the men at it until dark. Tibbott
played at one half and Shea at the
other. Captain Glick was at the
helnsman's post and called the sig-
nals. The coaches spent ma oe tL.
afternoon in an attempt to de lap te
offensive. The defense a.
by the scrubs was nothirg io ia g
at, and they held the Varrir swra
times. The ball was put ti Ay a
the 50-yard line, but the irP leam
could gain little with lir ng
Fumbling was in evidence.
Pianos to rent. Prices Ad : Oss
right, at Schaeberle & Sk'- lur
House, 110 South Main et
Do you eat breakfast w
pay for it? You can get t
out breakfast at Bloorn .
tickets, $3.50.
Q ,S '. ^
SrJunior laws vs. senior laws.
Sharpe Pointy T r rJunior engs vs. senior engs.
Ithaca, N. Y., O All-pharmics vs. all-dents.
and his corps a i' Monday, October 25, 3:45 o'clock:
day the four-,c U Fresh lits vs. soph lits.
Harvard game Fresh engs vs. soph engs.
team will le Combined fresh and soph medics
Cambridge, 1 o vs. combined junior and senior
day was nominal rtsmedics.
were out. It ht h ht
nal drill will 1e w"itn!. : efe
squad, withthe= i n Harvard Lineup Stands for Cornell
and Wallace, i ! Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 18-The Har-
Coach VanOrnalL l',. I ard team had a scrimmage today
trainingrof the en:.'t?'vhich lasted until dark, and following
took the me d his the coaches gave the men a black-
heart talk. i 'board talk. No score was made dur-
_ ng the scrimmage because the work
Yale Battle o~ was kept in the middle of the field by
New Haven, i- the coaches. There are many crip-
of theehot wee.._ ales, but the lineup which will go in,
the .town tod e.. gainst Cornell next Saturday will be
forced to mo - e same as that which faced Virginia.1
week. There in The team has recently shown much
fundamentals nprovement and is considered strong-
attention was gi The subs have been studying Cor-
has improved _: i 11's offense and will use the plays
10 days. A sar-nainst the Varsity tomorrow.
lowed. There n o
lineup which sh n heystone State Club to Meet Tomorrow
Coach Hinkey'a rOfficers and members of the Key-
showing of the - ) sone State club will meet at the
Michigan Union at 4:00 o'clock tomor-
Martha Gray, ', row for a short business session to
Martha Gray, w appointed devise plans for the coming year.
represent the iveru a th e_
Federation of V tComen ( a a I 4onflict Puts Off Engineering Smoker
sing, October 2 an 2Owing to the conflict with the M. A.
C mass meeting Friday night, the en-
Call 2255 fo a. St1ar T, e ieering society smoker has been
"We'il be there."' stponed for the present.J
Get our prlc - , ing i _ '''iga Sends delegates to Lansing
ments.. H. L. imr Co: South Michiaan will be represented at the
State. nu L .c ,ting of the State Federa-
__._._ of Women's clubs in Lansing by
Advertising pays a ,-r a ho I MzO rha Gray, '16, as active delegate
can tell others that in has socks at fron the Woman's league. The con-
are Holeproof. Davi-, the fel'a dwn lerence is to be held from Tuesday to
on Main street, who gives good values. Friday inclusive.
After supper is an eirado Club Holds Smoker Thursday
in at Bloomfield's an tumbers of the Colorado club will
dime's worth of those a their smoker at 7:45 o'clock
that are so popular 7 Thusday evening instead of Tuesday
slty. a ing as was previously announced.
!'tj j
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// i
iJ f,
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Pol.Ec.25. Anew
study in economics.
Classes meet daily at
300 South State Street.
Subject for discussion
your own clothes. Material
attractive, dark patterned fab-
rics for fall, woven from.long
fibered all wool yarn. These
insure long wear. Style, quiet,
conservative and in excellent taste.
Workianship, the most careful
and painstaking product of our
Shops. This insures absolute re-
taining of shape. Lining, all silk,
g i v i n g the garments a beautiful
finish. Ready for service today, or
made to your measure in ten days.
The price, Twenty-five Dollars. This
is the reason for the name of the new
course. Pol, Ec. 25. Enroll today.
1ore than a store-a campus institution
300 South State Street
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