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April 18, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-04-18

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Phones :-Editorial 2414
Business 960

VOL. XXVI. No. 134.

-- ....._ _ . ._____ .w._._ _ ..



.,. .._


Wile Discovers MLLING TO GIVE
Paresis Cause
- Bri * Michign
Operations Prove Syphilis Bri. gs on'I Niomann.cf.

esterdayN S_ *ry



Document Addressed to People of Al-
lied Nations Assures Moral Sup-
port Against Teutons
"Very likely many of the university
professors who signed the 'Pro-Ally
Memorial' which has attracted so much
attention recently did not do so in
their official capacities," stated a pro-
fessor last night. "I know of several
cases in which faculty members sim-
ply filled in their names, addresses and
occupations in compliance with the
printed form given them. The list of
names was edited probably in Boston
where the committee in charge of the
movement had its headquarters."
Thisdeclaration possibly throws
light on the question of the stand
taken by the professors whose names
and full titles appeared as signers of
an alleged unneutral document which
was printed in the Toledo Express, a
German-American newspaper, in its
issue of April 11. It had been planned
for release on April 17 simultaneously
in the United States, Canada, and sev-
eral of the European countries.
Michigan professors whose names
appeared are: The late President-
Emeritus James B. Angell;.Dean H. M.
Bates, Professors A. M. Barnett, S. L.
Bigelow, Campbell Bonner, A. W. Hew-
lett, W. H. Hobbs, F. W. Kelsey, W.
W. P. Lombard, . B. G. de Nancrede, F.
G. Novy, J. S. Reeves, H. C. Sadler, C.
H. Van Tyne, and Dean V. C. Vaughan.
The majority of these men acknowl-
edged their signatures last night.
The Toledo paper forwarded a copy
to various members of -congress, and
Congressman Crarnpton of Lapeer laid
a complain against the University of
Michigan faculty members who had
signed. Regent Leland is reported to
have stated that in case the professors
admitted having done so, there would
be an investigation.
Is Message to Allies
The "Pro-Ally Memorial" which ap-
d is as follows:1
the people of the Allied Nations:
, the undersigned citizens of the
United States of America, send to you,c
the people of-the nations of the Triple
Entente and your allies, this message:
Our judgment supports your cause,'
and our sympathies and hopes aret
with you in this struggle. In saying
this we are confident that we are ex-I
pressing the convictions and feelings
of the overwhelming majority of
Since the beginning of the presentI
world-conflict there have not beenI
lacking in America individual expres-t
sions of ardent sympathy with thet
cause of Great Britain, France and 1
their allies, and horror and detestation r
of the methods employed by the Teu-
ton confederates in the conduct of the
war. Patriotic Americans, however,
while individually in public and in
private expressing their views-which
have also found voice abundantly in
the daily press in all parts of thel
country-have hitherto hesitated to
unite in any formal statement, at first.
because they looked to the government
to speak and later for fear of embar-
rassing the government in the difficults
negotiations growing out of German 1
offenses, and in its endeavor to main-v
tain that official neutrality which it n
has felt impelled to uphold, in thet
hope that through neutrality it could p
best support the tottering pillars of p
international law and aid in preserv-
ing-to use the President's phrase- t
"The foundation upon which peace can I
be rebuilt." q
The time has come, however, if in-a
deed it has not long since passed, when h
Americans owe it to themselves to o
express more publicly and more for-r

mally their sympathies and their n
judgment. Even as we have alwaysJ
held ourselves as a nation free to ex- vi
press openly our sympathies with
people struggling for their liberties, so h
now we have the duty of at least mak- s
ing clear our solidarity of sentiment t
with those who are struggling to pre-
serve the liberties of the world and i
(Continued on Pare Six) 8

Dr. Udo J. Wile, of the department
of dermatology and syphilology, has
proved by operations on six hopeless-
ly insane patients at the Pontiac State
Hospital for the Insane whom he was
allowed to operate upon by Dr. E. A.
Christian, that syphilis is the cause of
paresis, or softening of the brain.
Dr. Wile's experiments involved the
boring of holes in the patients' brains
with a drill similar to that used by!
dentists, and then extracting a por-
tion of the brain substance through a
hollow needle to which a syringe was
attached. This substance was then
injected into rabbits.
Publication of the technique of his
operations in the Journal of Experi-
mental Medicine by Dr. Wile aroused
a storm of criticism from laymen.
Members of the medical profession
have both vindicated and condemned .
Dr. Wile's actions.
Marie layer to
Lecture Friday
Player of Mary Magdalene in "Passion
Play" Appears li University
Marie Mayer, of Oberammergau, who,
took the part of Mary Magdalene in
the last performance of the world
famous "Passion Play" In 1910, will,
lecture on the "Message of Oberam-
mergau" in University hall on Friday,
April 21, under the auspices of the
Oratorical association. Fraulein Mayer
is the first participant in the "Passion
Play" to appear before the American
public. Her talk is distinctive and
differs wholly from any given by spec-
tators of the play.
In lander Goes on'
Sale This Week
Literary Magazine Increased to 32t
Pages; Contains Article by t
T. Hawley Tapping
The Inlander staff announces thate
the first number of the literary maga-
zine will make its appearance some
time during this week. The sizef
of the book has been increased fromf
28 to 32 pages, and it will be num-
bered consecutively from the last num-
ber of The Inlander which was discon-
tinued some years ago.
What is said to be one of the mostD
meritorious essays of its kind is the
work of T. Hawley Tapping, '16L, en-
titled "Michigan Over-organization."
Tapping divides his subject into two
parts, the first being a diagnosis of
present conditions, and the second,d
to follow next month, being sugges-
tions for putting into practice cer-a
tain reforms tending toward a solutiont
of the problem.
Clear Ground/forg
Temporary Site
Livery Barn on Union Property to Beh
Torn Down; Quarters to Be
Moved Soon o
The first step toward the actual con-
struction of Michigan's $1,000,000 d
Union building will be begun today w
when work will commence on the de- i
molishment of the old livery barn at i
the northwest corner of the Union t
property to make way for the tem- a
porary quarters of the organization.
As soon as the site has been cleared f
he Pond house north of the present t
Union building, and the Union ban- G

quet hall, wlil be moved to the spot F
and joined together to serve as Unionv
headquarters during the construction
of the new building. The site will be F
ready, it is said, about the end of c
next week. The house will face on e
Jefferson street and the banquet hall s
will be attached at the rear. i
The old Judge Cooley home, which t
has been the Union building almost F
since the foundation of the organiza- i
ion, will be torn down in June. g
The construction of the new build- n
ng will not be started until all of the t
1000.000 fund has been snheribed C


k '

Wanterhouse, ss.
Newll, lb.
Warner. rf......
DU11n1, ........
Robins, p...... .
Arentz, rf.....
Ohlmacher, p. .

AB.R. 11. PO.A. E.
5 8 1 2 0 0
4 to 1 1 0 0
J t 1 3 1 2
2 0 0 4 3 0
;, 1 1 7 1 1
t 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 1 6 2 0
0 1 1 1


* * * * * * * * * *

;1ein ExpezI.iced in Military
Form Company of 125
Prepare as Officers

Training *1
to ,


A field battery of the latest model.,
valued at $125,000 will be provided
by the Department of Militia Affairs
for the university in case a suitable
armory is arranged for and 500 men
are enlisted to form four batteries of
This information wvas secured by
Prof. W. H. Hobbs, chairman of the
Ann Arbor National Security league
branch during a trip to Washington
and the eastern headquarters of the
army in New York City.
The action of the board oregents
of the university upon the s ject of
military training contemplates estab-
lishing a Chair of Military Science
and a course of study in that field,
Both General Wood and Colonel
Ginilliat strongly recommend that
where students organize military
units upon a volunteer system, it be
largely in the artillery arm of the
The committee on military training
appointed by' the regents, of which
Regent Bultley is chairman, and
which consists of Regents Bulkley
and Hanchett acting with the Presi-
dent and Deans of the several depart-
ments, is encouraging the formation
of artillery units.
The National Security league has
taken the initiative in the military
movement, and already steps have
been taken to organize a company of
infantry composed of men who have
had military training and can be
utilized for oficers in any unit sub-
sequently to be formed. This com-
pany includes about 125 men. About
the same number of men have vol-
unteered to form the Eighth Division
of the Michigan Naval Militia, which
is to have its first. meeting in the Wat-
erman Gymnasimn Wednesday eve-
(Contined on age Six)
Next German Drive xpeeted Aginst
Key to Verdumn-Paris
London, April 17.-The calm before
the storm which has marked the Ver-
dun front for several days .except for
a number of vain counter-attacks by
the French, continued today.
A new drive by the Crow'i Prince's
right wing on the western bank of
he Meuse is foreshadowed by ,intense
gun fire against the French p.esitons
n the Avoncourt Wood and between
Dead Man's Hill and Cumieres as re-
ported by the French war office. It is
here that the Germans are expected
to launch the next great drive, their
objective being Hill 304, coisidered
he key to the Verdun-Paris railway.
Berlin, in its official statennt to-
lay, disposes of the operation on the
western front by saying "there are no
ncidents to report." The general feel-
ng, both in French and German capi-
als, is that the hour is ripe for a new
ittack by the Teutons.
German military critics point to the
act that all the French counter-at-
acks have broken down, under the
German fire and that the Crown
Prince's new front is firmly held and
well fortified.
In Germany the failure of the
French counter-attacks is. taken as a
Lar indication that- the fighting pow-
r of the Verdun defenders has been
yo seriously impaired as to make it
mpossible for them to wrest any of
he lost positions from. the Germans.
French observers, on the other hand,
nsist that General Petain has not be-

gun yet and is storing up h.is reserves,
men and ammunition for a great coun-j
er attack that will roll. back the
Grman hnst .%nn 4+ . mt- in m~inn f

* *

Tolals........156 827114
Notre Dame -- AB.R. H. PO.A. E.'
Wolte, ss. ......3 2 1 2 1 2'
Elward, cf...... 4 2 1 1 0 0'
Lathrop, lf. .... 3 2 1 1 0 0'
Klein, 3b. ......4 4 3 2 1 0'
Meyers, lb.....5 2 1 5 3 0'
Jones, rf. ...... 5 1 1 1 0 0
Spaulding, 2b. .. 4 1 0 2 0 0
Motts, c....... 3 0 1 12 2 1y
Walsh, p........1 0 0 1 2 0
Edgren, p. ..... 2 0 0 0 0 0




Georgia, 4.
Georgia, 7.
Mercer, 6.
Mercer, 6.
Vanderbilt, 2.
Vanderbilt, 9.
Notre Dame, 14.

* *
* *

* * * * * * * * * *



Totals........34 14 9
Score by Innings--
Michigan . .1 0 2 1 0 02
Notre Dame 0 3 1 5 0 0 0

27 9 3 *
0 0-6 *
05x-14 *

* Sacrifice. hits-Warner, Motts; *
* stolen bases, Niemann, Dunne; *
* two base hits-Caswell, Lathrop, *a
Klein; three base hits-Klein, *
* strike outs-Ohlmacher 3, Walsh *
* .3, Endgren 9; bases on balls- *
* Robins 5, Ohlmacher 2, Walsh 5, *
* Edgren 5; hit by pitcher-Edgren; *
* passed balls-Meyers; wild pitches *
* Motts 1, Walsh 2, Robins 1, Ed- *
* gren 2; time, 2 hours 45 minutes. *
* *
* * * * * * * .i * *

100 Personis

Participate in Feature
of Shakespearean

Principals for the cast of the Shake-
spearean Pageant, "The Queen's Pro-
gress," to be presented by the Women's
league in Hill auditorium May 5, have
been selected, as well as those who
will take the minor parts. The prin-
cipals are as follows:
Queen Elizabeth, Phyllis Povah, '16;
Duke, H. L. Haag, '16; Amiens, Chase
B. Sikes, '16; Jaques, Julius Fisch-
bagk, '17; Rosalind, Miriam Hubbard,
'16; Touchstone, George Wilner, '17;
Macbeth, John B. Barker, '16; Ban-
quo, Malcolm S. MacLean, '16; Romeo,
Earnest M. Wisdom, grad; Antony,
Rollin C. Hunter, '17; Mistress Page,
Katherine S. MacBride, '16; Bottom,
Walter . Atlas, '18; Titania, Dorothea
Warren, '17; the three witches, Rob-
erta Woodworth, '17, Dorothy Gruss,
'19, and Nellie Rosewarne, '16.
Not the least elaborate part of the
pageant, according to Prof. Herbert
A. Kenyon, will be the court, peasant,
elfin, and fairy dances, in which more
than 100 persons will participate. The
great number of court attendants,
pages, huntsmen, trumpeters, heralds,,
and citizens will give life and color.
Bethany Circle Holds Convention
The second annual convention of
the Bethany Circle will be held in this
city on Friday afternoon and Saturday
morning of this week.
A banquet will be held at 6:00 o'clock
Friday evening in the Church of
Christ and anybody wishing to attend
will be tendering a great kindness to
the committee in charge if she notifies,
Miss Maude Balser, telephone num-
ber 2.

'V I S 4
Southern Trip Ended at Notre Dame;.
Both Teams Play Closely But
Michigan Loses Breaks
Notre Dame, April 17.-Michigan
completed her southern trip here to-
day, falling before the locals by the
score of 14 to 6.
Together the two aggregations con-
tributed a total of seven errors, 17
bases on balls, and six wild pitches.
The Michigan team secured a total of
eight safeties as against nine for the
Catholics, but the local team injected
their wallops at more opportune mo-
ments. Klein led his teammates in
the assault upon the Michigan twirl-
ers, contributing a single, double and
triple, all of which figured prominent-
ly in the scoring. Incidentally this
same youth crossed the plate four
times hinmself.
Caswell's single and his two-bag-,
ger gave him the hitting honors for
the visitors, although "Billy" Nie-
mann scored three of his team's runs.
The Michigan team left for Ann
Arbor tonight. Coach Lundgren an-
nounced that there would be a prac-
tice tomorrow for all except those who
made the southern trip.
Southern Invasion Disastrous
Michigan's first game of the 1916
baseball season, scheduled with Ken-
tucky for April 8 was cancelled on
account of a snow storm, and the
Wolverine nine made its debut for
the 1916 season when it was shut out
by Georgia in a 4-0 game April 10,'
this being the first game in which
the Michigan baseball team has been
blanked since 1913.
Michigan's hopes were on the rise
in the second Georgia engagement,
but the game was called at the end
of the seventh inning, and the in-
vaders were nosed out by a single
count, after they had come within one
count of tieing the score in the last
Michigan tied Mercer in the first
game, 6-6, time being called at the
tenth inning. In the second game
the southerners doubled the score on
Coach Lundgren's boys, winning by
a 6-3 count. Vanderbilt won the last
two games from Michigan, 2-1 and
9-5. The Wolverines had the first one
cinched up to the eighth inning, but
Vandy scored twice, and Michigan was
unable to turn the tide of defeat.
Michigan's team was a green ag-
gregation when it started in on the
(Continued on Page Six)

Skirmishes South of Satevo and Near
Parral Show Bandits Are
in That Region
El Paso, April 17.-Up to late to-
night the body of Pancho Villa had
not arrived at Cusi Huiriachic.
This information came to General
Gabriel Gaviera in Juarez after a tele-
graphic conversation with the operator
at Cusi. Both General Cavacos and
Colonel Carranza were said to be in
charge of the expedition convoying
the body to Cusi, as the Joarney is
a long and rough one. General Ga-
viera said it would probably be some
hours before anything authentic came
from General Cavacos.
Both General Gaviera and Consul
Garcia continued to express belief in
the recovery of the body. General
Gaviera announced today that as soon
as he learns that the body has reached
Cusi he would request that it be sent
to Juarez for identification by Ameri-
cans on the border who knew the ban-
dit in the days of his power in Mexico.
He declared that no military funeral
would be given the bandit but that he
would be buried as he deserved, in the
section of Juarez's cemetery, where
victims of the executioner's squadron
are laid away. If the body is brought
either to Chihuahua City or Juarez
there will be no trouble about Ameri-
cans making identification.
Reports today from General Per-
shing tell of further fighting with the
bandits in the vicinity of Parral and
a telegram from Douglas, Arizona,
stating that General Gomez, command-
ing the Carranza forces at Sonora, had
left for the purpose of taking his com-
mand through Pulpit Pass into the
state of Chihuahua, caused more dis-
cussion along the border than the re-
ported discovery of Villa's body.
For several days troops along the
border have been held in readiness to
re-enforce the line of communication
behind General Pershing in the event
of Carranza troops moving into Chi-
huahua from Sonora and the news o-
day that the movement was about to
be started did not cause any relaxa-
tion in the preparedness plans of the
American troops.
Reports from General Pershing of
several small skirmishes by his troops
south of Satevo and in the vicinity of
Parrall confirmed stories brought here
by Americans of the existence of many
bands of bandits in that region.
El Paso, April 17.-News was re-
ceived here tonight by former support-
ers of Villa to the effect that General
Pedro Bracameite, a former Villa gen-
eral, is now leading 2,000 men from
Durango and Zacatecas, awaiting the
chance to unite with his former chief,
if Villa is still alive.
Debate Held in Hill Auditorium Be-
tween Windle for Wets and
McCain for Drys
The Michigan chapter of the Inter-
collegiate Prohibition association will
fire the opening gun in a state-widg
campaign for a dry Michigan in a de-
bate to be held Thursday night in Hill
anditorium between C. A. Windle, edi-
tor of the Iconoclast, national organ of
the liquor dealers' association, and
Harry G. McCain, intercollegiate sec-
retary of the I. P. A. of America. Prof.
H. G. Wilgus of the law school will
preside at the debate and the decision
will be left to the entire audience as
McCain has been spending the past
several weeks in Ann Arbor in an ef-
fort to secure about five hundred stu-
dents to work during the summer in

their home counties in the interest of
the campaign. The men will be as-
.signed work as stump speakers, sing-
ers, and inspectors in the polls on the
day of the election next November. It
is said that a large number of men





* * * * * * * * *
* -

* :

man was thoughtful, all through
vacation; of you, Mr. Merchant.
{ He kept the weather indicator at
a point midway between "Winter
Merchandise" a n d "Spring
Merchandise." And so many
students have returned to Ann
A'bor "Unprepared".
Mr. Merchant: Are. you ad-
* * * * * * * *4 * * *


Weather for Ann Arbor and vicin-
ity--Fair with Fresh west Winds.
7:15 o'clock-Zoological Journal
Club meets, room 231, Natural Science
7:30 o'cloek-Adelphi House of
Representatives meets, room, U-Hall.
4:00 o'clock--Senior Lit Reception
Committee meets, room 203 Tappan
Class canes for the senior class. are.
now on display and can be ordered
at the Varsity Toggery Shop, Tinker
and Company, and F. W. Gross on
State street.

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