THE MICHIGAN DArLY V nt The measure of a san's enjoyme of his environment and associations is determined his own self-respect. Stein- Bloch by meet the utmost require- ments in dress. t $18 to $35 \ ;:# ,; ' ' '. e Announcing- New Spring Suits R-B. Fashisn Clothes $15 to $25 They came in on a rush-New Oxford Greys, "Banjo" stripes, and blues. All wool, of course. Advance spring models. You want to look them over anyway. New Spring Hats R. C, F. Specials, $2.50 to $5 New Alpine shaped hats in the "cob web," "comfort" and regular weights. All the colors that are to be popular this spring-Gaelic green predomi- nating.r New Spring Shirts Manhattan, $1.50 to $5 You'l11like the Manhattan spring shirts. Take a look at the new "lattice" pattern. Silks and madras. French and stiff cuffs. i BOAT CLUB TO CONSIDER ERECTIONoF BUILDING Seven Campus Societies Donate $6.00 for Campaign to Safeguard Canoeing on Huron Ml~~' . \\\\C~ f lfa i o, TH E BI G 0," ro a- s - "- ~ x1 owl Lindenschmitt, Apfel Co. The Stein-Bloch Ca. 1916 L i F I When you go home April 7, wear ' A Royal Tailored Suit We are showing a magnificent line of Spring woolens at $18, 20, $22, $25-made to your order. Bostonian, Florsheim and Stetson SpringFootwear I CAMPUS BOOTERY 308 S. State Street l1 pp Student's Laboratory Supplies Scientific Apparatus; Analytical Chemicals, Glassware and Instruments, The Eberbach & Son Co. Mar acturers acid Importers 200-204 E. Liberty St.- No Drops '\ Needed in Our Eye Exanination. r My s p e c i a 1 ty is making Drulgess Eye EL amjinalions- I V determining scientifically anda accurately the glasses your eyes require. Shop facilities enable me toV make your glasses, giving you -E VING CO. quick service. lasRNAL D ,gginGo We grind lenses. EMIL H. ARNOLD, 0Pptometrist-Opticia with Arnold & Co., Jeweiet: o . aini tIIASTESNrAi7VERS I" ThE WEST Advertizers in The Michigan Daily Patroni'e Daily Advertizers. ** are the reliable business man of th- city. it is to your interest to trade Send The Daily home. 75c for the with them. rest of the year. Erection of a boat house by the University Boat club for the use of its members and students in general, will receive serious consideration at a meeting of the club to be held im- mediately after vacation. Seven campus societies have al- ready contributed $6.00 each to the campaign to make the Huron river safe, Triangles, Deutscher Verein, Al pha Nu, Sphinx, Oratorical Board, Upper Peninsula club, and Griffins be- ing the societies now in the ranks. The Adelphi society also has contrib- uted two life preservers to the club. A recent communication to The Daily stated that there are 600 privately owned canoes in the boat house at the present time and urged the establish- ment of a boat house by the Boat club. Inquiry reveals the fact that there are but 180 student .owned canoes now stored at the boat house, and that the recent raise in rates was due to loss incurred by the boat company in storing canoes at the old rate. Al- though the Boat club was not re- sponsible for the increase in rates, some action will be taken to relieve the dissatisfaction, COMPACT WITH ALLIES URGEO Professor Lloyd Writes Letter in In- terest of Internationalism A plea that the United. States enter into a firm compact with the Allies to the end that the present war be brought to a quick consummation and future wars be averted appears in a letter to the New York Times, dated April 2, over the signature of Prof. Al- fred H. Lloyd, of the philosophy de- partment. "The United States," says Professor Lloyd, "should now invite other neu- tral nations, Holland, Denmark, Ru- mania, not to mention many other pos- sibilities, to act in co-operation; all associating themselves with the Allies in a league for greater security and a more candid internationalism. "Surely the Allies would more than welcome such a move and would really sympathize with its essential purpose, and before such an overwhelming al- liance and in view of its purpose so well founded, the Teutons might con- sent to negotiate for peace. "Peace has now actually become the predominant interest. A league to secure peace is actually in existence and needs only to be developed and enlarged. The United States, by tra- dition and by present interest and con- dition, belongs in that league. May the Teutonic peoples some day also be regular members of it," AT THE THEATERS (Continued from page four) Aril 13, another new musical show, "Six Little Wives," will be here. Ray- mond Paine is the star of the play. The above combination combined with the fact that Boyle Woolfolk produced the attraction is in itself a success. The play is chuck full of catchy tunes and novelty numbers. Sunday, April 16, William Farnum will be seen in his latest photoplay, "Fighting Blood." One of those excit- "Deutchland uber Alles!" "Germany Above. All" is a pretty good rule for Germany and the present European war is demonstrating what a lot of expense can be run up trying out'an idea. W h e n you ;buy custom- tailoring from us, you don't pay for "experiments" you get re- suIts at once! Our new Winter suitings and overeoatings , from America's best mills a n d o u r known workmanship make u s t h e place to trade-- "Ueber Alles!" And--we'll PROVE it! 11 ... SpringClothingfor Easter We are showing the niftiest line of Spring Suits, Top Coats, Rain Coats,, Sport Coats, Hats and Furnishings in the city at popular prices. We have just received another big shipment of wide brim green hats. Mziixiirv t ... ITFOR Watch our windows for the new things t ' TOM CORBETT 116 E. Liberty St. The Young Men's Clothier 309 S. Main St - 814 S. State St. - I1 _ _ _ 11 JET WOOD A SMART COLLAR WITH A COMFORT- 6 ABlE LOW FRONT R.ED- MAN 2 FO. 25¢ rp yDBEST PRODUCT I y0"" - :;. . , :, a ; F we have hey.i Prvatwories I I ing. pictures with this celebrated in a dual role. star t For one whole week, the last of the regular season, starting Monday night, April 17, Arthur Chatterdon, the popular stock actor, will make his first appearance here in a repertoire of plays. Monday night and Tuesday matinee "The fortune Hunter" will be shown. Tuesday night "He Comes Up Smiling," Wednesday matinee and night, Frank l1cIntyre's big success, "The Traveling Salesman," Thursday matinee and night, "The Gamiblers," Friday matinee and night, Augustus Thomas' great spiritualist play "The Witching Hour," Saturday matinee and night, "Pierre of the Plains." Apache Scouts Join Pershing's Men Washington,,D. C., April 6.-Nine- teen Apache scouts and trailers have been ordered from Fort Apache, Ariz., to General Pershing's column. Capt. Hazzard of the Tenth cavalry left with the scouts for the border yesterday. Load Up that blessed pipe with good old "Tux" and knock the daylights out of care and woe and trouble and all the rest of that tribe. Th 3 Pcr'Cse - 7co for Pipe and Cigarette "Tux" is made of te st seleCted Burley- full of gimp and co and get-there liveliness. But it's a smooth, mellow, fragrant smoke- the "Tuxedo Process," which is often imitated but never equalled, takes away all the bite and parch and leaves it mild, sweet and cool. Try one tin of "Tux l FOR SALE. FOR RENT FORSALE-An Up todatewiitaena!.- el, Harvard Dental Chair, new Web- ber Cuspidor, Chair *lracket, Vul- canizer, Cabinet and other small in struments. WVigl sell all fdr $200. Mrs. Bessie Stafford, 17 ast Maple Ave., Adrian, Mich. apr7 __________ ______-- ------- -- FOR SALE-A splendid tone mahog- any upright piano. Almostnenw. Vey low prie monthly aymen' ifdesired. Address S. Henry, care of Michigan aily. apr7 FOR1SAL-Two ]re- .. l o coupons. 224 Se T Tele- phone 1929. apr57 LOST FOR RENT---15 rooms suitable for fraternity or sorority, spacious grounds, corner lot, located at 418 N. Division St. $50 per month. For particulars address E. D. Burke, 241 Gladstone Ave., Detroit. apr7 FOR RENT-Large single room, Elec- tricity. Phone 633-R. 413 Tliomp- son apr5,6,7 WANTAP WANrW:D-To take charge of board i fraternity or 'sorority. Have bo(n at the business 7 years. My experience in buying and attention lpaid to details enables me to fur- nish board at low figure. Can fur- nish the best references. Address Daily, Box 1,. apr5,6,7 you ll finid it will comfort, HI ;« .. . q U Our Line of Pianos are Leaders STEINWAY, KNABE, SOHMER, CRINNELL BROS., (own make) VOSE & SONS, STERLING, "AEOLIAN" PLAYER PIANOS! Years of experience in producing tone qualities Artistic Case Designs! GRINNELL BROS. Music House 11- So. Main St. Phone 1707 refresh a satisfy you as no other toLi. can. f~ you cA -UN TUXEDO EVERYWHERE moisture-il 'of potd . AD In ,. Famous green tin with goldl 1 ilettering, curved to fit pocket IUC In rin Iii idors, 40c and 8Cc InHGlAssCNlu idos OBAc and 0Cc THE AMERFICAN1 TOBACCO COMPANY LOS T-At Arcade Theater, a gold wath. Phone 31. Monday, gpr6,7 11 I I IdbMW" . . . . .... .. Impok A