THE MICHIGAN DAILY * * * * * T THE THEAT TODAY Whitney-Harry Laude Majestie-Vaudeville Arcade-Kitty Gordon 1 a Looking Glass," Orpheiim--3Iarguerite "Still Waters " * * * * * * * * * ERS * * r.* * * * * [i "As Clark * * * * * r After a phenomenally successful engagement of more than six months at the Cort Theater, Chicago, Taylor Holmes in "His Majesty Bunker Bean", with' the entire original act and production will be seen at the Whitney theater for one performance on Thursday evening, April 6th. The comedy is founded on the Harry Leon Wilson stories which were published' a few years ago in the Saturday eve- ning Post as a serial and had a tre- mendous vogue. PUT BOOKOF FRENCH BO COMEDYON SALE SOON Souvenir Copy Contains Voeabulary Prepared by Professor Canfield Bound souvenir copies of "Miquette et Sa Mere," the French comedy, which will be given by the members of the Cercle Francais at the Whit- ney theater on April 27, have been published and will be put on sale shortly. The books are octavo size and are printed on light brown paper. The covers are of heavy dark brown paper with the name of the play in gold let- ters. With each copy is a vocabulary printed in pamphlet form on white paper. The work of preparing the play for pTublication as a text, and arranging a vocabulary was done by Prof. Arthur G. Canfield of the French department. This i the first time since the spring of 1914 that the Cercle Francais has published the play which it is to give. The book of the play will be primarily -for the use of students in the French classes, which will read the comedy during tli next few weeks before its presenotation. OP EN ANNUALCAMPAIGN Posters Aitnouncing Start of Canvass and"FatsTConerning 1issi1on Appear Today Beginnings of this year's Busrah campaign will be made today by the posting of "Busrah Bulletins" all over the campus. These posters will be changed daily until the actual open- ing of the campaign on Sunday, April 23. On each of the bulletins will be printed facts concerning Busrah. The campaign is for the purpose of raising .a fund for the support at Busrah, Arabia, of three Michigan graduates, who are giving their lives to medical work in the hospital there. The mission is interdenominational. The need for a more adequate hos- pital will be apparent when it is stated that the water supply of Busi'ah is used both for drinking and cooking, and as a sewer and depository for dead animals, the custom of the coun- try requiring that no animal be buried in the ground. PLAN TWO "DEPUTATION TRIPS" FOR SPRING VACATION PERIOD Two special "Deputation Trips," in- cluding the towns of Troy and Hud- son, are planned by members of the University Y. M. C. A. for the coming spring vacation. An attempt is being made to extend the social work of the "Y" to high school students and other young peo- ple in the -smaller towns about the state that do not have the advantages of organized branches, and the trips are planned with this purpose in view. Rudolph Wuensch, '17, and Howard Moses, '18, will constitute one team. The personnel of the other team has not ecu annoucd Will .Refund D1a.ce Ticket Holders All persons who have tickets for the University Dance whic was to have been given :! thePaad academy last Saturday night umay secure a re- fund for same by prewnting the paste- boards at the Union desk. The next Universitr Dance will be ven the first Saturday after vacation. . -r.iAfs~vnr~ =f ~a GOOD HATS MADE FOR YOU The thought appeals to you doesn't it? It means a hat you appreciate more and more every time you put it on your head, because it is hand- made, hand tailored and made to fit. The hats we make are not ordinary stock hats bought by clothing dealers months before they know what the styles are to be Styles- That- Are Really Right That is what we have for you, because we make them all the time. They arenot merely different, they are correct. They are the Mtyles found in the largest exclusive hat stores of the country which cater to the discriminating buyer. Purchase Your Spring Hat Now Our Spring styles are now ready for your inspection. Our $3.00 hat gives you the quality usually sold for $4.00; we have others at $2,50 and $ We make hats to your order without any extra charge. ACTORY HATTOR W. W. MANN, Proprietor HIARRYT LA UDE II At the Whitney Theater Tonight Professor Riggs to Speak to Freshmen, Civil Engineering." Prof. Riggs will Prof. H. E. Riggs, of the civil en- outline to the first year men the na- gineering department, will speak at ture of the work done in civil engi- the fresh-assembly today on the sub- neering, and the opportunities that ject, "The Possibilities in the Field of are open to them after they graduate. 118 E. HURON ST. Near Allenel Hotel I Right Now with the warmth of Spring in the air, is the time to select that Spring Suit in preparation for the warm days that will soon be her.. Buy it now while the stocks are complete and the selection covers a wide range of patterns. The Best Dressed Men ' ° @ j M }' + _ ' L \ 1 , . : i / f ; , Jf6ir F _ . ' Yr& f are not always the men of wealth, nor the men of superior tastes. To court the reputa tion of being a "good looker" is.more often the result of possessing a keen instinct for choosing the right store. To deal with a store where distinctive styles are strong enough to bring out the best of every item of dress. That is the Characteristic of This Store and its Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes I; "'. 'f Spring Hats now have the call. You'll find them here in every proper style and color. The one that becomes you most is in our large variety. It's the "good looks" in these clothes that pleases the most critical with the transforma- tion they work in his person- al appearance-it's the asset that h as given to H a r t Schaffner& Marxclothes their reputation. Shirts Clothes Sport Coats Here you will find all the new shades in Knit and Flannel Sport Coats. At a price that will please you. Knit Top Coats The latest thing in Top Coats in Blues, Greys and Greens. Suit Cases &Bads Just received asecond ship- ment of Suit Cases and Bags from t'he famous house of Fybush. I / , a ri Patterns and colors of the most pleasing kind. Big stock insures fine picking. Smart Looking and Service Givers E mlli Copyright Hart Schaffner & Mars Neckwear and Men's Furnishings of all kinds in Spring Styles, em- bracing the latest ideas in fashion. Lutz Clothing utot Store A Store for and, 21y Young Fellows The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes