THE MICHIGAN DAILY . .,, , . -1 .. b HATS HATS HATS HATS "' , y/ HATS HATS HATS HATS I WHAT ABOUT A Graflex Camera for this Spring? When Friends Gather At Yo Home Why Not Delight Them With Columbia Mus New April Records now pn Sale. All double disc dance records are $ -- They will play on either Victor or Columbia machines, and are the Best, Cheapest and most Durable Records on the market. Come to Our Store and Hear the Latest "lusic Talk with us about it CALKINS" PHARMACY 324 SO. STATE ST. We are showing the latest styles in Suits, Top Coats Sport Coats, Hats, Caps and Furnishings II Wadhams & Co.'s Corner Main & Washington Sts. The I WdL~ Don'caster COLLAR Shows over the coat in back; low sharp, smart curveaway front; good knotandslidespace 2 for .25c CLUF.TT, PEABODY & Co. Inc., Mak~ers, TROY. W. Y, Be Attractively Dressed and gain the admiration of all by having your next suit Tea Room announces the beginning of a new special service feature-- Afternoon Tea your favorite kind with an appropriate little ltn- cheon to match at Individually Custom Tailored 25C by ARTHUR F. MARQUAROT Campus Tailor 516 East William St Phone 1422-J 1 CHEMICAL ENGINIERS PLAN VAATION TRIPi ..... Party Leaves Ann Arbor Next to Visit Six Cities on Holiday J;annt Friday I ENGNEIGPARTY TO INSPECT EASTERN SHOPS Men Who Take Trip Report to Prof. Lovell Today; Special Fares and Rates Arranged Thirty-two engineering students are planning a trip of inspection of large industrial concerns in the eastern part of the country during spring vaca- tion. The spring trip is an annual af- fair for the technical men and is ar- ranged for the purpose of giving a stu- (lent a glimpse of various methods employed in industry.- The party is to leave Ann Arbor tomorrow evening, returning April 19. The first stop is at Youngstown, Ohio, where two large manufacturing concerns will be visited. The next d y will be spent at Pittsburgh, Pa. The following day the men will visit points of interest at Washington, D. C. At Baltimore, Md., the Annapolis naval academy will be visited. Two days will be spent at Philadelphia, where a number of factories will be inspected. Here the civils will look over the water purification plant, one of the largest of its kind in the world. Three days will be occupied in see- ing New York City. The Brooklyn navy yard, Am'ericav Telephone and Telegraph laboratories, and the Hell Gate arch hr ilge will be son of tht. points visited The ar A.l bridge is the longest single span arch in the world and when completed will form the connecting link between New England railroads and the west. On the return trip stopovers at Schenectady, N. Y., and Niagara Falls will be made. At the former city the General Electric Co. plant will be seen, and at Niagara the power com- pany plant and sight seeing will be in order. The men will reach Ann Arbor via the Michigan Central at 1:47 A. M. April 18. The faculty men in charge of the trip are Professors W. F. Vernor, J. 11. Bringhurst, and A. H. Lovell. Ex-, pen ses for the trip are estimated at $75.00. Special fares and hotel rates have been secured. Complete trans- portation will be issued this afternoon from 4:00 to 6:00 o'clock in room 270, Engineering building, and Wed-1 nesday at the Michigan Central depot ticket office. Those who intend to take the trip are requested to report at once to Prof. A. H. Lovell in room 270 of the new Engineering building. EN - MENORAN SMOKER WEDNESDAY '~~~ NWWa' 0fe~ LUNCHES, CANDIES, HOT SUNDA AT THE SUGAR BOWL 109. SOUTH MAIN STREET WE MAKE OUR OWN CANDIES OUT OF THE PUREST AND BEST MATERIALS Home of Columbia 120-122 E. Liberty Street Phone 1692-Fl U _- . Al s~ ii k * . t M k" Allmendinger Ilusic Shop i' mmownwmwmxmmm I Upperclassmen of the"' department of chemical engineering will spend five days during spring vacation on a tour of inspection of the plants of the Postum Cereal company, of Battle Creek, the Bryant Paper company and the Standard Paper company at Kala-. mazco, the Illinois Steel company, Gary, Indiana, and the Universal Portland Cement company, Buffington, Indiana. All these places will be made en route to Chicago. From Chicago, the party will go to Whiting, Indiana, where they will vis- it the Standard Oil company's station. From that place they will journey to Grasselli. Indiana, to inspect the plants of the Grasselli Chemical com- pany, the International Lead Refining company aid the United States Met- als Refining company. I I i i Young Men! 11 THE HIGH JU MPER is a spectacular performer on the field, but the fellow who can walk through the Iliads of Homer from Sep- tember to June without flunking is the fellow who can walk through life undaunted by any of its problems. Along and steady pull wins in the end, and this comes * from the right food combined with rational exercise. The right food is Shredded Wheat -the favorite food of men who do things in the class- room and on the athletic field. It contains all the muscle-building, brain-making material in the whole wheat grain made digestible by steam-cooking, shred- ding and baking. It puts gimp and ginger into the tired brain and worn-out body. It is on'the training table of nearly every college and university in the United States and Canada. Some of the most promi- nent coaches in foot-ball, and other forms of athletic games have given it preference over all other foods. Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N.Y. You know that good sty- lish clothes command re- s pect and admiration. We are Ann Arbor's head- quarters for Kuppenheimer Clothes You will be proud to wear a Kuppen- heimer suit. You will find in our store a Kuppenheimer style best suited to ex- press your individuality. And you will have that satisfying feeling of knowing that it is good style - that quality is in the fabric and it will represent you as you want to be represented. See the new and wanted styles and fabrics at 11 On Tuesday, April 11, the party will again return to Chicago for the pur- pose of investigating. the methods of glue, soap, and glycerin manufacture, as conducted at the stock yards. On Wednesday a visit will be paid to the Corn Products Refining company. As it is desirable that tne number of students mnaking the trip be Imtown at once, lists will be circulated for the signatures of those desiring to go. A list will also be found in room 208 of the Chemistry building. The expenses of the jaunt will amount to about thirty dollars. TO LECTURE ON KNIGHT MOTOR Automobile Expert to Talk Tomorrow Before Engineering Students "The Knight Motor" will be the sub- ject of an illustrated talk to be given by Mr Henry H. Hower of the Willys- Knight Motor Co. at 8:00 o'clock to- morrow evening in room 348 of the Engineering building. The lecture is given under the com- bined auspices of the automobile en- gineering department of the Engineer- ing College and the recently formed student branch of the Society of Auto- mobile Engineers. It is the first of a series of talks and lectures which the department and society are planning for this year. Look over the advertizements. They will Interest you. ** Prof. Friday, A. J. Gornetzky 17, and S. Grosner, 114L, on Program Plans for the Menorah smoker to be held at the Union tomorrow eve- ning at 7:30 o'clock have been com- pleted. Prof. David Friday of the economics department will deliver a short talk. Sylvan Grosner, '14L writer of last year's UnionOpera, "All That Glitters," will speak for the graduate members of the society. P. A. Miller, '17L, will represent the active members. Hilliard Goldstick, '171), is to furnish the humor for the occasion, while Abraham J. Gornetz- ky, '17, composer of the music for "All that Glitters" and for "Tres Rouge," will be at the piano. Tickets may be secured from any of the officers of the society or may be purchased at the door. Advertizers in .The Michigan Daly are the reliable business men of the city. It is to your advantage to trade with them. ** Bell Y [LE~o ~lol Sys' % Bell Long Distance Lines Lead to Larger Fields I Whether you are buying or selling, or seeking greater opportunities in a commercial or social $20, $22.50 $25, $27.50 N. F. Allen Co. way, you will find Bell Telephone, valuable ally. Service a .. .... ..rte ... ... .. ..._._. ASK STUIIENTS TO REPORT ALL care of. EXCESS C 1A.RV'ES FOR TAXICABS According to the city ordinance, the drivers are not allowed to charge When dvised by The Daily yester- more than 25 cents per passenger day ateIrnonn that several st.Udots during the day time, and all who at= had comphd(Ane that they had been tempt to charge more are subject- to charged 50 cents by taxi drivers dur- I a $25 fine. The drivers are also re- ing the time. when the 25 cent rate is quired by law to carry a copy of this supposed to be in force, W. J. Myers, ordinance with them so that any pas- manager of the Ann Arbor Taxicab senger may demand the legal rate company, asked that all students be of fare. warned not to pay this fare and to advise the management immediately Look over the advertizements. They so that suck: drivers may be taken I will interest you. ** -. -j Our Victor Record Trial Service Has been a great benefit To Many Victrola Owners! A trial of this service willconvince you Grinnell Bros. 116S. Main St. Call us up for information Phone 1707 Its scope is national. Its use brings an immedi- ate reply and gets quick results. Broaden out by Bell Telephone. Michigan State Telephone Co II J. J. Kelly, Mgr, Telephone 500 p. I 'I