THE U~ICHIGAN- DAILY R D RESPONSIBILITY IS ,ATTACHED to a mere promise of making a good suit of clothes, but it takes considerable re- sp nsibility and competency to flulfill that promise. We are real tailors and do it. G. H. WILD COMPANY .DING MERCHANT TAILORS STATE ST. Nor sw Laundry oxes YIt's just the thing to ship your laundry Home' SHEEHA N'S STUDENTS BOOKSTORE BALL TOSSERS MIX IN FIRST CLASH Olf SEASON Initial Outdoor Fray Results in Tie; First Team on the Run Till Newell Saves Day Michigan's first taste of real base- ball came yesterday afternoon when the scrubs and Varsity clashed on South Ferry Field. The final verdict was 3-3 and the coach called a halt at the end 'of the ninth. Things looked dubious for the first team right up to the termination of the contest, as they started the final! session of the fray two runs to the bad. However, "Jimmy" Newell became the hero of the hour and saved the day. With Brandell on third and Cap- tain Labadie on second, the first sack- er contributed a beautiful .three-bag- ger which almost sailed out of the park, tying the count. It was anything but a baseball day.; The rains of the morning put the grounds in bad shape and a raw wind from the south blew continuously. Neither side did a great amount of hitting, but "Bill" Niemann came through with a three-base hit, and shared honors with Newell's lusty drive which carne at the psychological moment later in the contest, Robins and Andrus pitched for the first team, Miller and Ohlmnacher work- ing for the second. The first team ahd Dunne behind the bat, Newell. Bran- dell, Walterhouse and Warner on the infield, with Labadie, Niemann and Caswell in the outfield. TUntarian Church, 104:30-Morning service with sermon on Being a Good Loafer, by Rev. R. S. Loring. 11:45-Social Service Class with dis- cussion of 'Ann Arbor School Ques-i tion led by Mr. C.. C. Freeman. 6:30-Young} Peoples' Society with a discussion of What Cosmopolitan- ism Should Mean. ECI 5! Have You Seen It?'A Very Great Time Saver. The, Rust Lettering Scale Price $1.25 .L .._.. DETROIT UNITED LINES tween Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. irs run on E~astern time, one hour 'faster local time. troit Limited and Express Cars--S:io a. end hourly to 7:1o p. mn., 9:10o p. Mn. ilamazoo Limited Crs-8:48 a. m.. and y two hours to 6:48 p. m..; to Lansing, p. M. )cal Cars, Eastbound-S 135 a. in., 6:40 a. mn.,j a. in., and every two hours to 7:05 P. im., p. Ill., 9:05 p. in., To Ypsi- only, 8:48 a. mn. (daily except Sunday), a. mn., 12:0; p. in., 6:05 p. mn., 11:45 p. ::i o a. mn., i :2o a. ni. cal Cars, Westbound-6 :12 a. in., 7 :50 a. and every two hours to 7:~50 p. n., 10 :20 1. 2:20 a. m. rhoe Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized 1869 Capital ...........$ 800,000.00 Surplus.......... $ 150,000.00 Resources over .... $3,000,000.00 Banking in all branches HIain Office, N. W. Corner MaIn and Huron Sts. [ranch Office, 707 North Univ- ersity Avenue. COME INJ AN11D TRY OUR bluese Comnaution Lunch MichigaMn Chop uy TRY CHAPMAN'S JEWELRY STORE For'Abrm Clocks and Michigan Pins 118 SO. MAIN. STREET IOur "Tailor-Made"} Clothes Coat fNo More Than the Average "Ready-Made" CAN SLE, The Tailor 108 E. Was bInglon St lownO Floor I ITRACK MEN OUT TOMORROWI CHOP off a few minutes and cat some of WAS KING LOX00 814 S. State St. Phone 1244-M FIRST NATL. ;BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital ,$Ioonoo Surplus and Profit $$65p00 DRETORS; WIRT CORN WIML WALDO M. ABBOTT GEO. W. PATTESaO~i jf *tFLY M. HAWLEY S. W.'CLARKSOJI ~ glsAS OULE FRED SCHMID $Z . $. rs Fo~ U. D KITwpjr I FORI CHOICK CVT FLOWERS 220 Cb .pjn St. Phone $094.M IWurster Bros,. i Farrell's Charges Go on Ferry Field Provided Wather Stays Good Provided tha~t the weather man con- tinues his attitude of the fast several Idays, Coach F{arrell will receive his cinder charges on Ferry Field tomior- row afternoon. The coach stated yes- terday that the cinder track should be in fair shape, but that the high tjump, broad jump, and other field' candidates must wait to get outdoors. Carroll and Donnelly were pressed into real service by the coach yester- day 4ftprn~go }. te 'sent both of them against the watch, 4nd the two men responded by speeding up, and making the '14 laps In less than four minutes and tjhirty seconds. Simmons, the high jumpper, who ha.s been botheredi With- an infected foot for the past. several days, is pot ex- pected to do any leapin~g before the last o~f the creelk. "Cec" Cross, the. premier weight heaver,, has recovered from an attack of the grippe, and is now at work again with the lead mis- sile, Two More Handball )latches Forfeited Two more matches in the opening round of the doubles of the handball tournament have been declared forfeit. Because of ti} pr'es qt bsebR.lI and tennis respectively, Prandelj and Switzer have been compelled to de- fault to Wejti n a cl lau. Jikewise due ~ih oefaa.ilnrep f Kivp y 4qnd Bron- son to appeal, fpr l' ~ir scheduled match wit1 Geprge gn cohn the lat- ter pair lmtvo bell awarded the chance to compete in the semi-finals. Louis P. lHall, Jr., Arrives in Paris Dr. L. P. Hall received a cablegram today frin his son L. P. Hall, Jr., stating that he arrived in Paris yes- terday, well and happy. SGE FIRST MACHESf IIN WRESTLING TOURNEY' Large Crowid Sees Planck Trow~r Beach and Antsbeuhler Win From, I Wacksman Before an audience that packed every available nook in the wrestling room in Waterman gym the first set! of matches in the semi-final round of the wrestling tournament was staged yesterday afternoon, at which time three regular bouts and two exhibi- tion matches were held. The first match of the afternoonI was between the middleweights Planck and Beach, which the former won in 2 minutes, 10 :seconds, Planck was the first to go to the mat, Beach drop- in g the winner to his knees shortly after the bout started, but was un- able to maintain his advantage, Planck rolling backward upon his opponent and securing a bar hold across Beach's face and an arm lock soon 'succeeded in scoring a clean fall on the latter. It took "Tony" Amtsbuechler, last year's middleweight champion but 34 seconds to put Wacksman, the highly touted mat artist from Cornell, out of the Tpnning for the championship. Hardly had the two shaken hands be- fore the former set his opponent to the matt with a guich body shift and the next moment had ",cured a~ half- Nelson and an aria lock upn Wacks- man from which the latter could not shake loose, and was soon forced over upon his shoulders. The final bout on the schedule was that between the lightweights Baker and whitlow, which was the wrestling off of last Saturday's draw between the pair. The match was the only one of the afternoon to go the full time, and was decided upon aggressiveness. Whitlow getting the decision. Because of the short period required to run off the three scheduled bouts, two exhibi tions were staged in order tq satisfy the expectant group of on- lookers. In the first matci of the aft- er-show, " ToniyAnitsbuecler again Wrestled With Wackismn and settled all doubts as to his abiity on the meat by throwing his opponent three times in less than 10 minutes. After this match Planck and Beach also re- turned to the mat and Plalc e- cured two falls on Bea~cl in but six minutes of tussling. 0. S. Westerman, boxing l'1tructor at the gym, tlted as referee for yes terdy0§ bouts and VBb" Watson, for- mer heavyweight wrestling champion of Mlihigan toggethpr with Tuttle, Ilast year's lightweight wnner held dfiw~l julges' Jobs. Brawn, welter- weight leader in this aeason's semi- finnjJs, acted sa Oriekeeper for the events, Two matches have been scheduled for next Tuesday afternoon at which tinme R. F. Weske will meet F. N. Kerwine in the heavyweight division, and F. D. Reider will meet R R. Baker in the welterweight class. Look over the advertizomets. They will interest you. *IP VNIER~ITYBOOK STO!E$ A. B. Chase, Merrill, Becker Brothers, and Norris & Hlyde A ine line at the Right Price See Them Before Purchasing P a lo s f o x-w r i vM r R e rb o u t MRS, M. M ROOT Corner Maynard and Willi1am Streets GO TO. MARCH WINDS TUTLE' For the BIAST In CHAPS SODAS CANDIES Have no Terrors when LUNCHES DERMAL CREAM On__State _ is used PARTICULAR LAUNbRY Made ony at For QUARY 0 U GParticular COMPANYTS ol Prescription Stone CITY LAUNDRY1 THOS.ROWIE, Prop Detroit Street Pone 4 _ Jill 1, mm-IF.A O RDERS for Caps and Gowns may be left here no0w for delivery in time for Swing-out, though a limited /~here for immediate use. Be measured as soon as conven- r int.No dpsi srequired. Faculty Outfits I --consisting of caps, gowns and hoods, made up in styles and colors of all American and Foreign Universities, may be a rented or purchased. Alibarty St., Opp. the Arc,4ia Pasturized Milk and Cream he Farmers& Mechanics Bank phmone 423 wth Main Street Corner Huron State Street Office $30 &St Sate St. A G00D STRONG BANK WITH EVERY BANKING NEED Teacbers of Commercial Subjects prepared at Hamilton Business College State ani~lliajuxs Sts. ICor. Detroit and Cathierin v I Enoch Ueet Fu neral Director 210 South 4th Av6. Phone 404 :. ......... .......... L "A .... .. ^ _... . * . a , ., f;, O ". 0'. O t ;' ti .,Y' YM Just Arrived Medium weight Black and B~rown Shoes for early Spri ng wear Prices from $4. U t$7oO Complete showing of Oxfords for Spring and Summer Patronize DalY Adv ertizera. * U UMMM WALIR'S SHO0E STOREIS MAIN STREET STATE STREET WORN THE SAME LENGTH OF TIME 4 Dr. W. S. MILLS I Osteopathic Physician 614-6 i8 First National Bank Bldg. j Ann Arbor M icb. 321-M ' Before Vacation P E Z Z ' S Barber Shop, S. UNIVERSITY AVE. THE FAMOUS Cox Sons and Vining CAPS, GOWNS AND HOODS for all College Degrees - may be ordered now from Taxi 2255, open under new manage- mnent. Call Lyndon for good pictures. We have .a first class Tuner and Tone Regulator. Our charges are rea- sonable! Give us a trial. Grinnell Bros. 116 So. Main St., Phone 1707 Which shoe do you thinly would give you the most satisfaction and be the most economical ? Wufed SHOE OF COURSE! For quick service, call 2255. Ten cents rents a good Eastman ko- dak, any size you want. Lyndon's, 719 N. University. 00 STRAND. N° 505 BLK. N° 605 TAN Wagner & Co. State Street Sole Agents / 0 WNalsh Taxi Line. P'honie255. SUM liE R JOB1. Ni CO Irlshe kept several prominrent campus men icollege. $0 wssaved by ---- '1;$600 by ---, 161.; $0-00 by , '16 ; $700 by- , 16L, last summer. . xperience unnecessary. Telephone Joseph Cotton, '16, 373--W; Jesse Simp-son, '18, 2180-M; Carl Yeis- ley, lit, 2494. ook over the advertizements. They Films printed and' enlarged at3 Hoppe's. a2 ! _..