'AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY ZHERE is no Sport nor form April 1 st to April 4th With a hearty e(owe no urge you to avail yourself of this opportunity to become acquainted with the new spring styles. lni et, eourteos salesmen will gladly show you through our stocks and explain the new ideas im clothes. ('lothilg sityl.t a Iiclothing quality, is something with which every man should b familimr-and sihOW iays w ill i riay reV al these points to you. IwN of Recreation that can com- pare with Canoeing. And there is no Canoe that can compare with an "Old Town." We have a complete stock of "Old Towns" on hand ready for im- mediate use, and a full Line of equipment. Come down and look 'em over anyway. U. ,f M. and Huron River Boat Livery Frankel $15 Suits The new suits for Spring and Summer are well worth seeing. We do not believe that ever have the patterns been more attractive- and this we're sure of--nowhere will you find suit values to com- pare with Frankel $15 Suits. You won't get better tailoring or style in suits selling at considerably more than the price asked for these suits--that's wiry so many fellows come back for the second, third and many more suits after they're worn the first Franker Suits. New Patterns and Models will be on Display During Spring Show Days 0 I 11 r,' .r N ( { ___ . " 5E Reinforced Slide Easy Neckwear, 50c, 65c and $1.00 Getting What You Want in Shirts is very easy here now, as we are show- ing the finest lot of dress shirts we've ever offered. If you have made up your mind as to what kind of shirts you want, it will only take you a min- ute to find it at this store. If you have notit won't take you long to determine just what you want when you see our broad selection of pat- terns and variety of colors. BATE STREET SHIRTS, $1.50, $2.00 AN) UP. w: , KNOX TALKS ON SALESMANSHIP Speaker Calls Salesmanship Pli ilos- ophy of Action in Lecture "Salesmanship is the philosophy of action, and the man who understands this philosophy has twice the oppor- tunities of the one-who does not," said James S. Knox, head of the Knox School of Salesmanship, of Cleveland, in an address delivered last evening in Newberry hall. Mr. Knox said that there is a great demand for teachers of salesmanship in the high schools today, and that there are wonderful opportunities for university students who have learned to sell. He also stated that the profession of sales- manship was the biggest. paying pro- fession to the college man today. Republicans Meet to Organize Club The campaign of the Republican party for the, 1916 presidential elec- tion received its first impetus here when Frank E. Shaw, '13L, of Grand Rapids, the Michigan member of the National Republican Executive -com- mittee, met several Republicans from the student body at the Union Thurs- lay. VIEW HAS CHANGED, SAYS CATLIN GRANGER GIVES CHARTER VIEWS Writers Have Ceased Attempts to Con- trol Thought, According to Speaker Takes Exception to Statement That City Wasted $200 According to Mr. George B. Catlin1 editorial writer on the DetroityNews; I In a letter to the Daily Times-News, who lectured yesterday in West hall on City Clerk Ross Granger takes excep- the subject, "Editorial Writing," this tion to a statement which appeared department of the newspaper has un- :in Thursday's issue of The Daily to dergone great changes since its in- the effect that the city could have ception. "The editorial writers of saved $200 on a recent purchase of the old school tried and often suc- cement. Mr. Granger denies the ceeded in controlling the thought of charge. the nation," said the speaker. "The "The entire amount paid for cement writers of today," he continued, "seek purchased by the city last year," reads only to make men think for them- the letter, "was only $983.40, therefore selves by pointing out the relation any cash discount that could possibly between past news and future events, be obtained would not amount to over It is their purpose to introduce the $19.17, and that only if we had a educatioial element into these col- so-called 'Yellow-Dog' fund, which umnns. kXO ntninly da lit intni T11ii Wear A Mallory Hat Your hat thi spring should b selected from this store if you want a hat with individuality. When you come here to pick out your head wear you'll experiene the first thrill of satisfaction- our stocks are so complete a to styles and shades. But your great- est pleasure and satisfaction v ill come when you wear one, every model here represents the -Vtest alue for your hat money. $3.01). Branch, 814 South State Street 3092 Main Street _- _-_ -- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_._._...,.I Book Exchange to Open for last Time For the last time this semester the "Y" book exchange will be open from, 11:00 to 1:00 o'clock today. There are about 50 books and about $30 awaiting claimants at the exchange. The Michigan Daily for the rest of the year, $1.00. ** We UCer inly IIm Inananl;ii. e IIe board of public works always asks for bids on cement or anything else used in large quantities. There were 12 bids on last season's supply of ce- ment, All contracts entered, into by the board of public works, which is composed of seven representative citi- zens, must receive the approval of the common council, which is com- posed of 15 representative citizens. It would certainly be harder to corrupt bodies of this kind than a commission of five, where there would be a ma- jority which could easily be elected by a few politicians. Under our pres- ent system every expenditure and ev- ery transaction is published in the Ann Arbor Times News " Mr. CxraAger then takes up the issue of commission government and makes the statement, "If the proposed char- ter is adopted and they do things they1 intimate will be done under the com- mission manager form of government, it is my opinion that after the first year double the amount of money will be necessary to run the city. You can- not in fairness compare Ann Arbor with Dayton." Look over the advertizements. They will interest you. ** "Y" Offices to Have Same Quarters During the construction of the new Y. IT. C. A. building the "Y" offices will be in the house which has been used for the "YJ" headquarters. The *house has been moved back about 100 feet, and may be reached by a plank walk next to Goldman Bros. Office hours will be in the morning from 7:30 to 11:30 o'clock, and in the afternoon from 12:30 to 5:31 o'clock. T, AI[lIe O IE D AT II F s III Q1 I PA , - SOLD TO MEN ho like to Select from Up-to-Snuff Styles, a igVariety of All-oI Fabrics and Moderate Prices -COME IN AND S eule, Conlin,Fiegel Co. 200 South Main Street . 1' - ' . r 1 r Y . . - r 1 , t / --____ 9 1A,1 Jshron Clothes - - ifmf Pas R4(C N } . r'",""' ,/ ! er . -I 1J 117 I