PACE SIX PuITHE MICHIGAN DAILY i. - Are You Prepared For. Spring Vacation? It's Here- The New 3A Special with the NEW RANGE FINDER Greatest Thing Out. Prices from $49.00 to $77.00 T rI May Festival Tickets I M BLOCK "B" Will be Placed On' Sale at You are a Michigan Man with LYNDON'S Michigan Tastes. Live up to old Tra Go home with a M and make your old Home tailor look a With one Spring 0 Crowd fo Get at th College L To stay We have Man war ditions! ditions!SAME FACULTY MEN TO [alcolm suit / KEEP PLACES ON BOARD, t you twice University Senate Nnominates Four Men for Positions on :oard in Control of Athletics By action of the Tniversity Senate at its meeting a week ago Tuesday the four men who have represented of IMlalcolm's the faculty on the Board in Control of ts the Athletics since their election last fall )vercoats-hewill be reinstated at the next elec- Ilows you tion, these men being the only ones nominated for the four positions at e head of the the time of the meeting. Prof. R. W. Aigler, Prof. W. Fish- ine and its easy leigh, Prof. L. M. Gram, and Prof. Reu- ben Peterson are the men who were there nominated, it being thought that everything a since they had but recently come into office and had just started on their its business they should be reinstated, EDUCATORS TO HOLD BANQUET s Flannel Trousers -~~ Interesting Speeches Predicted for Club Dinner This Evening Shirts The Educational Club of the Uni- Mo IY UJto versity will hold a banquet this eve- Oder ning at 5:30 o'clock in the Baptist church. Vice-president Kinney, '16M, will act as toastmaster, and Presi- ining adstisementr ndent Allen, '16. will give the speech ing class last semester. of welcome. . Superintendents Lewis of Port Hu- Expert Developing and Print- ron and Knapp of Highland Park, and ing for Students and Others rincipal Aiken of the Ann Arbor high ______for__Students___and__Others,___ school will speak. The fee of 75 cents. P. S.- He uses the grade and kind per plate will be charged, and all men (Velox, Cyko, Etc.) of paper he thinks who are interested in the education- best suited to any given negative. al department, whether members of 719 NO, UNIVERSITY dAVE. Where You Buy Kodaks and Films Popular Mats.G -RC Week of Daily March 27th DETROIT The World's Greatest Entertainer Harry Lauder ARCADE Hill Auditorium Saturday Morning April 1 at 8:00 a.m. $2.50 each if Pre-festival cover coupon is ex- changed-otherwise $5.50. Shows at 3:oo, 6:30. 8:oo, 9:30 a Thu. Mar. 30-Emily Stevens in "The House of Tears." f Fri., Mar. 3i-Mabel Taliaferro in"Her Great ,Price." Sat. z-Maude Fealy in "Boidwonen." Orpheum Theatre The Home of Paramount and Triangle Photoplay. Matinees,2s:oo, 3:15 Evening, 6:45, 8:00 9:15 Saturdays-Holidays Continuous Thurs.-Fri,-Pauline Frederick in "The Spider" also ist Installment of the Burton Holmes Travelogue series. Sat,-Henry Woodruff and Tsuru Aoki in -"TheBeckoning Flame" also Tri- angle Comedy, "A modern Enoch Arden" Evening 15c I Beginning Monday, April 3, as long as they last, they will remain on sale at the University School of Music at $2 and* $5 each, respectively. i I - MA JEST CMATINE ES, 2:30 p. m. MAJESTIC "NIGHTS, - 8:15 p. m. MARGUERITE FIELDS AND HER SUPERB COMPANY Sport Coat MATINEE ONLY IBSEN'S GREAT' PLAY "A DOLLS HOUSE" Dress Suits or OKai for Hire This is the prize w by advertisi S wain 713*!IE. Universty Spri ng Hats Ready FLAT BRIMS THE LATEST e have a large stock in all the new shapes ,end colors. Get your Spring hat of us. We make hats. shape them to your head and give ou unequalled serFice. WE DO ALL KINDS OFII AT WVORK Al+N : Yomr last season's hat reblocked in- to the new flat brimu with a new hand, will (,lease you and save you $2 or $3. LADIES: We reblock Milans, IHemps, [anaias, etc., into the new Shapes. They will1 please you. FACTORY HAT STORE Near Allenel hotel itS E. 1-luron St. THE FAMOUS ' ox Sons and Vining GAPS, GOWNS AND HOODS for all College Degrees .' t..may be ordered now from TONIGHT ONLY "REEN STOCKINGS" FRI. MAT., LADIES ONLY ADMITTED, "WIFE OR AFFINITY?" Get Seats Today If You Want To Get IN -- - rI 11 - .. n . I1 I-J It's Fun whcn ou can get tobe Thirsts There's the fun of quenching the thirst t -and the deliciousness of the thirst quencher to give you double pleasure. But you don't even have to be thirsty to enjoy Coca-Cola-it's a treat.what ever your reason for drinking it. Demand the genuine by full name- ichnames encourage substitution. STHE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga. I the club or not, are invited to attend the banquet. The next regular meeting of the club will be held Monday evening at 7:00 o'clock and it is planned to hold meetings regularly every other Mon- day night afterward ' II LA APPEARS IN ADVANCE OF U. S. PURSUING FORCE (Continued from Page One) the raid on Columbus. He is now nursing his wound somewhere in Mexico, not far from the American border, hidden in the house of a friend. He is not with the band of his fol- O )wers that General Pershing is hunting in the interior among the fastnesses of the Sierra Madre. This startling information was brought to El Paso today by F. W. Perez, who was held prisoner by Villa from January 27 to March 9, and who escaped from the bandits the night of the Columbus raid, seven miles south of the international boundary.. Perez was Villa's aviator from Jan- uary to September, 1915. He left Mexico on Villa's advice last Septem- ber. CITIZENS SPLIT ON CHARTER 1 PLAN WhitneyTheatre Wednesday, April 5 The Event of the Season 8th Annual Tour of Harry Lauder Direction Wm. Morris Scotland's Idol England's Pet America's Favorite World's Greatest Entertainer with a Company of International Artists PRICES -- 5Oc to $2 Seat Sale Monday, April 3 I I 19, Ar I2C WHITN~y hurs. WHITNEYI -3 TH EAT RE The New York Winter Garden Show aid in Amferica with FLORENCE MOORE Swot & Mack C =;r h..,. , .. Ai.. f °" 4 ... ~.. 1.- ; a t r' s° j y,' a ,. 1 : fi 4 "1 I ., S 4 y Y b siRAFFD~D St r i c tly American M a For a true London shape pipe, fitted with sterling silver ring and solid vulcanite mouth- piece, get the Stratford. 50c, at all dealers. d e MAY USE MEXICAN RAILWAY Washington, Mar. 29.-General Car- ran;a has granted permission to use the Mexican Northwestern railway for the transportation of supplies to the American forces in pursuit of l Villa. Advices to this effect were re- ceived, late today by the State de- partment, from Special Agent James L. Rodgers, who was with Carranza at Queretaro. (Continued from Page One) it criticize the purchasing department of the city, saying that the city clerk, who alone does the buying, does not take advantage of discounts and of wholesale rates. Upon a recent contract let by the city for some cement work, there could have been a saving of over $200 if the bill, which the city clerk author- ized, did not have to pass through the hands of the finance committee, the common council, and back to the fi- nance committee again. A city mana- ger, say the proponents of this sys- tem, could do away with this "red tape" and save enough on contracts and wholesale buying to more than pay for his salary. Ross Granger city clerk, in refu- tation of the charges made against the present system, declared that there was not enough purchased by the city to allow them to avail themselves of any cheaper rate, while he says that all city bills are discounted, contrary to some belief. A plan has been advo- cated by some prominent members of the council and by Ross Granger, which will do away with the interme- diary body which acts as an agent between council and department heads, and will thus further the efficiency of the present arrangement. This is being advocated to be included in the rewritten charter instead of the com- plete change of city manager. It is rumored with apparent reason, that even the city manager of Day- ton, who is pointed to as the Ideal in this new form of government, is li- able to be removed from his position at any time, because the opposition has practically secured control of the com- mission which hires and discharges the managers and is figuring on re- moving Waite at an early date. Prof. R. T. Crane, of the political science department, deciares that there are plenty of cities looking for good. men and that the competition among them will keep a man of Waite's cali- her in office, despite any political ef- forts to the contrary.' Dean Cooley to Return Monday Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, who left Friday for Washington, where he at- tended a banquet of naval engineers on Saturday; is not expected home un- til next Monday. He has been spend- ing this week in Newark, N. J. super- vising the appraisal work in that city. Professor Anderson who is away on a leave of absence has had charge of the work in Newark under Dean Cooley. Prof. Parker Speaks to '19 Engineers Prof. John C. Parker, of the electric- al engineering department, spoke on the "Possibilities in the Field of Electrical Engineering," at the fresh engineering assembly yesterday. Be- cause of its comparative newness, Professor Parker expressed the opin- ion that only the chemical field had as -many opportunities as electrical enginering in the way of new discov- eries. LARGE CHORUS AUGMENMTED ORCHESTRA PRICES - SOQc to$2 Sale Tuesday 10 a. m. Harry Lauder, world's famous ver- satile artist, comns to our city April Fifth! It is a real pleasure to hear him! Our concerts every day are exact reproductions of his voice! He sings for the Victor Victrola! Come and hear his records! Grinnell Bros., 116 South Main -St. Phone 1707. tfapr2 hitney Theatre MAIL ORDERS NOW Thursday, April 6 Taylor Holmes W. D. C. "Hand Made" pipes are with- out peer for $1.00 Friday to Address Soph Engineers Prof. David Friday, of the economics department, will speak at the sopho- more assembly today at 9:00 o'clock in room 348, Engineering building. The subject of his speech has not yet been announced. During the business meeting plans will be discussed for the "Soph Prom." which will be held shortly aft- er the spring vacation. All members are urged to pay their dues at this meeting, especially last year's fees, which will increase by 50 per cent if not paid before April 7. Senior Lits Decide on ('lass Canes Class canes were selected by the senior lit class at a special meeting held yesterday afternoon. A commit- tee was appointed to make arrange- ments with the firm filling the order. Members of the class desiring canes. before spring vacation are requested to leave orders at once at the Varsity Toggery Shop on South University avenue, or . with Tinker & Co. or F. W. Gross. 814 South state. Send The Daily home. $1.001 rest of the year. Patronize Daily Advertizers. In a New C omedy Biiful of Wholesome Fun His Majesty Bunker Bean by Lee Wilson Dodd From Harry Leon Wilson's Widely-Read Story, Published in the Saturday Evening Post Direct From 6 Months at Cort Theatr~e, Chicago The Chta go Herald 5a) s: "Best play we have had in two years." for the ** I I# WILLIAM DEMUTH & CO. New York V Let Vs Fill Your Want- How does $1.31 an hour sound to you? You can average that next sum- mer for every hour worked. 369 men did it last summer. Figure it out! The work is heartily endorsed by the "Y" employment bureau. Phone Her- man Schmidt,.450-J. Call Lyndon for a good flashlight. For quick service, call 2255. Try Hixson's new stag lunch: 512 Williams St.I We Have the Goods Student's SupplyStr +Cardl~s Cligars Patronize Daily advertisers.