THE MtIHI,GAN. DAILY n -- - The measure \ N ]1 of a man's enjoyment of his environment and It's a Bird, What?' Why The New C. 'and K. 'Spring Block .We have them on display Tinker & Company Cor. S. State and William Just 'received a snappy line° of golf caps Better let us show you while mile line is complete associations is determin.ed I I - his owl self-respect. Smart Clothes meet the utmost requir( ments in dress. $i8 tO$35 i by .' Rv " . le, a OA OlhtC}K nating.. \. , Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co. START NEW UION WHEN , EU 'D NO c, t I4A111:trsed by Iltiid. W~ork~ on the new Union d'aicing wi'i nt be started until the jn'llon-dollar u~im-1, 1as been -eaceied. T hi,- new policy has jw-1 been ;in- tofllnc.'d by the b U~i .lir commI3Ilttn'.e, wdich Behoes that it is liotler to . - pure suft' ci''nt subscriptionl. to insure the endIow mnen t money c fore breaiz lug grunud for the coall.,-1-se. Tho cipai ns to c oi1,tP the t',Aon fua l wit! be p'usbvd vigorousj)y inxt month. I 'la, nc f: t special ajulp9:gns in . of th~e larger cities of tle Un~itedi States, to take place the last week of April, have also been formulated. It is expected that by the time these cam- paigns have been finished, together With th1e closing of the canvass work in the smaw ller districts, that the mui- lion dollar imark will haze bean rea ched'. Rcen~tt reports show, decidl- edl increases in the smaller towns, which -were not so enlthusiastic fat the start.' *Detroit plans to raise at least $75- 000 more toward the fund,. while the C'hicago alumni declare that they can furni ,h at least $20,000 more. Toledo, New York City, and San Francisco, are also among those cities which will. wage a special campaign next. month. The faculty campaign, under Prof. H. E. Riggs, of the engineering de- partnment, will be pushed to a close before the first of May, while the local canvass, under Mr. Gardner S. Wil- liams, will be completed at the same Announcing- New Spring Su its R-B. Fashisn Clothes $15 to $2 5 r"They came in on a rush-New Oxford Greys, "Banjo"' stripes, and blues. All wool, of course.. Advance spring models. Vou want to look them over anyway. New Spring Hats R. C. F. Specials. *2.50 to $5 New Alpine shaped hats in the "cob web," "comfort" and regular weights. All the colors that are to be popular this spring--Gaelic green predomi- ,' = / . ; V - , Manhattan, $1.50 to $6 You'll like the Manhattan spring shirts. Take a look at the new "lattice"' pattern. Silkis and madras. French and stiff cuffs. THE BIG 2. )C-2Qo RAP "I' stisfiedl'7 New Spring Shirts When you go home April 7, wear A Royal Tailored Suit Whether it's Peace, Politics, Prohibition or Profit- there's nothing like "keeping at it!" Everybody dosen't agree' with Billy Bryan-and we're strictly ('neutral,"' but everybody who ever bought a suit of clothes fromu us is strong for us. Better call today and see our exclusive, Spring woolens and have us tailor you a' suit of clothes that brings out. your own individuality to advantage. "Prices like you like to pay." woolens at $18, 20, $22, $25-made to your order. dan, Florsheim and Stetson Spring Footwear CAMPUS BOOT ERY 308 S. State Street The Grea Spring FOR, MEN, Style with a capital "S" has just °arrived in the person of FIT. FORM, Clothes for Young Men. Now Ready For Inspection In spite. of all theories and rumors to the contrary, young men will be better dressed this Spring and Summer than ever before, espey cially those who are fortunate 'enough to wear FITFORM. The Spring suitings are largely in stripes, with a variety enormous and exceedingly pleasing. You will find also a generous sprinkling of checks if your taste runs in that direction, while fancy fabrics i~n grays, 'browns and tans are plentiful. ent's Laboratory Supplies Apparatus, Analytical Chemicals, lassware and Instruments The Eberbach & Son Co. Manufactutrer. and Importers 200-204'E. Liberty St. time. The oa subscription to the ;ng fund to dte is $730,409;.25. thant $1000 was received at the ., _J ' '" build- More Union TOM CORBETT l., 116 E. Liberty St. Young Men's Clol 309 S. Main St -814 S. State St.11 I My specialty is making .drugless .Eye .E xa)inaiions- determining scientifically and curately the glasses your eyes require. Shop facilities enable me to make your glasses, giving you quick service. <41 11 Iii - r IIi ~ N iii ~, 11 I' '~ V EN~RAYING~ Co. JOURNAL BUILDING DETROIT. MICHIGAN T11 I EMIL H. ARNOLDKI / __ O tmtitOpiinwith Arold & Co., jewelers, 220 S. MaillSt I I -y "Fitform is Good Form" I _. v .. tt-1'.-'- * ". fi t! 1i FASTEST ENGRAVERS IN THlE WEST Ii3 I PEAKS TODAY IJ~ Talk on Opportunities of Enugi- veer !After Graduiationi "The Scope, and the Possibilities in the Fild of E~lectrical Engineering," will be the subject of a speech, by Prof. John C. Parker, of the electrical] engineering department, at the fresh- assembly, Wednesday, M'a rchi 29. At the last meetng of the class, Prof. H. H4. 1-ligbWie, also of the electrical en- gineering department, dealt with the field as it concernedl the engineer before he left college. Prof. Parker will speak of the subject as it will be viewed by the engineer after hie is out of college. Advertizers in The 'Nichig an D~ally are tihe reiable bwsine, s mni of te city. It is to your adi-antaige to trade wvith them. * Intercolleae Coluiuabina-:athletes tiro eperiene- ing quite a bit of trouble on account of late afternoon classes interfering with practice. the 1915 nine back and an abundlance of material from last yenr's freshman s luad_ available, the prospects for a fast bas:_,lul team are very bright. (1,11i fo'n ia-Ilse atl Idic association is co;,:idering the p~roposition of re- (huciing;tennis to a minor sport. B -40;N --In iordler that the bosictall team ma,,y get outdoor practice, the' fre shmena shoveled the snow from the diamond. This work was credited as e~y nasium work. EI aurt grd--Tbe Uni versit y Flyhlinc Corps is now fully organized with 52 members. Cornell-The minor Sports Comm it. tee abolishedl swimming and hockey as intercollegiate sports on account of the lack of practicing facilities: Fencine' was also abolished on ae- cntof lack of interest. IHOSPITAL NOTES The case of Herbert Berger,, '181), who was taken to thle hospital for ap- pendicitis, is reported to be serious Norman T. Thu rstor. 'I1 SE, who w"Is' confined; in the hospital withi pneu- mionia, hads left for his home in To- ledo, 0Ohio. F. C. Frank, '17D, is confined in the hospital with appendicitis. Paul Rogers, '161j, who undlerwent ain operation for otitis media, will soon bec dischargedl from the hospital. ' 1 I . I , . lyi . 1 J .. __..-- CITY NEWSI I. w'I !I -l Suies I). 4. & C. for $ 1000(.0 Loavi Copy LaeCp at a Quarry's adStdns The uetaL I S F E splStr ADVERTISI NG r'i l l The $100,000 damage suit' of Leo Garvey against the D. J. and C. rail- roadl ocnupied the attention_ of the circuit court, yesterday. The= comn- plainant seeks reimbursement for =al- leg;ed injuries received in a wreck wh ichl tooks place between this city and Ypsilanti about one' year ago. Caivaug h and Burke, local attorneys, are. re presenrting the defendants,. and Judlge J. 0. Mlurfin, of Detroit, is con- dnucting the case for Garvey. It' is ' xpectewl that this will be the 'last jury trial to be heljd tat this term of couirt. We& havecoa first class. Tuner and l'one Reg;ulaitor. Our chars are rea- sonale! Gigeius a triaxl. Grinnell Bros. 11 So. Mlain St., Phone 1707 ThCubb Smoke-"Buli" Durha YOU start something lively when you produ "Bull"Durham in a crowd of live-wires and st< "rolling your own. That fresh, :.ellow-sw fragance of "ul" Durham makes everyone rea, for "Ithe makings". A hand-rolled "Bull" Durha 1cigarette brims over with zest and snap and f sparkle of sprightly spirits. IVNU1NS 'BDL1DUaR HAM SMOKING TOC' CO. LOST LOST-Cold brooch. at Granger's Sat-" urda$~ night. Call 2388-J. Reward. MISCELLANEOUJS ADVERTISERS in The Michigan Daily are the reliable business men of the city. It is to your advantage to trade with .them. RANTED l WANTED-Two student boarders. All WANTED. W ANTEDI -EXPE RIEN\CI) MEN:IN THE1P]FOLLOW\ING LINES: MTOR01 ASSEMBNLERSAC I uN ~ O E Al ORS, BLOCK AS ~,Ni RErPA(IR.L STEAM' EAINLOYMANA'INT. jPANY. CHElLSE AICIIIC->.N lEISC LLA '0Ti Y ITA. ,LAN STIJDENT will tuc-tor o translate Italianlangl)uage b.r a reasonable charge. Addre-ss Box I, I - .,_n,.:,...,... ur Victor Record- RialService Has been a great benefit To Many tVictrola O nr.4! A trial of this service will convince you rin eI ros 116 S. Main Sft. Oall us up for information Phone 1707 Made of rich, ripe Virginia-North Carolina leaf, " Bull " Durham is the mildest, most enjoyable tobacco in the world. No other cigarette can: be so full of life and youthful vigor asa a fresh-rolled cigarette of 't"Bull" Durham. "Roll your own" with "Bull" Durham and youll diwcover a new joy in smoking. F EE n us'Boobyt. . sowin corrct way to Roll Your OWJI s Cigarettes, and a pwcjage of eigaret papers,.ill both be maned W atp " (I address in U. S. on request. ,^ "Bttl" Durham. DuainhmN.G. TM AMMCAMN TOBACO 'S ''4 1 Ask Ifor FREE package of .'papers~ 'weith each cc each. ___r.__:: : w