IU fTfE DAILY $1.00 NEWS OF THE WORLD AND THE CAMPUS d ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1916. LI Phones :-Editorial 2414 Business 960 TIJEGRAJPH SERVICE BY TW NEW YORK SUN PRICE FIVE CENT VOL. XXVI. No. 122. __________________ - - _________________ _-. _-------i i r ENGLISH STEAMER " " Pili TORPEDOED VHI f Picks Almni 1' inNu11 fien "oior1 ''u{ty l CROSSING CHANNEL i ~ _'lection of the alumni melrmb)crs ofl R'>! TIEPOII'r1 E ')l Be SITFuEX Tau [etta Pi, national honor engineer- ing frateri ty, was completed yeste- day. The men chosen were: ' T I ( K Prof. J. E. Emswiler, Ann Arbor. R. C. Gemmell, '84E, Salt Lake City. "ENG SHMAN SUNK" LLOYD . C. Mrshall, '93, Detroit. ESProf. 11. P. Merrick, '98E, Ann Ar- t --bor. r 68 Survivors Accounted for From Do.. L. F. Morehouse. 97E, New York. . didiedOn Liner HI)IriIoI 1-1 C. Ripley, 70E, Detroit.a C. 11. Spenser, '96E, Washington, D. C front L31,ii1C.m, C . .Prof. A. H. White, '93, '04E, Ann Ar- Lond0on, March 24.-A cross channel br passenger boat bound from Folkstone R. P. Lamont, '91E, and G. If. Benz- to Dieppe reported to be the steamer enburg, who wetd elected last year. Suftex was torpedoed off Peachy Head but were unable to be initiated at that d this afternoon, time. will be initiated with the newly V The vessel carried 380 passengers eiccd'n~ex husay with a crew of 40, mostly French, un- exT der the command of Captain Mouffet A few of the passengers were Brit- R o Germans ish. The continental traffie office of_ the Brinton railroad says that acord- Beate cording to reports received by it all 1 persons on board the Suffex nere saved. At 10:30 p. m. the suffex was Telegrams from (general Smuts Sady c still afloat and in charge of a tug. 'elitons Were Dislodged from a No official reports have been received PositionI c of the attack. , The steamer Englishman of the Do- London, Mar. 24.-Telegrams to the minion Line has been sunk, accord- war office from General Smuts, in e ing to Lloyd's. it. is stated that thus charge of the British forces in Ger- n far 69 survivors have been accounted man East Africa, indicate that the s for. The Englishman sailed from German forces were dislodged from Portland, Maine, February 17 for St. defensive positions on the Lumi river c Nazaire and Amonmouth. The steam- and the Kitzo hill by operations from a er was a vessel of 5,257 tons. Sh'e March 7 to 12. They receded to posi- s was built in 1892 at Belfast. tions in the big forest along the Ruwa n Another Danish steamship, the river. On March 19 there was bush U Christianssund has been sunk. Hler fighting in the vicinity of Kahe, the t entire crew of 22 men was saved. enemy stubbornly resisting. On the b The British steamer Fulmar also has twentieth a British force occupied t been sunk; 18 members of her crewAr2usha. i were saved. - ...tch Hear H a' _oo LONDON FEARS COMBINED RAID D'tchHearChav Tiring In Channel 0 Evidences of Activity of Kaser's prtat Naial Iig in Progres I, Fleet Felt by Etigiish Belief of Flushing Corre-. t London, March 24.--It is the feeling here that Germany is contemplating a Amsterdam, March 24. --Flushing great combined sea and air raid on corresondents of Amsterdam news- Englndl. In the North sea there has papers today reported sounds of heavy been activity for several (lays. The fire in the channel from the direction belief is that final touches have been of Ostend and Westend. Incoming put on the German fleets of Zeppelins, skippers report that the flashes of gun cruisers, destroyers, and submarines. f bl th o nd PROFESSOR DENIES ' HOLDING CHARTER 1. T. m ne, of 'olitical Seience De, pHrIi4iii '1 .1's lIle Has N othing hult N'otes STRAW 1 0 E, IVV tY PE 0'P11E l'.VOR l)l In reflutation of the statement made by political parties in Ann Arbor that lhe new charter has been written al- eady and pigeonholed in the office of university professor, Prof. R. T. Crane, of the political science depart- ,ent, gave out the following interview esterday: "I am glad to have the opportunity o deny the rumors published yester- Jay. The 'university professor' on whose desk the new charter for the itv is said to be reposing is doubt- ess myself, r'he rumor is probably. hased on the fact that I have been vorking on the city charter and the fm1inisirat ion of city affairs for the ast three years. I was asked in 1913 >y a sub-committee composed of the ity clerk, the city attorney, and an alderman, and representing a joint cnomittee of the council and civic as- ociation to make a thorough investi- ;ation of the operation of the city gov- rnment and to report with reconi- [(endations. The joint committee dis- olved, and I have since continued the work without authority, but with the cordial and very kind co-operation of number of city officials. As a re- ult of the conclusions arrived at from my investigat iOns 1I have made notes n changes on the charter that seem o me desirable. That is the only basis for the charge that the new char- er is already drafted and only wait- ug to be forced on the charter com- mission after election. "So far from anything\ being forced Du the commison by myself or a y- ne else, 'y own oplnion is that all f the rundne uetin a to the ype of government to ht, incorporat- d in the (harter should be submitted o a straw vote by the people before .ny draft is made of the new charter. fven when the draft is conp1lete(l it must be ubitted to the people." RUSSIAN ATTACKS BEGIN DRIVE Sl'rrin ' lant, Now ,N, Expected lto halt IMosvmemints Cemical Society fHolds Initiation Ihi Lmbd.I.'piloii1HoolraryOr.. New Mieu Phi Latinbda Upsilon, national hon orary cholical 1 society, held an initia- ion for 11 new men last night in the chemistry building. The neophytes were C. W. Reade 17.E, I. H. Dunbrook, '17, A. 1. Hastings, '17, E. A. Thomas, '17E, I. W Sheldon, '17E, J. . Schmidt, '16E, P. C. Wheeler, '16E. H. 0. Andrew, '16,. W. T. Isbell, grad, L. G. Hulbert, '17E, and L. C. 'Boynton, '16. Election to the society is based for the most part on scholarship in chem- istry and allied subjects. A banquet will be held in the near future. . SIX MEN ENTERED IN CONTEST Prohibition to Be Given in Law Build-t o LaW Building Monday Six men have been chosen to appear in the final of the annual prohibitionl contest, which will be held at 7:30c o clock next Monday night in room Bt of the law building. These men aret C. P. Anderson, '17, C. E. Hutton, '17,t and W. M. ,Hopkins. '17, who wereE selected from the five contestants int the second preliminary contest, heldr yesterday afternoon, and G. ,D. Casto, grad.,J. 1R. Simpson. '18, and H. B. 'reegaiden, '17, who were chosen att the first preliminary Thursday night.1 The winner of this contest will speakf in the Slate Prohobition contest at Ypsilanti, April 21. PASTOR TO ADDRESS GUILD Rev. F. Lester Smith, of Detroit, tot Speak Tomorrow ' Rev. E. Lester Smith, pastor of thec Central Methodist Episcopal church,1 Detroit, will speak at 7:30 o'clock to-e morrow night in the Methodist church, under the auspices of the Weslyant .uild. 1 The Reverend Mr. Smith, who has at brilliant record as the pastor of thet Woodward Avenue M. E. church, ist well known to many Michigan stu- dents, and was prominent in the Eastl before coming to Detroit. Arrange- ments have bee made for special mu-1 sic. Dr. Gerald Strong will play a violin solo. NO BRITISH MINE NEAR SHIP Adiiralty Declares Tubantia Was notl Victim of English London, March 24.-The admiralty declared positively that there were no British mines anywhere near the Dutch steamship Tubantia, nor any British submarines or other British warships in the neighborhood. The only British connection with the Tn- bantia, the admiralty says, was that her distress signals were received at HIarwich, whence destroyers hastened to help. COMPULSION STIRS ENGLAND Premier Asquith and Lloyd George Believed at Odds London, Mar. 24.-Rumor in the lob- by of the house of commons was busy with the discussion of a possible cab- inet crisis over the question of the en- listment of married men. According to some reports, David Lloyd George desires compulsion of all men of military age, while Premier Asquith is opposed to any such measure. The London morning papers all dis- cuss the recruiting difficulties at great length. The Times takes the lead'ing place as the advocate of universal compulsion; the Chronicle, -on the other hand, supports the government's present position. an Church [ivision Streets A. Barrett ay, 10:30 A. M. The Vitality of Faith'.' e Classes at Noon DlIl AND ZAPATA COMBINE ARMIES, DSAYS REPORT; 10,000 MEN IN FORCE EXPECT FIGHT WITH CARRANZA 500 SITUATION AT-VEROUN ~CENTERS 0N ARGONNE Military Writers Interpret Attack as Part of German Assault on City Paris, Mar. 24.-Interest in the sit- uation before Verdun is centered to-I day on the Argonne, the wooded re-I gion to the west of the,Meuse, wheref artillery and infantry activity has been a in progress coincident with the opera- tions nearer to the fortress, by which appareitly lesser operations to thet west have been overshadowed. Although the public attention has been directed less to these Argonne operations, military vriters recognizef that they are as much of a part of the general plan against Verdun asc the more obvious ihovements furtherr east, since the ability of the Germans to cut the French lines here wouldI mean flanking movements against thea fortress of Verdun itself., The French artillery was used in-j tensively today against the Germanc line of communication all through the eastern part of the Argonne region asr well as against the Malancourt and Avancourt to the east. It is in these. woods that the Germans are now en- trenched awaiting an opportunity to1 continue their flanking movements.1 The French guns have continued their bombardments of these regionst throughout the night. In conjunction with the cannonading of the Malan-~ court sector last night the French ex- ploded a mine near Hill 285 and oc- cupied the crater. Another explosion of a French mine today close to Dauquois was followed by a lively German attack in which the Germans gained a foothold in the first line of the French trenches, but a counter-attack quickly drove themt out again, the Frencjb taking some 30 prisoners. On the eastern bank of the MeuseI there were only intermittent bombard- ments. British Reorganize Egyptian Force London, Mar. 24.-A reorganization of the British forces in Egypt, fol- lowing a satisfactory turn of affairs for the British there, has been effected, it was officially announced this even- ing. General Sir E. Murray has as- sumed full command in Egypt. U. S. Kick May Bring Blockade Reform London, Mar. -24-As a result of complaint from the United States and other neutrals over the delay to which shipping suffers from the operation of the blockade, the government s appointed a board to recommend re- form. Roosevelt Returns from West Indies New York, Mar. 24.-Colonel Roose- velt arrived home tonight from a six weeks' tour of the British and Dan- ish West Indies. He refused to say anything about presidential policies, but did, however, talk voluminously about the Mexican situation. Americans From Casas Grandes Say Pershimg Moves Troops on Lines South of There Galveston, March 24.-Followers of Francisco Villa are closing on Ta-. pico, one of the chief Mexican ports from the west and south, according to advices received here today. The ap- proach of the bandits has caused great concern in the oil field of Panuco and the city of Tampico and Americans at these places are endeavoring to leave the country. According to advices received here from Vera Cruz the armies of Felix Diaz and Zapata which have been op- erating in southern Mexico for months have united in the state of Morales, 100 miles south of Mexico City. It was said that a deserter from Diaz's army brought the news to Vera Cruz and declared that 'the united armies would march direct on Mexico City if some strong Carranza force did not intercept them. The combined forces are reported to be 10;000. The dispatcher declared that the fighting about Puebla had beeA ferc and that many men on both sides were lost. Diaz appears to have a great number of cannon and eventually su ceeded in driving the opposition from the little state. Carranza has a strong force be- tween Cuernavaca and Mexic City and it is ielieved that the deciding battle will be fought within the next few days. PERSHING- MAY IHAVE 111) FIGHT Washington, March 24.-With dis- qu6ieting reports from Mexico officially denied from all sources, administra- tion officials settled ,down again to- night to await word that Villa and his bandits had been killed or captured by American or Mexican troops. The apprehension aroused by re- ports that the Carranza garrisdn at Chihuahua City had joined the bandits had completely subsided. While Con- gress still heard talk of rumors of im- pending border disturbances, the White Clouse, and the State, and War Departments were satisfied that noth- ing had arisen beyond the border to justify additional military precaution, No confirmation had reached the War department of advices to General Calles, Carranza governor of Chihuy- hua, that Villa was surrounded by columns of Mexican and American troops near Namiquipa. Today passed without messages of other than rou- tine character from General Funston or other army officers on the border., It was noted at the War department, however that General Funston placed some credence in unofficial reports that General Pershing's troops al- ready had met and engaged th ban- dits. Since the American border com- mander is in a position to know thE exact whereabouts of the Americar columns pursuing the bandit, his opin- on in this connection has great weight EFFECT ,JUNVTION 100 MILES IsP~tIi Ff 4W XIV4J CITY SAYS PESERITER U5. USES MEXICAN RAILWAYS London may be mistaken, but news ing the night. They said they believed is expected that the "Germans are out" an important naval fight was going on. jraMah 21.---Savage and that the long expected attempt ing is going on at Jacobstadt, 35 miles to bring about "der tag" has been launched. ?EXPORTS WILL BE WATCHED southeast"of Piga, where the Russians, The German fleet has recently made IESEusing liquid lire and artillery, are bat- a couple of short dashes - practice --~ ring in the German salient. At the runs-outside of Heligoland. Now and Cartridges from This Country May Be same time the Slavs are attacking vig- then destroyers have slipped from .Ised Against Soldiers orously at Fried reichstadt, west of Ja- Antwerp. Their presence outside of ..cobstadi, and at Illuxt. to the south. the harbor has been felt by British Washington, D. C., Mar. 24. -Alarm- General Kuropatkin s aim aparcntly shippin . ~ ed by the reports of heavy shipments is to squeeze von Hindenburg out of It is known that since the first ot ~o ammunition for Mexico, which have this important salient by threats of March many mines have been set adritt been started since the Villa massacre, enselopement, forcing the retirement by the Germans in the North sea, Inthe government has started much clos- o mthe whole German line from Riga the last week Zeppelins have been or scrutiny of exports, and the treas- to Dvinsk, on a front of 140 miles. observed over the North sea, possibly ury department is taking more time The success of this offensive will bent upon scouting expeditions. Their in granting permits to take arms and remove the German threat against ammunition across. iiga and Dvinsk and handicap von ascertain movements of the British In the last six months of 1915 not Hindenburg in any aggressive cam- fleet. Germn sea planes have reached less than 36,000,000 cartiridges went paign he may undertake on the Rus- the coast of England in swonting fights. across the Rio Grande with the knowl- I4sian front. edge of the United States customs ofli- I Despite optimstie statements from DR. CAYNE, *VETERA OF fiCVI cers. In January of this year Mexico some sources, best informed critics obtained 3,100,000 cartridges, and !here do not consider Kuropatkin's at- W1AR, l)A)IN I'NN SYiVA TA1700,000 pounds of explosives. tacks the beginning of a great Rus- I Tn t 19l1 thflp Unitd t. t sian offensive. The spring thaw, due Towanda, Pa., Mar. 24. -1)r. E Cayne, Harvard, '81, distinguished a a surgeon during the Civil war, die here this afternoon. lHe was surgeo on the gunboat Congress when tha vessel and the Cumberland were sun by the Merrimac in Hampton Roads i 1862. One hundred men were hille on the Congress and 30 wounded me were brought ashore by Dr. Cayne. Th next day he witnessed the battle be tween the Monitor and the Merrimac-. CRIEIU~I 00is IAAN I in c oier, ii, Le un e a LAe d imposed an embargo on the shipment within possibly a fortnight, is expected s of munitions to Mexico, and at the to impede artillery movements and d same time granted to Carranza's gov- 1Jree a lull in the fighting on the north- n ernment permission to get these mu- ern front. t nitions, the purpose of the double ac-' ---- k tion being to bar the American muni- Rusia Phinning to Levy Income Tax n tions from Villa and other brigands sd opposing Carranza. PetrOgruad, Mar. 24.-The new in- n It is only a few days since 700,000 come tax bill, which is pending in the e rounds were reported to be on the way huma, provides an assessment of six- to General Calles, Carranzista govern- or of Senora, and 300,000 rounds were rubles, up to 12 1-2 per cent on sent across without delay. incomes of 400,000 rubles. Ei Marshall lmpeacliuement Trial Is Open « ashington, ).( C., March 24. The P resby ten y judiciary committee of tme house de- A cided yesterday to hold open hearings Huron and D s beginning today on impeachmentI of charges against District Attorncy Leonard . S. Snowden Marshall of New York, a brought by Representative Buchanan' of Illinois. Martin W. Littleton, New Theme: "Doubt- d York attorney, has' been called by d the committee as the first witness, on University Bibl reauest of Mr. Buchanan; WHAT'S GOING ONt Weather for Ann Arbor and vicin- ity-warmer with variable winds." TODAY 7:30 o'clock - Upper Room Bible class meets, 444 S. State stret. 8:00 o'clock - Nippon club meets, Newberry hall. 9:00 o'clock-Michigan Union dance, Michigan Union. 7:30 o'clock-Monthly meeting of Mtichgan State Normal College Cliub, Newberry hall. TOMORROW 2:30 o'clock-Polonia Literary Cir- cle meets, MoMillan hall. 2:30 o'cloek=Cosinopolitan Club meeting, Unitarian church. - 7:30 o'clock--H. Lester Snith speaks Iethodist church. Say Pershing Uses Mexican Raili El Paso, Mar. 24.-Mexican Con Andres Garcia announced tonight t the Mexican wires had been cut tween Casas Grandes and Madera a for that reason General Gavira Juarez was without any further formation regarding the reported fig ing around Namiquipa. It had been reported etrlier t General Pershing was using the Me can Northwestern Telegraph lines the south for his military dispatcl What is said to be confirmation reports that General "ershing obtai permission to use the Mexican r way lines south 01 Casas Grandes brought to El PaQ today by Americ arriving front (afsas Grandes. Pershing itggad to have sent troop trains -c Ajuaje, Chihuahua, an effort to ,ut off Villa's flight sou ward. Ajudie is north of the destro Cumbras tunnel. Two troop mc ,.ontinued on Page Six) ASifOlt Norfolk, Va,, March 24. -Possibilit that the British gruiser C unmberlamI might have met with disaster wa seen by marine men in the findingc several log books marked "H. M. Cumberland" on the North Carolin shore near Chicomicomico. The Cumbeiland. is a protecte cruiser of 9,800 tons displacement an hn a main battery of 14 6-inch guns.